Read Runestone Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Runestone (16 page)

BOOK: Runestone
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No, nothing mattered more than being reunited with Will and keeping Sean safe. Not ten pop stars recording her songs or participating in historical events. If she never amounted to anything, it was fine, as long as she had her lovers.

“Soon,” she whispered into the darkness. She saw Nathan nod. “Soon we’ll find the triple stone and then hopefully Will.”

* * * * *

When Evangeline awakened, Sean was gone. Frantically, she cast a look around the clearing. The others were in various waking states, with Maria bent over a small aluminum pot she’d picked up in the last village along with a small sack of oats, sugar, and a handful of fragrant vanilla beans. Dante stood on the edge of the group, glancing repeatedly toward a small copse of trees.

Instinctively, Evangeline knew that’s where Sean was.

She scrambled to her feet, stretching against the stiffness accumulated from a night on the ground and upright. Her neck was kinked and she tilted her head left and right to ease it as she set off for the place where Dante’s attention was centered.

Before she reached Dante, Lillian grasped her wrist. “Sean’s fine.”

A convulsive shiver rippled down Evangeline’s spine. “I need to see for myself.”

“He’ll be back in a moment. Just hold on.” She probed her temple with a fingertip, indicating she was communicating with Nathan, who was obviously with Sean.

Evangeline’s eyes narrowed. What was going on? Had the last sentry seen something? A lurking danger? And if so, was Sean really well enough to deal with it?

At that moment, his dark head bobbed above the high brush. Relief surged to her fingertips as his handsome face came into view, his color restored to normal and most of the mud cleaned off. His freshly washed hair dripped down the sides of his neck and droplets glistened on his bare shoulders.

She tore from Lillian’s hold and tripped through the brush and into his arms.

He caught her easily, his strength returned along with his boyish smile. “Hey, darlin’.”

“You’re better!”

“I had the best of nurses,” he said quietly, leading her away from the others. “Sleeping on your soft lap was the best healing ointment.”

She scanned his face and torso. Most of the stings were no longer swollen and were nothing but faint pink circles.

With a crooked grin, he slipped his cell phone into his jeans and wrapped her in his embrace. She pulled away to look at him hard. “Why did you have your cell out?”

The muscle in his jaw jumped. “I was using it to look up coordinates. Dante knows we’ll reach the triple stone this morning. It’s about three miles hard walk in that direction, but we checked to ensure we were on course.”

Her eyes narrowed as she contemplated the increased luster of his eyes. Did she imagine the change?

Before she could question him, he whipped her up into his arms. She slammed against his hard chest. His forearm muscle flexed beneath her legs and speared her with desire. It had been so long since he’d loved her thoroughly. She craved their lovemaking with Will, when each man would explore her body, leaving no inch untouched. And she longed to see her men enjoying one another’s bodies.

Sean’s mouth lowered. His lips captured her fully. The pliant planes moved over hers, commanding her. She inhaled deeply, drawing his scents into her lungs—fresh green things and total male. Her heart quickened.

His hand wandered over the needy curve of her ass as he turned into the forest with her, never releasing her mouth. Her senses reeled from his assault. Gooseflesh rose on her flesh. Her taste buds sang as his flavor mingled on her tongue. His musky scent filled her nose and his soft moans filled her ears. And deep in her core, that sixth sense stirred—the sense that demanded release.

A short distance into the forest, he stopped walking and sank to his knees with her, gently laying her down. As her body met fabric, she looked around to find one of their blankets spread beneath her. She leaned up on her elbows and gasped at their surroundings.

He had chosen a stunning location for this romantic interlude. The forest abruptly fell away, and ten steps from them a ravine revealed a wide lazy river cutting a path through the wilds. On the other side of the gorge a new mountain rose sharply into the sky, not as tall as the one they were on nor as high as the one which supported their Argentinean villa. The peak was wreathed in cloud and above that, an azure sky blazed. Birds cut paths through the air in glorious swoops and dives and all around them, the world hummed with life.

