Saving The Cowboy (BWWM Pregnancy Romance) (5 page)

BOOK: Saving The Cowboy (BWWM Pregnancy Romance)
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Chapter Twelve – Parker

   He was frantic. He was terrified and angry. He was a good many other things as well, but right now he couldn’t put a name on every single one of them. She had been gone three weeks, three weeks and then when she does respond it’s to tell him she’s pregnant. He had never expected her to go. He had said all of those things to her that night, but he didn’t mean right at that moment. He had gone to bed angry with himself and the next morning was when he realized, she was gone. He had sent her messages and voicemails and nothing. He tried to contact the agency to get her address, if she wouldn’t respond, he would just go face her, but they wouldn’t give it to him.

     She was still his wife, damn it! They had signed all of those papers in that office and the moment they’d had sex they had consummated this sham of a marriage they had created. She could keep the baby now, hell she could do anything she wanted. Everything had slowly fallen apart, and it was his fault. What could he blame her for? Being too beautiful, too sweet? He had made the first move and even as he sat there he knew he would do it again, given half a chance. He had missed her smile, the way she laughed. He was too close and yet here he was on a flight to New York of all places. He detested the big cities, but in order to bring her back home with him, he knew he would have to go get her.

     He found his rental car and set out to find her. The GPS route was simple enough, but he was taken back to the area she lived in. It was in a neighborhood where people were everywhere and to be honest he didn’t trust it. He would definitely have to bring her back with him, there was no debate there. Finally the car found the house and he pulled into the driveway. He hesitated for a second before he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

   The door flew open and he was almost knocked down the stair by a mass of hair and a stream of perfume. He knew the moment she turned around that this was Jasmine's little sister. The next whirlwind came by quickly and he watched in awe as she yelled after her.

“Rika! It’s just homework and you have to get it done!” She was yelling at the figure growing  smaller as it moved away from them. “You need to go to college you know?” She was yelling now at the figure that kept going.”

When she turned around to head back in she looked at him, he could tell she was surprised.

“Parker, what are you doing here?” she shook her head. “Maybe I should ask why you didn’t tell me you were on your way. I would have met you someplace.” She shielded her eyes and looked up at him.

“How are you feeling Jasmine? I mean… you know?” He gestured towards her stomach and she smiled.

“Let’s go inside and chat, my father went into the city and we have a couple hours.” He followed her inside. The house was small but tidy and efficient. It had a homey feel and he glanced at the pictures lining the wall.

They sat down and Parker stared at her. “Jasmine, I tried to get in touch with you after you left, I didn’t think you would run that night, I was terrified something had happened to you. I had half of the police department looking for you until we found out you had flown out of the state. I assumed then you were headed home, but I didn’t know where.”

“I’m sorry. After we last spoke I assumed that’s exactly what you wanted me to do.”

He watched her expression change and he knew she had been hurt during the entire exchange.

“I never meant to hurt you Jasmine, I want you to know that.” He saw her deep sigh.

“The question is what do you want to do now Parker? I’m pregnant, just as required. Do you want this baby? Do you want me to keep it? I would if you wanted to go a different route you know. If you wanted someone else.” She looked up at him.

“I don’t want anyone else Jasmine, I want you… your baby. You understand me, understand what drives me and you are ok with the arrangement we already have.”

She smiled. “You have the ranch Parker. As of this moment you essentially have everything you were required to have.” She subconsciously touched her stomach.

Had he been with anyone else that small movement would not have meant a thing to him. Sadly, this wasn’t just anyone. He felt his heart tighten just watching her do that. Nothing had changed, he wanted her as much as ever. It was different somehow, deeper, stronger. He felt the pull to protect her, and the baby.

“Come back to the ranch with me Jasmine, I’m not sure what’s happening with us. It’s all a mess, but the baby is here, it's real now.” He watched the emotions play out on her face. He wanted to tell her it would be ok, that he would love her, but he wasn’t sure if that was true, not until the ranch was secure, not until he knew what he felt. He needed time, that would make it all fall into place.

“Parker I am fine here, my father and my sister and I are ok. You don’t have to be responsible for me anymore. When the time comes and the baby is here I will call you and you can come get him.”

She stood and made her way over to the window, waiting for his response.

