Read Serpentine Walls Online

Authors: Cjane Elliott

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Gay, #New Adult, #Contemporary

Serpentine Walls (5 page)

BOOK: Serpentine Walls
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As if he could. Feeling paralyzed by Aidan’s lethal charm, Pete didn’t move, touching himself idly as he watched Aidan get up and go behind the Japanese screen that Pete had noticed before. He heard what sounded like a drawer opening and closing.


He opened his eyes, which had drifted shut. Aidan was peering around the screen, and he beckoned him. “Come into my parlor, baby.”

Pete scrambled to his feet, dick bouncing. He put a hand on it and walked behind the screen into an area furnished as a bedroom.


Aidan’s large bed, adorned with a sumptuous maroon coverlet and piles of silk pillows, took up most of the space. Tasseled lampshades and gauzy purple floor-length drapes provided a vaguely Middle Eastern flavor, like something out of
One Thousand and One Nights
. A bottle of lube and a strip of condoms sat on the bedside table, sounding a note of reality in the middle of the fairy tale.

“I thought this would be more comfortable.” Aidan lit a candle and then held out his hand. “Come over here. You’re too far away.”

Suddenly awkward about his own body in comparison to the perfection that was Aidan’s, Pete walked over and let Aidan engulf him in a hug.

“Steek weez me, cherie,” he murmured into Pete’s ear in a bogus French accent. “I’ll take you to paradise.”

Pete tried and failed to keep a straight face. “Sorry, dude. My cousin said that same cheesy line today, but he was totally serious.”

? You wound me, Morgan. Just for that, you’re going on the bed.”

Without warning, Aidan manhandled him over to his bed, lifted him up, and tossed him on with embarrassing ease before crawling on next to him.

“Whoa! Pretty toppy.” Pete had no idea he’d find being manhandled so hot.

“You know it.” Aidan grabbed the lube, uncapped the bottle, and poured some on his palm. “Give me your hand.”

“Uh, which one?”

Aidan smiled. “The one you were using on my cock before I interrupted us.”

“Ohhh. Good plan!” Pete held out his right hand, and Aidan drizzled lube on it.

“Okay, troops, resume position!”

Laughing at his goofiness, Pete lay on his side facing Aidan, but this time Aidan reached for Pete’s hand and placed it around both of their cocks, along with his own larger one. They smeared on the lube messily and brought their cocks together in a slow slide, getting a rhythm going. It was the sexiest thing ever to be looking in Aidan’s eyes, their faces inches apart, as they jacked each other.

“You’re so fucking hot,” he said to Aidan. “I think I’m addicted to your cock. And your eyes.”

“No, baby, you’re the hot one. I can’t get enough of you.” Aidan squeezed harder as he stroked him.

“Oh fuck, that’s good.” Pete got Aidan’s lower lip between his teeth and then invaded his mouth with his tongue.

Pete watched himself in disbelief as he writhed and moaned and said stupid stuff. He’d never been this vocal during sex—he’d also never laughed so much during it, not even with George, his high-school boyfriend. It was all Aidan’s fault, Pete thought fuzzily, kissing him deep and dirty, all his fault for being beautiful, and fucking shameless, and so much fun that Pete couldn’t help but be swept along.

He got his thumb going over the head of Aidan’s cock and gripped more firmly. It was a nasty, awesome thing to feel their cocks rubbing slickly together, Aidan’s hand providing the perfect amount of pressure. They went faster, harder, rougher, and when Pete ran his thumb around the head and over Aidan’s slit, Aidan’s eyes narrowed and his mouth fell open.

“Fuck, that’s—ah, shit, keep doing that.” Aidan closed his eyes, his breath coming in gasps.

Aidan’s mounting arousal was such a turn-on that Pete started babbling. “Yeah, wanna see you come, you gorgeous fucker. You like that? Here—have some more, you sexy bastard. Come for me.”

Aidan stiffened and let out a moan that Pete felt deep in his balls. Aidan’s cock jerked spasmodically, warm fluid spilling over their joined hands. Pete watched Aidan’s face, which was contorted with bliss, slightly in awe that he had caused him to fall apart like that, until Aidan stopped moving and lay limp.

“You,” Aidan whispered, opening his eyes.

He claimed Pete’s mouth in a passionate kiss while tightening his grip around Pete’s cock and jacking him swiftly, adding a wicked twist at the top. Already on the brink, it took only moments before Pete groaned out loud and came so hard his toes curled, Aidan stroking him through it as he shuddered.

