Russian Mobster's Forbidden Mistress (8 page)

BOOK: Russian Mobster's Forbidden Mistress
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Josef watched in shock as Mikhail rose from the counter and exited the kitchen. It was the first time that Mikhail had ever alluded to the power differential that existed between them. They were friends, but Mikhail would always hold a more important role in the family hierarchy because of his position as the heir apparent.

When they were younger and the elder Mikhail was healthy, Josef had been Mikhail’s partner. They had completed numerous jobs together, cut their teeth in the business together, and always watched each other’s backs. Apparently times were changing.

Josef got up from the counter and stretched. It was time to go home. It was time to get some perspective. But first he had to report back to the elder Mikhail.

The house was dark and still as Josef carefully and silently climbed the stairs to the second floor. He still couldn’t see the nurse that should have been on duty. There was a night shift and a day shift, but they seemed to be conspicuously absent from their posts since early this morning.

Josef pushed open the door to the older man’s room. The darkness was broken only by the glow of a small yellow lamp on a side table. Josef approached the bed and gently took the old man’s hand. He could feel a pulse fluttering beneath the thin skin.

The elder Mikhail’s eyes fluttered open. “Josef?”

“Mikhail deceived you,” Josef whispered. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand why, but I do know that there is some part of this alliance that he has not been open about.”

His ravaged face drooped even more. “Thank you, Josef. You have been like a son to me. I only wish I could have done more for you.”

Josef knelt and placed the old man’s hand against his face. “You’ve done enough, and I’m grateful for that.”


Chapter Ten



Josef stepped out the back door. The wind had gotten considerably warmer in the last four weeks. Summer was in full bloom, though the temperatures were still pleasant enough in the northeast. Flowers grew in the beds beside the stairs and in the window boxes. He knew that Dani took her flowers very seriously. He’d seen her tending them repeatedly in the last month.

Josef lit his cigarette and inhaled deeply. It was odd, but this had become his only cigarette of the day. It was a single smoke that had no other purpose than to bring him out onto the back steps of the Mikalevich home.

“There you are,” Dani’s sweet voice drifted down from the treetop. “I was beginning to think that Mikhail would keep you in that meeting forever.”

“Not forever,” Josef murmured. “Are you ready?”

“Oh yes.” She eagerly began swinging down out of the tree.

Josef watched her progress with admiration. “You’ve gotten pretty good at climbing that thing.”

“Just as you’ve gotten a lot better at boosting me back to the lowest branch.” She dropped to the ground, landing in a crouch.

“I see you’ve learned to protect your knees.” Josef grinned. With the longer days, he was able to see her quite clearly, even though it was nearly nine o’clock at night.

“Of course!” She gave the body parts in question a rueful rub. “It only took a few jarring landings for me to learn to squat at the perfect moment.”

“You’re getting athletic enough that I might start to worry you’ll be able to best me.” Josef actually felt some pride at that thought.

“So, what’s on the agenda for tonight?” She cocked her head, curiosity plain in her expression.

“I thought we were going to get ice cream.” He took her hand and tugged her closer. “Since you’ve developed quite the demanding appetite for the stuff.”

She grinned, standing on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around his midsection and nuzzle his neck. Josef bit back a groan. His body responded to her almost instantly as it always did. Using her lips, she teased the skin over his throat and then the flesh exposed by the open
of his dress shirt.

His cock swelled to full hardness. He shifted uncomfortably. Keeping his libido under wraps had been torture, but he’d managed it. And Dani hadn’t really been helping him out. She took every opportunity to rub up against him, touch his skin, tease him with her lips, and basically make it obvious that the celibacy in their relationship was all on him.

“We’ve been”—she used air quotes—“seeing each other for nearly a month, Josef.” She held the tip of her index finger against the middle of his chest. “I’m tired of waiting for you to want to make love to me again.”

He was dumbfounded. “Do you really believe that I don’t

“Well you’re certainly unaffected.”

Unable to resist the temptation, he took her hand and placed it on the hard ridge of his erection beneath his slacks. She made a tiny noise of surprise. Then her hand cupped him and she began stroking the shape of his cock with her soft palm.

