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Authors: J. Woods

Savage Scheme (2 page)

BOOK: Savage Scheme
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“Libby,” he called. She stopped and moved to face him. “How many steps did it take to get around the guards this time?” Her eyes widened, she couldn’t believe he knew her game.

“Thirty-seven,” she admitted. And for the first time, Randall smiled and nodded his head before he turned around and left her staring at his retreating back.

Libby grinned. The excited squeal of a woman on the street below pulled Libby out of the memories that were never far away. She watched for a moment at the group of young women, the joy on their faces and for the first time she felt the pang of jealousy. She wanted the freedom that they exuded as they walked down the street arm in arm toward the nearest bar. But it was the tingling at the back of her neck, the sensation that she was too familiar with of being watched. It was a feeling she was never wrong about and even as a child Randall told her it was a gift, one she perfected until at times it was all she relied on. She didn’t know what or who but it was there and it was coming. For her. Another fit of giggles broke through her concentration, causing a curse to slip past her lips. Pushing herself from under the tarp she found herself in her apartment and staring at her closet before she had the chance to pull back and dispel the wants that were quickly rising within her. She was tired of hiding. Tonight she would give in, just for a couple of hours. Then she could go back to her imprisoned life. Her fingers touched the fabric of the leather pants that still held the tag along with the sheer thin white sweater she bought to match. Swallowing her doubt she pul
led the outfit from the closet.

Chapter Two


Nate Savage stepped from the shower of his Toronto hotel room. Moving over to the window, he pushed aside the closed curtain, staring at the setting sun and the still dark apartment of Libby West. She should be home by now from work, he was notified she’d left for the day, so where the hell was she? She was the type of woman who never veered off schedule, the same mundane agenda day in and day out. He didn’t know how someone could live that way. She didn’t have any friends that he knew of, no known acquaintances she would grab a drink with after work or catch a movie. She woke, she went to work, she came home. Rest and repeat. He was almost dreading this part of the mission, the amount of boring that was injected into James West’s daughter was almost unbelievable. Blowing out a rough breath, he let the drapes fall closed as he fell onto the hard hotel mattress. Staring up at the ceiling he wanted to curse his brothers remembering the day Ashbrook had presented them with this case. They were coming off the excitement of their previous mission when they pulled into the Barn and found Ashbrook waiting for them. Getting out of his car, he quickly introduced Cole, an agent in the CIA. He’d heard they were the best and he was there to offer them the opportunity of a lifetime. Inviting them in, they sat around the meeting room table and listened attentively while Ashbrook explained the folder in front of him and the name that carried anticipated weight - James West. He was a business owner, pharmaceuticals, and lived the high life they assumed somewhere in the Caribbean in his mansion on the coast. He’d flown under the radar for years, no government agency able to compile enough evidence against him. One thing was made clear in the meeting. They wanted him gone, eliminated. Nate knew exactly what that meant. James West was a stain on the agency, and humankind in general. He was an evil man, he’d accomplished some of the most horrific crimes, rumors of anyone rubbing him the wrong way strangely disappearing. And they wanted Savage Security to take him out. There were underground rumors stirring that James West was manufacturing the ultimate drug. It was one they couldn’t allow to hit the streets. If the rumors were true, the drug would be an instant killer to anyone stupid enough to try it. And the dealers were already lining up. It needed to be destroyed, every trace of it and West needed to follow it into the ground. It was the biggest mission they had ever been offered, one that they knew would take a lot of preparation and research before going in hot. It also meant working with Ashbrook and his lapdog. Something about Cole rubbed Nate the wrong way. Maybe it was the way his lazy ass lacked professionalism or the way he disregarded some of their suggestions. It was obvious Ashbrook hadn’t let his friend know if Savage Security was going to take on this mission they were going to do it their way. If they wanted an execution, they would get one but it would happen on their watch. Ashbrook continued to ignore his lackluster partner and proceeded to tell them West had a daughter. A plan came together quickly, knowing she was the key to the operation.   

