Read Tempting The Boss Online

Authors: Mallory Crowe

Tempting The Boss (7 page)

BOOK: Tempting The Boss
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As he pulled at his white undershirt, there was a soft knock at the door. He padded over and looked through the peephole. Victoria was just lifting her hand to knock again when he pulled the door open.

“Hey,” she said. “I started unpacking and realized we never sorted out dinner plans.”

He looked down at her jeans and gray sweater. “You unpacked and changed already?”

She shrugged. “I travel a lot. It’s not exactly new.”

He nodded as a door down the hall opened and two giggling women headed towards the elevator. “Come on in.” He stepped aside. He tried not to stare. He’d only ever seen her dressed in her business clothes or at the party, wearing a dress that probably cost as much as three of his mortgage payments combined.

Now she looked different. Less like Victoria Green and more like…Victoria.

“There’s a bar across the parking lot.” She turned to face him. “It’s nothing fancy, but they have a decent burger and it’s convenient.”

“We can just order in. It might raise questions if people see us having dinner together.”

Victoria frowned. “Ummm…we’re in the middle of nowhere. I don’t think we’re going to stir up the gossip mill.”

He let out a laugh. “You’re right. I still haven’t gotten used to your whole…thing.”

“No worries.” Her eyes drifted to take in the room.

He hadn’t thought his was any different from hers, but maybe he’d been wrong.
Did she think it was too small?
It wasn’t as if he booked it. He reached into his bag and grabbed a black t-shirt.

“I wouldn’t mind,” she said softly.

He paused as he was about to pull on his shirt. “What?”

“I’m just saying. Even if, through some strange conspiracy, the press was photographing us sharing a burger and beer, I wouldn’t mind.””

Dean snorted. “Please. You probably eat guys like me for breakfast.” Her cheeks flushed red and he immediately realized what he’d said. ““I mean—”

“You’d be surprised how long it’s been since I’ve eaten up any men.””

His heart leaped into his chest at her words. “Victoria…”

“I wanted to make sure you know,” she met his eyes, “that you’re on the top of my list of men I’d like to share dinner with.”

He took a deep breath as his eyes raked over her body. He’d thought she was sexy from the moment she’d strode into Grace’s party in the power suit that hugged her curves in all the right ways.

But he’d looked at her the same way he looked at the hot chicks in the latest Michael Bay movie: pretty to look at, but ultimately out of his reach.

Was Victoria really saying what he thought she was?
“Why don’t we head out and get those burgers and beers,” he said cautiously. Even if the drop-dead gorgeous woman who made more in one month than his entire house was worth wanted to sleep with him, he was supposed to be doing a job.

“That’s probably a good idea.” She moved closer and stopped right in front of him. “One question, though.”

Her bright blue eyes stared up at him and he had to force himself to focus on what she said. “Question?”

“Do you want me, Dean?”

He wasn’t sure whether it was the way she went after exactly what she wanted or the slight waver in her voice, but he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. His lips came down on hers hard. She gasped, but in a flash, her fingers were wrapped in his hair and pulled him closer.

His shirt fell to the floor as he allowed his hands to roam over her back and ass, finally able to touch the sexy body he’d only been able to stare at all day.

But, good God, she actually liked it.
She moaned when he roughly palmed her ass and met his tongue with hers, taking the kiss deeper and further.

He bent down the slightest bit and gripped the back of her thighs to pull her up against him. He groaned at the feel of her curves as they pressed completely against him. She felt warm and soft and firm all at the same time. He stumbled forward, setting her on the desk, all the while kissing her furiously.

Now that she sat on the desk, his cock resting firmly between her thighs, his hands were free to explore. Moving to the front of her sweater, he cupped a breast and felt the weight of it in his hand.

Victoria moaned and leaned forward to nip at his neck, soothing the sting with her tongue.
Fuck, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted someone this much.
She must’’ve been thinking the same thing, because she reached down and pulled her shirt and bra over her head in one swift move.

He groaned at the creamy flesh exposed, hands reverently cupping her full breasts. He kissed her collarbone and moved farther down until he could take a rosy peak in his mouth. Her fingers tangled in his hair and pulled him closer. As he suckled and teased, his hand making sure the other tip stayed eager and wanting, Victoria’s breaths came faster and faster.

“Dean,” she moaned.

His name on her lips set him off. In a flash, he picked her up and set her onto the bed. Her hungry eyes raked over him as he pulled his wallet out of his back pocket. Her questioning glance vanished as he pulled out the condom.

“I’m protected,” she said softly. “So if you’’re safe…”

He tightened his lips, and his cock practically jumped for joy at the thought of sliding into her wet heat. He didn’t seem capable of actually talking, so he set his wallet on the desk behind him, pushed his pants off and stood naked in front of her. He licked his lips as she stared her fill, still shocked that she seemed to want him as much as he wanted her. He rested his weight on his knees as he reached for the button of her jeans. She beat him to it and unsnapped them in a heartbeat, and they both worked to slide them down her legs.

He took a deep swallow once she was completely bared to him. She bit her lip and looked up at him from beneath her lashes, waiting for him to make the next move.

To hell with questioning how he got so lucky. He was going for it.
Dean leaned over her, kissing her deeply, thoroughly, as he just brushed her wet entrance.

Victoria’s nails bit into his shoulders as she pulled him closer, widening her legs and silently asking for more. But Dean didn’t want to rush this. He wanted to make this last. To make her completely fall apart beneath him.

But then she shifted her hips up and took him inside just the slightest bit. But it was enough. All coherent thought slipped away as he thrust fully. They both groaned at the sudden intrusion, and he tried to hold himself still. Tried to let her tight body adjust.

Once again, she took the reins, breaking the kiss and nipping at his shoulders, her hips wiggling beneath his.

