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Authors: Kassanna

Stone Guardian (7 page)

BOOK: Stone Guardian
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He pulled a towel from the shelf and draped it around her, patting her dry before swathing it around her head. “It’s
and it means lover.” He kissed the tip of her nose and led her from the bathroom.

“Nice.” She took a step and grabbed his arm before falling forward.

He swept her up and stalked into the bedroom. Setting her on a corner of the mattress he tossed the thick duvet back and watched her sigh before swinging her legs up and crawling to the spot he created. Timur covered her as she snuggled down into the bed. Her eyes drifted shut then her lids popped open and her eyes widened. “Aren’t you coming to bed?”

“Soon. I have to take care of a few things first.” He tilted his head toward the ceiling, listening to his internal clock. “We have a few hours yet before sunrise.”

“Don’t be too long.” She laid her head down on the pillow and dozed off.

He walked to the mural of bookshelves painted on one wall and slid a drawer out. First things first, find Denton, and short of killing the man find out what the hell was really going on. He couldn’t shake the feeling that the person he’d once considered a friend had something to do with the ambush in the park. Then he needed to get in touch with Kirill, and finally, collect the clothing he and Ember had left lying on the roof. The last thing he needed was for her gun to be found by one of his tenants. He shoved his legs into sweat pants and rifled through his drawer for a shirt. Snatching one up, he pulled it over his head as he moved through the room, pressing another panel that gave him access to his closet.

Timur slipped his feet into tennis shoes and bent to pull them on. Nothing ever came easy for him. He should have known this damn trip wasn’t going to be any different. He grunted his frustration and Ember flipped over in the bed, facing him. Dialing back his annoyance, he tapped the light switch as he exited the room. Denton would tell him what the hell was going on or he would kill the fucker, dump the body, and put an ad in the paper for a new assistant. He punched the code into the elevator console and the doors opened whisper-soft. He picked up his cell phone off the catch-all table as he stomped into the cab. Maybe he’d make it to Salem tomorrow night.

Chapter Six

Timur sat on the ledge facing the alley at the back of his building watching Denton as he wiped down the car before he parked it in the garage. Now why would his once trusted employee have to clean the town car in the middle of the night? He tracked Denton’s movements as he dropped the rags into the trash and walked to the rear entrance. When his assistant turned his back, Timur stepped off the eave of the building. Gravity did the rest, and he dropped into the alleyway. Landing in a crouch, the creak of asphalt breaking rent the air. Denton swung around, his eyes widened when he caught sight of Timur.

Denton licked his lips. “Hey boss, where—ah—where did you come from?”

Timur shrugged and rose to his feet. “I was hanging around.” He prowled toward Denton. “I need to ask you a question and I sincerely hope you don’t lie to me because I will know it if you do.”

“Sure, yeah, what do you want to know?”

Timur marched up to the man, got in his face, and searched his eyes. “My woman and I were attacked earlier. Did you have anything to do with it?”

He watched as Denton swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. The evening wasn’t humid and yet a bead of sweat rolled down from his receding hairline and over his jaw. Timur stepped back and crossed his arms. Denton lifted his hands, palms facing forward, and moved away until his back hit the door with a

Timur narrowed his eyes. “Why are you so nervous, Denton?”

Denton’s shoulders sagged. “What does it matter? You can put me out my misery or they can. I’m in too deep to do anything but die.”

“Who exactly are they?” Timur growled.

“I made some mistakes, boss. I gamble, and owe a few goodfellas some huge amounts of money. They know I work for you and I was offered credit, a shit-astic amount of monies actually, was extended to me. I knew they wanted to know about you, your habits, not that you have any that I’ve seen. I told them that, too,” he hurriedly explained. “There was so much in funds I could easily have hauled myself out the hole, instead I kept digging myself deeper… I
the losing streak couldn’t last forever…”

“How much, Denton?”

“One and a quarter million dollars. They offered to wipe the slate clean if I told them when you would be vulnerable.” Denton’s voice wobbled. “I didn’t know you were bringing a lady friend with you. You’ve never done that before.”

“Denton, I am only going to say this once. Based on your years of service I’ll allow you to live, consider it your retirement gift. Pack your shit and leave. If I ever see your face again I will kill you. Where is the gambling house?”

“Downtown, in the basement of Club Sphinx.”

“You have until morning. Get out of my sight before I change my mind.” He turned his back on Denton and walked away. He heard the squeak of the hinges as the door closed and the snick as it automatically locked. Timur dug the phone out his pocket and dialed Kirill’s number.

“Why aren’t you in Salem?” Kirill asked in clipped tones.

“There was a bit of trouble I had to take care of. I need a favor.”

“Talk to me, Timur.”

“Nothing I can’t handle. The position for a new apartment manager has come open for my building in Toronto as well as my other holdings in Ontario.”

“I’ll talk to Tucker. You want a human or a shifter?”

“My luck with mortals sucks. Make arrangements for a shifter. I need someone sooner rather than later. I’ll be leaving tomorrow night for Salem. Remind Tuck that they will be handling my personal interests as well. It must be someone I can rely on.”

“No worries, friend. Your issue will be resolved.”


“I know that tone, don’t do anything stupid.”

“It’s nothing. I need to neuter a sphinx.”

“What the hell…”

Au revoir
, my friend. I‘ll call you when we get to Salem.” He tapped the screen, cutting off the call.

Timur embraced his beast and offered up partial control to his animal. He knew the place. Its garish appearance had caught his eyes when he visited the city on business several months ago. The club was new, but the owners were obviously obnoxious, creating an exaggerated exterior that loosely resembled the pyramids of Egypt. He’d visited those structures when they were newly built. The one built to house the club was simply a gaudy, ill-conceived replica. He shouldn’t complain though, since its ugliness was what made it easy to find. He stretched his wings and took to the air.

* * * *

Spotlights crisscrossed the night, so bright they outshined the stars and made the darkness feel bleak. Timur glanced at his wrist and realized he’d lost his watch. He sighed as he pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time. He watched patrons exit the building as he settled on the opposite edifice of the triangular-shaped gold painted structure and got comfortable on the ledge. Cabs lined to pick up passengers as more folks poured out through the front double doors. Groups of people staggered to the parking lot, holding each other, while others walked down the sidewalk, arms intertwined. They were probably looking for a quiet place to hook up. If his urge to protect Ember hadn’t been riding him so hard he might have had a little fun and scared the shit out of a few folks, but tonight he had more serious business. He wasn’t giving up Ember, and any threat to him put her in danger as long as she was with him.

The spotlights went off and the exterior lights dimmed. Timur launched himself off the building and glided down into the alley behind the club. The dank stench of old food, piss, and vomit made his nose twitch. He could hear kitchen staff chatting while they cleaned up. Someone had propped the back door open. No one noticed him as he crossed the threshold. A cook called out to him as he entered the hallway that led to the dance hall and he turned to face the person, pulling his beast to the surface. His shift was imminent. He knew his features were visibly changing even as he turned to stare at the man. The club’s employee backed away, knocking things over in his haste before he turned around and ran through the doorway.

Timur rolled his shoulders and pushed through the swinging gate. When he found nothing there he backtracked into the passageway. A flicker of light caught his attention. He followed the beacon closer and placed a clawed hand on the glass inset, pushing the barrier in. A spiral staircase led down to a cellar. Standing on the landing, he listened to the men talking below him.

“I’m telling you, that guy Fortescue ain’t human. He changed…he became a monster.” The man’s voice shook as he spoke. “And the woman produced a gun out of nowhere.”

“You left them alive. They can ID you, idiot,” another person with a deeper voice countered.

“I don’t care. You want at him or his money you can wrestle with that fucker yourself.”

Timur leaned over the railing trying to get a look at the men.

A third guy spoke, his voice was smooth with a hint of an American twang. “No matter, get Denton on the phone. I’m sure by now Fortescue has made it home. We’ll give the rich boy a wake-up call and get whatever info we need to take his money before we kill him. Think about it. Had he reported the attack to the cops they’d have tracked you through Denton by now. A quick lick, home invasion gone wrong, and we can walk away from this rich. With all that money, we could live large in another country. Hell, it’d be a fresh start.”

“True,” the fellow with the deeper tone agreed.

Timur shook his head. He tightened his grip on the railing and vaulted over the banister. It was time to have a come-to-Jesus talk with these thugs. He unleashed his beast.

Gunfire erupted through the room as the fellas didn’t wait to see who invaded their space and discharged their weapons. The bullets ricocheted off Timur’s body, leaving shallow holes in his T-shirt. He scanned the room, noting the number of people in the area. He stomped toward the closest man, snatched him up, and tossed him over the chairs and tables into the other guy. They collided with a thud and tumbled to the floor.

Timur spun around looking for the third man. That guy rose up from behind the bar, an LSAT machine gun clutched in both hands. Timur unfurled his wings, jumped, and landed on the top of the bar’s smooth wood surface. A spray of bullets peppered his chest as he kicked out a clawed foot to catch the thug across the face and neck. Blood from the hood’s throat sprayed out in thick streams. He covered his wound with both hands and took a few steps before collapsing.

Timur leaped to the floor and shifted mid-step as he walked over to the two guys who were gawking at him in terror. One asshole drew a knife. Timur formed a fist and punched him in the chest as he came at him. His attacker bounced off the wall, making the drywall crumble around him as he slumped to the floor.

The last criminal dropped to his knees and started to pray. Timur reached down and jerked him up by the collar. Holding him high, he shook him like a rag doll to get his attention, and the scent of urine made Timur look down. A wet patch bloomed over the man’s crotch and seeped down the leg of his khakis. A yellow puddle formed below his dangling feet. Timur leaned in, smiling to reveal the double rows of sharp teeth filling his mouth before he grumbled. “Listen closely. If you ever come after me or mine again I will decimate you and yours. Are we clear?” Timur dropped him to his feet and dusted off his lapels. “And shut down this club. It’s an eyesore.”

Timur sauntered up the steps when a niggling at the base of his spine started. His little foray took longer than he expected and sunrise was closer than he thought. Sirens blasted through the night and he assumed the police were on their way to the club. He trotted down the hall and slipped out the way he’d come in, taking to the air as cops closed off the alleyway.

* * * *

Ember ran. She knew the monsters were after her. Every now and then she would catch them peering at her from the darkness. The streetlamps brightened and blinked out as she passed them. Her heart pounded in her chest and sweat coated her skin. She bent at her waist and gripped her knees, gulping in air. The growls forced her to rise and swing around in place. Something clawed at the sidewalk, its nails scraped on the ground as it neared. The stretch of gloom seemed to grow longer with every step she took as she ran from post to post. She jumped in place and prepared to sprint. The damn sidewalk had to end somewhere.

She edged closer to the shadows and leaned in. Vibrant orange eyes peered back at her. Whatever hid in the shadows was so close she could smell the creature’s fetid breath. Ember tumbled backward and fell on her ass. She crab-walked to the center of the circle of light and rested.
Alright…okay, so they are closer than I thought.
She scrubbed her face with her hands and rose to her feet.
Nothing beats a failure like a try
, she kept telling herself, and plowed into the darkness. Rough hands grabbed at her while nails scratched at her arms and legs. She opened her mouth to scream and suddenly something sharp dug into her shoulders and she was being lifted away…

BOOK: Stone Guardian
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