Read Taming Casanova Online

Authors: MJ Carnal

Taming Casanova (8 page)

BOOK: Taming Casanova
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Chapter 14

“What’s up, Sugar Ray?”  Caleb looked up from his newspaper.

“Bite me.”  Andi groaned when she saw her reflection in the toaster.  “I can’t go to work like this.  What am I supposed to say?”

You could tell them it was a baby delivery gone wrong.”  Jena giggled to herself. “An irate husband when the baby came out looking like the pool boy?”

Caleb winked at Jena.  “Have I told you I love you today?”

“You guys are seriously nauseating.  I need to find my own place.  Like yesterday.”

“I actually wanted to talk to you about that.”
Caleb pushed his coffee away and cleared his throat.  “I want you to know that you will always have a place to come to, no questions asked.  Our home is your home.  I love you, kiddo.  You mean the world to me.”

“You want me to move out.”  Andi shrugged.  “Ok.”

Caleb laughed.  “Here I am getting all emotional and all you have to say is OK?”

“You need your space.  You’re going to get married and have babies.  You know how I feel about all that nonsense.  But I love you both and I will give you your space.”

“I think we might get married next weekend.”  The words were out of Caleb’s mouth before Jena could stop him.

“What?”  Andi smiled at her future sister in law.  “How? 
It’s so fast.”

“We thought we’d go to Vegas. 
Just get away from everything.”

shook her head.  “Mom is going to be so pissed.  Have you thought about that?”

We’ll plan a big reception here but we both agree this is what we want.”  Caleb leaned in and kissed Jena.  “And I don’t want to wait anymore.  I need you to be my wife.”

rubbed his hands together in the back seat of the limo.  The trip had been a complete failure.  His flight had been delayed, the hotel had lost his reservation and the photographer had cancelled while he was in the car on the way to the shoot.  To make things worse, Ryan had called him to tell him Andi had a black eye from a fight with Amber.  He couldn’t get home fast enough. 

His mind raced with different scenarios about why the women had gotten into a fight.  Knowing Andi like he did, he was sure it was in defense of Steve.  But in the back of his mind, he feared the worst.  What if Amber had caught them together? 

“Get it together, Merck.  You’re acting like a pussy.”  He mumbled to himself as the car pulled into Caleb’s driveway.  He rubbed his chest.  That little pinch of anxiety was starting to get annoying.

Jena opened the front door before he had a chance to knock.  She searched his face and her nose wrinkled.  Being the over protective doctor, she reached out and felt his forehead.  Kevin laughed and swatted her hand away.  “Why are you pale?”

“I’m fine, doc.  I’ve been out of town and you know I can’t sleep in hotel rooms.”  His voice quieted when he looked into the kitchen.  “Did I miss the invite to the party?”

Aww, slick.  It wouldn’t be a party without you.  Did you bring your harem with you?”  Andi bit her tongue.  She couldn’t help it.  Whenever Kevin was around, her mouth worked faster than her brain.

“They were too tired to come.
  You know, after they came.”  He winked at her and her cheeks pinked. 

“Jesus.”  Caleb grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down to watch the Red Sox.  Everyone laughed.  Caleb had openly admitted that Kevin was one of the funniest people he knew.  But when the arguments were focused on his sister, his very young and naïve sister, he couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. 
“I’d tell you to get a room but then I would have to kill you.”

“Deuce doesn’t go back for
seconds.  Pretty sure you’re safe.”  Andi went back to stirring dinner.  She felt his eyes burning a hole in her but she refused to look back up.

“Actually, I’m q
uite fond of seconds.  Some things are so good they need to be tried again.”  Kevin leaned against her back.  “Doll, once will never be enough for me.”

Did you say one or once?”

He licked her neck, paying extra attention to the sensitive spot behind her ear that made her shiver.  “Once.
As in the number of punches it took for my mini Tyson to knock Amber the fuck out.”  She giggled and it was music to his ears.  He pressed his hips against her and she could feel his desire pressing into her back. “Girl fights turn me on.  Tell me, was there mud involved?”

“The pig loves mud.  Imagine that.
”  Andi pushed him off her but her skin flushed at the intimate contact.  The image of him pressed into her from behind became seared in her brain.

“The pig loves a lot more than mud.  The princess is just too blind to see it.”  Grabbing a
bottle of water off the counter, Kevin made his way into the living room to watch the game. 

Andi sighed.  Every time he was near her, it was like all the a
ir was sucked out of the room and the only way she could breathe was to be near him.  He was like a magnet, always pulling her attention.  Her body sensed him the minute he came in a room and without looking, she knew exactly where he was.  The only question was whether he repulsed her or she loved him so much she couldn’t spend another day without him.