“This is what I’m like whenever you’re around,” he told her hoarsely. “You have only to smile at me and I’m ready for you.” He brushed a kiss over the sensitive shell of her ear. “But I still respect the bond I have with your brother. I don’t want to disrespect Mikhail.”

“So when does it become okay?” There was almost a pleading tone in her voice. “I’m so tired of waiting, Josef. I

The naked longing in her voice destroyed what was left of his self-control. Josef crushed her lips beneath his. Sweeping his tongue between her lips, he made love to her with his mouth until there was nothing for him but Dani’s moans and the feminine flesh that yielded to his touch.

She lifted her leg, spreading her crotch against the top of his thigh and rubbing the outside of his leg with her calf. The promise of more was too much. Josef had to have her. Now.

He pulled back, breaking contact. “I’ll boost you into the tree. You go back to your room. I’ll go through the house and meet you there.”

“Really?” The excitement in her voice was palpable.

He swung her into his arms, easily lifting her onto his shoulders. He moved into position beneath the lowest branch. She gained her balance and stood up. The feather-light pressure of her feet on his shoulders lasted only a moment as she shimmied her way up into the branches of the tree.

“I’ll see you in just a minute,” she called over her shoulder, the sound of her gentle voice was carried on the night breeze.

Josef watched to make certain she made it back to her balcony before turning to head back into the house. He squared his shoulders. There was no reason he shouldn’t be able to navigate the house without raising suspicion. Still, his conscience was screaming that he was about to cross a line that should never be crossed…again.

It was quiet in the house. Josef could hear the sounds of a television playing in the media room. Judging from the muffled grunts and yells, it was likely to be a MMA fight of some kind. That was Mikhail’s preferred form of entertainment.

Josef stole through the house on catlike feet. He took the stairs carefully, avoiding the squeaky spots. When he reached the landing he turned left toward Dani’s room instead of right toward her father’s suite. For some reason, this deliberate choice hit him hard. Dani was right. They had been “seeing” each other for almost a month. Other than that first night at his house, there had been no sex. It was time for him to choose a path. Looking at her door, he walked in that direction with a purpose. This was what he wanted.

* * *

Dani’s excitement was making her so turned on that she was afraid she was in danger of scorching the sheets. She had stripped naked already. There was no need for modesty, and she was so horny that a cute little striptease while wearing lingerie was out of the question. She wanted Josef and she wanted him right

His light knock made her belly quiver with anticipation. The door opened and he slipped inside her bedroom. He managed to close the door without making a single noise.

“Obviously you’re a pro at the break-and-enter strategy, hmm?” she teased.

He raised an eyebrow. “And you’re naked.”

She felt no shame. Kneeling on her bed with her legs slightly spread and her breasts heavy with arousal, she crooked her finger and beckoned him closer. “Hell yes I’m naked. You think I’m going to waste a single minute with you?”

He reached for his shirt, unbuttoning the first few and then pulling it over his head. In the dim glow of her lamps’ light, she got a delightful look at his muscled abdomen. A line of sparse dark hair stretched from the middle of his chest down to his waistband where it disappeared into his pants.

She twirled her index finger in a little circle. “Come on then, take it off.”

“Bold, aren’t you?” His smile told her that he didn’t mind.

“Am I?” She had never flirted so outrageously in her life. “I suppose you’re just going to have to find out.”

He unfastened his pants and pushed them down over his hips. When his cock sprang free, Dani was transfixed by the sight. She didn’t have much experience with boys, and most of that had been with
. It was so very apparent that Josef was a man in every sense of the word.

His cock was long and as thick as her wrist at the base, which was nestled in coarse dark hair. His balls hung between his legs and Dani wanted badly to touch them. She made a little noise of appreciation and a slow smile stretched across his face.

“You’re killing me,” she murmured. “Get over here.”

He chuckled, toeing off his shoes and socks before he finished getting rid of his clothes. “Slow down, Daniella. There’s no need to rush.”

“Yes. There is,” she told him urgently.

