Rush: A MacKenzie Family Novella (The MacKenzie Family) (7 page)

BOOK: Rush: A MacKenzie Family Novella (The MacKenzie Family)
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“Twenty.” He leaned his forehead against hers, eyes locked in challenge, encouragement, and lust. He adjusted his body against hers and his full, hard cock slid right in between the sweet “v” of her thighs. He groaned and she gasped.

You could fake the intensity of sex with hookers and people who didn’t get under your skin. Getting off was easy, but chemistry was impossible to fake and they had it. They were as dangerously combustible as homemade explosives, and he realized that this moment had been inevitable. Their highly matched sexual compatibly was the one part that always worked. This was how they relieved stress, both physically wired with their release valve tied directly to sex.

It didn’t have to be anything else. They could let off some steam and let it be nothing but a little bit of fun between consenting adults.

Livvy lowered a hand from around his neck and trailed it over his chest and around his waist. The sharp slap of her palm against his ass made them both jump. He shifted his grip on the bar.

“Get to it, Atticus. Give me twenty,” she challenged, her eyes promising a reward if he was a good boy.

He exhaled and pulled them up until both of their chins cleared the bar, and then he slowly lowered them down. Livvy’s hand slipped inside the waistband of his shorts, her palm sliding down his ass cheek, stopping only to give him a squeeze.

“One,” she said, her lips barely touching his own.

He lifted them both again, his muscles straining with the effort.

“Two,” she counted, the briefest swipe of her tongue along his lower lip pushing him into another rep.

Rush powered through the rest of the pull-ups, his body screaming with the physical effort and his cock hard as steel against the heat of her core. Sweat slicked them both, Livvy’s muscles straining with her effort to hang on until he’d completed the last one.

“Twenty,” she mumbled around his tongue’s invasion into her mouth. She tasted like heat and spice and the coppery hint of blood from biting into her lower lip. Rush released his grip on the bar and they both fell. He maintained enough balance with her wrapped around him to adjust quickly and lower them to the mat in a controlled plummet.

Rush spread his body out over hers, grabbing her hands and lifting them over her head to pin them to the mat as he kissed her. Ate at her with his lips and tongue and teeth. Livvy kept her legs wrapped around his waist, grinding up as he thrust against her. He could come just like this. Sweaty and clothed and horny as a teenager.

He released her mouth, looking down to find her eyes wide open, pupils blown dark with her need. She bit into her bottom lip, her fingernails digging into the flesh of his hands in an echo of her frustration.

“You want to do this?” he asked, giving her an out if she also realized what a bad idea this really was. “I want to make you come, I want to come all over you, but I can go jerk off in the shower if this isn’t what you want.”

“We started out playing around.” She shook her head, leaning up to kiss him lightly. “We do sex, strictly physical sex, very well. That’s all I’m looking for right now.”

Her “right now” didn't escape his notice, and a part of him was dying to ask if there could ever be more than “right now” ever again, but he didn’t. He scanned her face, gauging whether she was being straight with him. They’d never had a problem with honesty and sex. Just honesty and everything else.

“Come on, Atticus, drop and give me another twenty.”

He raised an eyebrow at that one.

“Okay, give me just one. A
really good

He smiled at that one. “You are a fucking pain in my ass, Lady Livvy. You make me nuts.”

She bucked up her hips and he closed his eyes, grinding his dick into her.

“Fine. Work out your issues on me and I’ll use you so that this is mutually cheap and superficial.” She struggled under him, her legs opening wider. “Now.”

“Goddam you…” He looked down at her, hair loose from her ponytail and spread out in an angle. Arms raised over her head and breasts thrust upward. He swallowed hard, biting back all the things he’d say if he ever had the words. He wasn’t a words guy so he got back to what he did best. “…just goddam.”

He dipped his head, taking her mouth in a deep, rough kiss. He didn’t have it in him to be gentle right now. Three years and a heart-stopping afternoon of Livvy risking her neck and he was all need and want and aggression.

Rush released her hands, finding the zipper of her athletic bra in between her breasts and lowering it. The fabric sprang back, her nipples hardening into tighter buds when exposed to the air. He licked the droplet of sweat off her skin and then sucked a hard peak into his mouth.

