Read Tempting Cameron Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Lone Pine Lake#2

Tempting Cameron (6 page)

BOOK: Tempting Cameron
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Despite his wanting to help her, to get rid of the guilt that still lingered, he knew he should stay away from Chloe Dawson.

Far, far away.

“Oh my gosh, Ali, I’m not an invalid.” Chloe watched from her location on the couch as her friend buzzed around the house, making sure Chloe had everything she needed before she left her alone for the evening.

“Your mom made me swear I’d take proper care of you,” Ali said as she brought Chloe her favorite brand of crackers to snack on later. “She wasn’t happy I sent her home. She wanted to stay with you but I convinced her you’d be okay.”

Chloe sighed. “Thank you for that. She stayed up with me at the hospital all last night. I know she’s exhausted. This is the last thing she needs.” The dark circles under her mom’s eyes had been more than enough proof.

“She’s definitely exhausted. I hope she’s able to rest tonight.” Ali placed her hands on her hips. “I hope you’re able to rest tonight, too. Are you sure you don’t want me to stay with you? I could, you know. We’re on summer vacation. Not like I have anything to do.” The sarcastic tone in Ali’s voice made Chloe wonder what that was all about.

“I appreciate the offer but seriously, I’m fine. You’ve provided me with everything I need for the night.” Chloe glanced around, took in the TV remote, her e-reader, the giant bottle of ice cold water, the box of crackers. Heck, even a couple of napkins sat on the end table, and there was her favorite fluffy blanket folded up at the other side of the couch in case she got cold. “I think I’m set.”

“Okay well, call me any time—I mean it. I don’t care if it’s in the middle of the night; if you need me, I can be here in less than ten minutes.” Ali waved at Chloe’s cell phone, which also sat on the end table. “You’re so lucky you didn’t lose that.”

“I know.” Mike Vargas had been entering the hospital as she exited it with her mom and Alison, her cell phone clutched in his hand. He’d picked it up last night at the accident scene, found it more than one hundred feet away from her car on the lakeshore. A little sandy but otherwise intact, it was plugged in to its charger now.

Once she’d talked to him, she realized why he’d sent her the flowers—he’d pulled over to make sure she was okay mere minutes before the accident. She didn’t remember the encounter whatsoever.

It made her wonder, though. What had happened to make her so upset? He said she’d looked like she’d been crying. And she had no idea why.

“Okay. I’m gonna go.” Ali went to her, bending over and pressing a quick kiss to Chloe’s cheek. “I’m glad you’re okay. I’ve been worried about you.”

“Thanks so much for your help. I appreciate it.” She was loved. She’d felt it since the moment she woke up in the hospital after the accident. Everyone was so supportive; they were so grateful she was okay, and more than willing to do anything for her.

She’d never felt so appreciated in her life. Even Cam had been sweet, thoughtful. Visiting her, holding her hand, reassuring her in that calm, quiet way of his she found so appealing.

After Ali left, Chloe let her gaze linger on the sunflowers Cam had brought her. They were huge, bright and cheerful, and she’d wanted them in the best spot in the house where she could always see them.

So she could be reminded of Cameron. Stupid, yes, but she was filled with uncontrollable hope after the way he spoke to her earlier at the hospital. She could still feel her hand clasped in his, their fingers entwined, his grip so strong, reassuring. The concern she’d seen in his eyes…he’d looked at her in a way that said so much more than any words that could come from that delectable mouth of his…

Sighing, she turned on the TV, hoping she’d be distracted by something trashy, maybe one of her favorite reality shows. She didn’t need to daydream yet again about the explosive kiss she’d shared with Cameron at the wedding, that was for sure.

But of course, she’d settled for a romantic comedy that had just started, the only thing decent on TV. A friends-to-lovers story that left her feeling wistful and sad when it was over, full of longing for Cam. So foolish, but undeniable.

She was pinning all her hopes on a man who lived and breathed adventure. And she was none of that, beyond this most recent one, though it wasn’t the kind she’d planned on seeking. Nearly getting herself killed in a car accident was adventure enough for her.

Stability was important. It had always been to her. Though she couldn’t deny the thrill that zipped through her every time Cameron glanced her way. The heat in his gaze, that slow smile that would spread across his face. What woman could resist him?

Not her. She was weak, so weak when it came to Cam.

Cozy on her comfortable couch, two pillows tucked beneath her head, her favorite blanket wrapped around her, she closed her eyes. Her thoughts drifted to that magical moment on the terrace with Cameron. Hard to believe it had been only three nights ago. How he’d touched her, how he’d kissed her. Those soft, sexy lips, the sensation of his tongue tangling with hers for the first time, the taste of him, heady and strong…

Outside, the wind blew through the towering pines that surrounded her little house. She could hear the soothing sound from her open window nearby and it lulled her into a dreamlike state. Well, combined with the strong pain medication she’d taken.

And as she drifted off into sleep, she thought of twisted limbs and soft sighs. Hot, damp lips blazing a trail of fire across her skin, a hard, strong man pressed against her, sinking her into the mattress. Cam’s mouth meshed with hers…

Chapter Five

She slept like the dead. Quite frankly, she’d never slept better in her life, and when she woke with a jolt the next morning, Chloe’s head spun from sitting up too fast.

Why wasn’t she in her bedroom? And why did her body ache so much? Shifting, she let out a groan at the sharp pain in her side.

Disoriented and hurting, she closed her eyes, counted to three before she opened them again. Slowly it came back to her. Being released from the hospital, Alison driving her home and making sure she had everything she needed within hands reach. The vase full of bright sunflowers, the silly, sentimental movie, Cameron sitting in the chair opposite her couch…

Blinking, she rubbed her eyes, realized he actually did sit there, watching her. A pink box sat on the coffee table between them and she gaped at it.

She’d recognize that box anywhere…

“What are you doing here?” she asked with a yawn that she quickly covered with her hand. “What time is it? How did you get in my house?”

He was leaning forward in her favorite overstuffed chair, his elbows resting on his knees, his intense green gaze locked on her. His longish light brown hair curled appealingly at the nape, inviting a woman to run her fingers through it. He wore a white T-shirt and dark brown cargo shorts and he looked good enough to eat. “It’s just past ten. I brought you breakfast,” he said simply. As if that were explanation enough.

She dipped her gaze to the pink box yet again. Caught the scent of sugar and yeast and a hint of cinnamon. “Dottie’s Doughnuts?” Did he say past ten? She never slept in that late.

Cam nodded, flicked his chin toward the box. “Dig in.”

Chloe tried to lean toward the box but she winced in pain. Muttering an oath and an apology, Cam lifted the lid, revealing her favorite treats.

“How did you know?”

He shrugged. “I asked what you liked.”

“You asked Dottie?”

“She was there. I told her I was bringing you breakfast and asked if she knew whether you had any preferences, so she loaded the box with your favorites. She told me to tell you she hopes you feel better soon.” Grabbing a napkin, he pointed at the contents nestled within the bright pink box. “What do you want first?”

“A maple bar, please.” He handed her one; it was still warm when it hit the palm of her hand and she took a bite, nearly moaned in pleasure when the sweet, doughy goodness melted on her tongue.


His velvety deep voice made her look up, meet his gaze. His eyes were trained on her mouth as she licked at the corner of her lips, catching the bit of maple frosting that lingered there. He was making her incredibly self-conscious in his brooding, not-saying-much way. “How did you get in my house?” she asked again.

“I found your spare key.” He said it nonchalantly, like it was no big deal.

It was a small town. There weren’t many break-ins in Lone Pine Lake and besides, it was not like she had much of value in her house for anyone to steal. Her flat screen TV had been a Black Friday deal and her jewelry was mostly costume.

But it still unnerved her. That he figured out where her spare key was.

“How did you find it?”

“Mac told me.”

Oh. She took another bite, pondering that bit of information as she chewed. “So Mac knows you’re here?”

“Yeah.” Cam paused, one big hand diving into the box and snagging a giant apple fritter. The lone wolf among her favorite choices, since she’d never been a fan of them, she figured that had been Cam’s pick. “He’s rather overprotective of you, isn’t he?”

She watched as Cam ate his fritter without a care in the world. “I guess. Why would you ask?” Did he really care? Was he interested in her?


“He always has been. I just wonder.” Cam’s gaze lit upon her, filled with that wicked bad boy glint she’d always found so vastly appealing. Her heart fluttered and she dropped her doughnut on the floor.

