Read RufflingThePeacocksFeathers Online

Authors: Charlie Richards

Tags: #Glbt, Gay Paranormal, erotic Romance

RufflingThePeacocksFeathers (5 page)

BOOK: RufflingThePeacocksFeathers
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Lamar paused in his actions and looked at him. A confused smile curved his lips. “Of course.”

Rueben frowned when the other man focused on his leg and carefully wrapped his booted foot in a towel, added some ice in strategic locations, then added another layer of towels to hold in the cold.

Why do I feel like I’m missing something? Why does he act as if it’s his job to take care of me?

Clearing his expression quickly, Rueben held up the folder. “I noticed there was Chinese in the other room. Are you even hungry?”

“Yes. I didn’t eat much before getting interrupted,” Lamar told him. “Did you find something that strikes your fancy?”

“The Chinese smelled really good in there,” he admitted. His stomach actually growled at the memory. Chuckling, he handed the book to Lamar. “Order whatever. I’m not picky.” A memory hit him. “Wait, your buddy Sam was the one who picked it up. I remember him carrying the cartons in. Do they deliver to the motel?”

Lamar shrugged. “If not, I’ll text Kontra’s partner, Tim. He’s helping Adam paint his shop’s walls, but planning to return about now. He can pick it up.”

Rueben didn’t know either man, but he was a little surprised to hear the leather-clad biker was gay.
Huh. Sometimes, ya just can’t tell.
He listened to Lamar order food, giving him a thumbs up after asking if they delivered.

With his eyelids at half-mast, Rueben swept his gaze over Lamar. He wanted to strip the guy’s carefully buttoned short sleeve blue shirt from his body and discover if the muscles beneath were as lean and defined as he surmised. He’d bury his hands in the man’s carefully styled blond hair as he plundered Lamar’s lush full lips. Finally, he’d shimmy down Lamar’s body and unbutton the carefully pressed blue jeans with his teeth.
Is Lamar a boxer or brief kind of guy?

His shaft filling at his imaginings, Rueben let out a soft sigh through barely parted lips. He knew if Lamar looked, he’d see the tent in his shorts. It wasn’t as if the loose material of his sweats hid anything.

Lamar disconnected the call and, nostrils flaring as he stared at Rueben’s crotch, placed the phone absently on the nightstand. He licked his lips, his eyes heating as his breathing sped up.

“We, uh,” he paused and cleared his throat. “We have twenty-five minutes.”

Rueben could think of all kinds of ways to fill those twenty-five minutes, but then he remembered his resolve to seduce the man slowly. Placing his desires on the back burner, Rueben held out his hand and suggested, “Come up here, Lamar. Tell me where you call home.”

For several seconds, Lamar looked surprised, then a genuine smile spread over his features. Rueben felt almost giddy at knowing he’d made the right choice.

Lamar carefully climbed up and settled next to him, near enough for Rueben to smell the man’s natural male scent, but far enough away to avoid the temptation to roll over on top of him and capture him in his arms. It was pure, exquisite torture.

“My buddies and I don’t really have a home, per se,” Lamar told him. “We like to travel, and during really cold months either head to the southern states or hole up for a few weeks at a rented lodge or hotel.” He shrugged. “We enjoy the freedom of not answering to anyone and going where the road takes us.”

“Wow, that’s…kinda cool, actually,” Rueben replied. To be able to go where he wanted when he wanted had always held an allure, but his love of hockey had trumped the feeling. Thinking of his source of income, he asked, “If it’s not too personal to ask, what do you do for money?”

Lamar snickered and gave him a wry smile. “More personal than planning some way to get your dick in my ass?”

Rueben barked out a laugh, dislodging the icepacks with the force. He also jerked his foot, which lashed pain up his leg. Rolling his eyes, still snickering despite the pain, he settled his head against the board and watched his soon-to-be lover reposition the icepack through half-mast lids.

“I guess you do have a point,” Rueben said once Lamar had resettled against the headboard. He swept his gaze slowly down the man’s lean body, pausing at the guy’s groin. He didn’t bother fighting the surge of arousal at seeing the man’s erection trapped behind the fly of Lamar’s jeans. “I do plan to fuck you through the mattress as soon as possible,” he growled.

Lamar flushed, clearing his throat. After a second, he whispered hoarsely, “I trade stocks. I taught my buddies. We look out for each other’s accounts. Make sure none of us make too bad of mistakes.”

“They’re your family,” Rueben stated, realizing he finally understood why Lamar’s voice softened when talking about them.

“Yes,” Lamar replied. “My own family disowned me. I have no contact with them.” He hesitated for a second, then looked at Rueben from the corner of his eye. “What about you? I know Ricky’s your brother, but do you have other family?”

Well, that explains the rejection. His own family.
Before she’d passed, Rueben’s mother had accepted that he was gay, her love unwavering. Rueben knew her only wish was for him to find someone to settle down and be happy with.
Could Lamar be that one? Too much too fast.

Remembering Lamar’s question, he refocused on his date.

“Yeah, Ricky’s my brother. We don’t always see eye to eye on things,” he added, grimacing. “But we’ve always had each other’s backs. Our mother died two years ago from cancer. Our dad ran out on us when I was three.” He shrugged. “Never heard from him again and don’t give a shit if I ever do.”

Pausing, Rueben frowned, thinking of the big guys in the room down the hall with his brother. He knew Draven wouldn’t harm his old partner
, but the other men…well… “Hey, my brother is safe, right? Your friend, uh, Kontra, he’s not gonna do anything to him, right?”

Lamar shook his head, which worried Rueben until he said, “No, Kontra is a fair man. He’s been trying to get your brother to come to an agreement, but Ricky is really stubborn.”

