Read Say It with a Strap-On Online

Authors: Purple Prosaic

Tags: #brio, #erotic, #erotica, #fiction, #glbt, #lesbian, #romance

Say It with a Strap-On (3 page)

BOOK: Say It with a Strap-On
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last Carly popped the remainder of the piece of candy into her mouth
and offered her fingers to Jenna to be sucked of its traces. As
Jenna's hot tongue swirled around her knuckles, Carly knelt between
her knees and delivered more kisses to her neck and chest. She
wanted to tear the bathrobe all the way open and ravish her,
mercilessly, until Jenna twitched like a puppet on a string, but
something held her back—a sense that Jenna needed something
else this time.

as difficult as it was, Carly simply sat back on her heels at Jenna's
feet and waited for her to shift gears. It didn't take long.
Fingertips gently lifted her chin until she was looking up and into
Jenna's piercing green eyes. They held a quiet determination that
Carly found intensely erotic.
, Carly's mind
Use me!
With her other hand, Jenna tugged at the belt of her robe and let it
fall all the way open. The scent of leather filled her nose, and she
immediately knew what the box in the trash can had contained. Jenna
nodded, giving her permission to look down.

have," Carly murmured as she lowered her mouth to the identical
strap-on, "such damned good taste." Jenna scooted forward
so that her ass was barely sitting on the edge of the bench. She
propped herself with one hand and wove her other through Carly's
hair, pushing the phallus deeply into Carly's mouth. Knowing
precisely where the base of the vibrator rested, Carly slipped her
index fingers beneath the harness and roughly parted Jenna's labia,
eliciting a primal growl. She bit down on the shaft and pushed it
hard into Jenna's clit, working it in small circles. The aroma of
arousal battled, and then overcame, that of the leather as Jenna
thrust her hips forward to increase the friction and prolong the

reached blindly over to the vanity and plucked another cherry from
the box. She looked up, questioning, and received another nod.
Momentarily breaking her rhythm, she shoved it into Jenna's cunt.
The chocolate coating instantly cracked and syrup, mingled with
natural nectar, oozed over Carly's fingers.

under the bench, legs first, Carly propped herself on one elbow and
grabbed Jenna's cock with the sticky hand—grinding it into her
clit. Her tongue swirled around the stem of the cherry, drinking the
juices and sucking at the chocolate that was just beginning to melt.
Jenna emitted a guttural groan as Carly's agile tongue slipped inside
and thoroughly devoured the remaining chocolate, leaving only the
cherry. Carly could feel the walls of Jenna's cunt begin to
contract, and she drove both the cock and her tongue harder in

not yet," Jenna gasped. "Stop, Carly!"

the stem between her teeth, Carly eased from beneath the bench and
rose to her knees. She leaned forward to offer the cherry dangling
from her lips to Jenna who accepted it and the accompanying kiss with
fervor. Jenna's hands tugged at the waistband of Carly's jeans.
"Undress," she ordered, standing so suddenly that she
knocked over the bench.

eagerly complied and soon stood naked before Jenna, awaiting further
instruction. She ached to move, to take the lead, but resisted the
powerful urge. Jenna clearly had other things in mind, and Carly was
certain they'd be just as enjoyable. She instead cocked her head
sideways in a rather insolent '
' gesture
which belied her level of excitement at Jenna's assertiveness.

should make you tell me what you want," Jenna said as she slowly
circled Carly, dragging her fingernails over exposed skin and leaving
faint red trails in their wake. Carly held her breath, every nerve
ending alive with anticipation. She wouldn't speak unless directed
to do so, but inside she begged to be touched—to be taken.

righted the bench and nudged one of Carly's feet up onto its seat.
She pressed her body into Carly's back and grinned at the sharp
intake of breath as her cock nestled against Carly's ass. "Put
your hands on your head," she whispered into Carly's ear, "and
don't make a sound." Jenna turned on the vibrator and then
reached around to cup both of Carly's breasts, pinching her nipples
almost painfully.

closed her eyes and ground her ass against Jenna, almost losing her
balance. "Easy now," Jenna said tauntingly as one arm
dropped to her waist to steady her then continued slowly down Carly's
abdomen. Jenna's fingers hovered over her sex, close enough to feel
the heat but not quite touching. Carly was torn between the desire
to push back into the cock or forward into Jenna's hand. "I
wonder which you want more," Jenna teased as she licked Carly's
neck. "This?" she said, slipping a finger through Carly's
wet folds. "Or this?" she continued with a sharp thrust of
her hips, each accompanied by an extra twist to one of her throbbing

keep from moaning, Carly bit her lip. "Or maybe," Jenna
said devilishly, "you'd like both."

assaulted Carly's clit as the vibrating cock nestled further between
the cheeks of her ass. She tossed her head from side to side,
determined to remain silent. Jenna's torment continued, bringing
Carly right to the brink of orgasm before backing off and then
starting again. Each time, it became more difficult to stifle an
involuntary gasp. Carly was dizzy from hyperventilation and her legs
quivered from the exertion. The scent of Jenna still clung to her
face, making her ache for more. She could feel only those parts of
her body, which remained in contact with Jenna's skin. They tingled
with a heat that eclipsed all else.

