Read Scandalous Love Online

Authors: Brenda Joyce

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General, #Erotica

Scandalous Love (44 page)

BOOK: Scandalous Love
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"Because your
jealousy pleases me," the Duke said very tenderly.

His gaze was softer than
it had been the day before in the carriage and Nicole melted. "Oh
Hadrian," she sighed. "When you look at me that way ..."

"Yes?" he

"I can barely
think," she murmured. "In truth, I can barely stand."

"Can you think long
enough to tell me what you told me yesterday?"

"What did I tell
you yesterday?" she squeaked nervously.

"I don't want to
play games anymore Nicole," he said very seriously. Then he added,

She groaned. "It
wasn't a dream, was it? Yesterday, the way you held me, as if you cared."

"I do care."

She clutched him tightly
or she would have dropped right to the floor. "And I do love you, Hadrian.
But you already knew that, didn't you? Because I told you yesterday."

"I began to suspect
it was true only a few minutes ago," he said, deliriously happy.
"When you began to threaten poor Holland."

"She is not so
poor! She is the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen!"

"She is not the
most gorgeous woman I have ever seen," the Duke said.

Nicole was nearly
reeling in joy. "Can you forgive me for running away? For embarrassing you
again? Oh, I shall never forgive myself for humiliating you once more! I
promise I shall never do anything so rash again!"

"Please, do not
promise, I know now to expect the unexpected from you. As long as you love me,
Nicole, nothing else matters."

"Oh Hadrian,"
Nicole said, gripping his shoulders. "This is too good to be true. I am
afraid if I pinch myself I shall find out I have been dreaming!"

He laughed again and
pinched her cheek for her. "There. You see? You are awake, you are not
dreaming. You are my duchess," his voice lowered, "and I love

Nicole fell into his
arms eagerly. She had waited forever to hear those words. And he was right. Her
husband, the Duke, was right. Nothing mattered, not anymore, not when they
loved each other, and not when they had finally laid old misunderstandings to

Sometimes, she realized
happily, dreams really do come true.

BOOK: Scandalous Love
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