Read SAGE Online

Authors: Jessica Caryn

SAGE (10 page)

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“I’m at three minutes.”   I gave him my gun.

“Let me know when you’re thirty seconds under.”

I pouted more and crossed my arms.

He smacked my butt.

“Go on before you lose daylight.” 

I went back in the hanger.

I walked out almost two hours later. 

Scott’s men went in to pull the stuff apart.

This was our last day here.

Billy was hugged up with that girl.

What’s her damn name?

She wore a short skirt and lots of make-up. 

She sucked on a bright red lollipop.

Cherry. The name and candy was for effect.

She wanted to look much younger than she was.

Hell she was at least thirty.

I shook my head.

Scott always had women around.

They would be there awhile and then gone.

I knew working girls when I saw them.

We pick our poison. Billy chased woman and probably caught more than he bargained for. He would be balls deep in hurt in a few days. I shook my head. I love my brother but after this I’m done. I didn’t blame him for all of it. I had a part in it.

We can’t right our wrongs but we can start over.

Ramsey leaned against the car.

I estimated the distance.

I did a running jump with the last strength I had.

He tossed his phone on the car hood and caught me.

I put my arms around his neck.

“I hit the time, four times!” 

“Good, what’s your fastest time?”

He put his arm under my butt. 

“2.28” I sighed.  “I missed you.”

“It was two days.” He laughed.

“You went almost two years without me.” 

I tried to push him away.

His passionate kiss left my speechless.

“Darlin I missed you too.”  He murmured.

“But it’s true; you can survive on your own.”

“I don’t want to.” I said. “I want to be with you.” 

“Then don’t leave.” 

“I won’t.” I said softly.

He put me on my feet.

I got in the car. 

I waited until we were on the road.

“How did it go?” 

“It’s an old fashion bank, shouldn’t be hard.” 

“Okay.” I relaxed in the seat.

“I talked to Miles. He misses you.” 

“I let him down.”

“You didn’t. He knows this was me and Billy. ”

I shook my head. “I’m worried about them.”

“Greg and my boys are there and the local fellas stop in to check on things too. Miles said Greg is teaching the girls how to shoot. They’re using low caliber guns but he’s scared half to death.” 

“He should be.” I laughed. 

“And the sheriff was nervous but now he plays cards with the boys in one of the booths. He said he’s never seen a gang or club of outlaws so respectful.” 

I laughed so hard I cried.

Sheriff Wilson was a real piece of work.

I wiped my eyes. My friends are safe. Billy was …well Billy. I was with Ramsey. It wasn’t the best situation but I couldn’t ask for more.

We drove to the hotel in a comfortable silence. We had a beautiful suite and the bathroom made me think of the cabin in Montana.

I followed him to the bathroom. He ran our bath. His presence made me feel ultra-feminine. I put my hair into a bun. He turned off the water.  I squealed as he came for me. I let him undress me. I stood in front of him naked. His eyes filled with lust. I watched him take off his clothes. Ramsey stepped into my space and like always, he was my world. I touched his chest and he swept me into his arms. In one quick thrust he was buried deep inside of me. I cried out as the heat intensified. His slow grind made me frantic. It was the perfect balance of pressure, pleasure, and pain. He kissed the base of my neck and confessed his love for me. He thrust deeper and I rode him harder. I fell into the emotion and my orgasm came. I wanted more but he pulled out. Ramsey stepped into the tub and eased down with me in his arms. His strength and balance was insane. I sighed when I felt the cool rush of water and then heat. The water swept over us and I settled into his arms. Ramsey ran the sponge across my skin in between caresses. His voice was low and sexy. He said he’d give me a massage and then we’d eat. We would make love all night. In the morning we would have to let the world back in.

Tonight is what mattered.

Tonight I felt like a queen.




Alabama- Bank #1 

The white non-descript van was Scott’s idea. Well, he didn’t know shit. I found a shop and had professional artwork done. The decals were a fake company logo. It would be noticeable but wouldn’t draw attention.  We were inside the van outside of the bank.

I start each job with a calm mind.

We were there for the cash.

The people inside wouldn’t be hurt.

I did things with purpose and discipline. 

I glanced at Scott and Mitch. It wasn’t his name but he was Scott’s male bitch. Sage sat with her head back and eyes closed. She had her mask and gloves on. I would set the tone and she would follow my lead. The dance was familiar. It was just a different song. I would keep her right. Scott looked at his watch. Nah. Sage would keep time for me. We’d go on my mark. I didn’t have to check for her. I shifted.

Yeah my girl would do this nice and easy.

I slid open the van door.

I jumped out and we rushed inside.

Sage sprinted past me and jumped the counter.

She vaulted the plexi glass and pulled her gun. 

“Hands up!  Move Back!”

Scott secured the customers in the lobby.  Alright.

Mitch was slow as fuck. 

I shook my head. 

The clerks came out from behind the counter.

Sage ducked out of view.  “Clear!” 

I yanked a badge off a brunette’s neck.

She squealed.

I pulled the keys off her belt.

I winked at her and was gone.

I ran down the hall. The response time was under two minutes if an alarm was triggered. I needed to get in and out. I hit the security panel and then bypassed the generic code on the outdated door.

I rushed inside the vault.

Three keys, a slight tap, and strong feel.

I packed the first bag twenty- five seconds later. 

Tight and not too light.

The even weight would be easier to manage.

