Read SelkiesSeduction Online

Authors: Anne Kane

SelkiesSeduction (4 page)

BOOK: SelkiesSeduction
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Chapter Five


Gruener Kvordic looked through the glass wall of the
enclosure, his brow furrowed in disappointment. The creature wasn’t going to
survive. Barely three months into gestation, and already the tiny life force
was failing. He could feel it, the same way he could feel the aggression in the
werewolves or the deep connection to the earth in the dwarven creatures.

He’d had such high hopes for this mating. The grace and
harmony of the selkie would have tempered the raw power and voracious killer
instincts of the werewolf. Once they’d matured enough to enter his training
program, the offspring would have made perfect soldiers.

“Terminate the pregnancy, and we’ll see if we can get her
healthy enough to try again. God knows, the werewolf is game to give her
another go. I promised to give her back to him if he behaved. Stupid creature
has no idea what’s really going on here. Such a pity it didn’t work out. Her
genetic code may be flawed.”

Gruener turned on his heel and strode down the corridor
toward his office. The tech scrambled to keep up while his thumbs moved
frantically to input the notations on the female’s chart.

Gruener ignored him, as he ignored all the inferior
underlings who kept the compound running. The backers wouldn’t be pleased, but
he could handle them. They might be powerful in their own circles, but they had
no idea of the true power of science. His research would create a race of
superior beings who were loyal to him alone.

Once he’d perfected the breeding program, he wouldn’t need
to pander to those idiots. They’d be on their knees, begging him to let them
participate. If he could just get this pairing to produce a viable offspring,
his plans would be well on their way.

He stopped abruptly, causing the poor tech to scramble to
avoid smacking into him. He needed another selkie, a healthy one capable of
bearing multiple offspring, one after the other. He didn’t dare hope for
multiple pups from the same breeding, although that would be perfect.
Littermates would bond closely, forming an invincible fighting unit.

“Find me Todd. When he sold me his half-sister, he said he
had a line on more of these selkie creatures. Find out if he can deliver.”

“Yes sir.” The flunky tucked his tablet into his pocket and
hurried off toward the main offices, muttering under his breath. Gruener
ignored him and changed direction to check on his other acquisitions.

Entering the holding area, he stopped to watch the female
werewolf pace her cell. She’d come into heat just that morning and would be at
optimal breeding strength within two more days.

It was more difficult than he’d anticipated coming up with a
male to breed her. She’d torn the last stud, a human with enhanced psychic
powers, to shreds when he’d failed to satisfy her. Perhaps it would be best to
have her restrained during the breeding. He couldn’t afford to lose any of his
handpicked breeding stock.

The female caught sight of him, and threw herself against
the walls of her pen, snarling in rage.

He shook his head. She didn’t understand that what he was
doing was for her own benefit, and that of her as yet unborn offspring. He’d
realized long ago that the supernaturals of the world were wasting their
talents chasing their petty individual goals. They needed a leader, someone
with the vision and strength to unify them. They needed him.

He’d catalogued all of the varieties, their strengths and
vulnerabilities, and then he’d created a database to match them. From this, he’d
plotted which species to crossbreed to maximize their abilities.

This sprawling complex hidden in a deserted mining town in
the backcountry of British Columbia was the culmination of years of planning
and hard work. Here he would gather the best of each species and breed an army
of supernaturals with powers the world had never even dreamed of, with him at
their head, of course.

He stroked his finger down the glass in front of the enraged
werewolf. Her offspring would be part of the new world order. She should be
thanking him, not trying to tear him apart through the glass.

Chapter Six


Nikki perched on the edge of her bed, her head cocked to the
side as she listened intently to the gentle rhythm of Wolfe’s breathing. He’d
finally drifted off to sleep. About time, too, she’d been waiting for hours.
The full moon called, its invitation irresistible. She could feel her control
slipping, and if those men were truly hunting her she needed to keep a tight
rein on her true nature.

She sighed. It would be nice to live without worrying about
what people would do if they really knew her.