Jenna's hands finally spun her around and planted a bruising kiss on
her lips, Carly groaned in ecstasy. Jenna's eyes sparkled, "You're
mine now."
always been yours
Carly thought dreamily as Jenna positioned her against the wall.
You're just now
claiming me

the wall and braced by her palms, Carly again felt Jenna's cock from
behind. This time, however, she bent forward from the waist so that
it slid easily into her cunt. It filled her completely, and Jenna was
far from gentle. The jack rabbit vibrated against her asshole while
the beaded shaft rotated inside, driving all coherent thought from
her mind. Fully in the moment, Carly surrendered. She could hear
Jenna's voice, but the sounds were unintelligible—as were her
own. She could feel Jenna's tight grasp on her hips, but the pain
only registered as pleasure at her core.

burning inside Carly grew stronger with every thrust, straining
against the boundaries of her sex. She felt it draw energy from her
arms and legs—pulling inward from the extremities, gathering
strength. Her entire being centered there, dense and hungry. Jenna
cried out and collapsed against her back, her body trembling as each
pulse of her own orgasm swept through her. "You're mine now,"
Jenna repeated in a hoarse whisper as she reached around to stroke
Carly's clit.

touch pulled the pin on the grenade.
Carly braced herself for the explosion of bliss, knowing it was
going to knock her off her feet. Her vision went completely white
and her legs buckled. As the first wave hit, she slumped to the
floor, taking Jenna along with her.

lay there together in silence, slowly recovering. When she could
again breathe normally, Carly rolled onto her side and looked into
Jenna's eyes. As one, they began to laugh, blowing away the hovering
fog of awkwardness that threatened to again settle between them.
"You have," Jenna giggled as she sat up and unbuckled the
strap-on, "chocolate on your forehead."

stood, somewhat unsteadily, and peeked into the vanity mirror,
attempting to wipe the chocolate away with her fingertips. That was
when she noticed Stephen leaning against the doorframe, his
expression unreadable.

Stephen," she said softly, convinced that he could hear the
pounding of her heart. After what she and Jenna had just shared, she
no longer felt any fear—but that didn't mean things couldn't
get ugly elsewhere.

he tipped his head. "It's good, see you again. Is it
safe to assume," he asked stoically, looking past Carly to a
wide-eyed Jenna, "that this is what you've been trying to tell
me all week?"

his gaze, Jenna replied, "It is."

happens now? What do you want?" Stephen calmly asked, picking
up Jenna's bathrobe and handing it to her.

seized the opportunity to collect her clothes and slip into the
bathroom, figuring they would be more comfortable discussing their
future without her present. As she left the room, she heard Jenna
respond, "I need Carly in my life. Can you live with that?"
She closed the bathroom door and turned on the tap, washing the
chocolate—and, unfortunately, traces of Jenna—from her
face. Pulling on her panties, Carly noticed the fingerprint bruises
already forming on her hips.
she grinned.

the time she'd finished dressing, the low buzz of conversation had
stopped. Carly slowly opened the door, not knowing exactly what to
expect. Stephen waited for her and stood as she entered the room.

love her." It was a statement, not a question, so Carly just
nodded. He smiled and said, "I can live with that."

* * *

NOTE: The first edition of this story appeared on Literotica in
2004. Many edits later, it was included in my debut collection,
fine flickering hungers
If you enjoyed it, please check out its prequel, "Boiling

Take one part Appalachian
redneck, one part wet dream, and one part filthy-minded wordsmith.
Mix well and serve with chocolate-covered cherries. There you have
the one and only Alessia Brio.

writes all colors and flavors of erotica, from heterosexual to ménage
to same sex, and from twisted to humorous to deeply touching.
(Sometimes, usually by accident, it even qualifies as romance.)

work has earned her critical acclaim in the form of a 2007 EPPIE for
Best Erotica (
flickering hungers
a Romantic Times Top Pick (
Together: For the Cure
and two Next Generation Indie Book Awards for Best Erotica (
Together: For the Cure
in 2008 and
in 2009 with
partner, Will Belegon) in addition to a plethora of glowing online

Internet is both her office and her playground. She can be found
online at:


is also the driving force behind the Coming Together erotic anthology
series. Each volume in this series benefits a specific charity.
Please check out the site and purchase a volume or three. It's
erotic altruism at its finest!

* * *


BOOK: Say It with a Strap-On
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