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Authors: Elizabeth Hayley

Sex Snob (9 page)

BOOK: Sex Snob
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As he removed a hand from my breast, it felt naked without the touch of Kyle’s rough palm and expert fingers.
I heard a belt buckle clang and then his fly unzip, which told me that
if I turned around, I would get a spectacular view of his large cock. But I didn’t dare move. I was too full of arousal and need. If I took my eyes off my computer, Kyle would stop his deliberate teasing.

I heard him groan deeply, and when he walked around to the front of my desk, he was completely nude.
His dick was hard and heavy under its own weight, pulsing as he stood before me like a piece of art for me to admire. My body needed him, and I was sure he had to feel the same.

“Reach under your skirt with your left hand,” he instructed.
“Take your panties off and toss them to me.”

I did as Kyle instructed.
He held my thong in his hand for a moment, inspecting it with his fingers while keeping that intense stare on me. I felt as if his eyes could melt me.

He grabbed hold of himself toward the base of his shaft and began to pull slowly.
“You’re so wet," he said as he gripped his cock tighter. His eyelids fluttered with pleasure. "Touch yourself now."

Without hesitation, I used my left hand to hike my skirt up just enough to give me the access I needed.
Part of me was disappointed with the fact that I would be doing this to myself when Kyle was only a few feet away and could easily give me a hand, so to speak. But I would have control over this. I could probably get myself off in mere seconds with how turned on I already was. A few quick strokes in all the right places and I’d be done. The thought was enticing.

I moved my hand in quick circles over my throbbing clit and immediately felt the stimulation I’d craved.
My eyes darted to Kyle as I watched his hand move faster. His tip became slick with pre-cum. And I licked my lips at the thought of taking him in my mouth.

“Concentrate,” he said, nodding toward my computer and eyeing up the papers I had spread on my desk.
My breathing increased, and my heart pounded in my chest as my eyes darted back anxiously to the screen. Kyle could sense how close I was to coming by the look on my face and the rapid pace of my hand. “Slow down," he commanded.

Oh, God.
What a fucking asshole.
I was so close, and he was going to make me do this at a torturous pace: one that would keep me completely balanced on the edge of release without allowing me to find it.

But I complied.
This game was much too fun to forfeit now. Besides, I knew it would be worth it when I finally got to have Kyle inside me.

I somehow managed to take my calculator out of my desk and punch in a few numbers.
As I leaned over my desk more closely, I slid two fingers inside myself and began to grind slowly against them in my chair.

Kyle again sensed my urgency.
“Stop,” he said brusquely. “Watch me when I come.”

Oh, no fucking fair!
What a clever tease.
He was going to bring me to the brink of climax and then make me watch in frustration while he enjoyed his own? But I couldn't look away. He moaned a guttural sound as his bicep flexed with every pull. And his solid abs tightened more when he found the release that I so desperately craved. His tight fist moved in quick jerks as he held my thong at the head of his cock to catch the semen that shot in hard bursts.

Then he tossed my panties onto my desk near the papers I had laid out, and walked toward me, still semi-erect.
“Time to get back to work,” he said with a sweet, flirtatious smirk. It hit me that he wasn’t just talking about my job when he said it. He’d planned to work on me as well. “Finish what you have to do on the computer. Then we’re moving to the couch.”

Hell yes!

Somehow I managed to type the data into each cell and make sure the formulas were calculating correctly in Excel, all while Kyle kneeled beside me swirling one tantalizing finger around inside me. He applied pressure to spots I didn’t even know existed and moved me back and forth against his hand. With each small tap of his thumb against my clit, I ached for more. I needed a constant touch there, but he refused to provide it, only making the frustration that much more unbearable. I shut my eyes when I felt like I could explode any second and clenched myself around his finger, needing to feel a sensation of fullness.

But he knew what I was doing and when he noticed my eyes shut, he denied all contact completely.
I actually thought if I rubbed myself against the chair at the right angle I could come from that alone.

“Uh, uh, uh,” Kyle scolded playfully.
“Not until you’re done with your work.”

got off,” I begged. “Please, Kyle.” My breathing was ragged and harsh.

“That was part of the torture, sweetheart.
Well, for
, anyway.
, on the other hand, enjoyed it tremendously.”

I quickly seized this moment to import the last few numbers and click
before Kyle decided to distract me further. “Couch time,” I said enthusiastically.

“What’s all this?”
He motioned to the papers on my desk.

“I just need to read them and sign off that the asset evaluation is correct.
It won’t take long.”

“No,” he added, running his hand across my drenched opening again, “it definitely won’t take long.”
I understood his innuendo immediately.

“God, Kyle.
Just fuck me. Please. I’ll get the rest done right afterward.”

