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Authors: Desconhecido(a)

switched (14 page)

BOOK: switched
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Chapter Sixteen


Everything was back to order. He was working; Gus was working. They were home.

Everything was okay, really. Bastian was spending some time at the library researching the Gemin, trying to understand what had happened to him, why he kept dreaming about waking up as different people, whether it was going to happen again.

He’d never known how many different people went to the territory’s main library.

Old people, children, poor people, workers. All sorts of people were everywhere.

It was fascinating.

And much more fun than bad dreams.

As he people watched, Gus came in the doors, looking larger than life against the shelves of books, looking like he felt out of place next to the little librarian who was asking him what he wanted.

Bastian smiled, watching the sunlight in Gus’ red curls. His lover was beautiful.


“I’m just looking for someone,” boomed Gus, his deep voice carrying in the quiet library. The old lady glared at him balefully, shushing him.

Bastian stopped admiring and stood, waving over the balcony. “Augie.”

Gus turned, smiling as soon as those eyes found him. “Bastian.” His lover motioned for him to come down.

He nodded, leaving everything behind, hurrying down the stairs to greet his lover. Gus’ arms went around him, bringing him in close as Gus kissed him, right there in the middle of the library, not caring who was around to see. He melted, just giving it up. They were registered; he was Augie’s. They had nothing to hide.

Gus finally broke the kiss, smiling at him, eyes all for him. “Come home, Bastian.”

“Yes, Gus.” He slid his hand into Gus’, smiling up into the warm gaze.

Gus grinned and led him out, down the street toward their apartment. “You give me ideas, Precious.”

“Ideas?” He lifted his face to the sun, relaxed down to his bones.

Gus purred, the sound sending shivers along his spine. “Oh, yes.”

“Are you going to share?” He licked his lips, cuddling in as they walked.

Gus’ arm tightened around his shoulders. “No, I don’t share. You are mine.”

“Yes.” He shuddered, pressing close. “No sharing.”

“Although I was thinking of letting someone else see some very private flesh,” murmured Gus.

“What?” His belly jerked, nipples going tight.

“They would have to if you were to get a guiche. Just for a minute, just long enough to do it. In and out and done.”

Gus’ eyes shone down at him, hot, piercing him.

“I...” He swallowed, steps stuttered. “That... that’s behind the balls?”

Gus nodded, purred, eyes intent, not looking away for an instant. He didn’t know what to say, what to think; he just stood there, staring, eyes wide. Cock hard as stone.

Gus chuckled and started him moving again, into their building, up the elevator. “Close your mouth, Precious, before I get any more ideas.”

“Are... are we really going to... Do you want...”

“Get you a guiche piercing? Considering the way it made you light up and forget everything else? Yes. We are.” Gus grinned, and suddenly they were home and he was being pushed up against the wall, Gus’ mouth hard and hot on his.

He arched, rubbing furiously, so close to coming, just like that. Gus’ hand pushed between them, sliding between his legs and rubbing the skin behind his balls, pinching him through his pants.

He shot, gasping, thrusting into Gus’ heat. “Love!”

Gus purred, licked at his lips. “My Precious. You do like the idea. A lot.”

“I... Yours.” He didn’t know what to think, what to feel.

“Yes, Bastian. Mine.” Gus growled and picked him up, carrying him to their big bed and throwing him into the middle of it. “I want us both naked. And I want your mouth.”

“Uh-huh. Uh-huh.” He nodded, stripping as quickly as he could and then reaching for Gus’ buttons.

Gus let him undress the muscled body, eyes hot on him, low purrs spurring him on.

He licked his lips, eyes on the hard cock. “How do you want me?”

“On your back,” growled Gus. “I’m going to fuck your mouth.”

Gus climbed onto the bed, pushing him down onto his back.

“’kay. Need you.” He reached for Gus’ hips, tugging him closer.

“I know,” murmured Gus, fingers sliding on his lips. “I love your mouth.”

Then Gus was feeding the fat, hard cock between his lips, pushing in deep. He opened, relaxing his throat, taking it all. His fingers played his own nipples as he sucked, tongue sliding. Gus leaned forward and grabbed onto the headboard, growling and moaning, hips almost snapping as he sped up, pushing deep into Bastian’s throat.

He reached up, cupped Gus’ ass, focused only on taking it, taking everything Gus had to give him.

Gus pushed back into his hands and then rocked forward into his mouth again, the rhythm hard and sure, everything he needed. “Soon, Precious. So good to me.”

He looked up, met Gus’ eyes. Yes. Please. Need you.

