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Authors: Rivi Jacks

Seeking Justice (11 page)

BOOK: Seeking Justice
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“Oh… oh…” I try to control myself, fanning my face with both hands. Maybe if I don’t look at her…

“You can go now.” She opens the door and that sobers me. I peek out looking for my stalker. Seeing that the coast is clear, I step out into the hallway and turn.

“I really am sorry. I was nervous about coming up here and when I—”

My apology is abruptly cut off as she slams the door in my face.

,” I mutter.

I descend the stairs still chuckling. I consider my uncontrollable laughter may have been a bit hysterical. I had been terrified of going upstairs expecting torture devices and men with whips; instead I get the equivalent of a room full of puppies.

Looking behind me and not paying attention as I hit the bottom step, I walk right into a solid wall with piercing blue eyes.

I make a little “oomph” sound and step back. “Sorry,” I mumble. His masculine scent inundates my senses, and I take a deep breath before I look up, noticing he’s not smiling.

“Miss Shaw, have you managed to get yourself into trouble?” he drawls.

I swallow nervously. “Um… no?” His expression tells me yes. I’m not sure why though, but something tells me he’s about to set me straight on that question.

He crooks his finger at me, “Come with me, please.” He turns and heads down the hallway, not waiting to see if I follow or not. I wonder how his arrogance would take my heading in the opposite direction.

I follow, a slow burn starting deep in my belly as I watch him walk ahead of me. He moves with an easy grace that arouses me.

Everything about him arouses me.

He holds the door to his office open, and as I pass, he watches me with an enigmatic expression, which suddenly makes me nervous. His words come back to me, and I wonder what kind of trouble I might be in.

He comes up behind me as I enter the room, placing his hand on the small of my back. I gasp softly at the contact.

“Would you care for something to drink?” he asks as he guides me to the center of the room and leaves me there as he continues to his liquor cabinet.

“No, thank you.” I look away, hoping to calm my racing pulse, but when I hear the clink of ice hitting glass, it sets my nerves on edge.

“Mr. Justice, I really need to get back to work. The dinner hour will be starting soon.”

He comes to stand in front of me, drink in hand. He has a wicked gleam in his eye as he looks down at me. He looks so fine in his soft gray suit. Something about the color makes his deep blue eyes appear even clearer, brighter than normal. There’s a hint of dark stubble on his handsome face, and his tousled hair has me weak in the knees. His scent as he stands near washes over me again, and all the need and yearning I’ve felt in the last two days has me biting my lip.

I struggle to draw a breath, and I can see the movement of my knit dress over my chest. Is he able to see it too, the rapid beating of my heart?

“Mr. Justice,” he says softly. “I like the way that sounds when you say it. Very—respectful.”

I frown at his tone. The first stirrings of unease take up residence in my nervous stomach.

He settles on the edge of his desk, his long legs spread out in front of him. Even in his smart suit, all respectable, conservative even, he manages to exude a raw sexual energy.

I want him to kiss me, take me into his arms, and make love to me. No. Not love. I’ve had slow, “treat her like a lady” lovemaking. I want hard pounding raw sex, and I think Liam Justice is just the man for the job. Everything about him screams sex. His hard, toned body promises countless orgasms, and I want him to give them to me. I wonder what he would think of me if he knew my thoughts, if he knew my limited sexual experience, that I’ve never had an orgasm. I blush at my own thoughts.

“Now that’s right pretty, sugar.” He pushes away from his desk and is in front of me in two strides.

I gasp when he reaches out to stroke my flushed cheek with his finger, sliding it down my neck, across my collarbone, then over my chest. His finger continues down to delve into the V of my neckline and ends up between my breasts. My body flushes, and my skin feels on fire where he’s touched me. Does he have any idea what his touch does to me? I look up to see his knowing smile. Yes, he knows exactly how he affects me and any other woman he fancies. That thought alone should douse the heat running through my veins, but it doesn’t. I want this man. I know it will only be sex and that’s okay because that’s all I want from him.

“Your skin is incredibly soft.” His low, deep voice sends chills through me, and my breath comes in soft little pants.

