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Authors: Martha Kennerson

Seducing the Heiress (14 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Heiress
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Chapter 22

arrah stood in the middle of her kitchen, surveying her completed dinner. “The fettuccine Alfredo is ready, the jumbo shrimp and spinach is perfect and the wine is chilling. Nice job, girl,” she said just as there was a knock on the door. Farrah glanced at the hall mirror to make sure her blue formfitting scoop-neck dress was sending the sexy message she wanted. Feeling so confident that she was even wearing her big black-and-white dice slippers, Farrah opened her door and released a small gasp at the sight of the man standing before her.

Robert stood with his hands in the pockets of a pair of black jeans. He wore a simple black T-shirt covered by a black leather jacket and black combat boots—a combination he only wore when he was riding on his Harley, another one of his favorite toys. Farrah's eyes roamed his body and a slow, sexy smile spread across her face. “Good evening,” she said.

“Good evening.” Robert looked down at her feet and shook his head. “I see you still have the big dice slippers I bought you in Vegas.”

Farrah wiggled her feet. “Of course. They were a wedding present...sort of, remember?”

Robert smirked. “They came with our wedding package. How I could forget?”

“Come in,” she said, stepping aside and gesturing for him to enter.

Robert walked in, smiled and gave his head a small shake. “It's like walking into a jewelry box whenever I come to your place.”

Farrah gave him a playful shove, but she knew her midcentury-meets-old-school-glamour taste in furnishing was over-the-top, but she didn't care. She loved the light gray tufted sofa and matching wingback chairs, the uniquely designed Italian crystal light fixtures throughout her place that Robert loved to make fun of. And she especially liked the expensive three-and four-dimensional paintings that found homes on several of her cream-colored walls.

“Whatever, at least my place can't be mistaken for an expensive sports bar. Would you like something to drink?” Farrah asked, retrieving the bottle of Stella Rosa from the ice bucket sitting on her kitchen counter.


Farrah filled two wineglasses and handed one to Robert. “Cheers,” she said, raising her glass. Farrah placed the bottle on the bar in front of Robert.

“Cheers,” he echoed. Robert gazed at Farrah over the rim of his glass.

His gaze sent a warm chill down Farrah's spine. She turned, breaking the connection, and retrieved two plates from the cabinet. “I hope you're hungry,” she said, sliding the creamy pasta on the plate before adding a generous amount of shrimp and spinach.

“I'm starving,” he said, leering as he took another drink from his glass. “I know people aren't allowed to eat in your living room and your dining area seems too formal, so do you mind if we eat here at the bar? I know you paid a fortune for this—and it's beautiful, by the way. But we might as well make good use of it,” he added, indicating her red-enameled lava countertop.

“Thank you, and of course we can.” Farrah handed Robert his plate and when their fingers met, their gazes collided and her body tingled. She joined Robert at the bar and nudged him a little. “You remember the Blake rule, don't you? I cooked, so you clean.”

Robert laughed. “Deal,” he replied as he leaned over and kissed her on the corner of the mouth. Their eyes held for a moment, but before Farrah could react, Robert righted himself and began to eat his food.

Unlike during their last meal, their conversation now did finally shift to the case and what they were doing to find Ruby Lee. “Farrah, we're going to find whoever it is that started this whole mess,” Robert promised.

“I know we will.”

Robert picked up the wine bottle. “More wine?”

“No, I'm good, thanks.”

“Do you also know...well, understand anyway, why I wanted an outsider to handle the case from this point?” Robert asked, his forehead creased and eyes slightly narrowed.

Farrah saw something in his eyes that she hadn't before—concern. And it touched her heart. “I think I finally get it.”

Robert released a breath and the worry she once saw was replaced by a look of relief. “I was only trying to protect you, your career. You're the lead attorney defending a case against your family's security company for fraud against a thief with millions of dollars at risk. If this thing goes sideways, I didn't want your name attached.”

Farrah placed her fork across the top of her plate. “Why didn't you just talk to me about your concerns?”

“And what would you have said?” Robert asked.

“To mind your business and that I can take care of myself and my career.”

“Exactly,” he countered. “Which is why I went to the board to get the help I knew I'd need to convince you to see things my way. Think about it. Even the hint of anything improper could do irreparable damage to your career, especially in this industry.”

Farrah took a slow sip of her wine. “I get it,” she admitted on a weary sigh.

“Good, now can I have some more of that outstanding fettuccine?” he asked, sliding his plate in her direction.

