Read Seduction of Steel: The Complete Series Online

Authors: Laura Charles

Tags: #alpha male, #hot, #erotic romance, #sexy, #erotica, #contemporary romance

Seduction of Steel: The Complete Series (2 page)

BOOK: Seduction of Steel: The Complete Series
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“So, Jess.  What did you think about those stories?  Pretty steamy, huh?”


“Well, there
a lot of sex.  But it was all so unrealistic.  I mean, how many 18 year olds do you know that have had sex with the Los Angeles Dodgers?  I mean,
all of the Los Angeles Dodgers


“Some of the stories are better than others, I'll admit.  Yes, a few of them were a bit over the top...”  Amber replied, as she started to build a couple of salads.


“Over the top?  The language in these stories is ridiculous!  Breasts are 'juicy melons' or 'creamers' or 'bazookas.'   Bazookas?  Really?  And why can't the author just say, 'penis?”  No, it has to be a 'love wand' or 'man meat”, or a 'purple-helmeted warrior of love.'  Honestly, in what universe is every guy ten inches long?  On what planet do all women have double-D cup sizes?”


“OK.  You've got me on the ten inch thing.  We clearly don't live in that universe”, Amber said with a laugh.  “I take it you weren't aroused”, Amber said, pouring dressing on her salad.


“It's hard to get aroused when I can't stop laughing.  I could write better erotic fiction in my sleep.”


“You probably could, so why don't you?  The market for erotic fiction is
and there are probably a lot of women who would love to read some good sex-related fiction.  I mean, I like the cheesy stories well enough, but I'd welcome something well written as much as the next woman.”


“Me? I don't know anything about writing this sort of thing.”


“You've got an English Lit degree, Jess.  If you read enough of this stuff, you'll figure out how to write it, and write it better.  There are tons of stories like this for download.”


“I guess I'm willing to give it a try.  What's the harm? If I could make a few bucks I might be able to quit my job at Freddie's.  If that's all I got out of it, I'd be a happy camper.”


That night, Jessica ordered a reader of her own and began reading erotic fiction with a vengeance.  She did so for the next three weeks whenever she had some spare time.  She liked the fact that she could pull the reader out and catch a few pages during breaks at work.  As for the fiction, some of what she read was pretty good.  On rare occasions, she even found some of it arousing.  Most of it was awful.  But she read as much as possible and took a lot of notes.


Three weeks later, Jessica wrote her first story:




Deep Encounter on a Dark Road

By Jessica Steel


Rachel Adams took a final sip of coffee as she got up to get the stack of papers out of her computer printer.  With her thesis finished, she could effectively call her college career “done.”  She'd been working on this paper for weeks and it left her physically and emotionally drained.


With this major effort out of the way, Rachel was looking for something relaxing to do for the evening.  Unfortunately, her roommate, Brandy, was off on a date, so whatever Rachel was going to do tonight, it was going to have to be alone.


She'd been hearing a lot lately about a new romantic thriller that was playing at the local theater called
Shattered Attraction
.  Brandy had been raving about it, as had several of Rachel's other girlfriends.  She decided to head down to the theater for a couple of hours of mindless entertainment.


The movie was interesting enough, if a bit farfetched in the plot department
, she thought. 


She did think that the lead characters were pretty compelling, and despite the thriller aspects, they did manage to survive to love one another at the end of the film.  Rachel loved happy endings, especially the romantic ones.


As the lights came on and the crowd started filing out of the theater, Rachel spotted Brandon Richards.  She'd had several classes with Brandon and had a bit of a crush on him.  He was a bit reserved, but stood nearly six feet tall and had beautiful brown eyes and some wavy brown hair that at times looked like it had a mind of its own.  Rachel thought the crazy hair was cute.


She had talked to Brandon a few times and they were friendly.  She wasn't all that sure how interested he'd be in her, however, since he hadn't yet asked her out.  She managed to catch his eye as she left the theater and entered the lobby.


“Hi, Rachel!  Are you alone?  I didn't see you come in, or I'd have asked to sit with you.”


Rachel blushed.  Perhaps he was a bit interested in her after all.


“Oh, that's OK, Brandon.  I just finished my paper and I needed some mindless entertainment so I could wind down.  Did you like the film?”


“I did.  I thought it was well done and I particularly liked the plot twist at the end.  You?”


“I thought it was fine, but I had some issues with the plot.  Still, it was entertaining.”


“I'll admit that the plot was pretty complicated.  Say - Would you be interested in talking about it some more over a cup of coffee?”  Brandon hoped she'd say yes, as he thought she looked really cute right now.


“Sure”, Rachel's heart started racing.   Brandon
look pretty good in his Dockers and blue long-sleeved shirt.   She couldn't help but notice the way the Dockers hugged his tight butt.


Yet here I am,  dressed in some old jeans and a T-shirt.
Stupid me!
, she thought.


I probably look dreadful.  I'm not even wearing any makeup!  Why didn't I take the time to put on something nice tonight?


They headed to a coffee shop around the corner and ordered a couple of lattes and muffins.  The found a table near the window.  This evening had turned out to be a fortunate one for Brandon.  He'd had his eye on Rachel for some time now and had been meaning to ask her out.  He was just afraid that she'd say no.  She was pretty enough that he thought she might be out of his league.


