Read Sleigh Ride Together with You Online

Authors: JoAnn Durgin

Tags: #christian Fiction

Sleigh Ride Together with You (20 page)

BOOK: Sleigh Ride Together with You
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“You're pretty good at this. Tell me. Do you actually have a license to drive a sleigh?”

“Hush, and stop being so pragmatic.”

“Make me.”

Stopping the sleigh in the middle of the street, Alex's lips were warm as they settled firmly on hers. Nicole reveled in his kisses, never wanting them to stop.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked after they parted and she'd regained her equilibrium.

“Patience, Miss Reardon. You'll find out soon enough.”

A half hour later, they neared the outskirts of Starlight. After stealing more kisses and snuggling beside the man she loved, he asked her to close her eyes.

She obeyed.

“You may open them now,” he said a couple of minutes later. Anticipation filled her heart, and she loved the excitement in his voice.

“Oh, Alex! How beautiful.” Before her stood a charming white chapel, nestled in a clearing among tall balsam fir and white pine trees. She turned to him, wonder filling and expanding her soul. “This is the site of the new Starlight Soccer facility, isn't it? I haven't even been out here yet.”

“Yes. They finished the chapel earlier this week. Dante wanted it to be the first structure built on the property as a constant reminder to pray for the Lord's blessing over this project.”

“Very fitting. I love it.” Wide-eyed, Nicole breathed in the crisp air as Alex jumped to the ground and came around to her side of the sleigh. Wrapping his strong arms around her, he lifted her down from the sleigh. He stole another kiss as the snow softly blanketed the ground around them. After securing the horse's reins to the trunk of a tree and giving him carrots to nibble, Alex took her by the hand and they made their way through the snow-covered field toward the chapel.

He dug a key from the pocket of his jeans, inserted it into the lock, and swung open the door of the chapel. Stepping inside, she glanced up in awe at the colorful, stained glass window. Above an altar, it depicted a familiar scene of Jesus with children gathered around Him.

Alex closed the door and rubbed his hands together before switching on the small heater. In a matter of seconds, its warmth permeated Nicole's half-frozen limbs.

“What a special place. Thank you for bringing me here.”

“You're welcome.” Taking her hands in his, he led her to one of the white benches. They sat down, turned toward one another, knees touching. “The first thing I need to tell you is that I've been offered a new position. It's not with the network. I've prayed about it, and it's where I feel the Lord has led me. I just accepted the offer last night.”

“I see.” Nicole swallowed her confusion and tried to control her breathing. What could this mean? He hadn't even hinted of such a thing during their e-mails or many phone or Skype conversations. Maybe this was the kind of news that needed to be delivered in person. “Of course, you need to follow His will. That's what's most important. And even though I realize it's just geography, please promise me this position is somewhere in the continental United States.”

“Yes, sweetheart.” His smile was wide and inviting. “It's actually right here. In Starlight.”

She met his beautiful green eyes and gulped. Did she hear him correctly? “Starlight?”

“You don't know how difficult it's been not to say anything to you. It's one of the biggest secrets I've ever had to keep. Dante's offered me the position of marketing director for Starlight Soccer. I'm going to wrap up everything in New York, and I plan on being settled here in Starlight by the beginning of February.”

“Seriously? Oh, Alex, I can't believe it!” Wrapping her arms around his neck, Nicole hugged him, scarcely able to comprehend his words.

“There's more,” he said, chuckling as she peppered his face with light kisses. “Trust me. You'll want to hear this.”

“What more could there be? This is fabulous news!”

“Dante's given me the authority to offer you the position of communications director for Starlight Soccer. I happen to think you'd be very good at it. I mean, since you turned down a national network deal, I figured you might be willing to consider this opportunity. Of course, you'd have to put up with me hanging around all the time.”

That announcement stunned her speechless.

“The position also comes with some pretty big strings attached.”

“Strings?” she said, finally finding her voice.

Alex pulled his gloves from both hands and then proceeded to do the same with hers. Silently, she watched him with wide eyes, and her heart pounded out of control.

He slid off the bench, and balanced on one knee in front of her as he pulled out a small, blue velvet jeweler's box.

“I love you, Nicole, and I want you beside me always. Will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?” He opened the lid of the box and Nicole gasped at the sparkling, marquise-cut diamond nestled inside. “If you want a different style of ring—”

“Alex, that doesn't matter. It's absolutely beautiful, and I love you. If I have to marry you to get the job as Dante's communications director, then I guess that's what I'll have to do. You drive a hard bargain.”

He slid the ring on her finger and then kissed her again.

