Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)

BOOK: Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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Sirens and Sailors 6

Sacrifices of the Siren

Just when Melantho is beginning to really enjoy life on the island with her beloved sailor, Blandon, she is visited by the evil elder Hermandine. The old lady manages to blackmail Melantho into leaving Refrainia to live a life of drudgery as her servant on the mainland. When Hermandine and Solon mistreat and abuse the poor girl to the extent that she becomes severely ill, Blandon and Dr. Jay discover the secret she has been hiding for the past three years. As Melantho battles with her health and her miserable past, Blandon showers her with love and strength. Eventually it seems that she can face her future by resolving the past, but when Hermandine reveals an ancient law of Refrainia Melantho has to decide whether to sacrifice her past once again, or forgo her future on the island with Blandon.

Fairy Tales/Myths, Fantasy, Futuristic

54,037 words


Sirens and Sailors 6

Bella Settarra


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


Copyright © 2014 by Bella Settarra

E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-068-9

First E-book Publication: July 2014

Cover design by Christine Kirchoff

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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Sacrifices of the Siren
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To Gabrielle.

Thank you for all your help and support, and for being you. Love you, angel.

Table of Contents


Sirens and Sailors 6


Copyright © 2014

Chapter 1

“But we can’t,” Melantho whispered. “Sapphire will be home.” She giggled as Blandon took her hand and led her up the short path to her stone hut. He really was gorgeous, with his light brown hair which hung around his shoulders, and his big green eyes which twinkled with mischief. His mouth seemed to be in a permanent smile, and he had the most dazzling, perfect teeth.

“She won’t mind. Besides, she’ll be busy herself.” He grinned as he winked at her and Melantho blushed. Even in the semidarkness she was sure he could see how red her cheeks were.

“But it’s not dark enough yet,” Melantho protested with a smile.

Blandon sighed as they reached the door of the little hut she shared with Sapphire. “It’s OK if you don’t want to.” His voice was sad but understanding.

Melantho reached up to his soft cheek and stroked it tenderly. They had had this discussion so many times before and each time she got a little nearer to giving in to what she really wanted. What he also wanted. The familiar feeling churned in her stomach and she found herself wanting to cry. She sniffed and quickly looked away from his handsome face as she felt the hot tears prick the edges of her eyes.

“Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sorry.” His hand was on her face now, wiping a tear which had made its bid for freedom down her hot face.

“It’s not your fault. It’s just me.” She just managed to get the words out before great sobs heaved up from the back of her throat and she gulped to try to push them back down.

“Come on, let’s go inside and talk for a bit.” Blandon’s voice was as gentle as his hands as he wiped away another tear before ushering her into the house.

It was even darker inside, and he lit a candle to lead them to the little table and chairs which sat by the open window. There was no moon tonight and it was already getting late.

Melantho sat on the chair opposite him, trembling as she fought back her tears. He gave her a handkerchief and she wiped her face. She felt his strong hands reach for hers across the little table and she gladly placed hers in them. She felt safe in his hands. He was her hero for so many reasons.

“I love you, Mel. I just want to hold you in bed, that’s all. We don’t have to do anything more if you don’t want to. I would be happy just to feel you next to me, honestly I would.”

She stared up at his big, emerald eyes. They were kind eyes. She loved those eyes. She loved him. A warm glow burned in her stomach and she stared at the table in front of her.
I don’t want to just be held. I want to make love.
How could she ever tell him how she really felt?

“I love you, too, Blandon,” she whispered.

A massive smile spread across his worried face and he gasped at the admission.

Melantho couldn’t help but smile back. She secretly felt proud of herself for being able to tell him that much at least. He had told her he loved her several times, but she had never told him how she felt. She sighed as a weight lifted from her shoulders. It felt like a start, a step in the right direction. A sudden noise from Sapphire’s room startled her and she jumped up. She wasn’t sure whether it was giggling or crying. Blandon seemed a little wary as Melantho glanced over at him before making her way to the far bedroom. She put her ear to the rough wooden door before turning the handle. She gasped. Blandon was suddenly behind her, holding her gently as she stared into the darkness.

Sapphire had lit candles which flickered and glowed a soft light, picking out the shapes of the three people in the room. Sapphire was riding on someone’s cock while sucking Delmer’s long dick. She had her back to the door, but Delmer was facing it, or he would have been if he wasn’t throwing his head back and moaning quietly. He was sat with his knees astride the man whose face Melantho couldn’t make out, and Sapphire was holding onto him while slurping and sucking at his cock. All three were oblivious to their audience, and Melantho couldn’t bring herself to move.


Melantho recognized the voice from below her friend as Marinos, a good friend of Blandon. She felt herself go hot and felt too heavy to lift her feet and leave the room, although she knew somewhere deep down that that was exactly what she should do.

She watched as Sapphire sped up and heard the slap of flesh on flesh each time she landed back on Marinos. Her head moved quicker too and she groaned as she slurped at the juices she was evidently sucking from Delmer’s member. All three were gasping and groaning loudly and the smell of sex and sweat filled the little room. They climaxed almost all at once, and Sapphire’s scream was harmonized by their guttural grunts.

Melantho was aware that her own breathing was heavier and she felt herself glowing with heat. As the three lovers slumped around on the bed, Melantho and Blandon quickly left the room and quietly closed the door. They went back to the table but didn’t sit down. She felt his arms around her and panted into his hard, bare chest. She could smell his heat and realized that he was breathing heavily too, as his muscles heaved beneath her. Her thoughts were in a whirl as she tried to make sense of it all. She had seen Sapphire with Delmer and Marinos lots of times, but not like this. The two sailors lived in the same hut as Blandon, and often came over with him when he came to see her. She had thought they were just being friendly with Sapphire because she shared the hut with her. Her innocent mind had never considered that there would be any more than friendship to their relationship.
How could I have been so blind?

“Are you OK?” Blandon’s voice was deep as he murmured in her ear.

Melantho was stunned to feel a gush escape her pussy, and she pressed her legs together tightly. She nodded, not daring to look up at him.

“Are you sure?”

She nodded again but this time chanced a glance up at him. In the candlelight she could just make out his strong jaw and his twinkling eyes. She felt another gush from her pussy and tried to squash her legs together again. She wasn’t quick enough and he slipped his leg between hers. He was only wearing shorts, and being so much taller than her, she felt his bare skin against her inner thighs. She knew there was no way he could have missed the moisture which ran onto his hairy flesh.

“I didn’t know,” she whispered up to him.

His hand came down to her face and stroked her cheek. He sighed. “I did wonder but I wasn’t sure,” he admitted. “Does it bother you?”

Melantho thought for a moment. She had felt shocked and a little betrayed a few minutes ago, but seeing Blandon seemingly take it in his stride she wondered if she wasn’t overreacting a little. Sapphire was a year or two older than her twenty-four years, and, although they were good friends, she wasn’t really obliged to tell her everything. Besides, this was probably the first time she had slept with them, so there would have been nothing to tell anyway, except maybe that she had deeper feelings for the guys than Melantho thought.

BOOK: Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)
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