“Absolutely not, Jasmine, I want you there, I want my baby born there. When he is here, you can go home.” He touched her arm. “I just won’t feel safe, Jasmine, like I’m out of touch with what happens to him. I want to go to the doctor with you, and make sure you’re fed. I want to be a part of the process. Please, don’t take that from me.”

He almost pleaded with her.







Chapter Thirteen – Jasmine

He was hurting and it showed. He meant every word he spoke and she knew she wouldn’t take it from him.

“Ok, Parker. I’ll go back with you.”

              She saw him visibly relax with her word, she knew this would be the hardest thing she ever did but she would try, for him. He stood and walked over to her. He was even more handsome than she remembered.

He held his hat in his hand, all she thought about was the way he had touched her with those hands just a month ago. This would be hard for them both. They would have to set rules, to make sure things didn’t get out of hand. He didn’t want a family, he wanted a ranch and nothing else. She was painfully aware of that fact now. They made plans to fly back to Texas the next day and she walked him to the door. He turned as if he wanted to say something else but he didn’t and instead he moved down the stairs to his car.

              She shut the door and leaned against it. She had thought loving someone would be hard. That falling in love could wreck your world, but the truth was, not loving someone was even harder. She loved him, loved this baby even now as it grew inside her.

She wanted a life with him, but it was out of the question and the sooner she accepted that the better off they would be. She explained things to her father that night and he smiled at her with some sort of understanding that even she didn’t know. She told him she would be back in about eight months. That would give her six weeks or so to recover and make her way back home. He never said a word and she just arched an eyebrow at him.


              Parker finally came and she opened the door. His large frame filling up the room. She watched her father greet him warmly, shaking his hand and asking him questions about Texas. Even now she was surprised at her father’s laid back attitude. She was a little concerned that he didn’t seem bothered by the situation a little more. It was his grandchild after all. At least technically, on paper, it was Parkers baby and that was all.

Once again she gently touched her stomach. Even that she would have to try and separate herself from. She made her way outside and said her goodbyes. Her sister leaned in to hug her goodbye and whispered to her.

“He is hot.”

Jasmine rolled her eyes and smiled.

              They found their gate and were methodically making their way to the entrance when the hostess asked if they would like a free upgrade since there had been a few cancellations. Parker glanced down at her and happily agreed.

              “Have you ever flown first class?” He leaned down close enough to make her jump.

“No, I haven’t, I have never flown before I came to Texas the first time, I’m sure it will be something.”

She looked out the window of the plane.

They were given every luxury on board, the ladies walked around offering them everything from drinks to food to snacks. Jasmine's appetite had certainly picked up so she had no problem accepting all the treats they offered. She and Parker laughed about things that had happened at the ranch in her absence. They kept things light and friendly between them. As long as they continued that they would be ok. The flight was over too quickly, Jasmine had just fallen asleep when they landed. She shook herself awake and frowned. Maybe when they got back to the ranch she could rest. As if he read her mind Parker interjected.

“You seem tired. Are you ok?”

He looked her over, concerned. Jasmine felt more like a prized animal than a person and it left her feeling unsettled.

“I will, I’m still not feeling well,” Jasmine said.

She didn’t look his way she chose rather to focus on getting there and then she could start sorting out her feelings some more.

The ride was a smooth affair. She said her hellos to James, who smiled at her in welcome.

She fell asleep again in the car and she leaned more and more towards Parker, who must have enveloped her in his arms because when they came to a stop at the ranch that’s where she found herself. She glanced up at him, questioningly, before moving away from him. The next few months would be hard to take, but she knew it was for the best.









Chapter Fourteen – Parker

              She had finally relaxed and fallen asleep on him. He knew he could steal this moment to touch her like this. Once they were home it would be all business, for all their sakes. He struggled with the emotion she stirred within him. Was this how his father had felt about his mother? The thought made him shiver, he wouldn’t put himself in that place, ever. He leaned down and breathed in the scent of her hair and as they pulled into the circle he gently kissed the top of her head.

              He watched her wake up and find herself on him.

She scrambled to sit up and some part of him was hurt. There was a constant battle going on inside him. Part of him wanted to avoid what his feelings for her would create, the other part hurt when she pulled away, and when she was gone. How would he ever be able to really let her go? Hopefully they would find a way.