She grabbed the towel she’d draped over the bedpost earlier
and tiptoed to the top of the stairs, being careful to avoid the squeaky board
by the closet. So far, so good. Gentle snores wafted up from the living room.
She covered her mouth with one hand, suppressing a giggle. She’d have to make
sure to tease him about that in the morning.

Although she could still sense his presence, Wolfe’s voice
was thankfully absent from her head. The way he waltzed through her shields as
if they didn’t exist unnerved her. No one had ever managed that before. Not
even her parents. He needed to learn to respect boundaries—hers in particular.

Holding on to the smooth wooden railing, she snuck down the
stairs and crossed the kitchen to the back door. She closed her eyes and said a
quick prayer to the God of WD-40. Now would not be a good time for the hinges
to squeak. She grasped the brass doorknob. Took a deep breath. Turned the knob.

The door behaved beautifully, opening silently on its
ancient hinges. Nikki glanced up and mouthed a heartfelt thank-you before she
headed off to the riverbank. The air had a crisp, clean tang to it, and a choir
of crickets played a welcoming sonata in the moonlit meadow.

Quickly discarding her jeans and sweatshirt on the grassy
bank, she waded into the water, shivering as the cold mountain spring water
swirled around her calves. Closing her eyes, she mentally braced herself and
plunged into the frigid waters.

She could feel the shimmer of magic as the change took her,
the flash of heat as her body shifted, elongated, fur covering her sleek river
otter form. The knowledge of the outcome tempered the familiar spasms of pain,
as joints and bones reformed, making it bearable, and the water hid her
reforming body from prying eyes.

Selkies were capable of shifting without being submersed in
the water, but the danger of being caught mid-shift, unable to defend herself,
terrified her.

Fully shifted, she burst up through the surface and rolled
for the sheer joy of feeling the water sluice off her smooth pelt. She dove
again, feeling playful, joyous and alive.

Slapping the surface with her front paws, she sent droplets
sparkling through the moonlit air in a colorful spray. She reveled in the
freedom of her other self, the feel of the water, the joy of sliding down the
muddy banks and diving deep to chase the salmon fry and painted turtles that
dwelled in the watery ecosystem.

A noise from the bank caused her to freeze, listening
intently for danger. She scanned the banks but couldn’t see anything out of
place. It was probably just a windfall branch or the skittering of a rodent
foraging in the night. She flipped onto her back and floated contentedly.

You’re cute with fur.

Wolfe’s voice took her by surprise. She rolled onto her
belly and dove, instinctively seeking the protection of the depths. Belatedly
realizing there wasn’t any danger, she resurfaced and scanned the water to
locate Wolfe’s hiding spot.

I’m not hiding. I’m over by the willow.

The suppressed mirth in his voice should have warned her. It
really should have. She glided through the river water in the direction of the
willow, her eyes adjusting to the shadows cast by the drooping branches.

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him.

Unashamedly male, he finished stripping off the last of his
clothing and threw it carelessly on the bank. Striding to the edge of the
river, he tested the water with one foot.

The full moon shed more than enough light to see every
detail of his gloriously naked masculine body. In her less-inhibited animal
form, his raw sex appeal drew her as a flame draws a moth.

Come on in. The water’s wonderful.
Nikki splashed a
paw playfully on the surface, staying just out of reach and coyly batting long
lashes at him.

A predatory grin lit Wolfe’s features as he took another
step and dove into the lake.

Nikki rolled smoothly onto her belly and dove deep, flipping
the still surface of the lake playfully with her tail.
Catch me if you can.

She swam to the far side and surfaced under an overhanging
tangle of branches. From her hiding spot, she had a clear view of Wolfe as he
sliced cleanly through the water, searching for her.
Where did you go, you
little minx? Or should I say otter? Surely, you’re not afraid of the big bad wolf!

She let him search a while, ignoring his taunts as he
attempted to trick her into revealing herself. She wasn’t a newly turned pup he
could lure into the open with easy male tricks.