Gus roared, eyes holding his as heat splashed against the back of his throat, Gus jerking in his mouth. He swallowed, taking everything in, pulling everything in. Gus kept moving, softening prick sliding on his tongue and slowly going hard again.

Oh... He hummed, tongue sliding easily.

“I’m going to fuck you, Bastian. Make you scream my name.”


He nodded, pulling hard, begging with everything he had.

“Good, Precious. Good.” Gus kept moving, letting him pull that thick cock back to hardness, the low purrs settling in his balls.

He writhed on the bed, hand stroking his cock, feeling so fucking good.

“No coming, Bastian. Not until I say.” Gus pulled out and moved down until he was between Bastian’s legs. “Play with the rings, too. Let me see you twist them.”

Bastian closed his eyes, fingers playing the rings, tugging and twisting.

He could feel Gus’ eyes on him, hot and heavy. “Beautiful,” growled his lover, voice rough. One big hand slid along his hip and down, spreading his legs wide. Gus’ fingers pinched the skin beneath his balls, a promise.

He twisted, gasping. “Yours.”

“Mine,” agreed Gus, cock nudging against his hole. “Take me in, Precious.”

“Yes. Oh, so good, Augie.” So fucking wide.

Gus purred, hands on his hips, helping him, guiding his motions as he rocked onto Gus’ cock, taking the thick heat in. Taking it in deep.

“The first time you did this, I thought I’d never... never take you.” He bucked up, hips rocking.

“The first time I fucked you?” asked Gus. “Or the first time I fucked you dry?”

“Yes.” His shoulders left the mattress, hips rocking.

Gus purred and wrapped one hand around his waist, bringing him down onto Gus’ cock.

“Oh. Fuck. More.” Bastian threw his head back, throat working.

Gus planted his free hand on the bed, just letting him have everything that big body could give him.

Bastian was just flying, breath huffing from him. “Augie. Please.”

“Mine,” growled Gus. “Mine. My Precious. Show me.”

“Yours...” He came so hard it hurt, entire body tight and shaking,

Gus’ heat filled him, spraying deep before his lover’s big body collapsed down onto him, pinning him beneath the welcome weight. He gasped, panting, eyes rolling as he relaxed. Soft, wet kisses slid along his neck, his chin, Gus’ mouth moving lazily.

“Love you.” The words were whispered, rough.

“I know, Precious.” His eyes were kissed, his lips. “I love you, Sebastian.”

He nodded, smiled, suddenly tired. “I know.”

Gus nodded and slid out of him, curled around him, solid and warm, his.

“Stay with me.”

“Where else would I be, Precious?”

He smiled, blushed. “I dream now, that you’re gone, that I’m gone.”

“Bastian...” Gus drew him even closer. “You are here in my arms and I am not letting you go. Soon Jacob and Walter will be here, and if you are switched again it will be a mere matter of going down seven stories.”

He nodded, held on tight. “My head knows; my heart is scared.”

“I would never let your heart be hurt, Bastian. Never!”

Bastian lifted his face, begging a kiss. “I’m sorry, Augie.”

It was given to him, a hard, deep kiss, as if Gus was trying to crawl into him. He whimpered, nodding, taking it all, letting Augie ease him.

Gus’ hands slid on him as if they had not just played hard, had not just satisfied their urges. “I am inside you, Precious. Under your skin. You cannot be alone.”

He nodded, tears in his eyes. “Yours, all of me.”

“Yes, Bastian. All of you.
of you.” Gus’ hand slid to his back, fingers hard on the welts and cuts from the night before. “All of you.”

“Yes.” He groaned, nodded. “All of me.”

“You tell me next time you feel like this, Bastian. I won’t have you fretting over such things on your own. There’s no need!”

“Yes, Gus. I didn’t want to worry you, love.”

“Instead you got yourself all worked up. It’s my job to worry for you, Bastian. I’m good at it.” His ass was pinched.

His squeak echoed. “Who said I was worked up?”

Gus snorted and wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. “Are you saying you are not?”

“I... If I lie, you’ll know.”

Gus laughed and hugged him hard. “Yes, my Precious. I would.”

“I love you, Augie. So much.”

Gus nodded. “And I love you, Bastian. You are my life.”

He nodded, scooted closer. “Am I worth it?”

Gus chuckled softly. “You are worth three of me, Bastian. But I’m still not sharing.”

“No. No, no sharing.”

“Never. Mine.” Gus’ fingers slid down to slide beside his navel. “My mark will go here.”

“Yes...” He arched, nodded. Yes, please.

Gus traced the outline of a dragon around his belly. “Mine.”

“Yours.” His belly rippled, went tight.