She tore her gaze away from the beauty before her and met the most beautiful sight yet—Sean’s eyes. The chocolate depths burned with passion and love. She reached up and smoothed the dark tumble of hair from his forehead. He hadn’t shaved in days, and the black growth on his cheeks and jaw lent him a dangerous air. She trembled with excitement at the thought of his beard razing her skin.

“The others have agreed we need a short break before we head for the triple stone, and I need you, Evangeline. I need to fill your tight pussy with my hard cock.” His hot words tore through her like a freight train barreling out of control, gaining momentum. He lowered himself between her thighs and ground his denim-clad erection against her pussy.

“Oh, God, yes, Sean.” She clenched her knees around him, drawing him tighter. Her pussy squeezed in anticipation and released a trickle of cream.

He slid his hands beneath her ass and cupped the cheeks, drawing her into him, then releasing her so that her sex begged for the delicious pressure of his cock. Again and again he dry-humped her. Just as she thought she’d give into her excitement and come, he kissed her.

His mouth was wild, tongue flipping against hers in a possessive ballet. He angled his head and drove his tongue deep into the recesses of her mouth. The point touched the roof of her mouth and flickered gently, making her clamp her legs around him and grind. Her clit swelled and pulsed with need.

One big hand traveled up her torso to cradle her breast. His fingers closed around her nipple, applying the barest of teasing pressures. She arched her back and tried to force him to pinch it harder. Needing his mouth. His cock. His body pressing her into the soft earth.

Her little sounds of wanting begged him, but he continued to torment her. The bulge in his jeans rocked against her, lifting her hips sharply. The thin fabric of her walking pants provided the most exquisite torture. Through the fibers, his throbbing head nudged her hardened pearl over and over. The walls of her pussy contracted, a deep quiver stealing her breath as she came quickly and violently.

She writhed against him. He continued to batter her. “Yeah, that’s it, baby. Come on. Come for me.”

As abruptly as the orgasm began, it subsided, leaving her wet and wanting. “Please, Sean. Take me. Fuck me.”

Instead of removing their clothes, he kissed her instead, taking it from the beginning. Slow, soft, nibbling kisses that drove her mad. Inside the shell of her clothes, her skin felt hot and alive and crackling with electricity. She twisted her fist in his hair and tried to guide him down her body, but he refused to abandon their kiss.

She wriggled beneath his body. Her breasts brushed his chest, the nipples puckered like jewels. All of a sudden, he molded his palms to her mounds. With a cry, she threw her head back, shuddering all over.

He started to rock against her again. Beneath the barrier of her pants and panties, she was hot and moist from her recent orgasm, but oh, so needy. The fabric seemed to cling to her wet lips. Desperately, she wished he’d run a finger over the slick seam.

In slow tribute to her nipples, his fingers toyed with them. Circling the areola tenderly, and then pinching them slow and hard until she squirmed.

“Suck them, baby. Please.”

“I love when you beg.” His hot voice washed over her, ratcheting up her desire another notch. “You’re so beautiful. The way your eyes are dilated. The way your ripe lips part with your gasps. That delicious sex flush.” His shoulders vibrated beneath her hands as he shivered. “I am so going to fuck you.”

He dipped his head to her breasts and bit her nipple through her shirt and bra. She cried out with bliss as he tormented it, locating the nipple ring and worrying it gently between his teeth. She gripped his face, reveling in the twitch of his jaw muscles. Her mind grew lax as extreme pleasure rocketed through her.

His erection seemed to grow. She craved it. The hot length in her fist, pumping the head until the thick cream appeared at the tip. Taking the velvety organ on her tongue and enjoying his salty goodness. The huge head battered her once more.

“Fuck me, fuck me,” she chanted.

A rumble of laughter ran through him. He lifted his head and stared into her eyes. “Patience, my love. I promise to fulfill you.”

She quivered. His promises always exceeded her expectations. She gave a soft mew.