Why he was the one chosen to set up a connection with the target, he wasn’t sure. He knew connecting with Libby was an integral part of the mission, they needed the information she held, but his impatience was getting the better of him. He wanted to be in the action, in the heart of the adrenaline. Being alone in this hotel was the same as being alone at home. And being alone meant more time for his thoughts to run rampant. He didn’t want to think about how happy his brothers were or the fact that he wasn’t. He was chasing mission after mission knowing he was running away from the things he refused to deal with. It was a trait that was well known in his lineage. Logan ran until he was caught by Zoe, and Max after him until he was caught by Brie. The only difference between them was Nate had no intention of getting caught. Ever. He’d been tied to what he was now realizing was the spell of an unhappy relationship for three years and a woman who thought exclusivity also meant fucking other people. There were times he wished he had his brothers’ perseverance or his sisters’ ability to forgive so easily. But that wasn’t in him. He wasn’t carefree like Max or had the ability to move on like his twin sister Stella. At times, he couldn’t believe they were related let alone twins. She was so good and kind. She devoted her life to helping others and while he could say the same, Stella’s heart didn’t run off adrenaline, off the high of a successful mission. Hers was a visceral need. A natural calling to provide help to the helpless. He had unique relationships with all of his siblings and they were brought up not as step brothers and sisters but as a whole family. One that wasn’t put together from broken pieces, even if that was how their story began. Aiden was the oldest and made everyone aware of it. He was a leader and someone who Nate strived to be. Even though it took Aiden longer to come around to accepting David as their father, Aiden was most like him. Logan had a drive unlike anyone he had ever met and Max was his kindred spirit. They had an almost telepathic connection, sharing the ability to know the others next move instinctively. Cameron was the brain. She carried a smarts about her that he often envied balanced by the talent to always make him smile. She provided a joyful peace within their family that no one else could. Luke and Roxy were the babies, both driven by a wildfire he had no hope of keeping up with. But Stella was his twin, an extension of who he was. They shared a connection unlike any he shared with anyone. They didn’t have the traditional twin bond, Nate couldn’t feel her pain nor Stella his which he was inevitably grateful for. Nate had walked through hell. He carried scars both physical and mental he would never wish upon his worst enemy let alone the one person who shared his deepest connection. She never tiptoed around his feelings or succumbed to his anger. She refused to be anything but honest with him, a trait that was both annoying and refreshing. And if he stared at his ceiling any longer he was going to start waxing poetic.  

He needed a drink.


Libby pulled open the heavy door that led into the dark, musky bar. The stench of whiskey stung her nostrils followed by a forced spark of courage. Standing in the doorway she looked around the growing crowd of twenty something’s and the band that was setting up on the far stage. With one last look outside, the sky not quite black in the cool spring night she urged her feet to move toward the empty stool at the bar. Her hair flowed around her shoulders in loose waves and with each step she felt the familiar weight of confidence settle around her.

“What can I get you, gorgeous?” She smiled at the young bartender’s compliment.

“Bourbon, neat.” With a nod of surprise, he poured the dark liquid and placed the glass in front of her. “Thanks.” Turning to face the rest of the room she took note of each face, watching with concentrated interest in the crowd before her.

“I’ve never seen you here before.” Libby took a patient breath, looking up at the ceiling before swiveling her stool to the already inebriated guy sitting next to her. She could smell the stale beer on his breath, his eyes glazed with hours of drunk.

“Haven’t you?”

“No. And I would have remembered that face.” He let his eyes drag lazily down the length of tight leather covering her legs. “And this body.” Rolling her eyes, she took a sip of her drink and relished in the warmth that filled her chest. “Please tell me, what I can do to get your number.”

“You can’t,” she replied with a curt smile.

“Why not?” She almost laughed at the confusion in his voice.

“Because I’m not interested.”

“Well, I think you would be if you just gave me a chance.”

“I doubt it.”

“Come on Princess, I promise I’ll give you a night you won’t forget.” Just as she was about to give the creep beside her a piece of her mind, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up against the warmth of the person standing behind her.

“I believe she said she wasn’t interested.” Turning around slowly her eyes met first with a mouth watering broad chest before moving north to a perfect jaw line covered in stubble, kissable lips and a pair of intense blue eyes.

“Who the fu-” the drunken guy started beside her.

“Beat it,” he growled. The tone of his voice, gravelly and dominant, sent a shiver racing down her spine. His eyes held hers as if he could see past her exterior, an unnerving sensation she had never felt with anyone. She felt her back hit the bar as he leaned in, invading her space. He rested his hands on either side of her against the rough wooden surface, effectively giving her no escape. She swallowed against the rapidly increasing beat of her heart. It was the heat in his eyes, the obvious want as he stared into hers that stirred something low in her belly. “Dance with me.” It wasn’t a question she realized. It was a demand, a dare. She wanted to smile at the dark mischief she saw in his features but could barely manage to breathe. No one had ever had such an effect on her. She felt the slight nod of her head as she watched the small victory curve at his lips. Taking her hand he led her quietly to the dance floor where the crowd had gathered, bodies and hips moving along to the thrumming rhythm the band pounded out. Walking steadily behind him she took in his broad back, the way his dark blonde hair fell, making her fingers itch to touch it, grip it, pull it while he kissed her neck.