“We’ll get it done when we get the guiche piercing done. Let them heal together.” Gus purred, fingers drawing in his skin, stroking and petting. “I love you, my Precious.”

“I love you.” He let his eyes fall closed, let himself relax.

Gus purred again, fingers continuing to move on his skin. “Sleep, Bastian. You are safe in my arms.”

“Forever. Forever safe.”

The room went dark, Gus holding him, keeping him close.

Chapter Seventeen

Walt was excited and nervous and sore.

The soreness was distracting. Keeping him from freaking out as the train pulled into the station where they were about to meet with Gus and Sebastian again and start their new life.

It was a good soreness.

Coby had fucked him until neither of them could stand. It was a very good soreness.

He leaned against the solid, lean body, smiling up at Coby.

“We’re here, baby. Our new life.” Coby hugged him, his hand patting Walt’s ass. “You ready?”

He moaned, pressing back into Coby’s hand as he nodded. “Yes.” And he was. Readier than he’d been in a long time for something as big as the change they were making.

They grabbed their cases and stepped out. He heard a familiar voice, saw two familiar smiles. “Walter! Jacob! Welcome home!”

He had smiles for Sebastian and Gus, didn’t even cringe when he was wrapped in a bear hug by Bastian’s large lover.

Gus clapped Jacob on his back. “You made it.”

“We did. It wasn’t as long as I remember the first time.” Coby grinned, winked. “Did our things arrive?”

Sebastian nodded. “Yes. Everything’s been delivered.”

Gus nodded. “In a big pile in the guest room of your new place. So you could put it where you want it, but it wouldn’t be messy where you could see it.”

“Oh. Oh, thank you.” Walt beamed at them. Such good friends. He’d never known anyone but Coby to think about his needs like that.

“We thought you’d like to start getting settled, then you could come up for latemeal at our place.” Sebastian grinned, all of them moving out toward the transports.

Coby grinned, hugged Sebastian quickly. “Thank you. That would be good.”

Walt nodded, focusing on how nice it was to be near Sebastian and Gus, how happy Coby looked instead of how big this was, this move.

Sebastian waved down a transport, the long hair decorated with glass beads and shiny things. It was amazing to see the man happy, relaxed, glowing. Gus also looked relaxed, and, at the same time, puffed up with pride, which was all aimed at Sebastian. And such love. They didn’t hide their feelings for each other at all. Walt slipped his hand into Coby’s.

Coby squeezed his hand, leaned down to kiss him, eyes warm. “We’re okay, baby.”

He nodded his head. “Yes, Master.” They were. He was. It was good.

They rode from the train station to a mass of tall, glass buildings. Sebastian smiled over. “There’s a market in the bottom floor and a swimming pool in the basement. There are all these little shops, too, and you don’t have to go out at all.”

“A swimming pool? I suppose everyone in the building is allowed to use it?” All those people. All those germs.

“Yes, but it’s cleaned every night, and I? Know the custodian and we can swim right after.”

His eyes lit up. “Really?” He turned to Coby. “Did you hear, Coby?”

Coby grinned, eyes so warm. “Sounds perfect, baby. We’ll have to go often; it’s good exercise.”

“Yes, Master.” He nodded, excitement beginning to take over, making him bounce a little.

Sebastian grinned, curling against Gus. “We’re going to have a good time. It’s been a long time since I had a friend to visit with, Walter. And my brother, too.”

Coby chuckled, nodding.

Walt nodded. “I haven’t had a friend who stuck around after knowing me in a long... well ever. Just Coby.”

“Well, I lived with you for months and I’m happy you’re here.”

He nodded again, smiling at Bastian, holding tight to Coby’s hand. “Are we going to be there soon?”

“In about... now.” The transport stopped in front of a simple, pretty building, neat flower gardens framing the doors.

“Oh, look, Coby. Real flowers.” He could even smell them as he got out. So pretty.

Sebastian made a happy little sound. “It’s beautiful here. Peaceful. I was so glad there was an empty spot.”

“Yes. And this way you two may visit each other no matter the time or weather.”

Gus opened the door for him. “We’re on twelve. You’re on five.”

Coby nodded. “What time should we meet you for latemeal, Gus?”

“Seven o’clock will give you nearly four hours. Is that enough time?”

Walt looked up at Coby, happy to leave the decision to his Master. Coby nodded. “That sounds perfect. I just want to get us in and a little settled and showered.”

Walter waited until they got off the elevator and had found the door to their new apartment. “Settled, Master?”

“Settled, baby. The bed made. Tomorrow’s clothes put out. A good hard fuck. A shower.”