He lifted the hem of her top, exposing her skin to the moist air—and to his mouth. She stopped breathing. He swirled his tongue over the hollow of her belly, dipped it into her navel once, and then moved upwards. He lashed her ribs. The V of her chest. And finally drew one straining bud onto his hot tongue.

The silken roughness of it lapping at her made her hands twist into fists. Her legs fell apart to urge him to employ his skills there too. As he moved to lave the other breast, his soft hair tickled her sensitive skin.

For mindless minutes she lost herself as he worshipped her tits. White heat enveloped her. And when he finally moved downward and popped the button of her thin cotton pants with his teeth, she bucked, ready for more.

In an instant, her clothing was gone. Her pants were torn off and abandoned on the branches of a nearby bush, her top stripped away. Her bra peeled from her skin, leaving her mounds to be kissed by the warm morning air. And last, her panties disappeared with satisfying haste.

She stretched on the blanket, posturing herself for his visual excitement. He loved to see the curve of her hips thrust toward him and her breasts pushed up as her back arched. She let her lips fall open invitingly.

“Love you, Evangeline. You’re my world.”

“You too, baby. You and Will.”

His eyes darkened as he slowly unbuttoned his jeans. “Yes, Will too. If he were here, we’d make you scream for hours beneath this canopy of trees.”

A jolt of need sheared away more of her control. She fixed her gaze on the flap of his fly where his black boxer briefs were. His cock strained against them, the head bulging at the gray elastic waistband. She wanted to run her fingers over the outline. Hell, who was she kidding? She wanted to suck it until it exploded on her tongue and spurted hot come down her throat. But first she needed him inside her.

She lifted her hips in a way that left no question as to her desires. With a moan, he shoved his jeans and boxers off his hips. His gaze was locked on the space between her thighs. Enticingly, she relaxed her muscles and let her knees fall open. At once, the air played over her soaking pussy.

Sean groaned. He took his cock in hand and pumped it slowly, rolling the head through his big fingers so the eye peeped open and revealed the glistening moisture. “You want me, don’t you baby?”

“Mmm-hmm.” Her first orgasm had been too swift, over too soon. She was aching for him.

“That’s good. But first, I’m going to eat your pussy and give you a series of multiples that will blow your mind.” With that, he dived between her thighs. She tensed her buttocks to bring her pussy into contact with his scalding mouth.

He stroked her seam with his tongue, gathering her love cream. He moaned again and the vibration sank into the weeping folds of her pussy. When he thrust his tongue deep into her honey hole, she thought her heart would stop. He plunged it in and out, stroking her wet cavern. And then he moved upward, opening his mouth wide to envelop her pussy in one intimate kiss.

She issued a soft cry. Her world narrowed to only him. His tongue pushed back her hood and located her hard core, suckling it hard.

She ruptured in a blaze of heat and juices and pulsations. Waves of bliss washed over her, lifting her and letting her fall gently, safe in his hold.

Before she could come down, he was poised at the quick of her. She devoured the expression of passion on his handsome face. His hair dripped into one scorching brown eye and his lips were wet with her love cream. He licked his lower lip leisurely. Her eyelids shuttered on the erotic vision.

“Look at me, Evangeline. Look at me as I enter you.”

As her eyes snapped open once more, he drove deep into her. She heard his teeth gnash as he struggled for control. For a long moment, he held perfectly still.

And then he began to move. He drew his cock out so only the head stretched her before thrusting deep again. She locked her heels behind his carved buttocks and rode him. Her breasts jiggled with each wild plunge. The walls of her pussy trembled, on the verge of instant release, still so sensitive from the last two. Her love juices slicked his thick cock, making it wetter with each stroke.

His fingers dug into her ass as he lifted her against him, forcing her harder, spearing her. “God, baby. You’re so hot and tight. I’m going to fucking blow.”

Her words ignited a fire in her. She yanked him down for a demanding kiss. The first contractions hit her and she seemed to float, suspended in a headspace of utter abandon. When she tipped over the edge, she released a scream of ecstasy even as he stiffened and poured his hot seed into her.

BOOK: Runestone
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