Snagging it up quickly, she frowned. Carpet and maple bars so didn’t mix. She wrapped the done-for pastry with its napkin and set it on the table. “Did he say something to you?”

Shaking his head, Cam placed his half-eaten fritter on a napkin resting on the table. “It was nothing.”

It had to be something. “Did he warn you to stay away from me?”

Cam stood, ignored her question. “Want me to make some coffee?”

“That would be great.” She paused, then spoke to his retreating back. “You didn’t answer me.”

He stood in the doorway to her tiny kitchen, his broad shoulders nearly filling the entire space. He sighed, and she saw the slight sag in those sexy shoulders, the hang of his head. “Yeah, he warned me off. Hell, I warned myself off. You don’t know me, Chloe. Not really.”

She knew him better than he thought. And she was so tired of pretending she wasn’t interested. A major car accident helped a woman realize she needed to go after what she wanted. “I want to get to know you better.”

Cam glanced over his shoulder, his razor sharp gaze landing on her. “I don’t stick.”

Chloe frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t stick. Relationships aren’t my thing. I avoid my family like the plague. I hate this place.” He paused, turning fully to face her. She noted that despite the still damp hair indicating he’d showered, he hadn’t shaved, and that dark scruff on his lean jaw made her weak-kneed. “You
this place, Chloe. I witnessed that the last couple of days. Every single person who lives in this town is worried about you. And I’m definitely not worthy of the town princess.”

Hope lit her from within, a tiny flicker that warmed her heart. He didn’t believe himself worthy of her? That was the silliest thing she’d ever heard. If anyone was the unworthy one, it was her. “I’m not the town princess.”

“Yes, you are. And that you don’t even realize it cinches the title. It’s yours.” He nodded, turned back toward the kitchen. “I’ll make some coffee and then I should go.”

“I’m a big girl, Cam,” she said softly, making him pause again. “Everyone may be protective of me but I know what I want.”

And more than anything, she wanted him.

Cameron busied himself in her doll-sized kitchen, finding the filters and coffee with ease. He filled the pot with water, poured it into the machine, and then added two heaping scoops of coffee into the filter before he turned it on.

Shit. His hands were shaking, Chloe’s words still lingering in his mind.

I’m a big girl, Cam.

Hell yes, she was. A beautiful, curvy woman he’d fantasized about the last few nights.

But I know what I want.

He could only assume she referred to him. Well damn, the feeling was mutual.

Which meant they were in a hell of a mess.

Cam stood by the tiny dining table, staring out the window that overlooked the lake. Her house was small, no bigger than eight hundred square feet and one of the original rental cabins on the lake, he’d guess. They’d been converted more than twenty years ago into actual homes and though this one wasn’t directly on the lakeshore, since it stood on a hill, it had a gorgeous view and was surrounded by towering pines, which gave her plenty of shade.

Her little yard was cute, pots full of blooming summer flowers in vivid hues scattered along the cobbled walkway and front and back porch. The hide-a-key had been kept beneath an old birdhouse that sat in a wine barrel planter. Mac had finally told him once he finished giving him a huge speech about messing with Chloe’s head after everything that had happened to her, blah, blah, blah.

Funny thing was, Cam knew Mac was right. But he couldn’t resist her. Hell, he felt…beholden to her after everything that happened. It was his fault she was hurt. His fault she’d most likely totaled her car.

Everything was his fault, as usual.

The coffee finally brewed, he went back into the living room, ready to ask if she wanted a cup when he stopped short, finding her passed out on the couch. Her hair a dark riotous mess about her head, her lips parted slightly, he swore he heard a little snore emanate from her and he smiled.

Going to her, he carefully pulled the blanket back over her body, tucking it around her shoulders. She smelled amazing, like wildflowers and rain, and he leaned over her and pressed his lips to her temple.

For once in his life, he wanted to give in. He wanted to take what he desired and damn the consequences. What was the point of life if all he did was worry about how he’d screw everything up? Chloe was a big girl. If she was asking for a summer adventure with him, then why couldn’t he give it to her?

He wanted to. Damn it, he wanted to more than he cared to admit.

