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Authors: Laurence Dahners

Six Bits (27 page)

BOOK: Six Bits
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Trying not to gape, Keith looked up at her grin, then out at the crowd.

He realized that the intermittent noise he’d been hearing came from all those people roaring “Eva… Eva… Eva…”

Somehow, as the song faded to a close, she’d managed to fade to the back of the stage.

By the time the last notes died away, she was gone.

No one saw where she went.


Later, Keith would remember that night as magical. To himself, he would wonder with embarrassment how he could have invited one of the world’s most famous musicians, someone who filled
with adoring fans, up onto the stage of the Piña Colada Bar to play a set with the Sons of Beaches… and not even known who she was.

Most of the time, he didn’t let on. When people asked him about it, he’d just frown and say, “Of course I knew…”


The End


Inspired by the urban myth that a vicar, not knowing who Eric Clapton was, but seeing that he owned several guitars, invited him to play at church—giving him several weeks to practice up before he did it.






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I would like to acknowledge the editing and advice of Nora Dahners, Gail Gilman, Elene Trull, Mike Alsobrook, Philip Lawrence, Kat Lind, and Abiola Streete, each of whom significantly improved these stories.

Table of Contents







The End


BOOK: Six Bits
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