At length, they parted. “Forgive me for asking, but this decision of yours had nothing to do with the fact that I'd already decided to move here, did it?” She smoothed his hair since she'd mussed it a bit by running her fingers through it more than a few times.

“Not at all,” he said, chuckling under his breath. “I've been talking with Dante ever since I went back to New York.”

“So, we both chose Starlight.”

He nodded and his eyes, so filled with love, swelled her heart. “If you ask me, it was another way the Lord cemented in my mind that we're meant to be together.” Alex dropped soft kisses on her neck before stopping and releasing a long breath. “Dante and Amanda have agreed to give me the use of their guest house until such time as you become my bride.”

Nicole shook her head, feeling lightheaded from it all. “I didn't realize they have a guest house.”

“They don't yet, but they will in about three months. Until then, I'll be taking up residence in one of their guest bedrooms.”

“Not too shabby for a cameraman,” she said. “Now I know why Ben and Caroline tried hard to dissuade me from buying a house. They knew you were coming, didn't they?”

Alex's grin gave her the answer. “Yes. They knew.”

She laughed. This explained so much. “Did Colin know, too?”

His grin grew wider.

She mock frowned. “Tell me. Does the entire town of Starlight know?”

“No,” he said, laughing. “Only half of them. Maybe more. Not sure. Does it really matter? I knew you wanted to move here, Nicole. Maybe even before you did. It was something you said on the night of the Starlight Mistletoe Dance.”

She raised a brow. “What did I say?”

“When we were dancing, you asked me what I thought of—and I quote—‘my Starlight.'”

“You have to admit, this town has a way of settling in your heart. But I can't make an abrupt departure from
Wake Up, Des Moines!
That wouldn't be fair. I'll need some time to make the transition.”

“Of course,” Alex readily agreed. “I understand that, and I'm sure Dante will, too. Maybe you can even work out an arrangement to do special Starlight segments.”

“That's an excellent idea. You know,” she said, pulling him closer by the collar of his jacket. “You're very smart for a network executive.”

“Ex network executive. Almost.” He laughed and then took both her hands in his, running one finger over the gorgeous diamond ring. “I'm thinking we can marry right here in the chapel, if you'd like. Whenever you say.”

Nicole glanced around the lovely chapel. “Not many can squeeze in here, so we might need to have the ceremony at the church. We could come back here for the reception, if the facility is built by then, or I imagine we can probably talk Amanda and Dante into using the great room in their house.”

“Wherever and whenever is fine by me,” Alex said, his voice growing husky as he leaned in for another kiss, this one long and deep. “The sooner the better.” Taking her by the hand, he helped Nicole to her feet.

“I'm sure Ben and Caroline are getting tired of me living with them. I'm thinking another six months might be their limit.”

“We have plenty of time to work out the details, my love. If you want me to ask Ben for his permission to marry you, I will. Unless there's someone else I should ask.”

They glanced at one another and said “Colin” in unison.

Alex chuckled and shook his head. “I'll ask them both. Just know that after the wedding reception, I'm planning on whisking you away to a very special honeymoon destination.”

Nicole cupped his jaw with one hand. “I don't care where we go. As long as we're together.”

He raised a brow. “Well, that is the general idea for a honeymoon. Don't speak too soon, though. Where's the one place you've always wanted to go?”

Her eyes lit and her pulse accelerated. “Does it involve mountains?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact. How does a private chalet in the Swiss Alps sound?”

She tamped down the urge to squeal. “Perfect, as long as you're there.”

“Want to know what I'd like to do now?” Alex asked as he covered her with the warm wool blanket a few minutes later. When the horse began pulling the sleigh, the jingle bells pealed across the quiet landscape.

“Haven't a clue.” She tucked her arm through his and leaned her head on his shoulder, loving the moment, loving this man.

“I want to go see your mother and tell her our news.”

Tears filled Nicole's eyes. Halting the horse, Alex turned to her. “I'm sorry, sweetheart. Did I say something wrong?”

She shook her head and sniffled. “No. Not at all. These are happy tears. You couldn't have said anything I love more.”

“God's plans are so far beyond what our finite minds can imagine. Just look how He's worked everything out.”

“I look forward to finding out what He's planning for the rest of our lives.”

“As long as our future includes building a house in Starlight, at least one hockey playing son and one daughter who looks just like her beautiful mother, then I'm good. I love you, Nicole.”

“I love you, too, Alex. But we might need to negotiate on the hockey.” She giggled as he pulled her close, murmuring sweet nothings. “Tell me, how do you feel about soccer?”

Alex's laughter filled her soul, the same as it would for the rest of their lives.

Thank you, Lord. I'm right where I need to be. I'm home.


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