Something About Milan: A Complicated Love Story (21 page)

BOOK: Something About Milan: A Complicated Love Story
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Chapter Fifty-Seven


Where the hell is Wise? I asked, studying my phone screen for the hundredth time. I couldn’t believe that Selena’s big belly ass really came up with the bright idea to meet up with ol’ boy tonight. She may have been  crazy, but I wasn’t stupid enough to meet up with some psychopath that probably had a million tricks up his sleeve. I loved my life too much and couldn’t do anything with two pregnant bitches.

They were back at Selena’s room, waiting on me to get ready so that we could leave. I was taking my sweet time. Wise said that they were only twenty minutes away now. After they got here to calm Selena’s happy ass down, I was going to check out on Wise for not answering his phone. Anything could have happened.

This shit was too much for me. Then, Jabari’s wake was tomorrow and I hadn’t even taken the time out to mourn him. Didn’t they know that I was going through some shit too?

I let out a sigh as someone began to knock on my door. I knew it was Selena. She was just trying to rush me along because she didn’t want the boys to come back. Whatever! I kept her ass knocking, as I sat on my bed. I told them that I had to use the bathroom, so as far as I was concerned, I didn’t hear her.

Standing, I made my way to the bathroom, easing the door shut. Then I dialed Wise’s number again to see where he was at. He didn’t answer, and a call from Selena came through before I could dial him again.

“So you don’t hear me knocking?” She boomed into the phone as soon as I picked up.

“Didn’t I tell you I had to use the bathroom? No, I didn’t hear you knocking.” I shot back.

She chuckled. “Let me find out you done fell into the toilet. Hurry up, heffa’. Carter keeps calling me. I think they’re almost here and I don’t want to answer because I don’t want to have to lie to him.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m coming heffa’, bye!”

I ended the call. I didn’t trust Sasha as far as I could throw her. If ol’ boy was as dangerous as she claimed, why was she so eager to go along with the plan? She was probably just trying to get rid of me so that she could throw her loose pussy at Wise. I wasn’t going for that, even in my death. I’d find a way to come back and check out on both of their asses.

Several minutes later, I made my way out of the bathroom and down to Carter and Selena’s room. I had stalled long enough. I knew that Selena was going to be mad when she found out that I snitched on her. But she’d get over it, it was for her own good.

Selena and Sasha were waiting outside of the door for me. They were super ready. “It’s about time heffa’!” She grabbed my arm and pulled me along toward the elevators. Our room was located on the 6
floor, and I hoped that we didn’t miss Carter and Wise on the way down.

“He said meet him on 7 mile and Livernois at some restaurant. My homeboy is outside to drop us off to my car and we can be on our way. I know his family owns the place. We should be good there.” Sasha blurted out. Even her voice made my skin crawl. I hated her. She was a grimey bitch.

Selena shook her head. “Nah, that’s not good. We want him alone. He’s the problem and I’ll be damned if I sit around and allow him to hurt my man. Carter’s stubborn ass isn’t going to be satisfied until he ends up dead.”

No one got a chance to respond because as soon as we made it out of the lobby’s doors. Carter and Wise were walking in.  Carter had this look on his face as he stared at Selena. He was pissed, which told me that Wise told him what was up.

“Where the fuck you ‘bout to go?” He growled, walking toward her.

She stopped dead in her tracks. Selena was ‘bout that life, but Carter had her ass all the way in check. “Sasha had to go get something and we were just going to get some air.” She lied, and I wanted to shake my head. I wish I could have warned her that he already knew the deal. I felt bad as hell for setting my girl up for failure.

“Damn, it’s like that? Let me holla at you right quick.” She grabbed her arm and they began to walk towards the room. Selena stayed calm, careful not to show her ass and cause a scene.

“Wait, Carter. Sasha people are outside waiting on us.”

“Fuck Sasha and whoever the fuck she got waiting.” That was the last thing that we heard before they disappeared into the elevator. I looked to Wise and Wise looked at Sasha. He shrugged.

“Aye, let me get you a room or was you going with yo’ people? We good, we know who it is.”

“No, I’m staying here with y’all. I don’t trust him. All I want is to have my baby and raise it in peace.”

