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Authors: Samantha Ann King

Sharing Hailey (9 page)

BOOK: Sharing Hailey
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“So you know about that too.”

“I know that when my sister puts on her ditzy blonde act, she’s not serious about the recipient of her attentions.”

“What about Mark?”

“He is the odd man out, isn’t he?”

Mark hadn’t been the odd man out last night while they were making love.

Landon interrupted. “How’s this for a plan? The five of us leave the old married, pregnant couple at home. Nikki will be happy that I’m going out. Jake will be happy that Nikki’s spending a quiet evening at home. You and Mark and Tony will be happy to stop pretending you’re ‘just friends’ for a few hours.”

“That could be fun,” she said. “But what about you and Meredith? Doesn’t sound like there’s much in it for y’all.”

He drawled, “Well, if you ever need a fourth…”

Shocked, she about wrenched her neck as she twisted to see his expression. He had to be joking.

His wicked grin surprised her, but not as much as his next words. “Hey, you’re hot.”

She rolled her eyes. “Seriously.”

“If Nikki’s happy, I’m happy.” He paused. “Meredith, well, she’s a little more complex. I haven’t figured out what makes her happy. I don’t think she has either. And Hailey, you
hot. And the fact that you don’t know it just makes you that much hotter.”

Chapter Eight


For the first time since leaving Albuquerque, Hailey was applying makeup. Tony and Mark had agreed with Landon’s proposed outing. The five of them were going to a bar on Ali’i in the heart of the Kailua tourist district. Although she’d been to bars with Tony and Mark before, this time was different. Officially, it was a date with Landon. But in reality it was her first date with Tony and Mark.

There hadn’t been a chance to talk to Tony alone at Kealakekua, but tonight she’d find out if he was still okay with their threesome. She was going to make it damn hard for him to turn his back on their relationship. She was wearing a short denim skirt and a lacy red thong. Hopefully they’d get that far tonight. It all depended on Tony. The neckline of her white cotton shirt was cut straight across the front but draped to her hips in back, leaving plenty of bare skin for touching. Her hair brushed her skin about midback, and she imagined Tony and Mark’s hands touching her possessively just below it at the small of her back.

The fuck-me strappy red stiletto sandals that tied at the ankles were the pièce de résistance
She’d been thinking of Mark and Tony when she’d debated buying them. Daniel didn’t like it when she wore shoes that made them the same height. But with Tony and Mark, the five-inch heels left her a couple of inches shorter than them. They’d been sitting in her closet for six months, and this was their first night out.

When she entered the great room, Tony, Mark and Landon were sitting at the breakfast bar. Mark and Tony were dressed in blue jeans, black T-shirts and sandals. Landon was wearing a royal blue T-shirt that brought out the blue of his eyes. All three stood. Mark and Landon eyed her appreciatively.

. You look great, Hailey,” Landon said.

“She always does,” Mark said as he looked her up and down.

Tony turned his back on her almost immediately.

Her heart sank to her toes. What was that about? Was it last night? Was he playing a role, trying to throw off Jake? Didn’t matter. Her stomach twisted painfully.

Jake and Nikki were sitting on the sofa, Nikki’s feet in Jake’s lap as he massaged them.

“Where’s Meredith?” Hailey asked.

Meredith came up the stairs in a tiny, tight white dress that complemented her blond hair and tan. “Right here. I’m so sorry you had to wait on me,” she cooed. “I just couldn’t decide what to wear.”

It only took Tony a few seconds to cross the room to her side, flashing his dimples. “I’d say you made the right choice.”

Hailey’s heart sank further.

Meredith had also chosen fuck-me shoes—gold, six-inch heels. Still, she was petite, not coming to the chin of any of the men. Hailey suddenly regretted her stilettos. In comparison to Meredith, she was the Jolly Green Giant.

She felt a hand at the small of her back, but it wasn’t Mark’s or Tony’s. It was Landon’s.

“Hey,” he whispered. “It’s an act. Chill.”

Hailey took a deep breath, slowly released it then smiled up at Landon. “Thanks.” She hoped he was right.

