Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1)
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With a fiery whimper I cup my breasts together and bring them to his mouth. His deep thrusts never falter as he sucks and tugs on each tight bud and it has my pussy clenching tightly around him.

“God, Sawyer. Fuck me, please.”

Something that can only be described as animalistic erupts from him before he starts pounding up inside of me with an intensity that steals my breath. My head drops back against the cooler, my mouth opening on a silent scream as he robs me of everything but pleasure. It’s raw, wild, and absolutely perfect. His cock begins stroking the magic place deep inside of me.

“Oh god.” I claw at his sweat-slicked shoulders as I feel my impending orgasm.

“That a girl, let me have it, baby. Squeeze my cock with your tight little pussy.”

His filthy words are all I need to send me crashing over the edge for a second time. Lights explode behind my eyes as the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever had slams into me.

A torturous groan rumbles from Sawyer as he follows along with me, burying his face in the crook of my neck. I hold him close, my fingers threaded in his thick, messy hair as we both come down from our high.

I feel his lips press gently against my neck before they move to my shoulder then further down, resting against my heart. Emotion bubbles in my throat as I think about the last few days and the secret I’m keepin’ from him.

“Promise me I’ll have you forever,” I whisper.

He tenses and lifts his face to mine. Grabbing my left hand he holds it up between us, showing me my wedding ring. “I already made you that promise, Grace, and I never go back on my word. You’ll have me forever.”

“No matter what?”

His intense eyes hold mine. “Yeah, baby. No matter what.”

I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tight to hide the tears that are threatening to fall. “I love you, Sawyer.”

“I love you, too.” He holds me close. I sense the questions in him but thankfully, he doesn’t ask. “Come on, baby. Let’s go home.”

As I’m getting dressed to head home I try to push away the guilt eating at me.

I’ll tell him. Once I know the results, I’ll tell him, and I pray with everything I am that he’ll forgive me.



ay, we’re here!” Hope and Parker cheer as I drive up my parent’s long, winding driveway.

Grace turns around to look at them, the first genuine smile I’ve seen from her since that asshole showed up at my house. I thought things would be better since that night at the bakery and they have been with us, but not her. She still seems upset and I don’t fucking like it. My goal over the next few days is to make her happy again. I want my Cupcake back.

My parents are waiting outside on the steps, looking as excited as the kids.

“Y’all, remember your manners now, ya hear?” Grace lectures.

“Don’t worry, Mama, we will.” Hope jumps out of the vehicle as soon as I come to a stop with Parker following close behind.

I glance at Grace. “I’m not planning on using my manners at all. Especially with you.”

A small smile tugs her lips, which is exactly what I was hoping for. “I didn’t expect any less from you. However, watch your language or your mama may just wash out that filthy mouth of yours with soap.” With a giggle she goes to open the door, but I grab her arm before she can make her escape and tug her closer to me. Her eyes flare and her lips softly part.

Gently grasping either side of her jaw I tilt her mouth up, licking between that small gap, and hear the hitch in her breath. “Just remember all the dirty things I like to do to you with this filthy mouth of mine, Cupcake.”

She stares up at me, her cheeks flushed. “Don’t worry. I never forget what you do to me.” There’s a sad note in her voice, one I don’t like hearing.

“Everything okay, Grace?”

Something briefly flashes in her eyes, but she quickly masks it with a small smile. “Everythin’ is fine.”


I know it’s not but I don’t press her on it, knowing now’s not the time. Leaning in, I kiss her forehead. “Come on, baby.”

We climb out of the SUV and by the time I walk around the front I see Grace already in my mom’s arms, along with Hope. “I’m so glad you guys are here. We’ve missed you so much.”

“We missed y’all, too,” Grace says, hugging her back.

My dad walks over with Parker in his arms and extends his hand to me. “Hey, son, good to see you.”

“You too, Dad,” I say, clasping it.

My mom comes over next and tugs me down by the collar of my shirt and kisses the shit out of my face. “Missed you so much.”

“Good to see you, Mom,” I mumble, hearing Hope giggle.

A squeal fills the air and I look up to see Sam bolting out the door and down the large front steps. She launches herself at me first since Grace and my dad are in an embrace with Parker.

“’Bout time you’ve come back for a visit, big brother!” she says, laying a loud smacking kiss on my cheek before trying to put me in a headlock.

I flip her around, hanging her upside down.

