Silas (Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Desired by a Dragon Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Silas (Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Desired by a Dragon Book 1)
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Chapter 6

iolet’s coconut
scent was more potent than it had been earlier. Images of her lathering the sweet scented lotion across her smooth skin had my cock stiffening in my pants. Even the way she sipped from her Styrofoam cup had thoughts normally reserved for between the sheets surging through my mind. There was something about this woman that was driving me to the brink of insanity and I loved it.

Her blue eyes locked with mine and I noticed a sense of awkwardness pooling in their depths. “So.”

She was obviously expecting me to start up a conversation, but all I could do was stare at her. There was something bewitching about her. It wasn’t just her scent that had me captivated, it was her in general.

“So.” I took a sip of my coffee and sidestepped the mail box jutting into the sidewalk. I’d decided to give her a walking tour of the town. There were too many prying eyes in the coffee shop, and in all honesty, the sexual tension I felt from being this close to her needed an outlet. Walking was better than nothing. It helped to ease things a little. “How long have you cut hair for?”

“A few years.”

“Did you always know that’s what you wanted to do?”

“Sort of. Even when I was little I wanted to be a stylist, only back then it was for all the hottest movie stars.” She chuckled as though the thought was comical to her now.

“Why are you laughing? You’re good. The dream is still possible.”

She wrinkled her nose and shook her head. It was quite possibly the cutest thing I’d ever seen a woman do. “I’m not that good. Cutting a man’s hair isn’t difficult.”

“Well, according to Mrs. Dixon, you’re the best stylist, aside from Camille, Willow Vale has ever seen.” I grinned.

“Ah, that Mrs. Dixon. She’s a sweet one.” She took another sip from her coffee and resumed glancing around.

“Have you been in there yet?” I pointed to the bakery on the corner.

“No. Not yet. Are they good?”

“Very. Best cupcakes in town.”

Her head tipped to the side. “You like cupcakes?”

“Doesn’t everyone?”

She shrugged a bare shoulder, drawing my attention to the smooth skin she had on display once more. The little black dress she wore was spectacular, and the fact that she’d left her hair down was even more so. It was thicker than I’d thought it would be, longer too. I wanted nothing more than to grab a fist full while taking her from behind. My cock twitched at the thought as she said, “I guess. You just don’t seem like the type of guy who eats sweets,” while skimming her eyes over me.

“Why do you say that?” I hoped the next words that fell from her sweet mouth would be something in relation to my body. I wasn’t arrogant, but knowing she’d thought of what lied beneath my clothes did things to me that I enjoyed.

“Well, because you’re so fit.” Her free hand gestured along the length of my body in a simple movement, but it was the blush sweeping across her cheeks that let me know there was more to what she’d said.

“And because of this, you think I don’t enjoy sweets?” Words formed in my mind that I knew would make her jaw slack, but I said them anyway. “I enjoy a little sweetness on the tip of my tongue more than you might imagine.” The words came out in a low growl, which I hadn’t intended, but from the look flashing through her eyes I was glad. I caught sight of a shiver slipping through her and felt satisfaction because of it.

There was something between us. She couldn’t deny it. She wanted me as badly as I wanted her. I could sense it.

Violet licked her lips, drawing my attention to them. The scent of her arousal saturated the air around us, driving me wild inside. The sudden urge to drag her against my chest and taste her lips twisted through me. I knew they’d be sweet. Hell, who was I kidding. I knew every part of this woman would taste sweet.

“Silas, what’s up?” a familiar voice called. I hadn’t realized we’d stopped walking, but we had. Locked in a lover’s stare we stood in the middle of the sidewalk, taking up space like decorations.

I glanced up and spotted my brother, Sebastian. He was the middle child of our trio.

“Hey,” I answered him, noticing Violet shift on her feet and take a long sip from her coffee as he continued toward us.

Jealousy reared its ugly head and I couldn’t help but wonder if she thought he was attractive.

I placed a hand along the small of her back, pulling her attention back to me as I introduced her to my brother. The fact that she didn’t flinch or stiffen under my touch was not lost on me. “This is Violet. She moved into the rental place beside mine recently. Violet, this is my younger brother, Sebastian.”

“Oh, hi. It’s nice to meet you,” Violet said, sounding surprised. I wasn’t sure why, because there were some distinct similarities between my siblings and I. Our crazy bronze eye color being one of them.

I cut my gaze to Sebastian, taking in his response to Violet. The way his eyes skimmed over her in a predatory way didn’t make me happy. Could he not see my hand on her? Wasn’t it obvious she was spoken for by me?