“Sure, help yourself,” she said, smiling as she slid his plate back to him.

Robert chuckled, heading into the kitchen with plate in hand.

* * *

Robert refilled their glasses with the last of the contents of that deliciously sweet Moscato before tossing it into her recycle bin. “I didn't see another one in the fridge. Should I pull one out of that wine vault of yours?”

“It's not a vault. And there's another bottle chilling in the wine bar,” she instructed. “I figured you'd need more after cleaning the kitchen. Nice job, by the way. Not many men would bypass the dishwasher in favor of doing them by hand.”

“Well, Momma Penny made sure her only son could take care of himself no matter what. There were only a handful of dishes to wash. Besides, I don't think you've ever used that industrial dishwasher of yours, so it didn't seem right that I'd be the first to break it in. I'm just happy there really were dishes to wash.”

“What's that supposed to mean?” she asked, finishing off the last of her wine.

“I just knew I'd find empty boxes in know, from wherever you bought that delicious dinner from.”

Farrah leaned back in her chair and laughed so hard she tipped back. Robert was around the bar so fast she didn't even realize she was about to hit the floor. “Thanks,” Farrah said in a voice barely above a whisper.

Robert stared into Farrah's eyes. There, he saw his own need and desire reflected back at him. Male instincts wanted control...wanted to devour her whole, but Robert didn't want to simply satisfy an animalistic need. They had something that deserved to be nurtured in a way that a couple in love should. Farrah deserved to be cherished and Robert intended to do just that. He picked her up and carried her through the living room and down the hall to the master bedroom. He placed her gently on the bed and kneeled before her. Farrah held his gaze but remained silent, but by the heated look in her eyes and rise and fall of her breasts, Robert knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

Robert cupped Farrah's face in the palms of his hands, where he began to kiss her, first lightly on her nose, then her right cheek, followed by the corner of her mouth. He raised his head, stared into her eyes and said, “I'm done waiting. I'm crazy about you and I want my woman back.”

Farrah stared into his eyes and matched Robert's move by taking his face in her hands. “I'm back,” she said before kissing him passionately on the lips. “I'm crazy about you, too.”

“We should talk—”

“Later. Much, much later,” Farrah said as she stood and stepped away from him.

Robert turned to follow Farrah's retreating form. “Where...”

Farrah paused and then turned to face him. She reached behind her back and unzipped her dress, letting it fall to the floor. Farrah stood before Robert in her black strapless bra and matching lace panties. “Damn, you're beautiful,” Robert said, rising to his feet, his sex hard as steel. He walked over to Farrah and his eyes took their fill. “I adore you, baby.”

“Prove it,” she challenged.

Robert was undressed and standing naked before Farrah within a matter of seconds. He swept her off her feet and carried her back to the bed where he placed her in its center. “I think I'm overdressed,” she said, rising up on her elbows.

“You won't be for long.”

Farrah smiled and lay back down. Robert's manhood throbbed as he fought the urge to take her as she lay open before him. He reminded himself that this night was about pleasing Farrah. Showing her how much he loved her both in and out of bed, even though he hadn't said the words yet. Robert kissed his way up Farrah's leg, letting his nose and lips enjoy the soft, silky skin of her thighs. He slowly removed her lace panties, tossing them to the side. Robert kissed her core in a way that had her hips rising off the bed. He used his fingers to assist him in his efforts, sending Farrah over the edge, screaming out his name.

“Damn,” Farrah moaned.

“We've only just begun, baby.” Robert rolled Farrah onto her stomach, unlatched her bra and sent it to join the discarded panties on the floor. He pulled her up by her hips, bringing her to her knees. He pressed his body against her back. He brushed her hair to one side and kissed the back of her neck. Robert kissed, licked and nibbled his way down her shoulder. He used his hands to explore her body, her breasts, stomach, and finally her sex. The fingers of his right hand pushed Farrah to her erotic edge, causing her to scream out his name yet again.

Farrah fell forward back onto her stomach and tried to catch her breath as Robert's hands and lips roamed her back and butt. She rolled onto her back and rewarded Robert with a satisfied sigh. “You've worked hard enough, don't you think?” she asked, summoning him with her right index finger.

“Making love to you isn't work, baby, it's pure pleasure,” Robert said, his voice every bit as husky. He hovered over Farrah for several moments before kissing her until they both were gasping for air.

“Well, it's time we both experienced the pleasure,” she said, parting her thighs for him.