When his warm hand slips inside my bra to pinch my nipple, I whimper, closing my eyes. I grab hold of his arm in reflex as he rubs his thumb over the throbbing peak.

He brings his face close to mine. “What do you want, Caitlyn?” His voice is raspy and causes my core to clench almost painfully.

“You.” My voice comes out sounding parched.

“I know you want me baby, but
do you want?”

I lay my hand against his chest and it happens to rest on the medallion under his shirt. It feels hot from his body heat.

“Do you want me to fuck you?”

My face grows warm. “Yes,” I whisper.

He doesn’t say anything, and I glance up, meeting that intense blue gaze.

Without warning, he jerks me against his body, his hand fisting in my hair as he brings his mouth to mine. I moan as he kisses me as if he’ll consume me. Pleasure quakes deep in my core.

Lifting his lips from mine, I whine softly when he takes a step back. He holds my arms, so I can’t move those few inches back into his arms.

“No expectations, darlin’.”

“What?” I’m dazed from his kiss, uncertain what he’s saying, but I know I want his mouth back on mine.

“No expectations—between us.” He holds my gaze steadily.

Okay. I got it this time. I consider his intense blue gaze. The skin looks tight around his eyes, and I realize as my head clears, he’s concerned about my answer. Or maybe it’s my actions he’s worried about. I smile slightly to put him at ease.

“I have no expectations of us, Liam.” I reach to run my hand down his chest.
Hell, am I ever going to see this man naked?
I see the relief in his eyes, and my self-esteem is a little piqued. “Your reputation precedes you, darlin’,” I say, smugly.

He frowns, and I feel his body tense under my hand. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” His voice is angry as his eyes blaze down at me.

“Just that I… have no expectations… of us,” I answer softly. His tone, and the way he suddenly looms over me leaves me not quite as brave as when I hurled the insult.

His eyes glare into mine, and once again, I wonder at his mood.

And then he’s jerking me back into his arms. His mouth comes down on mine almost violently, grinding against my lips in a punishing kiss. His tongue forces its way into my mouth plunging deeply as his hand grips my hair, keeping my head pulled back.

Excitement courses through me at his assertiveness, and I gasp for breath when he releases me.

His warm breath sends a shiver down my spine when he nuzzles my ear. “I’m almost out of my mind with wanting you. I’ve had to wait for you far too long,” he growls.

He’s about out of his mind wanting me?

He spins me around toward the desk and presses his body in tight against my back. Bending over me, he pushes me down onto the desk. His erection feels hard… and huge against my bottom.

“I’ve been denied what I want so now”—his breath is hot against my ear as he moves my hair to the side, exposing the back of my neck—“all I want to do is fuck you hard, raw,” he murmurs darkly. He bites down on the back of my neck, and I tremble beneath him.

Holy hell!
He wants to fuck me raw? I whimper.

He releases my neck licking the spot as goose bumps break out on my skin. He lifts off me and grips the shoulders of my dress, yanking the bodice down to my waist. I pull my arms out of the soft knit as he unfastens my bra, slipping it off.

“Hands flat on the desk,” he orders.

My nipples are so hard they ache, and my breasts feel heavy and swollen as he cups them, testing their weight as I lean over the desk. When he brushes his fingertips across my taut nipples, I grit my teeth. They are so sensitive.

“I’m afraid, darlin’, I will be quite rough with you when I make you mine.” He gives me this dark warning in his erotic voice, right before he rucks the bottom of my dress up around my waist. Arousal, deep and primal slams into me, and I can’t stop the shiver that runs down my spine, or my soft, shuddering gasps.

Smoothing his hands over my bottom he then digs his fingers into my skin, and I cry out at the sharp pain that pierces straight to my core.

“Quiet.” He pinches my nipples, and I moan loudly. A sharp smack on my bottom smarts enough to bring tears to my eyes.

Fuck, that hurt!

“Stand still,” he orders when I fidget from the sting.

Wedging his leg between mine, he runs his hand over the abused cheek. “You have a perfect ass, sugar, and it looks even better wearing my hand print,” he says roughly, and I feel a slight unease. There’s an underlying anger in his voice.

When he leans down to kiss and then bite the abused cheek, I moan softly trying hard to be quiet. “Very good, darlin’.”