She just had to throw that bastard ass baby in the mix! Her ass was just playing roles. She knew more than she let on and she was using the situation to be closer to Wise. She just didn’t know, I had him on lock and the key was burnt and gone.



Wise ended up purchasing Sasha a room, then we went back to ours. As soon as we hit the door, he scooped me up, burying me in his strong arms. “Don’t be letting that girl talk you into no dumb shit like that no more.” He fussed, burying his face into the crook of my neck.

I smiled, tilting my head back. “I wasn’t going to do it. I’m not stupid. Carter got him a live wire on his hands.”

“Yeah, that shit don’t matter. In a few days, we’ll all be out of this depressing ass state. You ready for Atlanta? We need that new start.” He gripped my ass cheeks, pulling me closer. “Man, I ain’t even get a chance to hit it the way I want to yet. You know shit ain’t right.”

I just shook my head as a jolt of heat flowed through my body and went straight to my hot spot. Flashbacks of the way that Wise touched my body in the past had me more than ready to allow him to touch it again.

“Yes, I’m so ready.” I moaned, meaning it in more ways than one.

“Damn, don’t say it like that. You got my shit rock hard.” He began to carry me to the bed, as his soft lips sucked on my neck. Softly, he placed me on the bed and began to remove my clothes. My body was on fire!

Wise’s lips ran across the length of my body, leaving a trail of kisses. He landed at my hot spot and my back arched as his warm tongue connected with my clit.

“Yes daddy. Just like that,” I moaned, biting down on my bottom lip.

              He played with my love button, flicking his tongue over it. He then licked around it, making small circles before sucking it into his mouth.

              “Shit,” I screamed. He looked up at me, giving me this cocky smirk, knowing he was driving me crazy.

              “Cum on daddy tongue...Let me taste them juices baby,” Wise coached, taking his tongue and pushing it inside of my walls.

              “Yessssss,” I sang, feeling myself about to explode. I swear, Wise didn’t play fair. Before I could release, he got up from the floor and climbed onto the bed and ontop of me, sliding his rock hard tool inside. He was giving it to me with hard deep strokes, grinding his hips into me, making sure he hit my spot each time.

              “Just like that baby,” I cried out, not wanting him to change positions. He was driving me crazy!

              Ignoring me, he slowed down his pace, rolling over to his back so that I could be on top. “Don’t tell me how to fuck my pussy.” He growled, slapping my ass. “Ride this dick girl,”

I took his dick and guided it back inside of me, as I straddled him, bouncing up and down on it, taking all of him in at once.

              “Damn girl, you trying to have a nigga sprung.” Wise chuckled, as he grabbed hold of my hips, trying to slow me down. Rocking harder, I felt his body tense up and his moans got a little louder. 

              “Fuck this,” He groaned, lifting me by my hips and pulling himself out of me. “Turn over and arch that back,” He demanded, pulling my hair, as he drove himself deep inside of me. “Throw that shit back for me baby.”

              Doing as I was told, I matched his stroke, ramming my ass into his pelvis. It was like we were in competition to see who was going to tap out first. I swear, his dick hurt so good.

              A few strokes later, we both ended up coming in unison. He passed out on my back, and I fell flat to the bed. I needed that stress reliever. Wise was going to fuck around and make me pop a baby in him with the way he was fucking me!


Chapter  Fifty- Eight


The next morning, I woke up with a smile and peeled myself from Wise’s arms. After taking a shower and throwing on a fresh pair of pajamas, I made my way down to the hotel’s lobby for a cup of coffee. They had free continental breakfast, but I wasn’t hungry.

I dragged on the way back to the room. As beautiful as last night was, the realization that I had to go say my last goodbye to Jabari in a few hours hit. A knot formed in my throat. I don’t care what anyone says, that shit hurt no matter how I sliced it.

I shared a bed with that man for eight long years. He owned a piece of my heart that I think he would always have. Before he was locked up, we actually were great. Jabari had a soft spot that only I knew. Yet, it was obvious that he had an even harder spot that I never knew about.

I choked back tears as I began to pick up the pace to my room. I knew that seeing his dead body was going to really be hard on me, and there was no way in hell that I was bringing the kids.