He moaned. “That sounds good, Master.”

Coby nodded, opened the door. The place looked white and bright, and there was a huge mass of flowers on the bar.

“Oh, those must be from Gus and Sebastian.”

Walt went over and found the card. “Welcome home.”

He looked around. The place was quite pristine, not a mark to be seen, no dust.

Coby looked around, peering out the window, in the kitchen. “Oh, baby. They stocked the pantry and cooler for us.”

Walter went, finding everything neatly stacked, all his and Coby’s favorite foods. Tears prickled his eyes. “I didn’t tell them. Did you, or did Sebastian just remember?”

“I didn’t tell them, baby.” Coby tugged him into those strong arms. “They’re just good friends.”

He sniffed and nodded. Sebastian had cleaned things the way he liked, had stocked all the food they liked
had done it neatly. He’d even seen cleaning supplies and gloves to wear in the cupboard.

“I’m glad we came, Coby.”

“I am, too, baby. I am, too.” Coby leaned close, almost snuggling into him.

He looked up, moaning softly as Coby’s mouth found his, the kiss soft and slow. The heat didn’t flare, just was there -- warm and comforting, almost gentle, Coby’s arms cradling him. He let Coby support him, felt the love between them like a blanket of calm and good.

The kisses melted, one into the other, Coby’s eyes warm and watching, seeing him. It made him ripple and press closer, opening to his lover. Coby moaned, tongue pressing in deep. He slid his hands up to stroke through Coby’s short hair, body bent slightly back, totally supported and surrounded by heat and love.

“Mine. Oh, baby. All mine...” Coby’s hands cupped his ass, squeezed.

He nodded, hands sliding to Coby’s shoulders and just holding. “Yours. Oh, Coby. Yes.” That would never change, no matter where they moved to, where they went, what they did. And he believed in it, believed in Coby.

“Love you.” Those eyes burned into him, so hot, so beautiful.

He felt the words down to his toes, eyes gazing up into Coby’s. “I love you, Coby.”

“I know. You’re going to be happy here.” Coby started walking him out of the kitchen, down the hall.

“I will be happy where ever you are, Master. I don’t think I could be unhappy with you.”

“Yes, but now? You’ll have family and friends, a pool, my mark on you, forever.”

“Your mark?” He shivered, the idea scary and enticing and unbelievably arousing. A mark on his smooth, clean skin. Forever.

“My mark, forever.”

They moved into a bedroom, the bed already made, ready. He barely even noticed the further kindness though, his mind taken up with the idea of a mark, no -- of Coby’s mark, on him forever.

Coby eased him down, hands working his clothes open, “Where should I put it?”

“Somewhere everyone can see it. Even me.”

His hand was taken, teeth scraping his inner wrist. “Here.”

His entire body jerked, a fire lighting inside him. “Oh. Yes, Master.”

“Yes.” Those teeth bit deeper, stinging, bruising him.

He arched, trying to bring his sudden, urgent need into contact with Coby’s skin. Coby’s hand slid under his ass, tugging him closer. He whimpered as their bodies slid together, clothes suddenly seeming thick and wrong.

“Strip. I want.” Coby’s eyes were hot, burning.

“Yes, Master.” He didn’t even ask if Coby wanted it slow or fast, he could feel the need, urgent and necessary between them, felt he knew what his Master wanted, needed.

Coby got rid of his own clothes, cock hard, stiff, ready for him. Walt didn’t even fold his, pulling them off and tossing them, eager to feel Coby against him. Coby pushed him flat on the bed, coming down atop him and rubbing, cock leaving wet trails on his skin.

He whimpered, pushing up against each touch, skin aflame wherever they touched. They both moaned, moved, rocked up into each other over and over. Coby’s skin was hot, burning, sliding against him. His hands moved over Coby’s back, touching, holding on as he whimpered and moaned.

Coby groaned, lips parting. “Yeah, baby. Touch me.”

Coby’s skin was so hot, smooth, the muscles hard and solid beneath. Coby’s hand was so hard, burning around his cock, around their cocks.

“Master. Oh!” He bucked and arched, Coby playing him like an instrument.

Coby nodded, humming, hand moving faster, harder. It felt so good, and he was flying higher and higher.

“Soon, baby. Come on. Show me.”

Walt cried out, body bucking and shaking, heat splashing out over Coby’s hand and his belly. His eyes held Coby’s the whole time, giving everything he felt, everything he was to the man who meant everything to him.

“Yes...” Coby’s seed joined his own, spraying over his belly, his skin.

Another shudder was pulled from him with that, his body pressing up into Coby, not wanting to lose the contact for a second.