Jesus, get it together, Libby.

She could see the hard muscles he wasn’t hiding very well underneath his black shirt, the way they moved and shifted with each step. Turning her he pulled her against him as he took the lead, her body automatically swaying with his. Forcing herself to steel her emotions and whatever foreign feelings she was experiencing toward the magnetic stranger she realized this was exactly what she wanted. She wanted a night of freedom, no past, no danger, a night where she didn’t have to be a chameleon, where she could just be Libby. She wanted a night, an experience that would settle the envy she felt toward other women her age without the baggage she consistently carried. With that resolute conclusion in her mind, she closed her eyes briefly as she inhaled his masculine scent and wrapped her arm around his neck while he took her other hand in his. Shooting him a small smile, she received an arrogant grin in response. She loved that even with her five foot seven height and in her heels she still had to look up at him. “So what do I have to do to get your name?” he murmured. She suppressed the shiver at his lips so close to her ear.

“What are you willing to do?” she asked playfully. His megawatt grin full of perfect white teeth framed by the sexiest dimples she had ever seen stole every idea she had about teasing him. “Libby.”

“It’s nice to meet you Libby, I’m Nate.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Nate.”

“Come here often?” he asked, the line delivered with just enough cheese to make her smile.

“Never. You?” She was positive she would feel the echo of his fingers on her back long after they were gone. He burned sensation into her, the dormant hormones raging in hunger for more. 

“Same. You’re a very good dancer,” he murmured, the tone of seduction evident.

“Ditto,” she breathed, cursing her ignorance when it came to flirting. “What is it that you do, Nate?” She noticed the slight wavering, his hesitation before answering that she was sure without her training would have gone unseen.

“Family business.”

“And what business is that?”


“Oh really? Like systems?”

“Something like that.” Before she could ask any more questions, he spun her around causing a surprised giggle to bubble up in her throat.

Libby didn’t know how many songs passed as they stayed on the dance floor. Looking around she realized they were the only two left as the band announced their last song of the night. There was something about being in Nate’s arms as he moved her with experience to the music felt right. She’d never felt so reckless, so real before. She’d been with other men, but her experiences were nothing more than emotionless transactions. They served one purpose, distraction. Nothing more, never more. With Nate and one look, one dance, she finally felt that spark. The one she’d read about in the romance novels she loved and didn’t get to read nearly as much as she wanted. He called to every part of her femininity, her sensual bases. He created butterflies and made her feel nothing but a woman. She wanted to bite her lip and bat her lashes. She wanted to taste and tease and for once in her life, she desperately wanted him to feel the same. A commotion at the bar had her turning, her senses on overload as she felt each muscle tense, prepared. The man from earlier who’d had one too many drinks was being escorted out of the bar, effectively bursting her bubble of fantasy.

“Hey, you okay?” he asked, squeezing her upper arms. She flinched, trying to cover up her responses with a saucy smile.

“Yes, but I should get going.”

“Really? I can’t persuade you to have one more drink with me?”

“It’s late,” she explained lamely. God she was pathetic. She wanted a night, one night where she could forget the soldier she was trained to be and just be Libby. Feminine and fun, sassy and sexy. And now that she held the opportunity in her hand she was running away, unable to stop herself. Every part of her, mind body and soul was screaming at her to stay, rioting in frustration. But it was her fear that won.

“Okay,” he conceded.

She felt his large hand rest on the small of her back as he guided her out of the bar into the streets that were considerably more empty than when the night started. “So, I’m this way,” she started, gesturing awkwardly down the street. Turning to face him she hesitated before holding out her hand. “I had fun tonight, thank you.” Gripping her fingers he pulled her directly into his space, his hand splaying on her hip. She felt her breath stutter in her chest at the feeling of being so close to him again with no excuse of pounding music or a crowded dance floor. She felt his warmth seep into her, liquefying every barrier she had cemented in place. She wanted to reach out and touch the stubble that covered his strong jaw, run her tongue along the seam of his perfect lips. Damn, what was this man doing to her?

BOOK: Savage Scheme
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