“Amanda, you know that’s not how this game is played.
Comments like that make you seem like you want to quit. You don’t wanna quit, do you?” He cocked his head to the side, already sure of my answer.

A soft “No
” was all I could manage.

Now take your papers and lie down.”

You don’t have to tell
In seconds, I was positioned with my head against a throw pillow at one end of the couch. I held the papers tightly in one hand and a pen in the other. As I’d hoped, Kyle parted my legs and positioned his face between them. He raised my hips slightly to angle me just right. My opening gripped his fingers, and I writhed against his tongue as it flickered lightly across my sensitive clit. Every so often, he would suck hungrily and then pull away when he knew I was right on the verge of orgasm. I was powerless to keep him there. Under normal circumstances, my hands would have found his head and pressed him up against me until I came apart around his soft tongue and fingers. But I was forced to flip through a pile of paperwork, plastering an increasingly sloppy signature at the bottom of some of the pages every so often.

“You almost done?” Kyle asked as he moved up my torso to bite on my nipples.

“Yeah, asshole. I’m about to finish.”
Ha, you’re not the only one who's skilled at puns.

Kyle rose to move toward the desk again.
For a second, I thought he was getting dressed and was actually going to leave me like this. Until I heard the foil ripping open.
Thank fucking God.

I quickly signed the last two documents, not even bothering to look at them.
I would have to check them tomorrow. Then Kyle stood before me again, rolling the condom down his thick length.
God, even that is hot.
Then he took the papers from my grasp and flung them to the carpet. “You’re done, right?”

“Not quite,”
I said, making my meaning clearer as I dug my nails into his ass and pulled him eagerly toward me. He gripped the armrest of the couch for leverage and thrust himself into me. At last, I felt the fullness I’d craved. This wasn’t going to take long. But ironically, after all this time of wanting this so badly, I didn’t want it to end. Kyle had teased me for so long that even being on the brink of orgasm felt nearly as good as actually getting one.

He kissed me hard, and I moaned into his mouth.
Then he let go of the armrest with one hand and reached down to grab his dick. He positioned his hand around its base and moved it in circles to massage me internally with his tip. I never remembered being so turned on before. So close to climaxing for this long without finding a release. Then, just when I thought he couldn’t possibly do anything more to arouse me, his hand brushed against my clit in just the right way and I lost all control. The orgasm that shot through me coursed all the way up my spine, making even the nerve endings of my head fuzz with pleasure. I never quite came down completely from the high because I had been so aroused for so long. I screamed in pleasure, but could not seem to form any actual words.

“Fuck yeah, baby.
I love when you get so tight like that when you’re coming. Do it once more for me.”

His speed increased and he pounded harder into me, reaching a point high inside me that caused me to convulse around him again without warning.
“Yes, Kyle! Jesus Christ, this feels so fucking good.”

He moved in and out of me a few more times as he tugged on my hair and groaned his release deep into my ear.
When he finally pulled out of me, my body missed him. As I watched him toss the condom into my wastebasket, all I could think was that I hoped the janitor didn’t clean my office tonight. This sure as hell beat Danielle’s office blowjob story, and the proof was in my trashcan.


The next few weeks were a hazy blur of work and CrossFit. Master Bader had been even more of a Nazi prick than usual, insisting that some of us stay late just so we could get ahead on some of our accounts.

Unfortunately, even Shane had jumped on the Bader bandwagon because he had been pushing us
—and by “us” I mean “me”—even harder than usual. One evening had been exceptionally challenging. I had been at work for over twelve hours and hadn’t eaten much that day. So when I arrived at CrossFit and saw our workout, I knew it was going to be grueling. Six rounds, each with five shoulder overheads, fifteen bar-facing burpees, and a 100 meter run. We had three minutes to complete the first round, and the time dropped by five seconds each round. After my fourth round, Shane gave me a little incentive to take it up a notch.

“Tell you what, Bishop, if you can finish the next one in
under two minutes and fifteen seconds, we won’t hold a sixth round.”

Now I would have to do it, or I’d look weak. And I definitely didn’t want to look weak in front of such a perfectly built specimen. Plus, others were counting on me.

I finished my shoulder overheads without too much of a problem.
But, as always, the burpees were the most difficult. As my arms began to burn and my stamina hit the shitter, I could barely jump over my barbell. Finally, I finished my fifteen and dragged myself out the back dock door.

“Comin’ up on two minutes, Amanda.
Almost done.”

“Thanks for the warning,” I yelled back between heaving breaths as I ran. “Something tells me I’m not the
woman you’ve said that to.”

My sexual innuendo got a chuckle from a few people, and even Shane couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“Looks like Bishop was able to save you all from another round,” Shane announced as I clocked in at two minutes and twelve seconds. “Nice job today. Listen, before you go, I just wanted to make a quick announcement. I’ll be participating in a CrossFit competition this Saturday in Northeast Philly. I was hoping some of you would be able to come out and show your support. I’d truly appreciate it. If you’re interested, Kate has the flyers with all the information.” Shane lowered his voice to just me as I began to turn to get my things. “You coming, Amanda? I mean, you’ll finally get to find out what a hard body actually looks like.”