Rueben grimaced. “He is that.” A thought suddenly occurred to him. “How the hell did you get him to stop giving you shit about being gay? I’ve decked him more than once because of snide comments. But he hasn’t really said anything about it to me, which, let me tell you, is a first.” He glanced meaningfully at Lamar’s mouth. “And after me kissing you in front of him, trust me, I expected some comment.”

His soon-to-be lover’s blue eyes lit up in amusement. “Everyone in our gang is gay, which was probably eye-opening for him, since most of the guys are pretty butch. Plus, we gave him something a little different to freak out about.”

“You mean this conspiracy about ya’ll not being human?” he teased, remembering his brother’s ridiculous claims. “Because you look plenty human to me.” He licked his lips, his gaze focused on Lamar’s mouth. “I really want to kiss you again.”

Lamar nodded. “After dinner. I, uh…” His voice dropped slightly, silky and smooth. “I don’t want to be interrupted once we get going.”

“Hmm, good thinking,” Rueben murmured. At least Lamar hadn’t shut him down.

The phone rang. Lamar rolled over and picked up the phone handle, lifting the receiver to his ear. “Yeah?” After a second of silence, he stated, “Be right there.” After putting the phone down, he slid off the bed. “That was the front desk. Food’s here. Be right back.”

Lamar took a few steps away, then paused, and returned to him. To Rueben’s pleasure, he placed a hand on the pillow behind Rueben’s back and leaned close. Gently, Lamar brushed his warm lips over Rueben’s once, twice, keeping the kiss chaste and sweet, before pulling back and striding from the room.

Rueben rested his head against the board behind him and let out a long breath. His body vibrated with more need than he’d felt in…years. He’d just barely resisted the urge to cup the man’s jaw, tilt his head, and deepen the kiss.

This waiting was driving him nuts, or rather, making his
hurt. His balls rolled in their sack and his cock pressed insistently against the thin fabric of his shorts. Rueben palmed his cock and groaned softly at his own touch. Maybe he should hobble to the bathroom and jack off, take the edge off.

Before he could make up his mind, Lamar’s husky voice murmured, “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of that shortly.”

Rueben’s eyelids popped open. He didn’t remember shutting them and hadn’t heard the door open.
Geez, I’m distracted.
A small smile curved Rueben’s lips at the heated look on Lamar’s face.
Looks like I’m not the only one on edge.

“Why don’t you bring that food on over here, then, Lamar,” Rueben crooned. “The sooner we eat, the sooner I can take you up on that.”

Lamar’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he pulled his gaze away from Rueben’s crotch. “Okay.”

For several seconds, Lamar just stood there. Rueben finally lifted his hand and wiggled his fingers at the man. Lamar seemed to snap out of his haze, except he strode away from him.

Rueben’s confusion eased when Lamar returned with a towel and spread it on the bed between them, then laid the food on it. He opened a package and pulled a napkin and fork out, which he handed to Rueben. After opening his own utensils, he opened the cartons, revealing shrimp lo mien, ham fried rice, pot stickers, crab rangoons, and Szechuan beef. The aromas filled the room, and Rueben’s stomach growled.

Lamar chuckled. “Hungry?” he teased, holding up the container of ham fried rice.

“Starved,” Rueben replied. He grabbed a pot sticker, then scooped it through the rice. Putting the food into his mouth, Rueben sucked on it sensually for a second before biting it in half. “Mmm,” he moaned deep in his throat.

Lamar’s eyes were large in his face, and he stared for a second before blinking and focusing on his own food. Rueben grinned, liking the effect he had on this cutie. He picked up the container of beef and ate several bites, trying to decide his next move.

After nearly fifteen minutes of eating in silence, Rueben picked up a crab Rangoon, dipped it in sauce, and held it to Lamar’s lips. The blond opened his mouth, but when he leaned forward to bite, Rueben painted the man’s lips with the red sauce. Just as a hint of frustration darkened Lamar’s blue eyes, Rueben slipped his free hand around the man’s neck and pulled him forward into a sloppy kiss.

He licked the sauce off Lamar’s upper lip, then sucked on his lower one. Sweeping his tongue into Lamar’s mouth, he enjoyed the taste of food and man. Rueben pulled Lamar’s tongue into his own and sucked softly, liking the way the man whimpered into his mouth.

Fuck, that’s hot!

Suddenly, Lamar wrenched his mouth away. “Shit! Wait,” he gasped. “Gotta put the food away.”

“Uh…” Rueben slowly released him, his brows creasing. Lamar was thinking about the food? Of course, when he looked down, he understood why. The edge of the ham fried rice carton appeared to be digging into the man’s thigh. “Right. Just put it on the table and get back here,” he growled.

He watched as Lamar started to carefully close the containers and place them into the room’s mini fridge. “Lamar,” he snapped.

Lamar jerked upright, releasing the fridge door, which automatically swung closed. “What?”

“Don’t make me come over there and get you,” he warned. Then, using his most commanding tone, he ordered, “Get over here, now.”

To his surprise, Lamar actually shuddered and flushed, then slowly moved to the side of the bed.

Smiling slightly at the response, Rueben picked up a packet of honey that’d fallen out of the napkin wrapper, handed the last carton—the shrimp low mien, if he remembered correctly—to Lamar, then shoved the rest of the stuff off the bed. Lamar’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped, staring at him in stunned silence.

“Put that on the nightstand,” he insisted, pointing. Once Lamar obeyed, Rueben crooked a finger at him and said, “Take off your clothes and then lie on the bed. I’m ready for dessert, and you’re

“Oh,” