Taming the Alphas: Part Two: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Taming the Alphas: Part Two: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance
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Walking to class, I reflected on what Dave had said. I swallowed hard thinking about how direct he was. He truly wanted to try to develop a relationship between the three of us, emotionally and physically. And that meant having sex with the men together and separately.

My mind wandered to Todd and his tousled bedhead, ocean blue eyes, and smoking hot body. God I wanted him! I had yet to feel his cock in my pussy and I ached for it. I licked my lips as I remembered his huge dick and how I’d loved sucking and licking him. He was so delicious, and his tongue on my clit felt incredible. But, I wanted even more. I wanted to feel every inch of him. I could just imagine how pleasurable it would feel as he pushed his throbbing tool into me.

As I visualized his large, hard shaft filling me up, I heard some giggling behind me. Turning, I saw two young, skinny, dark haired women pointing at me and smiling. They were acting like they were ten years old. They were probably some freshmen students at the University who were also members of the WHO group. However, they didn’t look like they were going to try and threaten me; at least, not so far.

“Lina, I think that’s her,” one of them said, pointing at me.

“Oooh, it does look like the girl on the news,” the other replied, sounding surprised.

Great, just great, I thought as I hurried into the building. Now it looked like I was going to be accosted in class.

The writing course was a basic one that I was taking just to fill a graduation requirement, and like most low-level courses it was packed with other students. As I slid into my chair near the front, I noticed the two young women enter and take seats as close to me as possible. I had never noticed them in the class before, but then again the class was huge, with students ranging from freshmen to seniors. They were still grinning and looking at me. I had to turn blinders on to focus.

The professor picked several of us to give an overview of our papers. Class was going well, until all of a sudden, she pointed at me to share mine. Damn it! Class was almost over and I thought I would get out of it this time. In past years I had loved sharing my ideas in school, but ever since the werewolf story had blown up in the news, I was mortified of being judged by my peers and bringing more attention to myself. I felt like shrinking into my seat. Reluctantly, I got up clutching flash cards scribbled with highlights of my paper.

The more I had looked into government conspiracies, the more fascinated I had become. I’d had no idea that government cover-ups ran so deep. Yet, as interesting as it had been to research, I was ready to kick myself for picking the topic. At the time it had seemed like a good idea, but now it was like marking my forehead with a big scarlet letter ‘G’ for ‘Guilty’. Nervously, I walked over to the podium. I cleared my throat and began talking, deliberately avoiding the gaze of the two giggling girls near the front.

I started talking quickly, anxious to get it over with. I forced myself to take a deep breath and slow down as I continued. “…so, it is thought that the government is covering up a multitude of issues. These conspiracies range from ones that many people have heard of, such as alien abductions, to lesser-known conspiracies. Some have been proven to be true. Yes, the government did test LSD on US citizens without their knowledge or approval. Yes, heart attack guns developed with tax payer’s money by the CIA do exist. There are plenty of cases where the government has tried to cover up the reality of the situation. But, many conspiracy theories have not been proven. People will always be searching for evidence to prove what they think really happened—even if it never did …” My voice was echoing in my ears as I finished, and I could see the two girls practically on the edge of their seats.

Thankfully, the class ended and I scurried out the door. As I did I passed the two girls and overheard one say, “She wrote her paper on government conspiracies. That’s got to be her!” I glanced over my shoulder and saw they were following me. Despite walking quickly they were on my heels, and I increased my pace, rushing up the street.

A short distance away, I could hear the sound of an engine gunning. Oh my God! Did they have a friend there, waiting to grab me? I didn’t dare look behind me, but I was freaking out inside. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice, and a huge sense of relief swept over me. “Todd!” My delicious, blue-eyed wereman was leaning out of his car window.

“Hey, baby doll. Climb in.”

I quickly joined him in the car. Slamming the door, I looked back to see the two girls, disappointment etched on their faces as Todd began driving away.

“I was just going to drive over to your apartment to meet you and Dave when I remembered you had your writing class. I thought I would drive by and see if you were walking home and give you a ride.”

“Thanks, Todd,” I exhaled gratefully.

“You look a little pale. What’s up?”

“Those girls back there … they are in my class, and they are making me nervous. I think they are with the WHO group.”

“Hmm, we will have to report that to Mr. Dawes.”

“A lot of good that will do!”

“Honestly, I think the group is a lot of talk and no action. I mean, they make a lot of noise with the protests, but so far that’s all they have done. I really don’t think we have anything to worry about.”

I shook my head. “I hope not.”

“Anyway baby girl, I am looking forward to
with you and Dave today,” he smiled, giving me a sassy grin.