Normally, I would have spit some sarcastic jab right back at him.
Is that why
Doesn’t your boyfriend mind you being around so many hot men at one time?
As if by reflex, my mouth opened to speak, but instead, all I could do was focus on the words “you coming” and imagine Shane with his shirt off, muscles rippling as he lifted weights in front of an audience.
I’m so screwed.


The following day the Hot Rod Shots competition finally came to a close, and I was desperately looking forward to having Steph announce the winner later that evening. A girls’ night was long overdue. As Rod packed up the personal belongings he had in his desk (unfortunately, the company said they couldn’t find a place for him . . . sigh), I took my last close-up shot of his ass as I reached around his solid waist to hug him goodbye before I left for the day. I strutted confidently out of the office, admiring the picture on my phone.
Was it too late for me to pursue a career in photography?


Steph and Danielle came over around eight, so we could give Rod the going-away party he deserved (of course, he wasn’t actually
to it). We’d planned to hang out by the pool at my apartment complex after it closed. We would drink Coronas as we superficially memorialized Rod. And eventually, Steph would declare a winner and award a prize.

The evening began with a less than graceful hop over the black fence.
When we’d managed to get all three of ourselves and the Coronas over the fence safely, we settled in for the night. With a toast in our chairs by the pool, as we pretended we were in a Corona commercial and had just been transported to a tropical setting instead of a dimly lit apartment pool.

Then, Steph rose and removed a piece of lined paper she had tucked away in her purse. “We are here tonight,” Steph somberly began, “to pay tribute to Hot
Ha, she’s even prepared a speech.
This is going to better than I expected.
“But today is not one of sadness. Rod, you may not be with us anymore, but you will always be in our hearts.” She put a closed fist over her own heart and closed her eyes. “And also in our camera rolls,” she added, as we all chuckled. She continued slowly. “Today is a day of remembrance. We are not here to focus on how Rod’s time with us was tragically cut short.” She shook her head and sighed, pretending to get choked up. “That’s not what he would’ve wanted. Instead, we are here to celebrate the time that we
have with him. I’d like to begin by having each of us share a story about Rod that is especially memorable to us. I guess I’ll begin.”

Steph sat down, put her paper away, and took a gulp of her beer.
“During Rod’s first day, I asked him to get me the sugar out of a high cabinet in the lunchroom. I knew there wasn’t any sugar up there. And I didn’t even have coffee or anything to put it in. I actually feel a little guilty about it. He’s so dumb,” she added, like she was just noticing it for the first time. “I just asked him so I could watch his untucked polo shirt rise above the waistband of his pants while he reached above his head. Of course, that was before he realized that a polo was too casual to wear to work,” she laughed, clearly caught up in her nostalgic fantasy. “Ahh, those were the good old days.” She looked up at us expectantly. “Who’s next?”

“I’ll go,” I said eagerly, grabbing another beer from the cooler.
“This probably happened like four or five weeks ago, I guess. Rod and I got into the lobby elevator together one morning, and it got pretty crowded as more and more people got on. By the time the doors shut, my ass was pressed up against his crotch. I don’t know what I’m more ashamed of,” I said, shaking my head in feigned embarrassment, “—the fact that even as people exited the elevator, I still didn’t move away from him, or the fact that I didn’t hit the emergency stop button when we were finally alone and fuck him senseless between the 14th and 15th floors.”

The girls laughed.

“That’s pretty good,” Danielle said. “But not as good as mine. We had lunch together a couple days ago. We were eating cake left over from Beth’s birthday, and I felt a little icing on the corner of my lips. Before I even had a chance to grab a napkin, Rod reached over and wiped it away with his finger.”

“Oh. My.
God. That’s totally hot.” Even
was impressed.

“Wait, I’m not done.
It gets better. He put his finger to my lips and let me lick the icing off.”

We were speechless.
All I could think to do was start a slow clap.
Man, Danielle might be more of a competitor than I originally thought.

“Now that we’ve taken a moment to properly remember
Rod, it’s time move on to the reason we are all here tonight. First of all, both of you did an exceptional job with your photography. It was definitely a difficult decision, which is the reason why I had to look at the pictures over and over again. Well, it was
of the reasons, anyway. Now it’s time to examine each category and determine a winner. We’ll start with Best Smile.” Steph pulled out two pictures from an envelope on the glass table.

“You had them printed?”
I laughed.

“Of course I had them printed.”
She said it like it was a stupid question.