He raised his voice so everyone else could hear him. “Let’s get out of here.”

The good-nights to Jake and Nikki were loud and drawn out, but the five singles finally made it to the SUV. Tony was the DD, and Meredith sat in front with him. Hailey sat between Mark and Landon in back. Mark draped his arm over the back seat and slipped his hand under the fabric at her shoulder, tracing some undecipherable pattern on her bare skin with his finger.

Twenty minutes later, they were crowded around a white plastic table at the open-air club a few feet from the band and overlooking the dark ocean. The night breeze off the water was cool. Meredith sat on the other side of the table from Hailey between Landon and Mark. Hailey was between Mark and Tony. Landon sat to Tony’s right.

As they waited for their drinks, Tony lowered his head to hers. “Let’s dance.”

The dance floor was sand, so she bent over to untie the straps around her ankles, making certain that Tony had an unobstructed view of her thigh bared almost to her thong. She peeked up at him as she slipped off her shoes to see the results of her efforts.

His eyes were right where she wanted them.

She straightened and stood, smoothing her hands down her skirt. Tony had already kicked off his sandals, but he was slow to join her, his eyes still fixed to the edge of her skirt. When he finally disengaged his gaze, he grabbed her hand and led her through the tables to the small dance floor. It was still early, so there weren’t many dancers. Tony put both hands on her hips and pulled her close. The sand was cool beneath her feet. She rested her hands on his shoulders and let his hips and hands lead her as they began moving to a slow rendition of “Sway.”

When they were in sync, she stood on tiptoe and spoke softly against his ear. “Are we okay?”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“All three of us?”

“Yeah.” One hand slid over her hips to her lower back. He splayed his fingers, right where she’d imagined them against her bare skin. His lips caressed her jaw. “You could have worn more clothes, though.”

Not likely
. “I wasn’t taking any chances on you leaving us, especially with Miss Petite and Pretty hanging all over you.” His scent drew her closer, tempting her to taste him. Just a flick of her tongue against the ridge of his throat. She wished they were alone.

Tony’s leg slipped between hers so his quad pressed against her clit and her hip rubbed his cock. “We had a talk on the way to Kealakekua. She convinced me of the wisdom of feigning interest.”

Hailey was surprised. “She told you about Nikki?”

He lifted his head and narrowed his gorgeous eyes. “Nikki?”

tell you about Nikki?”

“No. She just wanted to keep things cool with Jake.”

Her concentration was just about shot as the pleasure growing in her groin demanded her attention. Her toes curled in the sand as they moved.

“Hailey, what’s going on with Nikki?”

She licked her lips, trying to focus on his question without violating Meredith’s trust. The fullness between her legs wasn’t helping. “I’m not sure.”

He maneuvered until his thigh slipped from between her legs. “Does that help?”

“No,” she snapped breathlessly, trying to reposition herself so she could resume the friction she craved, but Tony held her hips where he wanted them—away from him.

“Maybe I need to talk with Meredith,” he suggested.

“You’d probably have better luck getting information from her than I did.”

“Give me something to work with, sunshine.”

She sighed. If he was back to calling her sunshine, everything was truly all right. That was good, but she still couldn’t tell him what he wanted to know, which wasn’t much. “I promised Meredith I wouldn’t say anything.”

Tony sighed. “I’ll see what I can get out of her.”

“She’s going to be really mad that I tipped you off.”

“I’ll try to keep your name out of it.”

“I’d appreciate that.”

He nodded toward their table. “Our drinks are waiting.” Skimming his fingers down the inside of her arm to her palm, he led her back to the table. He held her chair out for her, and after she was settled he leaned over the table to Meredith. “How about a dance, Meredith?”

She smiled. “You sure you want to waste your time on me?”

“Dancing’s never a waste of time,” he said as he held out a hand for her.

Hailey gulped her mai tai as she checked out the crowd. It was an older bunch—on average ten to twenty years older than she was. Meredith probably felt like a baby. Didn’t matter. A lot of the men’s eyes were on her as she danced with Tony. Of course, the women near the dance floor were watching Tony. Some of the men as well. Mark and Landon were also receiving covetous looks from women near their table.