She had been so ready to give in and let him take her to bed.  She had though
t about it every second since and her body craved an encore.  She had felt so loved and it had scared the shit out of her.  He had cherished her and poured his heart out to her.  She had been convinced he didn’t have one and the moment he proved her wrong, she had run screaming.

“Have you been having any chest pain?”  Jena’s voice snapped
Andi’s mind out of her daydream.

“Stop worrying, mom.  I’m fine.”

“Dude, you do look like shit.”  Steve took a swig of his beer and smirked.

He absentmindedly rubbed his chest.  “Isn’t there a record somewhere you could spin?”

“You’re both huge and impressive.  Let’s not have a cock fight in here.” Andi’s statement made Caleb choke on his drink.  She took the seat between them before looking at Kevin’s face.  His eyes were red rimmed and his face looked gray.  “Can we go for a walk?”

As they left the room, Caleb yelled.  “Hey.  Walks are taken outside.  Not down the hall to your room.”

Andi flipped him the bird before shutting her bedroom door.  “Lie down.”

Kevin’s eyes widened
as he sat on the edge of the bed.  “I like bossy Andi.”  He bent his arms behind his head and yawned as his body relaxed into the mattress. 

She curled into him, laying her head on his chest. 
She took a deep breath of what was quickly becoming her favorite smell. His body was warm and he folded his arms around her.  Home.  “Shut your eyes.  Let’s take a nap and then I’ll drive you home.  You look like you need it.”

He shut his eyes and smiled.  “What I need is to get in your pants, doll.”

“I can only handle one asshole in my pants at a time, Deuce.  Go to sleep.”

His soft laugh lulled her into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter 15

Andi stared at the computer trying to make sense of her patient’s chart.  Fifteen hours in labor and delivery was too much.  She couldn’t wait to change rotation. 
One more week and she would be in the operating room again and she was counting the minutes.  She rubbed her tired eyes and put her face in her hands.  Her shift was over.  She was just too exhausted to stand up and leave.

The hair on the back of her neck stood up and that familiar warmth spread through her chest.  She smiled into her hands.  He was here.  She hadn’t talked to him since she dropped him off at his place after their three hour epic nap.  Her body had protested when he had walked to his door.  She
wanted to follow him in and spend some time getting sweaty under his sheets but she knew he needed his rest. 

Hola bonita.”  Kevin’s eyes lit up when she smiled at him.  He looked good enough to eat.  Rest had done him some good.  His jeans hung low on his hips, his t-shirt hugged his chest like a second skin and he was wearing that smirk that made her drool.  “Don’t ask me to say anything else.  It took me all day to learn that.”

Andi laughed as he pulled her out of her chair. 
“Please tell me you’re here to pick me up.  I’m too tired to even look for my keys.”

“At your service then.”  Kevin took her hand and led her to the parking garage.  His visit to Jena would have to wait. 
He had waited two days before stopping by the hospital to get a glimpse of the most beautiful woman in the world.  He was turning into a total woman but his emotions were getting the best of him and he couldn’t help himself. 

Andi stopped and groaned.  She stared at his sleek black and silver Honda.  The li
ghts of the parking deck shined off the chrome.  It was a beautiful bike and although the thought of holding on to him and riding off into the night excited her, it also scared her to death.

“I promise you I’ll keep you safe.”  Kevin handed her a helmet.  “Just let go.”

She shook her head and climbed on behind him.  As the bike rumbled to life, she wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his strong back.  His body heat wrapped around her like a blanket and she took a deep breath.  Butterflies stormed her stomach.  As she watched the city go by, it all became so clear.  She was hopelessly in love with him.  She had fallen for him a little more every time they were together.  Her hands tangled in his shirt and when that wasn’t enough, she reached underneath.  His muscles rippled under her fingers. A tear fell down her cheek.  She whispered.  “I think I’m in love with you.”

Kevin’s body stiffened.  She had forgotten all about the speakers in the helmet.  He pulled off the main road and headed for the hills.  The bike sped up as they hit the quiet back roads.  She could feel his
heart beating under her hands and it quickened with each mile.  She didn’t ask where they were going.  It didn’t matter.  She would go anywhere with him.

pulled into a wooded lot and cut the engine.  He didn’t move at first. Her hands stilled as she took in the view.  The stars blanketed the sky and the city twinkled below.  She bit her lip as she noticed how secluded they were.  The wind picked up and she snuggled into Kevin’s back.  He took a deep breath and took off his helmet.  She followed his lead.  Anticipation ran through her body. 

He reached back and ran his hands down her legs.  She struggled to keep her breathing under control.  Her body roared to life.   Without saying a word,
he pulled her around him and settled her into his lap.  Her legs straddled his.  The sparks ignited.  His eyes were filled with lust as he tangled his hands in her hair.  She licked her lips.  Game on.

