Read Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5 Online

Authors: Kathleen Kelly

Tags: #Savage Angels MC, #Biker, #Biker romance, #contemporary romance, #Biker Erotica, #Suspense

Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5

BOOK: Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5
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Savage Sacrifice

Savage Angels MC Series Book 5

by Kathleen Kelly

Table of Contents

Title Page

Savage Sacrifice (Savage Angels MC #5)

A Note About The Savage Angels MC Series



Chapter 1 | Kat Saunders | Lead Guitarist in The Grinders

Chapter 2 | Dane Reynolds | President of the Savage Angels MC

Chapter 3 | Will Van Ryken | Lead Singer in Rockplay

Chapter 4 | Truth | Lead Singer in The Grinders

Chapter 5 | Dane

Chapter 6 | Dirt | Sergeant at Arms in Savage Angels MC

Chapter 7 | Jonas | Vice President in the Savage Angels MC

Chapter 8 | Kat

Chapter 9 | Dane

Chapter 10 | Kat

Chapter 11 | Dane

Chapter 12 | Dirt

Chapter 13 | Dane

Chapter 14 | Will

Chapter 15 | Kat

Chapter 16 | Juan Cortez | Head of the Cortez Drug Cartel

Chapter 17 | Dane

Chapter 18 | Dane

Chapter 19 | Kat

Chapter 20 | Dane

Chapter 21 | Dirt

Chapter 22 | Kat

Chapter 23 | Will

Chapter 24 | Dane

Chapter 25 | Will

Chapter 26 | Dane

Chapter 27 | Kat

Epilogue | Dane


Kathleen Kelly

About The Author

Cover designed by Letitia Hasser

Editing by Sass ‘n’ Suss Editing

A Note About The Savage Angels MC Series

Welcome to another installment in the Savage Angels MC.

It is recommended that each book be read in order.



For Mature Audience 18+

Contains Adult Sexual Situations & Language


opyright © 2016 Kathleen Kelly

Published by Kathleen Kelly

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Kathleen Kelly is in no way affiliated with any brands, songs, musicians or artists mentioned in this book. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.


ll efforts have been made to ensure the correct grammar and punctuation in the book. If you do find any errors please e-mail Kathleen Kelly:

[email protected]

Thank you.

Savage Angels MC Series

In Order:

Savage Stalker (Savage Angels MC #1)

Savage Fire (Savage Angels MC #2)

Savage Town (Savage Angels MC #3)

Savage Lover (Savage Angels MC #4)

Savage Sacrifice (Savage Angels MC #5)

Savage Rebel (Savage Angels MC – Novella due out in June 2016)


Keep up to date with my books at my


the reader, I hope you’ve enjoyed this wild ride with me. Now, if you haven’t read the rest in the series, stop now, you really need to read those first!

Thank you for your support and thank you for purchasing this book. Find me on FaceBook and tell me what you think, I’d be honored to hear your opinion.

Chapter 1
Kat Saunders
Lead Guitarist in The Grinders

slam the phone down as Dane and I have another argument about me being on the road, and him wanting me to come home. I’ve told him he can come with me, but he keeps saying how busy he is with the MC and that he needs to stay.

Well, I need to stay too, away from him and away from our problems. I grab my keys and go down in the elevator to the bar in the hotel. I have no fucking idea what city I’m in. When I walk into the bar, I can’t see any familiar faces, so I head for the first available table, and throw my ass into a chair.

A waitress approaches me. “What can I get you, Ma’am?”

“How about a husband that understands me and a less complicated life?” I throw at her sarcastically.


“A bottle of Dom will do,” I say petulantly.

She smiles and walks away. I glance around the room, not making eye contact with anyone in case they take it as an invitation to join me. I
have stayed in my room but after my disagreement with Dane, I couldn’t stand to be by myself.

I miss him, and I know I said I’d be home within six months, but both our and Rockplay’s are doing well. We need to capitalize on that and do the fucking tour, except that the fucking tour got extended, and I knew that might happen, but I didn’t think our album would sell as well as it

“Hello, Kat!” yells a very drunk Will Van Ryken as he falls into the chair opposite me.

“Will,” I say with no emotion in my voice.

“I thought the very precious Kat Saunders didn’t
bars anymore?”

“I needed to get out of my room,” I explain.

The waitress comes back with an ice bucket and my Dom. She places a glass in front of me and opens the bottle. She pours a small amount into the glass, I sip it, and nod at her, and she fills my glass up.

“You’re drinking?” asks Will slurring his words.

“It would appear so.”

The waitress comes back with another glass for Will, but before she can fill up his glass, he grabs the bottle and takes a swig out of it, grinning at me as he does.
Well, at least, I got one glass.

“Aww, come on Kat, why so glum?”

I take a sip of my drink and look him in the eye. “You’re a fuck up, you know that? You have an opportunity to make a real comeback with this album and tour, but you’re going to piss it all away aren’t you?”

“Ahh, I know what this is! You’re upset as this is your first marriage and it’s fucked already.” I cock an eyebrow at him. “Tell me I’m wrong, tell me your marriage is rock solid, and I’ll leave you the fuck alone.”

I can feel tears pricking the back of my eyelids, and I take another sip of champagne to try and get my emotions under control. My face feels hot, and I’m sure I’ve gone red.