Steph arranged them side by side in front of us.
“I actually really like the angle of Danielle’s,” she began. I examined it closely. It was taken slightly from the side, revealing a dimple on his right cheek. “But the lighting and distance of Amanda’s are unbeatable. Hers is a close-up, and since she made use of the natural lighting during mid-day, his teeth look extra white. He should really be a toothpaste model.”

“One for me.
You’re going down, Danielle!”
I could really talk a lot of shit sometimes

“Only if you’re talking about me going down on Hot
Rod’s rod,” Danielle fired back with a smirk.

“The next category we’ll evaluate is Best Crotch Shot.”
As Steph laid the pictures on the table, I immediately knew I’d lost this one. Danielle’s was a close-up of Rod in mesh shorts that he sometimes changed into at the end of the day before heading to the gym. The picture was only from his knees up to his waist. Since his white T-shirt was on the shorter side, the shape of his dick was visible through his thin navy shorts.

“Okay, Danielle obviously wins this one,” I conceded.
“But since you two bitches already have this picture, this one’s mine.” I snatched it up quickly and gave it another long once-over before tucking it into my pocket carefully.

“It’s tied up,” Steph reminded us.

“Let’s do Best Hair Day next,” Danielle requested.

Steph flipped through the envelope and placed the next two pictures on the table. They were both fairly similar, and because I had taken so many pictures of Rod over the past several weeks, it was difficult to remember which one was even mine. They both looked to have been taken on the same day because he was in a pale pink button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. His hair was also exceptionally long. Suddenly, I remembered what day it had been taken because the next morning he came in with it freshly cut, and I had been thankful that I’d taken the picture the day before.

“This one was close,” Steph said. “I really had to examine them to even notice a difference.
But I had to go with the picture on the left. Rod looks freshly fucked in this one. If you look very closely, you can see that the hair on the sides of his head is beaded with sweat. I think this one was taken on a hot afternoon after he’d walked back to the office from lunch.”

Danielle looked at me.
It was clear she didn’t know whose picture was whose either.

“This one’s Danielle’s,” Steph added, when she realized we didn’t know who’d won this leg of the competition.

Danielle celebrated by clinking glasses with Steph, while I moped internally.

“And now for Most Seductive Expression,” Steph said excitedly as she eagerly showcased the two pictures.
This time I recognized mine immediately. Rod had stooped down to pick up some files that he’d knocked over one day, and since I had made a habit of carrying my phone with me at all times, I had been lucky enough to take a quick picture of him as I walked by. As if his upward, penetrating gaze wasn’t enough, he also happened to be biting on his lower lip. “In Amanda’s,” Steph said, “he’s on his knees. Need I say more?”

Danielle’s disappointment was audible.

“It’s tied up again.
And last, but certainly not least, is Best Ass Shot.” Steph set the picture I had sent just hours earlier on the table first. “You really played ‘til you heard the whistle blow, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, I’m actually surprised you were able to print it in time.”

“Well, I’m nothing if not thorough,” she said as she placed Danielle’s picture next to mine.

I had to admit, Danielle’s had a real chance.
Rod’s snug dark gray pants hugged the hard round curves of his backside perfectly. The picture looked to have been taken from about six feet away, allowing a complete shot of his legs up to the back of his messy hair. In a way, seeing the entire length of his body actually made it more alluring.

Then, I studied my picture.
The loose khaki pants he had worn earlier had not fit nearly as perfectly as the ones he sported in Danielle's picture, but my shot had something Danielle’s didn’t: innovation. From the camera angle, it was clear that my arms had been wrapped around Rod when I had taken the picture, allowing me to snap a close-up image of the top of his firm ass without even zooming in. It was . . . artistic. It was. . . ballsy.

And after Steph lifted it up to me with a smile, I was sure it was the winner.
“The competition was hard-fought, but I think even Hot Rod himself would agree that Amanda’s picture was just slightly better,” Steph said.

I stood to bow, and Danielle
clinked the neck of her bottle against mine to congratulate me.

Then Steph handed me what felt like a wrapped picture frame.
Probably a collage of my photographic talents
. I smiled proudly. “In fact, I
Hot Rod would agree,” she added slyly.

Oh, shit!
I tore open the paper and stared wide-eyed at the framed photo. Or should I say
stared at
No. She. Didn’t.
There, in my hands, was a picture of Hot Rod sitting shirtless at my desk with his hands behind his head. My eyes shot quickly to Steph, and as if there was still any doubt as to whether she had told Rod about our little competition, I read the personalized note from him at the bottom:
Congratulations, Amanda! Though I think the Best Smile award should go to Steph.
I studied his face and was confused when I saw that his soft pink lips were pressed tightly into a sexy line. But my stupid grin widened when Steph snapped a picture of me and I realized what he’d meant. The clever fucker had been talking about me.

BOOK: Sex Snob
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