“Pleasure is all mine.” Sebastian’s voice oozed with a certain amount of charm I knew he used often.

My little brother was a ladies’ man, but he needed to realize this lady wasn’t his to screw around with. Violet was mine. I’d already decided as much.

I made a mental note to have a chat with him later about this.

“We should probably get going. See you later, Sebastian.” I gave him a short nod as I gently pushed against the small of Violet’s back.

“Sure, yeah. I’ll see around.” Realization seemed to be dawning on him. “Have a good night.”

“He seemed nice. I should have known he was your brother when he walked up, since you both look so much alike. How much of an age difference is there between you?” Violet asked as we walked away.

“Three years.” I swept my eyes from side to side, not only searching for points of interest to mention, but also for anyone who might be staring at Violet the way Sebastian had—as though she was primed and ready for the taking. There were a few, but no one I was worried about. “Now let’s see what else I can point out to you.”

Taking a chance, I removed my hand from the small of her back and reached for her hand instead. I interlaced my fingers through hers, and realized it felt more natural than I thought it would. Violet glanced at our clasped hands, but didn’t pull away. In fact, I thought I noticed a smile twist onto her face before she turned her head in the other direction.

“What’s that?” She pointed to Stamey’s.

“It’s a little mom and pop grocery store.”

She wrinkled her nose like she had earlier, and I fought the urge to kiss it before traveling to her full set of lips. “Like a family-owned grocery store?”

“Exactly.” I took a sip of my coffee to distract myself from thoughts of kissing her. “Their selection sucks.”

“Well, that was a bold thing to say.” She laughed.

“I’m only being honest. I told you I’d give you a tour of the town, but I never said it would be a sugarcoated one.” I winked and caught a flush of color sweeping across her exposed neckline and up her cheeks. I wondered if she knew how tempting she looked when she did that.

“I like honest. Honest is good.” She shifted her gaze to look straight ahead all too quickly, but there was something in her tone that had me believing honesty was a value high on her list of relationship qualities.

This could be a problem.

Shifters were a well-kept secret, for the most part, and revealing my dragon nature wouldn’t be the easiest thing to do. I knew this from personal experience. The one time I had, the woman tried to kill me.

My gaze skimmed over Violet, taking in her tiny stature as I tried to decide whether she could be a potential threat. This did me no good, though, because I’d been known to underestimate before.

Vanessa was a prime example of that.

Chapter 7

he air was
cool against my bare skin as I walked with Silas toward my house. While I was glad the coffee thing was over, because it meant the large knots in the pit of my stomach could finally ease up, I was sad too. My time with him had been nice. The coffee was good. The walk through town was wonderful. I didn’t want the night to end, but didn’t know how I could drag it out either. There was something about the way he looked at me that had me feeling as though I was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen that, and I couldn’t get enough of it. I felt wanted and desired, two things I’d been lacking in my marriage.

“Thanks for tonight.” We'd reached the steps of my porch and thanking him seemed like something I should say. “I had fun.”

“Me too.” He flashed me the same charming smile I’d seen on him before, and I felt my cheeks heat this time instead of instantly thinking he was trouble.

“We should do this again sometime,” I suggested like a moron. We couldn’t have a night like this again. Coffee, sure. But not the tour of the town. What more was there to see? The creepy swamps? There was no way in hell I was stepping foot in there. I’d already decided that, even before hearing Camille’s strange story about Mr. Dixon.

“We should.” Silas’s eyes centered on my mouth and I felt my heartrate spike because of it. I’d never wanted to be kissed so badly in my entire life. This guy made me feel like a horny teenager all over again. Even holding his hand earlier had been exciting.

Maybe my sister was right, maybe it was time I found myself a rebound guy to erase all traces of Jackson from my body and mind. And if there was any man who held the power to do that, it was definitely Silas LeFroy .

I didn’t have time to think on the subject much longer, because he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me flush against his chest before pressing his mouth to mine. All sense of thought left me at the feel of his warm lips moving across mine. My hands gripped his biceps before smoothing along his shoulders to slope downward toward the dips and valleys of the chiseled abs I’d been dying to touch since first seeing him. His tongue skimmed across my bottom lip as though he were searching for a point of entrance. Releasing a breath, I opened my mouth to allow him the access he seemed to crave.

His tongue slipped across mine in a way no other man’s ever had as he wasted no time showing me what he’d had in mind with the action. A jolt of pleasure surged through me, starting in my lower belly and spreading outward. His fingers entwined their way through my hair as he grabbed big fistfuls. A low growl released from somewhere deep inside his chest as his body urged mine backward until I was pressed between the smooth wood of my front door and his rock hard body.

My breathing became fast and shallow as Silas’s lips left mine in favor of skimming down my neck until he reached the hollow of my throat. A moan soared from me, sounding like a mixture of ecstasy and torture, as his hand reached up to cup my breast as his lips moved back to work across mine.

I hadn’t been touched like this in so long I’d forgotten how good it could feel.

The hardness of his erection pressed against my stomach and without thinking, my hand reached down to cup and knead along it. He hiked the hem of my dress up as his warm hand inched its way toward my throbbing center. I about died when he nipped at my bottom lip and dragged it between his teeth. The upper part of my back pressed against the wood of my front door harder as I used its stability to buck my hips forward. I wanted more. I wanted all of him.

Right now.

My fingertips gathered his shirt into my hands, working it free from his slacks. I couldn’t wait to explore his gorgeous chest and the six pack abs of his I’d witnessed the first day I met him. His hands smoothed along the curve of my ass as he dropped his mouth to lick and nibble along my throat. Goose bumps erupted over my body as a low moan escaped me. I spread my thighs wider, allowing him better access to my most sensitive areas. His fingers took the hint almost instantly as he stroked along my silken panties, paying extra close attention to my pulsating clit.

“We’re outside… on my porch,” I panted.

“I don’t care.”

He might not, but I did.

“Anyone can see us, even your sister,” I added breathlessly.

“Unlock your door then, let’s take this inside.” He spun me around to face the door, but didn’t allow me time to find a way to stop what we had already started. His lips and tongue made their way along my neck as he continued to work my clit from behind.

I inserted my key in the door while trying my best not to pant like an overheated puppy. It had been so long since I’d been touched by a man that I was teetering over the edge of coming against his hand right now. Thankfully, he pulled away and twisted the knob once I unlocked it. His solid body pressed against me from behind as he forced me forward through the door and into my house.

My couch was only a few feet away, and we tumbled onto it. He tipped my hips until my ass was in the air and spread my knees apart so that he could fit between them. I bit my bottom lip as my face heated from the new position. Jackson had never wanted to do anything like take me from behind. He had been a one position kind of man, and that position was him on top bumping his beer gut against my stomach while he grinded his pelvis against mine and thought he was God’s gift.

Silas lifted my dress until it bunched around my waist and slipped his thumbs into the waistband of my panties, pulling my thoughts away from Jackson and back to the situation at hand. He pulled my panties down and off my legs to toss them onto my coffee table. The sensation of something warm and moist against my throbbing center had me looking over my shoulder. Once I realized it was Silas’s tongue all the breath left my lungs, coming out in a hiss of pure pleasure. I’d allowed a man to go down on me a handful of times, but never had it been from behind like this.

His tongue was skillful and masterful as he licked. I arched my back to lift my hips upward so that he could have better access. The moment he slipped two fingers inside of me, I buried my face into a throw pillow and let out a loud moan. I heard him swear under his breath as he thrust his fingers in and out of me, faster and harder, making my entire body tingle as my climax built. My breath came out in a gasp and then a moan. I hadn’t intended for the sound to escape me, but the things he was doing were incredible. My hips moved in time with the thrusts of his fingers as my moans grew louder. I arched my back so that he could go deeper and have better access to my swollen clit. A groan rumbled free from his chest as his teeth sank into my hip. The jolt of sudden pain mixed with the spell of pleasure I was under was enough to send my climax rippling through me. My muscles clenched and released around his fingers as I panted and gasped while the waves of ecstasy traveled through me.

Silas flicked his tongue once more over my sensitive center before the sound of a zipper being undone echoed through the silence of my house. I knew exactly what he was doing and my mouth went dry at the thought of him inside me. Without any warning, he grabbed my hips and inch by incredible inch pushed himself inside of me. Had I of not been on the pill, I would have worried.

“Oh God!” I shouted, unable to stop myself.

He pulled out slowly and pushed back in. “You feel so good.”

Silas worked his hips in a slow pace at first, then gradually built to the point of him tunneling in and out of me rapidly. I raised my hips to meet with his thrusts and heard a satisfied groan rumble from his chest. His hands curved over my hips as he picked up his pace. Heat rushed across my skin, making me feel sticky with passion. His lips grazed along my spine, followed by the sensation of his tongue licking and sucking his way to my shoulder as he continued to pound into me from behind. The motion had my breath coming in quick pants as he pushed me closer and closer to another climax.