Robert kissed Farrah as he slowly entered her, enjoying every sensation his body was experiencing. While he'd made love to Farrah a number of times before, this night was special, in spite of the secret that he had yet to confess. Their bodies set a pace that had them both reaching peaks and valleys of pleasure that only they could provide each other.

“Baby, you're amazing,” Robert whispered while stroking her hair.

“So are you.” Farrah kissed his chest before she rolled from on top of him and left the bed.

“Where are you going?” Robert asked while reaching for her.

Farrah giggled as she dodged his hands. “I'm going to get the shower ready. Care to join me?”

Robert rolled to his side, resting his face on his right hand. “Of course I would.”

“Can you go get another bottle of wine? I have a feeling we're going to want it soon,” Farrah said, laughing as she entered the bathroom.

Robert walked naked into the kitchen and retrieved the wine, a corkscrew and two glasses. On his way back to the bedroom, he noticed a manila envelope that he recognized immediately lying on the edge of her end table. “Damn!” Robert felt as though he'd just been hit in the gut. Meeks's words popped into his mind.
“This is a Blake sister we're talking about. She'll be pissed, but at least she'll understand why you did it.”

“Robert, you get lost?” Farrah called from the bathroom.

“I'm on my way, sweetheart,” Robert replied, staring at the unopened envelope, and whispered, “I hope you're right, man.”

Chapter 23

mm,” Farrah moaned as her eyes slowly opened, greeting the morning sun shining through sheer drapes covering her wall of windows. She smiled as memories of last night's activities flooded her mind. Farrah rolled onto her back, prepared to wake Robert in the same manner he'd woken her only a few hours earlier. Instead of finding his sleeping form lying next to her, she found a note on his pillow. A shiver of disappointment cycled through her body as Farrah sprang forward and grabbed the note.

Enjoy your coffee. Had to go into the office and I didn't want to wake you. See you later, baby.

Within seconds of reading the note, Farrah's senses were assaulted by the aroma of fresh-brewed coffee, her favorite vanilla roast that she knew she'd been out of.

“Nice move, Robert, going out and getting my coffee,” she said, placing the note on the nightstand.

Farrah slipped into a silk robe and made her way to her kitchen. Before she could cross the threshold from the hall into the open-concept living area, she was met by a large crystal vase with a dozen long-stemmed black roses—her favorites—sitting on the side table in her foyer. A wide smile spread across Farrah's face as she walked, giggling, toward the beautiful bouquet. She reached for the card and read it out loud. “I really liked that thing you did on that funny-looking baby sofa in your bedroom.” Farrah shook her head. “It's a chaise,” she corrected, though he wasn't around to hear it.

Farrah inhaled the wonderful scent of the roses before going into her kitchen. A large cup was sitting next to a full pot of coffee. She poured herself a cup, opened the refrigerator to retrieve the creamer, only to find a platter of fresh-cut fruit and another note. Farrah reached for the note and stood in front of the open refrigerator as she read it out loud, too. “I adore you and I can't wait to show and tell you how much in person.”

Farrah could feel the tears as they began to well in her eyes. While Robert hadn't told her that he loved her yet, his actions lately most certainly had. Farrah wiped away the single tear that escaped before reaching for the creamer. She added two teaspoons to her coffee and returned the bottle to the refrigerator. Farrah selected a tiny chunk of pineapple from the plate and popped it in her mouth, then took a seat at her bar. She turned on her iPad, propped it up and dialed her sister. She enjoyed several sips of coffee while waiting for her call to connect.

“Good morning, sis,” Farrah said to the half-awake reflection of herself.

would be more appropriate,” Felicia replied, sitting up in her bed and adjusting her superhero pajama top.

“You still asleep?”

Felicia frowned. “Still? Farrah, there's a fourteen-hour time difference. It's ten o'clock and I've been up for thirteen hours. Whatever it is couldn't wait?”

“Sorry, I keep forgetting. I guess it could wait,” Farrah said.

“No, I'm up now,” Felicia said in a dry tone. “What's going on?”

Farrah took another sip of her coffee. “Have you seen Fletcher's email?”

“Yes, we finished things up early so I'll be flying to Atlanta in a couple of days.”

“You need me to join you?”

“No, I'm good,” Felicia reassured.

“You know not to sign off on any papers until I see them, right?” Farrah reminded, her eyebrows shooting up.

“Yes, of course. Now since you got me up, tell me what's going on between you and Robert. I hear you're finally dealing with your feelings for the man,” she asked, adjusting the pillow behind her.