Livvy cried out, her back bowing off the mat, her fingernails digging into his shoulder with enough force to make him wince. His dick got even harder with the thought of his back marred with her stripes.

He kissed down her chest, scraping her pale skin with his teeth, creating his own pattern on her body. Rush eased his body lower, pressing her thighs open with his shoulders as he dipped his fingers into the crotch of her shorts, tugging them to the side to give him access to the place he most wanted to be.

“Fuck, you’re so slick,” he growled, dragging his finger across her pussy, spreading around her lube. He slid a finger inside her, burying his face against her stomach and biting down with the sensation of sliding into her tight, wet heat. He dragged his lips down, across the spandex of her clothing until he found her clit. “I want you to come hard. On my tongue. I want to taste it, Livvy.”

She lifted her head, caught his gaze, and wove her fingers into his hair. She yanked on it, the sting on his scalp only heightening his desire and forcing out a tight laugh.

“Do it. Come on.”

Her wish had always been his command, and this time was no different. The first shock of her flavor on his tongue made him shiver. The second made him shift on his knees, giving his cock more room in his shorts. It didn’t ease the ache in his balls so he used his one free hand to shove his shorts down in the front, enough to free his dick and wrap his hand around it.

“Sweet pussy,” he murmured against her flesh, dragging his teeth lightly over her swollen lips. “So fucking delicious.”
And mine
. He lowered his head and covered her again in his only hope to not voice that bat-shit-crazy thought.

He pumped two fingers in and out of her body, lapping and swirling at her clit with firm strokes and speeding up as her moans grew louder and louder. Livvy writhed under him, her heels digging into the mat with force as she pressed against his mouth in a greedy, wordless plea.

“Right there.” Her voice was low, vibrating along his skin. “Right. Fucking. There.”

She went off like a bottle rocket, her body lifting up as she rocked up onto her toes. He groaned, dissolving into light laughter when she grabbed his ears and kept his mouth on her as she rode out the last of the pleasure ripping through her body.

“God save the Queen,” she muttered and he let the sharp laugh escape. He’d forgotten that she said that after she came. When he’d asked, she said it was when she most grateful to be a free, modern female citizen of the United Kingdom. It was just natural to be patriotic.

He settled back on his heels, looking down her while he stroked his dick. Livvy was lying back on the mat, bare breasts heaving with each breath as she flung her arms open wide. Her eyes were bright, cheeks flushed deep pink, streaks of beard burn on her skin. She looked edible and so very fuckable.

“Come on and get inside me,” she said, as if she could read his mind.

He dropped his head, shaking it with the realization that he was wholly unprepared for this moment. It was stupid, considering how Livvy and he always were around each other. It was a miracle if they could keep their clothes on in public.

“I don’t have a condom down here,” he said.

She stared at him, letting the news soak in. “There’s more than one way for me to get you off.”

She drifted her fingertips down his chest and abdomen, snagging them in the waistband of his shorts, caressing the swollen head that protruded above the fabric. His body bucked forward and he moaned, brushing aside her hand to reach in and stroke himself.

“I want your mouth,” he growled.


Chapter Eight

Good. She wanted to taste him.

Olivia licked her lips, watching him as he moved up her body until he straddled her chest. Atticus stroked his cock, shoving his shorts down to his thighs with his free hand, baring almost his entire gorgeous body to her. His eyes never left her face and she could feel the singe of his gaze on her skin.

He made her hot and achy, the fever of lust causing her to squirm as she felt her own arousal bouncing back from its temporary respite granted by her orgasm. She never fooled herself that one was enough or would satisfy her hunger for him. It had burrowed in deep from their first night together and once she’d fallen in love? It was a living, breathing animal that she’d been unable to contain.

“Come closer.” Olivia reached out and wrapped her fingers around the wide girth of his dick, joining his own slow strokes up and down the shaft. She dragged her gaze from his to their movement, lifting up to lick the pre-cum pearling on the tip.