“I think you killed me,” Pete said, unable to do anything but sprawl in a heap and try to catch his breath while Aidan dropped kisses on his forehead and his nose.

Smiling lazily, Aidan started to spread their intermingled come with his hand, over Pete’s stomach and up onto his chest, and then on his own chest, humming as he did so.

Pete peered down at Aidan’s handiwork. “What are you doing?”

“Finger painting.”

Pete snorted out a laugh. “You’re so weird, Aidan.”

“You love it, though.”

“Hmm. Yeah, I do.”

Aidan rolled onto his back and pulled Pete over to lie with his head on his shoulder. They rested in silence for so long that Pete had almost drifted to sleep when the sound of Aidan’s singing startled him awake.

They say we’re young and we don’t know, we won’t find out until we grow….

“Dude. Sonny and Cher?”

Aidan just stared at him, green eyes wide, until Pete caved and sang the next line, then grumbled, “Why do I have to sing Sonny? Cher’s voice is lower.”

“True. I can’t remember the next part anyway,” Aidan said, and sang, “
La la la la la la la,
” while gazing soulfully into Pete’s eyes.

“You nut.”

They stumbled through the rest of the song, making up lyrics, and ended on a dramatic yodel of “
I… got… you… babe

“Epic. Angie’s right, we need to take this show on the road.” Pete yawned.

“We’re awesome. Don’t go away. I’m going to get us a washcloth.”

Pete lay in a hazy stupor, a stupid grin on his face, his body buzzing with endorphins. He’d just about slipped into slumber when something warm and damp landed on his stomach and startled his eyes open. Aidan leaned over him, his face intent, wiping the come off his body with a warm washcloth. He picked up Pete’s hands and scrubbed them off.

“Such a gentleman,” Pete murmured.

“You know it, baby. I know how to treat a guy.” Aidan dropped the washcloth on the rug and flopped down next to him.

“You really do.” Pete yawned again, and his eyelids closed. He pressed his lips against Aidan’s shoulder, warm and cozy and….

The river is swift and tumultuous, but I’m moving with the current somehow. I look down at bare feet on wooden boards. Oh—I’m standing on a raft. The breeze is cool on my skin. The stars twinkle and turn into fireflies. What’s that ahead? Horses? Some kind of creatures standing in the river. Shit, dinosaurs, and the raft’s about to run into them. “Don’t worry.” Aidan’s voice cuts into my panic. “I got you, babe.” Aidan goes by me, riding a chariot, a helmet with wings on his golden locks. I knew it! Aidan is a Greek god. I’ve gotta tell Angie about this—


His eyes opened at Aidan’s voice; he smiled over at him.

“I fell asleep.”

“Yes, you did. Hey, thanks. That was great.”

“Oh. Thanks. I mean, glad you liked it.” He settled back on the pillow, yawning, and was closing his eyes again when Aidan’s voice broke in.

“Um. Hey.”

When he opened his eyes this time, Aidan’s expression was odd, almost apologetic.


“I—I’m going to have to ask you to leave now.”

“Leave?” Pete couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
It’s fucking two in the morning!

“Yeah. I’m sorry. Don’t take it personally or anything.” Aidan started to do that sultry thing with his mouth. “You’re adorable, baby, and really sexy. But I can’t sleep when there’s anyone here with me.”

“Oh.” Disgruntled and a bit humiliated, Pete rolled away from him and sat up.

“Wait.” Aidan grabbed his wrist before he could get off the bed and sat up when Pete turned around. “I… it’s… I know it’s weird.” He shifted on the sheet and dropped his eyes, saying in a low voice, “I really did have a good time with you tonight. I’m sorry.”

“Yeah. Okay.”
What the fuck ever, man
. Pulling his wrist out of Aidan’s grasp, Pete stood up, and then hesitated, realizing he was being kind of a dick. “Um, thanks. I… had a good time too. Seriously.” It was awkward standing there naked with Aidan making no move to get out of bed. “So, uh, see ya later, I guess.”

Aidan’s face brightened. “Hey, my phone’s in my pants pocket in the living room. Put in your number and take mine, okay? I’ll call you.”

Feeling like a dog who’d been kicked and then thrown a bone, Pete walked out to the living room and grabbed his clothes. As he pulled on his shorts, he debated whether or not he should leave Aidan his number or just get the hell out and plan never to see him again. When he remembered that they were in U. Singers together, so his plan for never seeing him again wouldn’t work, he got Aidan’s phone out of the pocket of his pants and started entering his number.

“Thanks, Pete.” Aidan stood next to the Japanese screen, blond hair rumpled, his beautiful naked body on full display.