His lips found hers.  Jolts of electricity shot to her core.  His lips devoured her.  She couldn’t help herself.  She moaned into his mouth and the growl he let out in return was the hottest thing she had ever heard.  She gasped for air as he pulled away.  “Say it again.”

“I’m falling in love with you.”  Her voice was barely a whisper.

I’m already there.” Kevin kissed her jaw and down her neck.  His breath tickled as goosebumbs broke out all over her body.  His mouth was heaven.  He pulled his shirt off and threw it to the ground.  He wanted to feel every inch of her.  She didn’t hesitate when he grabbed for hers.  Skin to skin, their heat ignited.

His strong legs anchored them on the bike as he reached under her ass, pulling her up closer to his mouth. 
Her breasts were beautiful.  He had to taste her.  He pulled the piercing between his lips and sucked hard.  She threw her head back and moaned.  He wanted more.  He needed more.

He climbed off
the bike and ripped her pants down before pushing her back onto the seat.  His hand flattened against her stomach and she shivered.  “You’re mine.  After tonight, there won’t be any question.  I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’ll forget your own name.  And then I’m gonna make love to you so you know just how much I need you.”

He pulled her to the edge of the seat and buried his face between her thighs.  Her heat covered his tongue.  He was impossibly hard and couldn’t wait to bury himself in her but her taste was mesmerizing.  His tongue circled her tightened nub before pulsing in and out of her.  She was heaven.  He moaned low in his throat before sucking her clit into his mouth.  Her legs trembled.  Her breathing was shallow.  Looking up at her, their eyes locked and she came all over his mouth.

He stood and yanked his jeans down before pulling her from the bike.  “Turn around.” 

Andi barely had time to respond before he had her bent
over the bike.  He pushed into her in one hard stroke.  “Fuck.”  He kicked her legs open wider and grabbed her hair. 

The leather of the seat rubbed against her nipples and her knees nearly buckled.  The pleasure was so intense, she wasn’t sure she would stay on her feet.  She had never been so turned on.  She cried as her second orgasm was ripped from her body and poured down her legs.

“You feel so good.”  Kevin continued to pound into her.  She was so wet and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. 

“God I love you.  I love you so much.”  She would never get enough of him. 
She never wanted to.

Kevin pulled out of her and climbed back on the bike.  He pulled her into his lap.  “Fuck me, baby.” 

His kiss was frantic.  She rolled her hips against him and whimpered.  Her body was made for him.  Every inch of her was on fire.  Her pace quickened and each stroke brought her closer and closer to the edge.  Her nails dug into his back and he groaned. 

His breathing changed and his eyes closed.  His balls tightened.  He bit her shoulder and she shattered.  Her orgasm so strong, her head fell against his chest and she cried.  Her whole body shook and it was all he could handle.  He exploded inside her and yelled her name as he
surrendered himself, heart and soul.

Kevin walked her to her door.  He wanted to stay.  He wanted to take her home with him.  He wanted her any way he could have her.  He pulled her in for a hug. 
“I don’t want to let you go.”

She smiled against his chest.  “
Then come inside.  I’m not ready to let you go yet.”

“Never let me go.”  Kevin kissed her with so much passion that she knew everything would be alright forever.
  “Now get that sweet ass into that bed.”

Andi laughed as he chased her down the hall.  “Caleb’s
gonna stroke out.”

“I’d love to torture him.  But I have to respect him
.  I can’t screw his sister in his house.  I’ll be a gentleman.  Tomorrow, you’re naked.  Got it?”

“Yes.”  She shut the bedroom door and peeled her scrubs off.  Her body was still humming.  “Shower?”

“Only if you promise to keep your hands to yourself.  I’m pure.  Don’t tarnish me.”  Kevin swallowed her laugh with a kiss. 

Andi would never look at her shower the same way again.
  She smiled as she ran her hands over his chest, his hips, his strong arms, his toned back, his perfect ass.  She rubbed her body against his and bit her lip.  Her body ached but she wanted more.  He hardened to her touch but shook his head no.  She licked the water from his chest and her tongue roamed down his abs.  His eyes widened as she licked along his belly button. 

“You said I couldn’t put my hands on you.”  She looked up at him through her lashes.  “And you said you couldn’t screw me in his house.  This is neither of those things.”

Andi took him into her mouth.  The water from the shower hit her shoulders.  Seeing her on her knees, soaking wet, was the hottest thing Kevin had ever seen.  He braced his hands on the wall and watched her.  As she took him deep in her throat, he moaned.  This woman was going to be the death of him.  He’d die a happy man.


BOOK: Taming Casanova
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