              They made their way inside, he let Becca come walk Jasmine down, so that he wouldn’t intrude. He knew she wanted a nap and the idea of being back in her room was too much yet. If he was in there he knew he would kiss her and want even more. Instead, he strode out of the house and back to the out buildings. He needed an update about how things were progressing at the ranch while he was gone, he needed to work to help him stop thinking about her.

              The days went by both of them filling their time with work and educating themselves about a baby, which was growing more every day. They shared dinnertime, but always left separately so that they could avoid any unnecessary contact.

Two weeks after she had been back they made their way to the doctor who welcomed them with open arms.

The ultrasound machine seemed a never-ending blur of color until finally the doctor put the handle on her stomach and they could see the baby inside. It was small still, almost hard to believe that would one day soon be big enough to hold. The doctor measured the baby’s size, timing her to be about two months now. She gulped and blushed as they both realized the baby was definitely not a product of the insemination. The doctor noticed too, and smiled as she glanced at them both.  She printed out the picture of the little bean and Jasmine took it home to have it framed and it sat on her night table.

              They were only required to come in once every two months right now. She scheduled it and they made their way back to the ranch. Parker was more excited than she had ever seen him, He kept telling her how wonderful she was and his excitement was contagious. They soon found themselves at a burger joint in Austin.

“I never eat this stuff, but it is
good right now.” She rolled her eyes back as she said it and noticed his amused look.

“This baby likes greasy food and chocolate. There is no telling who he will become.” Parker laughed with her. He reached across the table and touched her hand with his. She was practically glowing and he knew he had never been happier than at this moment.

He let his hand linger there, and felt her heart beat faster.

He was so lonely for her, and she felt it too. It was almost too much to look at her like that. She pulled her hand away and he frowned. He couldn’t have it both ways. He may have to be more careful about the time they spend together. She finished off her food, Parker cheering her on as she went. She managed to eat all of it and even she seemed surprised.

“I am such a pig.” She exclaimed as they made their way into the house.

“No, you are beautiful.” He smiled down at her and he knew the tension in the air wasn’t just noticeable to him.


              They made it to her door and she stopped to say goodnight but instead he crushed his lips to hers once again. It was an achingly sweet kiss. He was fighting his own demons. She seemed to hesitate as though she was fighting some of her own as well. Both of them needing each other but refusing to take the chance. She pulled away from him and looked into his eyes.

“I want you Jasmine. I know I have no right, I know you may not feel anything for me, but damn if I don’t want you more than I did before.” He was frozen to the spot.

              “Parker,” she whispered. “I want you, too. I’ve always wanted you.”

He wrapped his arms around her then, pulling at her clothing until she was naked standing in front of him. He quickly shed his clothing as they kissed.

Parker suddenly scooped her up and carried her to the bed, gently laying her down into the pink fluffy comforter. He moved back some, the contrast of her caramel skin and the pale pink made her skin glow even more than usual.

Her breasts were heaving with every breath she took and the crested peaks were hard and waiting. He needed no further encouragement and covered one with his lips, suckling hard and nipping at her. She ran her hands in his hair and pulled him to the other one, needing him to service both of the luscious globes.

He cupped one in his hand her dark nipple seeming to beckon him for more while his other hand moved down the length of her body. He hissed in air as he felt the warm heat of her. He ran his thumb over the tiny nub of excitement and she moved against his hand. Tonight he wanted it to be about her. He moved slowly kissing and nipping his way down her body until his mouth was mere inches away from the heat of her. He used his hands to spread her legs wide and heard her moans as he attacked her with his tongue.

He wanted this, wanted her. He loved the taste of her as he worked her with his mouth. He felt the tremble in her legs begin as she put her hand in his hair grinding into his face. She wanted it… needed it and he was the only one to give it to her. Before she found release, he moved up and moved to push into her deeply with one thrust. She encased his length and she shuddered at the tight feel of her. She was made for him, for his loving.

He moved slowly, laying the length of his body along hers grinding himself into her. He kissed her as he moved, covering her face with little kisses and as the pace picked up and he knew the end was near he reached down to use his hands to help her meet him there. She started the climb and he used that to fuel himself, he felt her contract around him and he spilled himself into her.

BOOK: Saving The Cowboy (BWWM Pregnancy Romance)
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