Hailey leaned toward Landon. “Meredith’s going to be busy tonight when these men realize she’s unattached.”

“A lot of them are going to be disappointed when they realize you’re taken,” he replied.

“So how do you feel about older women?”

He shrugged. “Don’t know. Never had one.”

“Well, you could try one tonight. You’re attracting a lot of attention.”

“I think I’ll just drink and enjoy the band.”

“Do you dance?”

He grimaced. “Not if I can help it.”

Mark’s hand slipped under her hair and rested on the nape of her neck. When Hailey smile at him, he nodded toward the dance floor. “Looks like they might be having a disagreement.”

Hailey turned her attention to Tony and Meredith. Meredith’s smile and movements were stiff. Tony was frowning.

They must be discussing Nikki. Well, nothing she could do to help that situation, so she focused on Mark. “Tony told me he’s okay with last night.”

Mark nodded. “Yeah. We talked about it. Since neither one of us has had—” he cleared his throat and moved closer to her, lowering his voice, “—those kinds of feelings for each other, he realizes it was just a blip on the screen. He’s good.” He leaned over so his lips brushed her ear. “We’ll prove it tonight.”

Her heart raced at the thought, and her body melted. She relaxed in her chair, content to listen to the band and fantasize about what Mark and Tony would be doing to her in a few hours.

At the end of the song, when the band took a break, Meredith and Tony rejoined them. Meredith appeared more relaxed, and Tony seemed satisfied. Did that mean he’d gotten answers?

They talked until the band returned. As soon as the group launched into Def Leppard’s “Pour Some Sugar on Me,” the crowd roared and flooded the dance floor.

Meredith popped up. “Let’s go.”

Hailey was right behind her. She couldn’t sit still during a Def Leppard tune. They danced together. When Meredith wasn’t arguing with Tony, she was a great dancer. Her movements looked natural, not like she was trying too hard. She was sexy without going over-the-top.

Hailey focused on the music and let the bass vibrate through her, hoping she looked half as good as Meredith. She already had a buzz from the liquor and had loosened up enough that she didn’t really care. She just felt free. The lyrics rocked her hips. Lifting her arms above her head, she spun in the sand. Other dancers jostled her, and she and Meredith were close enough that their hips touched and moved together.

Hands spanned her waist and she spun around to find Mark grinning down at her. He nestled his hips against hers and they moved in sync, grinding to the beat, his denim jeans rubbing against her thighs. Tony joined in behind her, his hands skimming her ribs, teasing the sides of her breasts. She lifted her arms and reached for his head, arching her back. The three of them moved together on the dance floor as naturally as they did during sex. Mark’s lips pressed to her throat as Tony’s hands slipped along the skin exposed at the back of her shirt before slipping underneath.

The sexual tension that had been building in her all day took over. Tony’s thumbs slid up and down her spine as his palms grazed her sides. His fingertips brushed the bare skin of her breasts beneath her shirt. She rode Mark’s thigh as she’d ridden Tony’s earlier, but Mark wasn’t backing away. Her cunt was swollen. The crotch of her thong was wet. Her clit pulsed with the bass.

All thoughts evaporated. Prudence and caution abandoned her. Only feeling mattered. She went with it, closing her eyes and focusing on the decadent pleasure growing and coiling in her sex. She stopped dancing, sandwiched between Tony and Mark, who moved her with the pounding rhythm of the song. The dance floor and the crowd disappeared. Only the three of them existed.

When the music stopped, Tony’s hands were at her waist, Mark’s at her hips, swaying to the rhythm inside them.

“I love the look on your face right now,” Mark said against her lips before lifting his head. His sexy smile was almost her undoing.

She wondered how much longer they had to stay here. She was ready for both of them. Now.

Mark’s grin widened, and he raised his eyebrows as if he knew what she was thinking. He leaned into her and said in a low voice, “Just imagine how Tony and I feel. You’re gonna have to walk in front of us until we deflate.”

Landon’s low voice interrupted them. “If she were my sister, I’d want you to get a room.”

BOOK: Sharing Hailey
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