“Hey, come on now, you can’t do this to me just because Jesse isn’t here.”

“I’ll do whatever I want,” I grunt. “Speaking of half-pint, how is she?”

“Great,” my mother answers with a smile. “She said if she would have had more notice she and Matt would have come for the weekend, too.”

Jesse moved to LA three years ago to kick off her fashion career. She’s made a huge success out of it and that’s where she met her husband, Matt.

“There’s always next time. Besides, it wasn’t that long ago that they came to see us. At least
comes to visit,” I say, making a point to tap Sam, who still hangs upside down.

“Yeah, well you’re not the only one who doesn’t see her very much,” my dad grumbles.

My sister tenses and my mom scolds him. “John, not now.”

Well, what the hell is going on here?

Things are quiet and awkward for a long moment before Sam breaks it, slapping my arm. “Will you let me up? I can’t think with all this blood rushing to my head.”

Taking pity on her, I flip her back up then place her on her feet, then she snatches Hope from my mom. “Look at my sweet little princess. You’re getting so big, and you’re so pretty, just like your mama.”

“Hi, Auntie Sam,” Hope greets her with a smile. “I was hopin’ you’d be here. Me and Mama created a special auntie pie we’re gonna make just for you.”

“You did?” Sam asks excitedly and carries Hope over to where Grace stands so she can hug her, too.

“Yeah, it’s called Pain In The Ass Pie,” I say with a smirk, earning a glare from her.

My mom smacks my shoulder. “Watch your mouth. Especially in front of the kids.”

“Don’t worry, Grandma. We’ve heard him say much worse,” Parker tells her, throwing me under the bus.

“Yeah,” Hope joins in. “We make a lot of money in the swear jar ’cause of him. Ain’t that right, Mama?”

“We sure do,” Grace agrees, tossing a taunting smile my way. “Comes in handy when we wanna shop.”

I grunt. I’ll bet it fucking does. Glancing back over at my mom, I see her glaring at me with disapproval. I throw my hands up. “I’m trying, all right? Jesus, it’s not fu—easy when you’ve been doing it for so long.”

“Well try harder,” she scolds. “Now go on and take your stuff into the house and upstairs. I know it’s been a long day of traveling for you guys. I’ll have supper ready in an hour.”

“Actually,” Sam cuts in, “why don’t you and Grace take the guesthouse. I want to have a sleepover with my niece and nephew tonight.”

“Yay!” Hope cheers. “Are we gonna have candy?”

“You know it, I have a huge stash.”

“Cool! I’m in,” Parker says, running around my dad’s legs, looking hyper enough without a sugar rush.

“Are you sure, Sam?” Grace asks tentatively. “It could be a lot.”

“I’m positive. I want to spend as much time as I can with them before you guys go. They’ll be fine,” she promises.

“Oh I know
be fine. It’s you I’m worried about,” Grace says. “I mean, they’re good and all, but they can be…shall we say, rambunctious.”

“Actually, I’d say…coool,” Parker adds, putting on his Oakleys I bought him and sliding to the side with his arms out, making everyone laugh.

I put out my fist for him, feeling damn proud. “Good one, kid.”

He knuckle bumps me. “I know.”

“Lord help me.” Grace shakes her head but can’t hide her smile.

“Well come here my
nephew and give your auntie a hug.” Parker goes to make a run for it but Sam is faster. She picks him up and peppers his face full of kisses.

“Aw man, come on.” He laughs, trying to push her face away.

Sam pulls back with a frown. “Don’t tell me you can’t handle a few kisses.”

He smirks at her. One I know well. “It’s not me who can’t handle it. It’s the ladies who can’t handle me.” Grace gasps in horror and my mom’s eyes bug out of her head. “Isn’t that right, Dad?”

Oh shit!

My dad turns his head and coughs, trying to cover his laugh. Meanwhile, Grace turns at me with fire in her eyes, and not the usual kind I like to erupt from her.

Sam groans and looks over at me. “Good god, he’s a mini version of you. This is frightening.”

“Of course he’s like me. He’s awesome.”

“That’s right,” Parker agrees with a nod.

“Oh dear.” My mom sighs, patting my chest. “Go on now and take your stuff to the guesthouse before you dig yourself deeper.”

They all head inside, leaving me alone with one pissed off chick. Grace comes at me, arms swinging, and nails me in the arm.