The way he put the emphasis on ‘chatting,’ I knew he didn’t really want to talk, but had something sexier in mind.

“I hate to tell you Todd, but Dave is not going to be there. Good news though, he got a job interview!”

“That sucks,” Todd bemoaned, frustration etched on his face. “I mean, not that he got a job interview—that’s great, but that he is not going to be around today. I was really looking forward to the three of us getting together…

Todd gazed over at me, a hungry look in his eyes, his need and desire palpable. I knew he assumed that without Dave, there couldn’t be any sexual relations between us. I couldn’t help but tease him a little.

“Yeah, I was so disappointed.  Oh well,” I sighed, as Todd’s shoulders slumped. “But, Dave did say one thing before he left that may interest you.”

“What’s that?” Todd asked his voice rich with disappointment.

“He said we should feel free to umm…” I gulped, realizing that I was a little embarrassed to say what I then blurted out—“He said we should just feel free to fuck!”





A delighted gasp escaped Todd’s succulent lips.


“Yeah, that is what he said. He wants us to enjoy the freedom of one another emotionally and physically—whether it’s two or three of us.

“Wow,” Todd said. “How do you feel about this?” He turned his gaze from the road for a minute and looked at me, hope lighting up his face.

I felt like melting into his baby blues. He was so gorgeous. And the thing with Todd was, he just didn’t seem to realize how smoking hot he was. He wasn’t obnoxious or conceited at all.

I puckered my lips and smiled softly. “Let’s get back to my place and I will show you exactly how I feel,” I whispered.

I could barely wait for Todd to drive the few blocks back to the apartment. I wanted him so badly and I knew he felt the same. He was having trouble keeping his focus on the road. He kept turning to look at me, his eyes heavy with anticipation. As soon as he parked the car he pulled me towards him, embracing me. When he finally let me go, I felt dizzy and even more aroused.

Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, we walked into the building. Mrs. Oakley narrowed her eyes as she saw us come in. I knew she was surprised to see me with someone other than Dave, and she probably couldn’t wait to gossip about it to others in the building.

Ignoring her questioning gaze, Todd pressed the button for the elevator. When it opened, he pushed me inside against the wall, his fingers reaching for my breasts. Glancing over his shoulder I caught a glimpse of Mrs. Oakley before the doors closed. Eyes bulging and her mouth wide open, she was rooted to the spot. I was surprised the old biddy didn’t dash to press the button and keep the doors open so she could watch more.

“God, I want you!” He firmly tweaked my nipples through my shirt as he pulled me in close, kissing me deeply.

The elevator landed with a thud, and as we walked to #631, Todd started licking my ear.

“Todd … mmm …” My hands were shaking a little as I fumbled with the key, trying to unlock the door.

We had barely shut the door before we were ripping each other’s clothes off, tossing them on the couch. Todd looked amazing with his broad chest and … my eyes trailed down to his rod. He was so big and thick. I couldn’t wait to finally feel this hunky, blond man deep inside of me.

I felt a twinge of nervousness. Though Dave had given us permission to have sex without him, it still felt like I was cheating. I had never done anything like this before. And though we’d already had a threesome the other night, I hadn’t actually had intercourse with Todd.  Was I really ready to do this?

“Beverly, you are so beautiful.” Todd admired my naked body, and I feel little goose bumps forming under his gaze. “Come here…” he whispered, pulling me into his arms and circling my back with his fingers. I slid my hands over his chest muscles and felt his smooth, muscular pecs. I felt so protected in his arms. In that moment, I knew I was ready to give myself over to him. I could feel his erection pressed up against my pussy and my loins were literally aching for him. Slowly, he dipped down and sucked my nipples, gently biting the tips.

With Dave in the room, Todd had been quiet but firm, allowing Dave to take the lead. He probably wanted to make sure that Dave and I both felt comfortable as we explored our new relationship. But with Dave gone, Todd was very much in charge—and I loved it.

“Mmm, I love your tats.” I giggled, licking the curve of one of his tattoos as I followed the ink from the side of his nipple down to his waist. Gazing up at him, I looked into his eyes with my sexiest stare. “Are you ready for me to love on this big dick?” I teased. I knelt down in front of him and moved my hands, slowly stroking his cock back and forth. Softly I kissed the length of him, brushing the cap with my lips while flicking it with the tip of my tongue, hinting at what was to come.

“My cock is getting so hard. I want you to suck me...” he said, giving me a wickedly sexy smile. “...but, I need to eat you too.” Lowering himself to the carpet, he positioned my body so my crotch was right in his face and his cock was in front of my mouth. Just the thought of doing the ‘69 with this hot hunk was such a turn on. I felt my juices flowing.