Kayla was too young to understand, and Jabari Jr was old enough, but he really wouldn’t comprehend it either. My mother said that he's been asking for his daddy lately and I didn’t even know what to tell him.

When I slid back into the room, Wise was still asleep. So I went over to the window and continued to sip my coffee. My mind was so crowded, and all I could do was cry. I was so spaced out that I didn’t even hear Wise walk up behind me. His arms wrapping around my waist alerted me of his presence.

He kissed the back of my head as he squeezed me tightly. “Are you okay babe?”

I nodded, not wanting to speak, but I’m he could still here my sniffling

“No you not,” He turned me around to face him. “It’s okay to cry, baby. Let that shit out.”

I did. I fell into his arms and had my first real breakdown since Jabari’s death. It felt good to get it all out, and I knew that after today, I would have the closure that I needed.


The funeral home was considerably empty, which was fine by me. I had arrived twenty minutes early to view the body, just so I could have my time to say goodbye in peace. Wise offered to walk in with me, but I couldn’t allow him to do that. Jabari’s family would flip the fuck out, plus I felt it would be disrespectful.

He didn’t even look like himself. My last memory of him was going to be so tarnished. It was definitely Jabari though. The tattoo of my name was still painted on his pasty skin. The heavy make-up distorted his features, but it was him.

I touched his cold, hard hand, taking it into mine. “Damnit Jabari! I hate you for what you did to us! I hate you for what you did to our son! He loved your dumb ass, ya’ know?” Once again, tears were falling and I couldn’t control them even if I tried. “Now, he has to grow up wondering why his daddy left him! You were supposed to teach him how to be a man, how to play ball. He was supposed to come to you about his first girlfriend!”

I wiped my eyes, “I hate you. I just want you to know that… I really really hate you for making me still love you despite what you did to us! Goodbye Jabari.” I fixed my clothes and stood up straight. “I won’t let you fuck up my future. I’m letting you go and I will be praying that your soul rests in peace.” With that, I kissed his forehead, and walked out of the room. I held my head down as I walked to hide to tears.

“Did this bitch really have the nerve to show up?” I heard a ratchet voice call out.

I looked up, only to see that ratchet broad, Jamella, her bastard baby, and Jabari’s mother. I shook my head. “I’m not doing this with you. Let the man rest in peace, damn.”

“Fuck that. My fucking baby has to grow up without a father because of your dumb ass.” She shoved the baby in Jabari’s mother’s arms, advancing toward me. “Bitch, you foul as fuck!”

I tried to diffuse the situation, but I’d lay her the fuck out. My stance became defensive. I didn’t say anything. I was ready to catch her one good time.

“Y’all just stop it! Don’t do this.” Jabari’s mother yelled, stepping in front of us. “I done lost my son! Can I mourn? These kids done lost a daddy! She turned to me. “Milan, what I done did to you that you can’t bring my grandbabies. I love them kids! I may not have been the best granny, but I love my grandbabies!”

She had me feeling guilty as hell. But considering everything, everyone was suspect. I didn’t trust me or my kids being around Jabari’s people.

“Fuck her Mama Jones. This bitch had your son killed! Janarius will be without a fucking father.”

“Yeah, fuck her!” A deep rasp called out. I looked up and finally I was able to place the voice from the other night. Catfish! He was the one behind all the bullshit. I backed up a little, suddenly becoming frightened.

“Got damnit! I said stop it. Don’t start nothing up in here. Let my son rest in peace. I don’t give a damn what none of y’all say.” She turned to Jamella, “You included. My son loved this girl. So she has the right to be here! If she had a hand in his death, God will deal with her! Just disrespectful!”  She fussed, shaking her head, pointing at the door. “Please just go Milan, before these ignorant ma’fuckas make the worse day of my life worse. Just please don’t take my grandbabies from me.” She sighed, and I eased around Catfish and out of the door without even responding.

The look in Catfish’s eyes had me shook. He looked like the devil himself. I never really too much fooled with Jabari’s family outside of family gatherings that I had to attend. But, I still knew how crazy he was.

BOOK: Something About Milan: A Complicated Love Story
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