“Who was it, Francine or Paul?”

“Both actually, but that's beside the point.”

“Not really,” Farrah said, sighing at the thought of the two people she was going to have a long talk with.

“So...” Felicia pushed a wayward piece of hair from her face. “What's going on? By the look of those beautiful roses in the background, things must be pretty darn good. He knows how much you like a unique flower. That's a good let's hear it, and don't leave out any details.”

“You mean your triplet radar is off, too?” Farrah asked, laughing.

“Yes, I think Francine's twins are interfering with our connection.”

“Thank goodness.” Farrah took a quick sip of her coffee. “It can be quite inconvenient at times.”

“Stop avoiding the question and spill before I fall asleep,” Felicia demanded, yawning.

“There's just so much more to Robert than I ever realized. We all know he's gorgeous, brilliant, and can make a woman—”

“TMI, sis. TMI.”

“Sorry,” she said, offering Felicia a sheepish grin. “Robert's not that same playboy we met five years ago. The way he loves and protects his mother reminds me of how we feel about our parents. You should see them's so sweet. Did you know he designed and built her a house? Of course not, he's so private about everything,” Farrah said, shaking her head.


“What?” Farrah asked, frowning.

“Francine was right. You're in love. Have you told him yet?”

Farrah's shoulders dropped and she lowered her head slightly. “Not yet. I was going to last night before we got...distracted. Anyway, he hasn't said anything yet, either.”

“But you know he does, right?” Felicia asked, the concern in her voice mirrored her facial expression.

“I think so...yes, I know he does,” Farrah said, nodding slowly.

“Good. I'm happy for you. Both of you.”

“So, you still keeping men at arm's length?” Farrah asked with her left eyebrow raised.

“Not intentionally. I'm just busy, not to mention I've been on the other side of the world for the last year. Besides, most men don't want to deal with a nerdy, twenty-eight-year-old virgin,” she said, slumping down in the bed.

“First off, you're a successful, brilliant doctor doing top-secret research crap for the CIA. Something that doesn't have to do with men's inability to get it up.”

Felicia burst into laughter.

“Second,” Farrah continued. “Your virginal status is by choice. It's not like you're holding out for marriage or anything. Are you? Not that there's anything wrong with that.”

“No, it's just never happened for me.” Felicia sank lower in the bed. “And at the rate I'm going, I'm going to be a successful, brilliant spinster.”

“Don't be ridiculous,” Farrah chided. “As soon as you take care of this will business, we'll work on getting you some business.”

Felicia covered her face with her pillow and laughed. “On that crazy note, I'm going to bed.”

“Well, at least you have the right idea.”

“Shut up, Farrah. I'll call when I get to Atlanta.”

“Okay, good night. Love you,” Farrah said, smiling.

“Good morning and I love you more,” Felicia replied before ending the call.

Farrah closed her iPad, freshened up her coffee, grabbed a few more pieces of fruit and headed to her bathroom. She placed her cup on the counter, pulled her hair up and turned on the shower. Farrah stepped under the spray and began washing away the evidence of last night's and this morning's activities when Felicia's words came back to her.
He knows how much you like unique flowers.
Yes, he truly did. It was a remark that jarred a long-buried memory.

“Good morning, Ms. Blake,” Ms. Ruthie, the sisters' temporary assistant, greeted.

“Good morning,” Farrah replied, accepting the messages the older woman held out. “Oh, my, I just love those flowers. Are they yours?”

“Yes,” she replied, smiling.

“Gift from your husband...children?” Farrah asked.

“I don't have any children,” she replied, breaking eye contact and putting her attention on the bright pink bouquet. “My husband sent them to me. It's the anniversary of when we first met.”

“That's so sweet,” Farrah said as she flipped through her messages.

“Thank you. I know this is the last day I'm covering Paul's desk, but I couldn't stand to be apart from them. My husband had to go through a lot of trouble to get them for me. I tried to tell him it wasn't necessary, but he insisted.”

“I don't blame you,” Farrah said as she examined the bouquet. “They're beautiful and different. Do you mind my asking what kind they are?”

“Not at all,” she replied, taking one of them from the base. “They're actually from a plant that blooms in late summer, so they had to be special-ordered and flown in. It's called Ruby Spice, although my husband calls it the Ruby Lee...after me,” she proudly explained.

Farrah's hold on the soap failed and it landed on the porcelain with a solid thud. “Oh, my God... Ruby Lee.”

BOOK: Seducing the Heiress
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