“Mmm, that night I saw your little pink pussy when I walked in on you with Dave … and the other night when you sucked me … I just can’t stop thinking about you or your hot little box. I want to fuck you hard, Bev.”

A quiver ran through my spine and I knew I was in for an incredible night. All my fears from earlier had completely subsided. I was so ready to feel him in every way.

“So lovely,” Todd moaned, putting his head between my thighs as he took a deep breath, “and you smell so divine. I love your sweet pussy.”

With my hands wrapped around Todd’s dick, I pulled his cock into my mouth. He was huge and tasted so good, like the most delicious ice cream cone I’d ever eaten ... and I didn’t want to miss a lick. I wanted to gobble every morsel of his cocksicle.

He lapped at my thighs, slowly at first, then moving faster, closer to my folds. God, I wanted him to eat me so bad, I couldn’t stand it any longer. I pushed his face against my pussy as my mouth swallowed more of his cock. “Eat me up Todd! Please, eat me!”

Todd stroked my nub with his tongue, flicking it back and forth, providing me with bursts of delight each time his tongue touched my clit. I wanted to scream with pleasure as I felt myself building up to an orgasm, but he wouldn’t let up. “Oh my God!” I had to stop licking him for a moment as the intensity and pressure in my body built. “I’m going to explode!”

Waves of pleasure echoed through me as I climaxed. My body arched back; nipples peaking towards the ceiling. “Ahhhh, that’s so good!” I cried throatily as the spasms wrack thru me.

“Baby your juicy pussy is so tasty; I could lick you for hours. Sucking you is amazing. But you make my dick so fucking hard; I’m aching to be inside you. I have to fuck you now, Beverly,” he breathed.

“Oh, God, Todd. I need you to fuck me!”

Pulling me towards him so my lips met his, he thrust his cock deep inside me, pushing it into my slick passage. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his tool thrust deeper and deeper. The chemistry between us was incredible, and I knew why—our sex was incredible. His cock was so hard, so huge inside my little wet pussy. He kissed my lips with passion as he slowly fucked me, with deep, firm strokes.

“Oh Beverly, baby doll, I can’t hold back any longer.” The pleasure on his face was intense and with one final thrust he releases his load; his creamy sperm milking my pussy and thighs.

Exhausted and spent from the exertion we just lay there next to one another. After a few minutes of heavy breathing and catching our breath, Todd spoke.

“Mmm, you are amazing,” Todd said, wrapping his arms around me. “That was phenomenal.” We got up and shyly smiled at each other. It was surprising how intimacy could bring self-consciousness, yet it was exciting. This was a new milestone in our relationship. I pulled on my panties, jeans, and tank, but didn’t bother with the bra leaving it to dangle over the arm of the couch, where I’d tossed it earlier. Dave would be home soon and with any luck, maybe we would all have a little more fun… Yes, I had to admit, I was being a greedy girl, but who wouldn’t be with two hunks like Todd Becker and Dave Barnes around.

“So,” I said, “I guess we should talk about the WHO group, Richard Dawes and …”

“Yep,” Todd sunk into the coach and pulled me down next to him, wrapping his muscled bicep around my shoulder.

“But first I want to let you know that the more I get to know you, the more I like you, and I love making love to you. You are so special to me Beverly.” His blue eyes sparkled as he pulled me towards him and kissed me softly on the lips.

“I think you are pretty special too, Todd Becker.” I grinned at him.

I heard a key in the door and realized Dave was back. Todd and I smiled at him as he walked in the door.

“How did it go…?” Todd asked.

But Todd never finished his sentence. Just by looking at the misery on Dave’s face, we knew exactly how it had gone.

Shit, I thought inwardly.

Dave looked at us, his eyes darting from me to Todd, taking in our festive mood and my laciest pink bra on the arm of the sofa.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Dave said glumly.

He sat down in one of the chairs, shoulders slumped.

“Well, Dave …” Todd started.

“I said I don’t want to talk about it, Todd.”

“Dave, we need to discuss…”

“Don’t you listen? I said I am not in the mood to discuss this!”

“Maybe I’d better go. We are short staffed at Slice of the Pie tonight, so I need to get there soon anyway,” Todd glanced at Dave. I could see from the look in his eyes he was hoping Dave would tell him to stay, but it wasn’t happening.

“Yeah, maybe you had better go,” Dave replied dully, a cool undertone in his voice.


BOOK: Taming the Alphas: Part Two: Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance
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