Taking a deep breath of the clean mountain air, she dove,
making sure she was well under the surface before leaving the protective cover
of the branches.

She reverted to human form, ignoring the pain caused by her
impatience. What she planned to do next required her human body.

Come on out, Nikki. Where’d you go?

Nikki surfaced with her long dark hair streaming behind her.

I’m a river otter, not a minx.
The words eased out of
her mind in a sexy whisper. She turned in the direction she sensed him and her
breath caught in her throat.

Wolfe floated on his back, looking completely at ease in her
native element. One hand rested under his head and the other stroked casually
over the massive erection curving upward from his groin. His eyes found her and
slid over her body possessively, smoky with a sensual hunger.

Nikki’s attention fixated on his hand. She licked her lips
as it took another slow journey from the broad tip of that impressive cock back
to the nest of wetly shining curls at its base.

She drifted toward him, her sense of self-preservation
deserting her entirely. Heat coiled low in the pit of her belly.

Come play with me.
His voice resonated in her mind
with pure, silky seduction.

She moved through the water between them with sure quick
strokes, stopping within an arm’s length of his gorgeous male body. Treading
water, she watched while his engorged shaft became impossibly larger.

Closer. I need to touch you.


But she didn’t move away.

Wolfe’s gaze dropped to the pebbled tips of her breasts.

That one word tore through all her defenses. She’d expected
demands, domination and male arrogance, not a plea for mercy.

Covering the distance between them in a single stroke, she
reached out to run a featherlight caress over his rigid cock. The size of him
sent delicate shivers of fearful anticipation racing through her.
You’re too
big for me.

I’d never hurt you. We were made for each other.
loving reassurance in his mental touch calmed her fears even as unbridled lust
raced along her every nerve ending.

Wolfe rolled over and the full length of his hard male body
pressed along her, rubbing against her sensitive skin. He feathered one finger
lightly across her cheek before using it to tilt her face upward. “I could
spend hours just looking at you.” He lowered his head slowly, his eyes dark and
hungry. His lips moved over hers in a tenderly erotic caress that sent desire
racing through her, making her edgy with need.

Where she’d expected aggression, he worshipped her with his

She hooked one leg around him, drawing him closer to rub
herself against his thigh, seeking relief from the building pressure.

Wolfe used his free arm to propel the two of them in the
direction of the shore, still holding her tight against him. His tongue delved
deep, exploring the depths of her mouth, robbing her of her ability to think
straight. He took his time, a pirate reveling in the plunder.

Pure sensual feeling engulfed Nikki. The taste of Wolfe’s
mouth, the feel of his big, calloused hands, his musky male smell and the low
satisfied growl he gave when she opened her mouth wide for him to explore
combined to overwhelm her. Forget playing hard to get. She wanted this man and
she wanted him now. Hell, she wanted him yesterday.

She felt him stumble slightly when his feet hit the sandy
river bottom in the shallows. He strode out of the water like a Greek god,
carrying her as though she weighed less than a feather. He headed straight to
the weeping willow where the stately drooping branches provided shelter from
prying eyes.

Parting the branches with a thrust of his broad shoulders,
Wolfe entered the leafy sanctuary and laid her gently on a quilt spread
conveniently on the ground.

“Had this planned?” Nikki raised an accusing brow, aware her
kiss-swollen lips spoiled the effect.

“I was hopeful.” A mischievous grin curled the corner of his

Nikki laughed. He certainly didn’t suffer from a lack of

Wolfe inhaled deeply. “Do you have any idea how intoxicating
your scent is?” He propped himself up on an elbow and reached over to stroke
her breast, his big hand cupping the generous mound, kneading and stroking
boldly. “You are so incredibly beautiful.”

The raw passion in his voice excited the animal within her,
and Nikki raised her hand to trace a finger across his lips, exploring his face
with the soft pads of her fingers. She ran the tip of her tongue across her
lips in blatant invitation as her lashes drifted down to hide her eyes.