Make it harder, why don’t you?
“Sure.” Pete called himself from Aidan’s phone to capture his number and then put the phone down on the coffee table. “Well….” He had no idea what to say. “See you around.”

“That you will, baby. Tonight was special.” Aidan lowered his eyelids to half-mast as he stood there in his gorgeous apartment with all his gorgeous nakedness, and Pete didn’t know whether to laugh or smack him.

“Later.” He made a quick exit, managing not to trip over anything, acutely aware of Aidan watching him as he left.

Chapter Three





think I’d see you this morning,” Angie said to Pete, “but I have no idea when you got in, so….” She gave him a significant smile. They were walking to meet John and Cleo at Max’s Diner for breakfast.

“Yeah. It was pretty late.” Pete ambled next to her with a lot less energy. “Stop being so cheerful. It’s making my head hurt.”

“Oh, right,” she scoffed. “Don’t blame your hangover on me, party boy.” She opened the restaurant door. “There they are.” Waving to John and Cleo, who were sitting at a table in the back, she zipped over, Pete following much more slowly in her wake.

“Well, helloooo,” Cleo said, lifting a knowing eyebrow at Pete.

“Hey,” Pete mumbled, ignoring all the innuendo as he pulled out a chair and plopped down.

John, of course, cut right to the chase. “Hey there. Where’s Fabio?” He made a show of peering over Pete’s shoulder.

“I dunno.” Pete raised his empty coffee mug in the direction of Sadie, their usual waitress.

“Hmm.” John gave him a mock-probing glance.

“I know, right?” Angie complained. “He’s not telling me a
. Oh, there’s Brian.” Angie waved, and Brian came over to their table.

“Hey, all,” Brian said. “Mind if I join you?”

“More the merrier.” Pete scooted his chair over to make room, glad for the chance to divert the conversation from last night.

“When’d you get in?” John asked, handing Brian a menu.


“Where are you living this year?” Pete asked.

“Lambeth. A two-bedroom with Steve, Ron, and Mike.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound
horrible,” Angie said. “At least you get along with those guys okay.”

“Yeah.” Brian smiled at her. “Unlike the crowd you got stuck with last year.”

“Please.” Angie shuddered. “I swear I have PTSD—every time someone says ‘Lambeth,’ I break into a sweat.”

“What’ll you have, guys?” Sadie stood at the table with a pencil poised above her pad.

Pete slumped in his seat as they gave their orders, yawning when Sadie walked away.

“Someone didn’t get much sleep,” John said.

“Pete had a hot date,” Angie explained to Brian. “With Aidan Emery.”

“Who’s he?”

“You know—the blond hottie who stars in all the plays.”

.” Brian gazed at Pete. In fact, everyone was gazing at Pete.

“God, y’all. It wasn’t a ‘date,’ it was just a hookup. And I’m not saying anything else about it.”

“That bad, eh?” John drawled.

“I didn’t say that.” Pete clamped his mouth shut.
. John always knew how to get him to spill.

“I knew it!” Angie moved closer to him with a grin. “I bet it was amazing. You guys had so much chemistry!” She turned to Brian. “They sang karaoke together, and they killed it!”

“They really did,” Cleo said, toying with a Splenda packet.

“Thanks,” Pete said. “So, you forgive me for going home with him?” His attempt at a joking tone fell flat in the face of Cleo’s serious response.

“Depends. Do you forgive yourself?”

John leaned back in his seat and raised his eyebrows at Pete with an apologetic smile, while Pete felt his face warm. He didn’t regret last night, despite the unexpected ending. He’d had more fun and hotter sex with Aidan than he’d ever had with anyone, and it was nothing to feel bad about. He also didn’t like being judged, although he was pretty sure Cleo didn’t mean it that way.

“We—we had a good time, actually. So, yeah. No forgiveness needed.” He averted his eyes and took a sip of his coffee.

“Good! Glad that’s settled,” John said in a hearty voice, cutting off a wide-eyed Angie, who was opening her mouth to speak. “So what’re y’all taking this year? Anything interesting?”

Angie sat back with a huff.

Pete pointed his fork at John. “You first. What are you taking?”

“Okay, fine. I’m doing an independent study on Jungian psychology, which I’m stoked about. I love Jung. Other than that, the usual cognitive and behavioral crap with a side of neurolinguistics.” He stopped and looked around the table. “Yeah, I can tell you’re all excited by that. Okay, Ms. Cleo, you’re next.”

BOOK: Serpentine Walls
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