She moaned at the salty sweet taste of him and he gasped, his entire body tensing for a moment before relaxing enough to give her control. Olivia slipped a hand around his ass cheek and nudged him closer, encouraging him to thrust as she licked him up and down, lingering over the vein bulging just under the flushed skin, knowing it would only make him harder.

“I want to fuck your mouth,” he half requested/half demanded as he dropped his grip on his cock and traced the tip of it over her lips.

She shivered, loving how he wanted her. It was primal and dirty and real.

“I wish we had time to play at Club D,” she whispered as she cupped his balls and caressed the sack with her mouth and fingers.

He jerked and growled a little bit, a rumbling she felt deep in her own sex as she squirmed under him. Damn, she was getting close again. Just the feel of him on her lips, the taste on her tongue, his dark, earthy scent surrounding her.

“Fuck yes,” he agreed, taking himself in hand to press inside her lips, slowly and a little bit at a time. She wasn’t sure if he was teasing himself or her, but it worked. “I’d take you in front of everyone, letting them watch as you came apart under me. I’d find a third, maybe Carla, loving the view as I worked myself in and out of your pussy.”

He thrust into her mouth as his words spun around them in the heated, humid air of the gym. Olivia relaxed, trusting him as she had so many times before to always push her to the edge of her comfort zone but never beyond. Her lips were wrapped around his cock and she loved the stretch due to his size, the heft of him on her tongue.

She reached down between her legs and stroked her own aching flesh in time with his movements. She was so close, so achingly close to another orgasm that her eyes fluttered shut at the first touch.

“Open your eyes and look at me, Livvy.” It was a common demand of his, wanting that connection between them. Sometimes she needed it too and sometimes it was too much, forcing her into a headspace she wasn’t always thrilled to be in. That place forced her to face her true feelings and the knowledge that he didn’t feel the same way.

His gaze was brutally dark, filled with all of the hard things that made him who he was. Pain and cynicism warred with the edges of tenderness and the fire of his desire. She saw everything he was in that moment—a man who’d been hardened by life but would accept kindness and affection from only a few. Not because he wanted to be cruel but because he didn’t trust it.

But it was also clear that he wanted her. He cared deeply for her. But there was no love on his part.

Atticus wasn’t built that way.

“You need to come again?” he asked, snapping her back to the present as his thrusts into her mouth sped up. “Are you touching that sweet pussy? Wishing it was my tongue, my lips? Slide your fingers inside and pretend it’s me fucking you, baby.”

She moaned, letting her eyes slide shut this time and keeping them that way. She planted her feet on the ground, bending her knees as she slid two fingers inside her, plunging in and out in time with his own hard pace.

“Come on, Livvy.” His finger glided along her cheekbone and she opened her eyes, watching the sweat roll down his face and naked chest, taking in the strain in his muscles as he fucked her. “I’m so close, baby. Come one more time and I’ll blow, I swear.”

It was too much. Atticus taking her mouth and her own hand finding all the places that would get her off fast. The orgasm was hard enough to bow her back off the mat and she writhed underneath the small part of his weight she did carry as he straddled her. His thighs were trembling with his effort not to crush her and to hold off his own pleasure until she came again.

Atticus let out a jumble of wordless encouragement as he leaned forward, the perfect angle to thrust his cock into her mouth with sexy sharp snaps of his hips. His forearm muscles bulged as he braced himself on each side of her head. Olivia ran both of her hands up his thighs, cupped his ass cheeks, and delved between the taut muscles. With fingers slick with her own lube she found his hole and circled once before sliding inside with the perfect pressure against the tight ring of muscle.

“Holy shit, yes,” he groaned over her and thrust a few more times before he came. She swallowed all of him, reveling in the taste and the knowledge that she’d brought this large, hard, invulnerable man to his literal knees with her body and the pleasure she could give him.

It was an experience she would never pass up and never forget. That was a blessing and curse.

He continued to plunge inside, gentler now that he had come but riding out the aftershocks. She sucked on him, giving him as much of the last bit of pleasure his over-sensitized skin could handle. He pulled out on a low groan from them both as he slid down her body until they were face to face.

BOOK: Rush: A MacKenzie Family Novella (The MacKenzie Family)
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