I skipped the color coded bands, raw bills, no dye. 

Yeah, this bank was old school. 

I emptied the raw.  

“150 seconds!”  Sage was at the door. 

I zipped up the bags.

I slung them over my shoulders.

I ran out the vault.

Sage fell into step with me.

We ran down the hall.

The bank lobby was quiet. 

Scott had the employees situated. 

Sage ran past me to the front doors.

I tossed the badge to the brunette.  

She caught it.

DNA and fingerprints all her.

Sage scanned the street outside.

She flung the door wide and ran out.

I came out behind her. 

No sirens. No cars.

The white van squealed to a stop at the corner.

We ran to it and jumped inside.

Sage glanced at me. “They’re slow.”  

“I know.”  I dropped the bags at our feet. 

The driver glanced at us through the rear view mirror.

“I don’t want to get caught.”   He told us.

“Twenty seconds.” Sage kept time.

I watched the door.

“We leave in twenty with or without them.”

“10 seconds.”  Sage said.

I shook my head.

The bank doors opened.

“15 seconds.” 

They ran to the van.

Mitch threw the bag inside.

They got in and the driver pulled off quick.

They lost their balance and fell.

I slid the van door closed.

Sage glanced at me.

I didn’t have to tell her.

There would be some changes on the next one. 

The driver drove the normal speed.

We heard the sirens.

Sage checked her watch.

She flashed her palm and her index finger.

Six minutes. I shook my head. Fuck.

We drove outside the city limit.

A few minutes later the driver pulled off the road.

He made it to the check point early.

I grabbed the lighter bag and jumped out the van.

Sage came out behind me. 

The driver pulled the decals off the side.

I didn’t have a name on him yet. I would.

He gave them to me. 

I would talk with him soon.

I walked away from the van.

Sage fell in step beside me.

We took off the ski masks and fitted gloves.

“What’s this?” Scott asked.

I glanced over my shoulder.

“See you in a few days”   I told him. 

“Not so fast.”  Scott said.

“Leave the other duffel bag.”  

I laughed. “It’s our 35 percent.” 

“It hasn’t been counted.” 

“The weight seems about right.”  

Mitch flinched.

Sage pulled her gun.

“Calm down.” Scott told her.

“I am calm.” She smiled.

“We need a chain of command.”   Scott said.

“I am command.”  I told him. 

Scott turned away.

I guess Mitch would live to see another day.

We left. I gave Sage the mask, gloves, and decals.

She tucked them into her empty backpack. 

We walked through the brush to the car. 

A few minutes later we were on the road. 

Sage tossed the duffel bag in the back seat. She grabbed it, tossed it again, and then put on a pair of latex gloves. She reached down and grabbed the heavy plastic at her feet. She pulled it up and over her and then put the duffel bag on her lap. She shook it hard and then unzipped it. She put her hand inside and then checked the glove. No dye. The money was clean. She zipped the duffel bag and threw it in the backseat, folded the plastic, put it on the floor, and then picked up the back pack. She took out the guns.

She would check the safety, take out the clip, release the bullet from the chamber, push it into the clip and move to the next.  She double checked and then put the empty guns and clips into the backpack. Damn she was perfect for me. I thought about the job. Scott wasn’t a professional. His boss needed me. I didn’t have a name on her yet but I will. This was a test but it showed me more than they realized.

Sage sighed and I came out of my thoughts. She ran her hand through my hair and then rubbed my neck. I groaned because I wanted to pull the car over and fuck her. Her lips brushed my jaw and I felt her hand under my shirt. She settled in for the ride.

The drive to Nashville, Tennessee went fast. I pulled over and popped the truck. Sage picked up the back pack. I grabbed the duffel bag. We got out the car and went to the trunk. I removed the side panel. She gave me the pack. I took out the van decals, zipped up the pack and put it in the hidden compartment. I snapped the panel back in place.

I put the duffel bag in the space for the spare tire. We didn’t want anyone to find the guns. The money could be replaced. Sage folded the decals and tucked them under her arm. We walked to the pedestrian bridge. We stopped in the middle. I knew she wanted to enjoy the view.  She stared at the Cumberland River for a minute. Her eyes sparkled as she watched the rays of light bounce along the city skyline. She unfolded the van decals and tossed them. They drifted in the air until they hit the water and dissolved. I held her and we watched the sunset.  She sighed. She wanted to dream that Nashville was home. I had a surprise for her but for me home was wherever she was. We got in the car and drove into the city.

I knew she would take it all in. I drove through the grand entrance and she squealed. Her eyes followed the beautiful gardens that ran the length of the private driveway. I parked the car outside of the mansion style resort.  A valet came and opened the passenger door for her. Sage gave him a soft thank you. She was cute when she was shy. I tossed the keys to him and then took her hand. We went up the steps. She stopped, pulled her hair tie, and shook out her hair. It fell around her shoulders in a wild mass. She bit her lip and asked if she looked okay. I told her she was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. She blushed. We went inside and up to the front desk. I was given a key card.  She waited until we were in the elevator to tell me she wanted to touch everything in the lobby. I laughed and took her hand. We got off at our floor. I found our room and opened the door. We went inside. She covered her face in surprise. We had the best view of the atrium from our room. It was fully lit. The soft light streamed in. She glanced around the room and her eyes watered when she saw the gift bags. I knew what she liked and what size she wore. I would make sure she didn’t ever go without.

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