Wolfe wrapped a brawny arm around her and rolled her under
him, his muscular forearms supporting his weight as he towered over her. Her
lower body lay trapped between his solid thighs and his thick shaft pushed
impatiently against her belly.

She should have felt trapped, but she didn’t. Fiery darts of
liquid heat ran through her veins, and his aggressive posture caused her to
cream in anticipation.

Wolfe lowered his head, nipping her earlobe before his warm
tongue darted out to taste her. Licking and nibbling, he worked his way down
her neck, stopping briefly to kiss her hard on the mouth before continuing his

He sucked one tender nipple into his mouth, his eyes
darkening as Nikki gasped at the delicious sensation. Scoring his teeth gently
across the tip, he tore a whimper from her lips before he moved to the other

He explored every inch of her body, his hands moving
possessively over her hips, stopping to memorize the slight swell of her
stomach before moving on to the hollow beneath her hips. His questing fingers
worked their way down to the apex of her thighs while his tongue swirled in the
dimple of her bellybutton, sending heat flaring through every nerve. She drew a
hissing breath in through her teeth when he brushed his knuckles lightly across
her mound.

“Liked that, did you?” Wolfe raised his head and she could
see red-hot desire swirling in the depths of his eyes.

“Oh, yeah.” She struggled to form a coherent thought,
caution banished in the heat generated by Wolfe’s questing fingers.

He found the hard nub of her clit and raked his thumb over
it. “How about that?”

Nikki whimpered and arched herself against his hand. “Now.”
She moaned. “I want you now. Inside me. Deep.”

Wolfe bared his teeth in a predatory smile and in that brief
moment, he bore a striking resemblance to his namesake. He shifted position and
she felt his stiff shaft probe impatiently at the entrance to her slick channel.

Then, to her immense frustration, he stopped. Avoiding Nikki’s
instinctive attempts to impale herself on his stiff shaft, he caught her gaze,
his expression deadly serious.

“Are you sure you want to do this? It’s not too late to say

Are you insane?
Nikki squirmed and arched her hips upward,
teasing herself with the tip of his cock.
Of course I want to do this. Now
quit talking and get on with it.

Wolfe shook his head, his brow furrowed in silent rebuke. “I
need to hear you say it. Out loud.”

“Fine. I want this. Badly. Now fuck me.”

Wolfe’s expression melted into a savage smile of pure male
triumph. He thrust deep, seating himself to the balls in her slick channel.

Nikki let out an involuntary gasp, her nails raking welts
across his back as she clung to him. Honeyed heat slid through every nerve and
pooled low in her belly.

He gripped her hips tightly, teasing her with his cock,
withdrawing almost completely before sliding his hard length back into her
swollen pussy inch by agonizingly slow inch until she squirmed mindlessly with
desire, her body begging for release. She could feel his gaze burning
possessively over her while she twisted and arched beneath him.

She needed him more than she had ever needed
anything else in her life. No male had ever made her feel this incredibly

She opened her eyes, shivering at the stark need in his gaze
as he lowered his head to devour her lips. White-hot fire consumed them and he
plunged into her harder and faster until sanity fled and their world exploded
into an impossibly brilliant rainbow of feelings.

Wolfe collapsed heavily on his side, still buried deep
inside her. Careful not to crush Nikki’s smaller frame beneath him, he held her
close as a multitude of tiny aftershocks rippled through them.

He stroked a damp lock of hair from her face, ghosting a
tender kiss across the top of her head. “You are one amazing woman. I would
have never guessed you to be one of the legendary selkies. My grandfather used
to talk about how wonderful it would feel when I finally found my destined mate
and bound her to me. I thought he was stuck in the past, too old to realize how
much the world had changed in the last century. I wasn’t even sure your race
still existed. I don’t think there’s been a single verified sighting since
before I was born.” He traced the line of her lips with the tip of one finger. “You’ll
never regret binding yourself to me.”

BOOK: SelkiesSeduction
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