“Mmm... mine.” Coby was beaming, smiling, eyes happy.

That happiness was infectious, filling him. “Yours, Master.”

“So, nap or shower?”

“Whichever you want, Master.” He found he didn’t care right now, as long as he was close to Coby.

He might in an hour, but right now? He didn’t.


Gus watched Bastian bustle about the kitchen, “putting finishing touches” on the evening’s meal. Bastian had gone all out, making sure the apartment was ready for Jacob and Walter; the two of them had spent the entire morning setting up the bed, cleaning,

He hoped that it was appreciated. He certainly was looking forward to having Bastian’s attention to himself again.

“Augie? Augie, did I make the salad right?” He hid his grin. His Bastian? Was
a chef.

At all.


But the man was trying.

“I think the little hard bread bits are supposed to go in as well.”

“Yeah? Okay.” Bastian stirred them in, tasting one as they went.

“Did you make a sauce for it, Precious?” He set the table for Bastian, frowning at the smell. “Is the food in the oven okay?”

“I think so?”

Bastian pulled out a pot that was smoking a little, the roast in there vaguely... crusty.

He peeked at it and managed not to make a face. He could eat some for Bastian. A bite at least.

“Is it okay? I followed the recipe.”

“You could take a taste. See if it needs anything. Chefs do that.” No way he was telling Bastian it wasn’t good.

Those grey eyes were wide, worried. “Okay...”

“I’m sure it’s fine, Precious. And if it isn’t? We’ll call for something.” He stroked Bastian’s back reassuringly.

Bastian took the pot over to the sink, sawing off a chunk of meat. “It’s done all the way through.

“Excellent. That’s important.”

He got a grateful look, eyes just shining. “Oh, good. Good.”

“It smells... done.”

“Yep. All the way through....”

He chuckled and took a fork, picked up a piece and put it in his mouth.

And chewed.

And chewed.

And chewed.

“Is it tasty?”

Jacob was going to tease Bastian into tears.

“Maybe we should order something, Precious. That way I don’t have to share this with anyone. We’ll just put it in the ice box.” He gave Bastian a hopeful look and hoped his stomach would forgive him.

“It’s that bad, huh?” Bastian sighed, nodded and tossed the whole thing into the trash. “You call and order, I’m going to shower. I smell bad.”

He followed his lover, picking up Bastian’s clothes as he dropped them one after the other. He shucked his own clothes, following Bastian right into the shower. “I’m sorry, Bastian. Your heart was in the right place. Maybe something simpler next time?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I guess.”

He growled. “You made the apartment welcoming. You set up their cupboards and bedroom. You invited them for supper. They won’t feel slighted it isn’t a home cooked meal, Bastian, and you are no less a good friend for not being able to cook.” He would not have Bastian feel bad about this.

Bastian’s eyes flew to his, cheeks going red. “Oh...”

He slid his hand along Bastian’s cheek, thumb sliding along the full lower lip. He did love Bastian’s mouth. Especially in that shape.

“A very good friend,” he murmured, bending to kiss. He could feel it in his bones, when Bastian’s focus snapped to him. “That’s my Precious,” he murmured, hands sliding on Bastian’s skin.

“Yours...” Bastian’s hands climbed up his arms, wrapping around his shoulders.

“Yes, mine.” He slid his hands down Bastian’s back, wrapped around that sweet ass.

“Is... Oh, Augie...” Bastian moaned, stepped closer. Distracted. Oh, that would do. He squeezed Bastian’s ass, letting his fingers slide along Bastian’s crack.

A sweet low moan sounded, Bastian’s legs spreading, parting for him. Oh, yes. He purred into Bastian’s mouth, finger sliding into perfect silky heat. Bastian melted into him, just moaning.

He took Bastian’s mouth with his tongue and Bastian’s ass with two fingers, fucking his lover. All of Bastian’s tension melted out of him, heat pouring from his lover.

He pushed Bastian up against the shower wall, turning him to face the wall. “Mine,” he whispered, cock pushing into his lover.

“Yes...” Bastian stretched up, ass going tight.

“Yes.” He pulled out and pushed back in again, growling at the sensation.

Bastian’s cry echoed, entire body rippling. “More.”

“Always.” He started a good, hard rhythm, letting Bastian have the best of him.

Oh, this was what he needed, what Bastian needed. Bastian rode him, head thrown back, happy cries filling the air. His hands were hard on Bastian’s hips, the beautiful skin so hot and smooth. He buried his face in Bastian’s hair, breathing in the scent of his lover.

BOOK: switched
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