Once I lost the ability to think at all he took me harder, gripping my thighs as he plummeted into me. I pressed against him more, using my knees to gain the leverage to do so, wanting to feel him deeper inside me. A deep moan fluttered past my lips when his hand moved to my chest. He teased my nipple and cupped my breast while continuing his rhythm. Another explosion of pleasure rocketed through my body as I clawed at the fabric of my couch. Silas’s body tensed against mine at the same instant, and he let out a low groan that made goose bumps erupt across my skin. His pleasure poured into me.

He kissed the nape of my neck before slowly pulling himself out of me, and my mouth curved into a smile from the sweet gesture and the sense of complete satisfaction coursing through me. Before we could catch our breath, the sound of a cell phone ring echoed around us.

We both ignored it, but after a second time, it became distracting enough to force us apart. Silas kissed my shoulder before leaving me on the couch, breathless and numb. I watched him as he scooped up his slacks from the floor and pulled his cell from his pocket. A sound dinged from it. Either the person had left a voicemail, or they’d sent a text. From the look of worry creasing his brow, I was betting it was the latter.

“I hate to, but I need to go.” His words hit me like daggers. “That was an important call I should have answered.”

The sting of rejection burned across my cheeks and caused a lump to form in my throat. “Okay. Yeah, sure. No problem. Thanks for, um, tonight.” I pressed my lips together, hoping I didn’t look as upset as I felt.

That had been the best sex of my life, and here he was, ready to bail at the drop of a hat.

“I really do hate to leave you right now. I had a nice time tonight.” His voice was caught somewhere between panic and desperation. It threw me off and snuffed out my building anger.

Maybe the call had been something important.

It didn’t matter, anyway. I wasn’t supposed to get involved with anyone. There hadn’t been enough time since my divorce and meeting Silas for this to go anywhere. He was a rebound.

God, I’d told Casey hours before I wasn’t the rebound kind of girl and I’d meant it. Never had I been that woman.

Until now.

“I had a nice time tonight too.” I struggled to form even a small smile, because what I was thinking and what I was feeling were two very different things. I didn’t want him to go, but knew it was for the best if he did. Even though the sex had been hotter than hell, it shouldn’t have happened.

“We should make plans to have dinner together sometime.” Another text came through on his cell. His eyes dipped to it. Whoever it was had his undivided attention now.

Even though I tried to make my facial expression as neutral as possible, he seemed to see right through it, because in the next instant he was moving toward me again. He cupped my face between his warm hands and leaned in to stroke his lips against mine in a tender way that had my libido sparking to life again.

My entire body responded to the kiss. I laced my fingers through his silky smooth locks and pinned him right where I wanted him to remain. My grip didn’t last, though. When he pulled away this time, it wasn’t because of a call or text, it was because we both desperately needed to come up for air.

There was something intoxicating about Silas. He had me ready for anything he might ask with one look or a simple brush of his lips against mine. It was unreal. My body quivered, eager for more as I watched the same hunger enlarge his pupils and swirl through his golden eyes.

“You have no idea how hard it is for me to walk away from you right now,” he said in a low timbre that toyed with my racing hormones.

My stomach clenched as a craving to have him again rushed through me. I was hopeless.

“Then don’t.” I couldn’t believe the words had fallen from my mouth. Sure, I’d thought them, but I never intended to say them. They were too bold and very unlike me. I’d never said what I wanted in situations like this before. But it felt good to.

If the words hadn’t made me feel powerful and sexy, then the heat flickering through Silas’s eyes from hearing them sure as hell did. It was clear to see that I’d turned him on. The ghost of a smile twisted at the corners of my lips because this was a first for me. I couldn’t remember a time when I’d said something so brazen and sexy, so forward to a man, and managed to turn him on.

His cell rang again, and I knew from the look in his eyes I wouldn’t win against whoever was on the other line. Maybe it wasn’t fair of me, but I reached out for him and pulled him toward me to crush my lips against his once more, hoping to stain my lips with the taste of him before ending the night for good. His tongue was quick to dip into my mouth and take control of the kiss away from me. I allowed him, enjoying the adrenaline rush bursting through me from my bold move. However, I was the one to break us apart this time. It needed to be me. Rejection had become too much of a familiar feeling for me in the past and I didn’t want to end another night treading water in its ocean again.

“Good night, Silas.”

“Good night, Violet.” He pulled on his pants and then started toward my door.

I remained where I was, allowing myself to sink further into the cushions of my couch. The sound of my front door clicking closed made its way to my ears and I released a long sigh. Lust continued to pulse through me and I decided to make my way upstairs. A hot bath and some one-on-one time with my thoughts was exactly what I needed.

BOOK: Silas (Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Desired by a Dragon Book 1)
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