He abruptly pulls me up and turns me to face him. As he smooth’s my hair away from my face, tucking it behind my shoulder, I try to calm my erratic breathing. I blush slightly, bared to his gaze as I am. He frowns down at me before tipping my chin up.

“Caitlyn… ” His eyes search mine. “I want you, but I won’t be gentle with you. I will fuck you hard, and I will fuck you often. I’ll expect certain things from you, but I will offer you little more than sex. If you aren’t sure or comfortable with that, you need to say right now because if we go any further—I will not stop.”

Holy crap.
He’ll fuck me often? So how has casual sex just turned into… an affair? He just warned me about no expectations, and now he’s saying that he’ll expect things from me. What am I to make of that?

“Liam—” I want this. I want him—desperately. I don’t know why I feel as I do about this man, but his words, his dominant personality—everything about him excites me in a way I could never have imagined. I inhale deeply. “I don’t want you to stop.” My voice sounds breathy.

His eyes darken, and for just a moment I think I see a gleam of satisfaction. His gaze slides down my body, and everything south of my neck tightens with anticipation. When his hand molds around my breast, I sway slightly.

“Caitlyn?” He rolls my nipple between his forefinger and thumb.

“Yes,” I gasp.

“Do you know what I’m talking about when I say I will expect certain things from you?”

I meet his direct gaze and nod slowly. “Yes,” I say softly. He’s talking about doing to me, the things he enjoys doing upstairs. A slight tremor courses through my body.

One corner of his mouth lifts slightly.

“But—” I quickly insert. I need to make my feelings clear too. “I—don’t want to go upstairs.”

Bright blue eyes widen in surprise for a moment, and then he regards me steadily, his expression impassive.

My stomach twists into a bundle of nervous tension at his silence. “But I do want to be with you.” My voice sounds a little anxious.

“Well, here’s the deal, darlin’… if you are with me… you
go upstairs.”


Can I do that? Do I want him bad enough that I’d be willing to subject my body and possibly my soul—to his lifestyle? In just a few days’ time, Liam has awakened desires that have lain dormant deep inside of me. I am suddenly needful of his seductive, licentious nature, and I don’t want how he makes me feel to stop. I’ve yearned for an intimate relationship for years, not that Liam and I are entering into a relationship per se, but no one else has ever made me feel this way. And we’re just getting started.

Yes. I want to have sex with Liam, so I guess I will do whatever is necessary to be with him. I just pray it doesn’t lead to anything too dark. I’ve managed to convince myself that if I can stay detached from what happens upstairs I’ll have some sense of control.

“I can always say no if the situation gets to be too much for me. Right?” I bite my lip in nervousness.

“Cait—” He runs his fingers through his hair, mussing it further. His action has me wanting to run my fingers through his hair too. “We can go into details later.”

“Liam…” I worry my bottom lip. “I… I don’t… I
be with anyone else.” My breath rushes out, knowing I have to be firm about this point but worried what he’ll say.

He looks surprised again. “Darlin’, I have no intention of sharing you.”

I take a deep breath. “But I’ll have to share you?”

His eyebrows raise, and I know he’s trying not to smile. “Not if all my needs are met.”

“What about my needs?” I breathe.

A roguish grin curves up one side of his mouth. “Oh, Miss Shaw, they will be met.” I gasp as sharp arousal courses through my body.

He pushes me against the desk. “I think it’s time to shut up now, Cait.” His deep voice no longer sounds amused, it holds an edge, and when he looks at me as he is, I forget how to breathe.

He slips his thumbs under the silky material of my thong, following the material down in front, and I gasp. Using his thumbs he pulls up until the G-string tightens against my sensitive clit.


He pulls tighter, and I grip his arms.

I’m up on my toes trying to alleviate the pressure when he releases the material, sliding the thong off my hips and down my legs as he squats in front of me.


“Let’s save this pair, shall we?” He looks up his gaze catching mine, and I see a sparkle in the blue depths.

He does have my thong from the storage room. I knew it!

Running his hand over my hip and down my leg, he lifts first one foot and then the other laying my thong on top of my bra.

BOOK: Seeking Justice
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