“Ow!” I laugh, shielding her tiny blows.

“What did you say to him?”


“Yes, you did. You’re gonna fix this, Sawyer, you hear me?” I lock my arms around her, stopping her pathetic punches, and pick her up off her feet. When I lean in to kiss her she turns away. “Oh no you don’t. Your sexy lips aren’t gettin’ ya out of this one.”

“Come on, baby. Don’t you want him to grow up and be as cool as me?” She turns her death glare on me again, which is exactly what I was anticipating, and use the opportunity to fuse my mouth with hers. However, she still doesn’t budge, her lips remaining lifeless against mine. “All right, fine. I’ll talk with him,” I give in. “He was just spewing shit. I’m sure he wasn’t serious, but if it makes you feel better I’ll tell him it’s not okay to talk like that.”

“Thank you.” She softens in my arms.

“I’ll tell him not until he’s at least twelve.” She stiffens again. “I’m kidding…fourteen.”

“Sawyer!” she growls, making me laugh.

“Okay, okay. No more jokes. I’ll make it right. I promise.”

“You better. I don’t want my son growin’ up to be a pervert like
I know…”

“Hey! In all fairness, I only perv on you and you’re my wife, so technically that’s okay.”

“It wasn’t always like that,” she grumbles.

“To me it has been, because you’re the only one that’s ever mattered.”

She watches me, her expression softening and a small smile touching her pouty lips. “I must admit, Evans. Sometimes you can say the most perfect things.”

She leans in, giving me the kiss I wanted earlier. My dick comes to life, screaming to be inside of her. However, she ends it much too soon. “Now put me down, you charmin’ bugger,” she orders, pushing against my chest.

With a grunt, I lay one more hard kiss on her lips then place her back on her feet. Just as I head to get our bags, she grabs my arm and stops me. I turn around to see her staring up at me, a soft expression on her face. “Just for the record, Sexy Sawyer, nothing makes me more proud that Parker is just like you. Even when he’s playin’ jokes on me.” She gets a small smile. “I wouldn’t want him any other way.”

And this is why my Cupcake is fucking awesome.

Instead of telling her that, I lean down to grab her around the legs and throw her over my shoulder.

She lets out a squeal of surprise. “What on earth are you doin’? Put me down.”

“I don’t think so, baby,” I say, heading toward the guesthouse.

“Hey, wait! You forgot the bags.”

“Screw the bags. After those words, we’re fuckin’ first.”

She giggles but it trails off on a moan when I lay a hand to her ass.

I move a little faster, need propelling my every step. By the time I’m done with her she won’t sit down without feeling me.



e sit around my parent’s kitchen table, eating supper. Grace’s cheeks are still flushed pink, and her lips swollen from the good fucking I gave her less than an hour ago. And still, all I can think about is getting back inside of her. I swear, I will never tire of her, never stop wanting her every second of every day.

“Hey, Auntie,” Parker says, turning to Sam. “Pull my finger.”

“No, don’t!” Grace leans over and pulls Parker’s hand away before Sam can do it. “Parker Evans, give it to me, now.”

“Aw, Mom, why did you ruin it?”

“What is it?” Sam asks as Parker hands over the small device that was hidden under his finger, dropping it into Grace’s hand.

“Trust me. I just saved you from the shock of your life.”

Sam looks over at Parker and quirks a brow. “Trying to pull a fast one on me, kid?”

“It would have worked if Mom didn’t ruin it,” he grumbles, but then makes eye contact with Grace. “But I still love you, Mom.”

Grace smiles, her angry expression softening. “I love you too, baby.”

Yeah, the kid is fucking smart and knows exactly how to get himself out of shit.

“It wouldn’t have worked on me because I’m the master,” Sam says. “First off, if you want to pull a prank on someone you don’t start off by saying ‘pull my finger’, that’s a dead giveaway. But don’t worry, little lad, I’ll teach ya.”

I chuckle at Grace’s groan before looking over at my dad. “You still have my hockey equipment kicking around?”

He nods. “Of course I do.”

“What about my smaller stuff? Anything that would fit Parker?”

“Yep. I got it all.”

I figured as much.

“Why, Dad?” Parker asks.

“Because I spoke to the rink attendant yesterday and got us some ice time tomorrow. I thought we could all go skating and I could teach you some hockey. Get you prepped for tryouts this year.”

BOOK: Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1)
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