He had to admit that she looked rather attractive, even in jeans and a T-shirt.  She had beautiful brown eyes, and her shoulder-length brown hair had that shiny quality to it that you usually only seen on models in shampoo commercials.  She also had quite a nice figure, he thought, as well as a cute little nose and a pair of lips that just looked like they were asking to be kissed.


All of this was fairly distracting.  He decided he'd better get back to talking about the movie.


Brandon asked her, “What didn't you like about the plot?”


“Well, some of the romantic aspects just didn't seem all that plausible.  I mean, she didn't really know this guy, and when he shows up to help her when her car breaks down, they suddenly have hot, steamy sex on the car hood right on the side of the road.  That just didn't seem realistic to me.”


“Oh, I don't know.  I guess I just attributed that scene to artistic license.  They did, after all, need to advance the plot and they've only got two hours to tell the story.”


“True enough.”  Rachel dunked part of her muffin into her coffee.  “I guess it's not like real life where you've got unlimited time to let romance find itself.”


They chatted some more about the film, other movies they'd seen recently, and their classes together.  After a half an hour or so, Rachel decided she was tired and probably should go.


“It's been fun, Brandon.  Thanks for the coffee.”


“I'd like to see you again sometime, Rachel.  Can I call you?”


“Sure.  I'd love that.  Take care.”


She got into her car and headed home, which was about five miles away down a road that had little traffic at this time of night.  About two miles down the road, Rachel heard a loud “thump” and her car suddenly became difficult to handle.  She realized that she had a flat right front tire and she quickly pulled over to the shoulder.


That could have been a lot worse
, she thought.


Fortunately, Rachel knew how to change a tire, so it was just a matter of getting out of the car and doing it.  She wasn't particularly comfortable doing it at night, but you don't get to choose when you get a flat.  Making matters worse was the fact that her flashlight wasn't working. 


I'll just have to fumble my way through it in the dark.


She had just finished getting the jack and spare out of the trunk when a car pulled up behind her.  Rachel grew tense, as you just never know what kind of creep might pull up behind you at night under the pretense of offering “help.”  She did have a small electronic zapper in her purse, and she reached into the car to get it.


Her tension eased a moment later when she realized that the driver of the other car was Brandon.


“Wow.  Looks like you could use some help.  Got a flat?”


“Afraid so.  It just blew out.  I do know how to change a tire, but help is always welcome.  Do you have a flashlight?  Mine isn't working”


Brandon didn't have a flashlight, so he parked his car so that the front of his car faced the front of hers.  They used his headlights for light as they spent the next few minutes changing the tire.  Rachel had a good spare, so in about ten minutes, Brandon had her ready to go.


They stood facing each other in between their cars. 


“I can't thank you enough, Brandon.  You've been a big help.”


“You're welcome.  You're lucky I was driving home this way.  I usually take Highway 37.”

Brandon started to turn to leave.


“Wait a minute.  You've got a grease stain on your cheek.  Let me wipe that off for you.”  Rachel pulled a tissue out of her pocket and reached to wipe away the grease stain on Brandon's right cheek.


As she approached to wipe his cheek, their eyes met.  They stared at each other for what seemed an eternity.  The awkward silence was broken when Brandon grabbed Rachel's hips and pulled her closer to him.


Suddenly, his lips were on hers, and she gladly received them.  She'd wanted to have Brandon kiss her for months now, and she didn't care if the two of them were standing on the side of the road.  They could have been standing on Mars, for all she cared.  His kisses were welcome, and she greedily accepted them.


He kissed her more deeply, and his tongue entered her mouth.  His manly taste had a hint of coffee to it.  He pulled her closer still, and she felt her nipples harden as her breasts met his chest.  She could feel herself growing wet as his hardness pressed against her.


Her entire body was responding with glee as Brandon caressed her.  He gently stroked her breasts over her T-shirt and began to nibble on her neck.  Her nipples stiffened ever more as he gently stimulated them.  He reached into her shirt and unfastened her bra, exposing her breasts. 


He delicately sucked on her nipples and Rachel cooed at the tingling sensation.  She began to squirm from the overwhelming sensation of pleasure as Brandon alternately licked and sucked on each of her nipples.


He then slowly moved his hands down to her jeans, and deftly unbuttoned them and pulled down her zipper. 


She wasn't wearing any panties under her jeans.  She grew increasingly moist with desire.


He reached into her jeans and gently slid a finger into her.  She cried out in ecstasy as his finger entered the slickness of her most intimate place.


Yes.  This is what I want. It feels wonderful.


He inserted a second finger, and began to quickly move them in and out, pushing through the slick folds of her pussy.  She began to rock back and forth with each motion of his hand.


He continued to lick, suck and kiss her breasts while proceeding to fuck her rapidly with his fingers.


Rachel thought she might come right then and there, and she wasn't sure she'd come only once.  She hadn't had sex in months, and Brandon's fingers were about to give her a tidal wave of pleasure.

BOOK: Seduction of Steel: The Complete Series
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