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Authors: Cassie Maria

Shame On Me (4 page)

BOOK: Shame On Me
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“Y-Yes!” I scream through my fast approaching orgasm.

“Mmm I want more. Come on darlin’, one more so I can come with you.”

Oh what that accent does to me!

I quickly place my fingers on my clit and bounce back on him. Seconds later I feel my cupcake explode and hear Ethan quickly follow behind me. I crash to the bed but Ethan remains on his knees holding the condom in place.

We stare at each other in awe as our breathing calms. “Lets have round two in the shower then go to bed,” he suggests after pulling me up for a kiss. I nod my agreement and prepare for round two.

Round two completely drains me and I’m more than ready for bed. In the bedroom Ethan pulls back the covers and we both climb in drowsily. He promptly pulls me to his chest and I immediately protest.

“I don’t cuddle.”

“You’ll learn to love it,” he says softly and kisses the top of my head. I’m about to give him a piece of my mind when I hear his breathing change and realize he’s asleep. I fight to stay awake so I can pull out of his arms during his REM cycle, but my heavy eyelids have other plans.

Chapter Four

The Morning After

A thumping in my ears nudges me from my peaceful slumber and I frown in anticipation of the hangover that I’m sure will greet me when I open my eyes.

Before I decide to surrender to the inevitable hangover, I feel a hand gently rub the length of my arm. My frown turns to a grimace when I realize that I’m still with Ethan and need to come up with an excuse to get out of his apartment.

“About time you got up sweetheart, I’m starving.” I slowly turn my head towards his voice and gaze at him meekly. “Don’t give me that look. I know that you’re far from innocent. Lets get up so you can feed me.”

I continue to lie on my stomach as I watch him roll out of bed and head to the bathroom. Not just any bathroom,
bathroom. How did we end up at my place? I sigh and roll to my back; this cannot be happening.

“You’re going to close your eyes and when you open them Ethan won’t be in your bathroom,” I prompt myself. So I close my eyes and count to five and wait a few extra seconds before I open them and head to the bathroom.

It totally didn’t work.

There he is using my spare toothbrush like he’s been here every night for months instead of this being his first night here.

“What are you doing?”

He turns his confused gaze my way but rinses his mouth out before responding. “I’m brushing my teeth.”

“No, what are you doing in my house?”

“You invited me.”

“I’m pretty sure I didn’t.”

“I’m damn sure you did. Take a moment and think about the parking lot,” he says with a quirked brow.

I raise my eyes to the ceiling to think and when the memory returns to me I return my gaze to him and mutter a curse. A blinding smile spreads across his face before he breezes by me, puts on his clothes, and heads toward the bedroom door.

“Hurry darlin’, I need food so I can take you again.”

“Not gonna happen,” I mutter but it doesn’t matter because he is already gone. What’s up with him always calling me darlin’?


While I’m showering I try to come up with a way to get him to leave, but I come up with nothing. My mind is still wandering as I throw on a pair of plaid pajama pants, a white tank top, and pile my hair on top of my head in a messy bun.

When I look in the mirror I groan in horror. I must have gotten my hair wet in the shower because my roots are curly and the rest of my hair is bone straight.

I’m transitioning to natural hair and this is the part that no one tells you about. I spend more time straightening my roots now than I have ever done in my life.

I wonder if Ethan has ever had to deal with this with any of his other one-night stands. I can’t contain the giggle that bubbles up when I realize that this is just what I need to scare him off! He’ll take one look at me and go running for the door. I excitedly head for the stairs ready for my grand entrance.

At the bottom of the staircase my mouth drops open as I take in the scene in front of me.

Ethan is moving around the kitchen cooking and Ava is eagerly shoving food down her throat.

Ava notices me first and bugs her eyes out at me while eating. I narrow my eyes at her and she smiles as she bites into a sausage link.

“Mornin’ sunshine,” she mumbles around the link.

“What are you doing Ava?”

“Eating breakfast,” she responds while forking in more food.

are you eating breakfast?”

Ava gives me a duh look before stating, “Because I’m hungry and its good.”

“Why don’t you grab a seat and I’ll make you a plate?” Ethan suggests. Before I can decline my traitorous stomach growls like it hasn’t been fed in years. He must have guessed that I wouldn’t have moved under my own volition because he leads me to a stool at the island with a smirk on his face.

Once my bottom is plopped onto the stool he quickly moves away to make my plate.  I turn to Ava and mouth “
” to her and she shrugs without repentance.

At this point I catch a whiff of bananas and turn my gaze to the plate in front of me. My eyes widen at the overflowing plate. The plate is overflowing with French toast covered in blue berries, bananas, and honey with a side of scrambled eggs and sausage.

“I would’ve covered the toast with powdered sugar but you didn’t have any and I didn’t want you to have to wait to eat,” he states in the middle of me chewing.

He turns his back to me after his statement, so he misses how my eyes go soft at the knowledge that he is concerned about my tummy. I chance a look at Ava who uses her hands to form a heart and whisper “
” to me.

I return my gaze to my plate and concentrate on chewing. Once I swallow that bite Ethan joins us at the island with a plate and a glass of iced caramel coffee for me. My eyes meet his and he smiles before tearing into his food.

I don’t dare look at Ava.

Only my friends know how much I effin’ love iced caramel coffee so there is only one way that he knows too; he asked the boys about me.

I’m so screwed.

I have to get this man out of here quick!

“Umm thanks for breakfast but Ava and I have a busy schedule today…so I can call you a cab after you’re done.” Before he can say anything that loud mouth Ava butts in.

“No we don’t.”

I turn my head towards her and hiss, “Yes we do.”

“No we don’t Mia, stop being rude.”

This is the first time that Ava has ever taken a guy’s side over mine. My gaze darts between Ethan, who has vacated his seat and is now standing across from us, and Ava before I respond.

“Yes we do you just forgot,” I growl staring at her hoping she’ll catch on.

“Oh yeah? Then what is it that we have to do?”

Seething, I slump on my stool and mumble/hiss, “Help you find a new place to live.”

Ethan and Ava glance at each other before laughing hysterically.

I jump off of my stool and begin to stomp my way to the comfy room when a strong arm snakes around my waist and pulls me backwards. “Darlin’, I’m not going anywhere so go relax on the sofa while I figure out what to make us for lunch.” I hear Ava snicker as she passes us on her way to the comfy room.


I break free from Ethan and storm into the comfy room to have a few words with Ava while Ethan checks out the fridge for lunch ideas.

“How could you let him stay? You think I like being a bitch? I was only doing it to get him to leave!”

Ava raises wide eyes to me and holds her hands up in surrender. “You broke the rules when you brought him to the house,” she points a finger at me before continuing, “so don’t blame me if I assumed that he was more than a hitter.”

After putting me in my place, she drops her hand and returns her attention to the TV. I quickly peek over my shoulder to confirm that Ethan is still out of earshot.

“You’re right. I messed up but now I need him to get out.”


“Why?” I repeat with my face scrunched up like I just sniffed sour milk.

“Why do you want to get rid of him? He’s nice, thoughtful, cute, sweet-”

“Then you date him,” I huff.

“We don’t share partners,
I don’t do white boys.”

“Neither do I.”

“Seems to me that you do,” she snickers as I drop down next to her on the couch. I narrow my eyes at her before muttering a halfhearted “whatever.”

“Are ya’ll done talking about me?” Ethan asks as he approaches the couch.

“For now,” Ava says matter-of-factly. I look up to see Ethan standing near the couch looking down at me.

“Are you going to move over so I can sit down?”

“No, you can sit in the-”

Before I can finish speaking Ethan scoops me up and has me in his lap before my brain even process that he bent over.

“Not going to happen darlin’. You can either sit in my lap or beside me, the choice is yours.”

“B-beside,” I whisper. Ethan places me beside him but immediately pulls me to rest along his side. When he has us both settled he focuses his eyes on the screen and asks, “What are we watching?”


The day passes in a blur of TV, pizza, chips, hot chocolate, and a great nap with a seriously warm blanket. When I wake up my eyes focus on a white piece of cloth under my cheek and I realize that I’m snuggling with Ethan.

At some point during our gorge fest Ava disappeared and Ethan suggested we stretch out on the couch. I agreed before I realized that he intended for me to stretch out on top of him.

I slowly move my head to peek at him without being too obvious. He’s asleep with one arm stretched out resting on the coffee table and the other arm wrapped around my waist. His hair is swept off of his face so I have the perfect view of his slightly slanted eyes, straight nose, thick perfect lips, and scruff on his jaw. I softly inhale to get a whiff of his cologne but all I can smell is me. A soft smile appears on my lips because I secretly like the idea of him carrying my scent on him. A few seconds later he begins to stir and I watch as his eyes slowly open and take me in.

“Hi darlin’,” he greets me while smiling.

“Hi. Why do you keep calling me that?”

“When I said it last night your pussy got wet and I like the idea of it getting wet every time I say it.”

“Oh,” I respond before ducking my head like a shy teenage girl. Ethan smiles down at me before pulling me up his body for a kiss.

“I hate to go but I have to be at work in a few hours.”


“I’ll text you later.”

“You don’t have my number.”

“Yes I do. I lifted it off your phone during your nap.”

“But it has a password…that damn girl!”

“Don’t blame her, I can be very persuasive when I need to be,” he says on a chuckle. My eyes move to his mouth and the memory of the softness of those lips causes me to sigh.

Okay it’s time for him to go. I scramble off of the couch and wait for him by the door. Earlier I snuck his shoes downstairs hoping he would leave after eating pizza.

Yeah, that didn’t work out too great.

After putting his shoes on he softly leans me against the door and molds his body to mine. He looks like he’s contemplating not leaving so I decide to give him a little nudge.

“Well it’s been fun Ethan, have a good night.”

“Hold on,” he says as he looks out the window next to the door. “My ride isn’t here yet and I plan to spend the rest of my time here kissing you.” My head rears back to look at him like he’s lost his mind, but the look on my face doesn’t deter him. His hand catches the bottom of my cami and he hauls me into his space.

The kiss starts off hungry and quickly advances to desperation. How did he learn to kiss this good? He eventually breaks the kiss and leans his forehead against mine as we catch our breath. When our panting slows down he begins nibbling my neck and I quickly get lost in the feel of him.

“When did you discover you could squirt?”

“Umm, what?”

Is he asking me a question?

He lifts his head from my neck before asking, “When did you find out you could squirt?”

“A-an ex-boyfriend saw a video on how to make a girl squirt from fingering her and we tried it.”

“Will you show me how to do it?” He asks while playing with the waist of my sweats.

“Umm, what?”

“Can you squirt every time?”

There’s that accent again. Yum.

“Only when I’m extremely turned on. Where are you from?”


“Why don’t you have an accent all the time?”

“When I was a teenager I thought it wasn’t cool to have an accent so I worked on losing it but I can’t control it when I’m turned on. Do you like it darlin’?”

BOOK: Shame On Me
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