“You’ve got me all twisted up inside and you don’t even know it,” he murmured, unable to resist kissing her again. “I’ll do my best not to hurt you, Chloe.”

He hoped like hell he could keep that promise.

She’d fallen asleep again. It was like she couldn’t control herself but at least this time, she’d somehow ended up with her cheek pressed against a warm, solid chest, a big, muscular arm slung around her waist, holding her close. The scent of him woke her first. Fresh, clean, with a hint of pine and his own unique smell, she knew without a doubt it was Cameron.

Holding her, his arm around her while she slept on him.

Her heart in her throat, she was afraid to move, afraid to disturb this moment she wanted etched on her memory forever. One minute he was telling her he was no good for her and the next he was letting her sleep in his arms. She had no idea how she even ended up there.

It made no sense. She was downright afraid to question it.

“You’re awake.” His deep voice rumbled through his chest against her ear and she sighed, glanced up to find him watching her.

“How long have I been asleep?” She rested her hand on his chest, the T-shirt he wore soft against her palm, the steady beat of his heart reassuring.

“I’m not sure. A couple of hours, at least. I napped, too.” His voice was sleep roughened, deeper than usual and so sexy her entire body went on high alert.

This was what it would be like, waking up with Cameron. Hearing that voice, his warm, hard body so close to hers…

“Oh.” She studied his shirtfront, watched as she drew her fingers down, lightly stroking him. She shouldn’t. She had no business touching him like this but she couldn’t resist.


Tilting her head back, she met his gaze once more. “Yes?”

“Do you remember what you said to me that night at the bar?”

She frowned. There was so much she’d forgotten. Details of that night at The Tree were fuzzy. “Not really.”

He trailed his index finger down the side of her face, careful to avoid the cuts and scrapes, his touch light as a feather, making her cheek tingle. “You asked me to be your summer adventure.”

Her face burned with embarrassment. “I must’ve been drunk.”

Slowly he shook his head. “You had one of Sal’s special beers on tap. No one can get drunk on that stuff.”

Chloe pressed her lips together, wondered where he was going with this. Wondered more why he was touching her in such an intimate manner. Not that she was protesting. His finger drifting across her face made her achingly aware that he was acting much like that night at Jane’s reception. Warm and receptive, his gaze hungry as he studied her, like maybe he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

“What are you saying, Cam?” Her heart was in her throat. She felt like she couldn’t breathe as she waited for his answer.

He slipped his finger beneath her chin and tipped her head up, their mouths aligning perfectly. “I’m saying I think I want to take you up on your request after all.”

Before she could say a word, he kissed her. His mouth was warm, soft, the kiss simple and sweet. A sigh escaped her when he slipped his hand behind her head, cradling her, holding her still for his delicious kiss.

This was the kind of moment she’d dreamed of since she was a gawky fourteen-year-old mooning over Cameron McKenzie. Now it was her reality. Held in his strong arms, his mouth on hers, his tongue darting between her lips, his hand running up her side…

“Ow.” She broke the kiss first, her side aching from his too possessive touch. His expression turned immediately contrite.

“Hell Chloe, I’m sorry. I forgot about your ribs.” He disentangled himself from her carefully, arranging her on the couch so she was propped on the comfy pillows once more, the blanket draped over her legs despite her heated skin. That simple kiss had riled her up more than she cared to admit. “Better?”

She kicked off the blanket, watched it fall to the ground with a perverse sort of satisfaction. “I am now. I would be even more if you were still kissing me.”

If she could clap her hands to her cheeks to hide her embarrassment, she would. How bold could she be? What had this man done to her?

He chuckled, the sound warming her from the inside out. “That can probably be arranged. But later. First, I need to go do a few things.” Propping his hand on the arm of the couch, he bent over her, dropped a deep, soul-stirring kiss on her lips. She gaped at him as he pulled away, a satisfied smile curling his too beautiful mouth. “I’ll come by tonight with dinner. Is that okay?”

She nodded mutely, too surprised to answer. What had happened? What made his attitude change? First he told her he was no good for her and then he kissed her and acted all warm and sweet. His behavior was confusing.

was confusing.

Chloe didn’t know what to think. But as she watched him leave her house, her gaze glued on his very fine butt, she knew one thing.

She wasn’t going to complain.

BOOK: Tempting Cameron
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