Dean’s control broke as he started to thrust. He gripped her hips and held her down as he pushed deeper and farther.

Victoria’s head fell back as her fingers bit into his biceps. “Oh God,” she breathed as she frantically tried to meet him thrust for thrust.

Masculine satisfaction filled him. He felt his orgasm inch closer, but he refused to finish first. He reached between their bodies, sliding his hand down until his fingers buried in the apex of her sex and found her clit.

She jerked in his arms as he pressed firmly against her clit. Their movements rubbed her against his hand as he thrust deeply into her.

He knew the exact moment she went over the edge. Her walls tightened around him as she let out a scream that might just be the sexiest thing he’d ever heard.

But he didn’t have any time to appreciate it, as his own climax took over. He held her close and thrust in one last time, reveling in her tight heat taking as much as possible.

And then the sound of their rapid breathing filled the room.




Victoria gasped and tried to catch her breath.
That was…

She rubbed a hand over her eyes. It had been so long since she’d been with a man, she’d forgotten how good it could be. Or Dean could very possibly be the best she’d ever been with.

He pushed himself up and looked down at her. “Are you okay?”

She let out a laugh. “Are you kidding? I’m fantastic.” She lifted up to kiss him and nibbled on his lip before she fell back onto the bed.

“So how long have you been planning this?” he asked, satisfied grin firmly in place.

She widened her eyes in feigned innocence. “I have no idea what you’re talking about!”

He bent forward. His lips ran across the sensitive skin of her neck. “I don’t believe you,” he whispered.

She craned her neck to give him better access. “So I might’ve gotten an idea or two on the airplane,” she admitted. “But I didn’t think you’d go for it.”

“Why the hell would you think I wouldn’t go for it?”

She had to admit, the disbelief in his voice bolstered her confidence. “Well, I don’t do this kind of thing often. Most of the men see me firmly as the boss. Of course, that’s normally a good thing but…”

“But there are guys outside of work. None of them ever got ideas? I’ve been thinking about you since Friday.”

The more he talked, the more she wanted him. She put so much time and effort into work and making sure her image was picture-perfect, she forgot to take time to make sure she relaxed.

And nothing was more relaxing than the rush of great sex. But what exactly did Dean want? Did he think this was just a one-night stand? Or, judging by the sunlight streaming through the thin curtain, a one-day stand?

Of course, the better question was what did Victoria expect from it? When she’d first concocted the crazy idea to seduce Dean, she hadn’t thought it would be more than a
wham-bam, thank you sir
. But this seemed too…sweet.

But what the hell did she know? She’d never used a man purely for sex. All of her other relationships were based on long friendships and mutual respect. Not that she didn’t respect Dean. She just didn’t know him all that well.

“What can I say?” She grinned. “I inspire fear into the hearts of men everywhere.”

He opened his mouth to say something, but the blaring of the hotel phone stopped him.

She raised a brow. “Expecting someone?” In the day and age of cell phones, she rarely ever heard the landline ring.

He shrugged as he reached to answer. “Not that I know of.” He brought the receiver to his ear. “Hello?” There was a pause as he frowned. “Hold on.” He looked to Victoria. “It’s for you.”

Her eyes widened. “Me?” She took the phone. “Hello?”

“Hey, Vicks. How’s it goin’?”

Victoria shot up and pushed Dean off her. “Terry?”

Dean’s lips tightened as concern knotted his forehead. “Get off the phone,” he ordered. Instead of hanging up, Victoria turned away from Dean.

“It’s me. I called your cell but didn’t get an answer. I wanted to see if you had time to grab some dinner.”

Considering her cell phone was in her jeans, conveniently located at the foot of Dean’s bed, it figured she wouldn’t have heard it vibrating. “You want to go to dinner? Tonight? I’m in North Carolina.”

Dean rolled off the bed and Victoria heard the rustle of him getting dressed.

“I got word you were going to be down here, and I want to talk to you. Away from the chaos of the city.”

“You’re here. In North Carolina. Right now?” The deal with the North Carolina plant wasn’t public. If Terry knew what she was doing here, it meant she had a serious breach. She should blow him off. Tell him, and whoever was feeding him his intel, to screw off. But she couldn’t force herself to tell him exactly what she was thinking. Because no matter what she suspected, it was so hard to truly believe Terry tried to kill her.

This was her brother. She’d been to his soccer games and taken him out to the movies to cheer him up after his first girlfriend dumped him. Even if they’d had a stressed relationship the past few years, she hated to think he’d let all that go over money.

But the Green & Sons empire came with lots and lots of money. And money made people stupid.

“When were you thinking?” she asked.

Dean’s scowl more than told her exactly how happy he was with that idea.

“I’m in the lobby right now, but I know this is spur-of-the-moment. You can take your time and come down here when you get a chance.”

She sighed and met Dean’s disapproving gaze with her steady and determined one. “We’ll be down in ten minutes.” She hung up the phone.

“Are you out of your fucking mind?” snapped Dean.

Victoria pushed herself off the bed and snatched her panties from the floor. “I’m not a complete moron.”

“The guy tried to kill you less than a week ago and you’re going to have dinner with him?”

She stumbled into her pants. “Allegedly tried to kill me. All we have right now is motive, okay? Besides, you’re coming with me, Mr. Bodyguard.”

“Just because I’m here doesn’t mean you should be tempting fate. You need to take your own safety seriously.” He pulled his shirt over his head.

For a brief moment, she mourned the loss of his beautiful chest. She shook her head to focus on explaining why she wasn’t a moron. “He called from the lobby, okay? So if we meet him down there, there will probably be a witness to see who we’’re going out with and maybe even cameras. If he’s really trying to kill me, he wouldn’t be so public about it.”

BOOK: Tempting The Boss
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