Dani couldn’t think of another way to make her point, so she reclined back with her knees up and spread. Slipping her palm down the length of her torso, she lightly touched her pussy with her fingers. She saw Josef’s eyes widen at the sight. Then it was as if something inside him snapped.

He mounted the bed in one smooth motion. She spread her knees farther apart to accommodate his hips. He pushed in close and she reveled in the decadent feel of his male skin next to hers.

The broad head of his cock pressed against her opening. She was so wet that he easily slipped through her folds. The warmth of him was shocking, and the friction against her clit nearly pushed her into an instant release. It was so good that she moaned and squirmed, trying to get him inside her. She was aching and needed to feel Josef’s hot shaft inside her pussy.

“Hush.” His murmur only served to inflame her more.

She squeezed her eyes closed and pushed her head back against the mattress. Twisting her fingers in the sheets, she held on tight and waited for bliss.

“I need you so badly, Dani.” Josef’s voice was hoarse with the strain. “Can I be inside you?”

“Please, now!” she begged.

The first press of him into her channel brought both relief and pain. Her muscles stretched to accommodate his girth and he filled her completely. The ache began to fade away, replaced by a driving need to come. She braced her feet flat on the mattress and began to rock her hips against Josef.

He grunted, planting his hands on either side of Dani’s shoulders and driving hard into her body. The sounds of sex filled the room. Dani could barely breathe. She was flying so high, her blood rushing in her veins, and her muscles poised on the edge of an exquisite release.

“Josef,” she managed to whimper.

“Come for me, sweetheart.”

The tenderness in his tone undid her. Dani threw her arm across her mouth to muffle her scream, as everything inside her broke loose with the powerful rush of her orgasm. She undulated against Josef. Pushing her body against his, she met him thrust for thrust. And when she felt him lose control and sink deeply inside her, Dani savored the feel of his seed pouring into her body.

Their ragged breathing soon overtook all other sounds. Josef lowered himself far enough to kiss Dani lightly on the lips. Afraid that he was going to leave, she wrapped her arms around him.

“What?” he asked.

“Don’t go.”

“I have to, sweetheart.”

“No. Stay with me. Nobody will know.”

He rolled to his side and gently pulled her into the curve of his body. He rested his chin atop her head and gave her an affectionate squeeze. “I don’t want to make trouble for you, Dani. Having someone discover me in your bed would definitely cause trouble.”

“It’s not trouble,” she said, feeling disgruntled. She hung on to him, unwilling to let him go. “It’s how things are supposed to be.”


Chapter Eleven



Dani rolled out of her bed and bolted to the bathroom. Hitting her knees, she slid the last few feet to the toilet across the cold tile floor. Her knees banged the porcelain bowl, but she didn’t care. Hanging on for dear life, she vomited what little she had in her stomach into the toilet. Then she slumped over and fumbled for the handle to flush the mess down the drain.

All things considered, it was probably just as well that Josef had left the bed a few hours ago. She had wanted him to stay with her. In fact, she had begged for him not to go. Nonetheless, he had kissed her lightly and tucked the covers around her body before slipping off into the early hours of the morning. Now she was glad.

“What is
with me?” she moaned.

Sitting on her butt, she put her back against the wall and drew her knees up to her chest. She felt fine for the most part. This nausea would pass and she’d be great the rest of the day. She could eat anything. Actually, she
eat anything…and everything.

She let her head fall back to rest against the wall. “I’m hungry.”

Getting awkwardly to her feet, Dani headed back into her bedroom. She grabbed a pair of yoga pants and pulled them on. Next came an old hooded sweatshirt that was fraying at the wrists. She had found the comfort clothes. Now she needed to go in search of comfort food.

The nurse was just coming out of her father’s bedroom. Dani gave her a little wave. “How is he this morning?”

The woman’s expression was worried and Dani’s gut clenched in response. Then the nurse took a deep breath and patted Dani’s arm. “He’s doing about as well as can be expected at this point, honey. But his mornings are pretty rough since he’s having so much trouble resting at night.”

BOOK: Russian Mobster's Forbidden Mistress
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