“Shit. Sorry Kat. I
a fuck up.” He reaches across the table and grabs one of my hands. “Forgive me. I’m full of piss and bad manners. Let’s have a meal, and you can tell me all about it. After all, I have been married twice I might have some valuable information to impart.”

A camera flash goes off, and I turn in the direction of it.

“Kat, how long have you been dating Will Van Ryken?” yells a man.

I stand, and Will does too, he pushes the camera man away, smiles at me, grabs my hand and takes me to the elevators. Once inside he hits the button for the top floor.

“Will, I think I’ll just go back to my room.”

“Fuck that. Let’s eat; the restaurant has a great view, and the food is good.”

I realize he’s not drunk anymore.

“Was that all a fucking act downstairs?”

He looks at me sheepishly. “I have an image to uphold. But I meant it when I said you could talk to me.”

Will smiles at me and for the first time, I realize that maybe he
the dick I’ve always thought he was.

“The food better be good,” is all I say.

Chapter 2
Dane Reynolds
President of the Savage Angels MC

’m still fuming after the concert, and it’s been hours. Dirt suggested a ride around Mexico to blow off some steam, but all it’s done is let me rattle around in my head, imagining the worst. When we finally head toward the hotel, it’s past one o’clock in the morning. The last time I spoke to Kat, we had a huge fight on the phone, and she hung up on me. I was a dick. I thought if I came down here and she saw me, she’d realize how much we mean to each other but after seeing that fucking cock sucker Will Van Ryken kiss her on stage, I’m not sure what I’ll do.

I stride up to the hotel reception desk, Judge and Dirt on either side of me. The guy on the desk does a double take and plays with his tie. I have my eyes locked on him, and he looks around nervously. I’m about ten feet away when a camera goes off in my face. I stop walking, momentarily blinded by the flash.

“Dane Reynolds?” asks the reporter.

I swing my gaze to him and say, “What?”

“Is it true you and Kat Saunders are filing for divorce?”

“What? No!” I growl at the fucker.

“Would you like to comment on her affair with Will Van Ryken?”

My vision turns red with anger. Kat means everything to me and for this fucker to insinuate she’s fucking someone else? There will be no mercy. I walk toward this him, grab him by his jacket and push him backward until he hits a wall.

“I dare you to say it again. Go on, test me, and we’ll see how fucking well you can take photos and spread lies with broken fucking fingers.”

“It’s true; I can prove it! I have footage.” I feel like I’ve been winded.
He has proof?
“If you’ll just let me go, I can show you,” pleads the fucker.

I shove him up harder against the wall, let him go, and take a step back. Behind me, I hear Judge and Dirt talking to someone, and I think its security, but I don’t turn around. This fucker has proof? He’s pushing buttons on his camera then shoves it under my nose, there on the screen is Kat holding hands with Will across a table, and she looks happy.

“It’s from a couple of weeks ago, but they’ve been reasonably friendly ever since,” offers the scumbag.

I’m shaking my head and looking at my woman.
This can’t be real
. I drop the camera, unable to face the image any longer. The camera man falls to his knees and catches it. I feel a hand on my shoulder and slowly turn around. There are three security guards, and two very pissed-off looking MC. I push past all of them and head for the, now, smug looking guy at reception. He must think he’s safe with all the security guards around; his eyes get wider the closer I get, and that smug expression falls away.

“Evening, I’d like you to ring Kat Reynolds, room and tell her, her husband is here.”

Without even looking at a computer he says, “No one by that name is staying here.”

“I know she is. Do. It. Now.”

Judge stands next to me. “Try Kat Saunders.” My head snaps in Judge’s direction, and he holds up both hands. “Don’t kill the messenger.”

The guy on reception clears his voice, and we both stare back at him. “I can’t confirm that Ms. Saunders is staying here.”

I reach across the desk and grab his tie; he makes a pathetic squeaking noise. “You ring her room,
right now
, or you and I are going to dance, you get me?”

“Dane, let him go,” says Judge. When I don’t, he places a hand on my arm. “There’s another way.”

Reluctantly, I let the guy go, and he moves backward away from us, straightening his tie.

“Could you please, Ronaldo, contact Miss Jessica Rabbit and tell her she has visitors?” ask Judge politely. I quirk an eyebrow at Judge; he shrugs, “It’s her thing. Sometimes it’s superheroes, this tour it seems to be Disney characters.”

I push away from the desk and turn around. Dirt is talking to the security guards, and no one looks happy. So long as he keeps them away from me, I’ll be fine. I turn back to Judge, who’s on the phone with a huge grin on his face. I look around the room and spot the photographer who’s taking photos of us. I glare at him, and he does the finger at me. I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow at him; he takes one more shot and scurries away.

I uncross my arms and look up at the ceiling. It’s a nice hotel, very classy, marble floors, wood paneling on the walls, and lots of sparkle. Kat always said she preferred our home to any hotel, and it’s been nearly a year of her traveling. When we do talk, it’s on the phone, and it doesn’t end well.

Laughter draws me back to the present, and I look toward the front of the hotel to see Kat walking in, arm linked through Will’s. Cameras are flashing, and questions are being fired at them, she looks happy.

I hear Dirt say, “
Fuck it

I stride past everyone and grab Kat’s arm, pulling her out of Will’s.

BOOK: Savage Sacrifice: Savage Angels MC #5
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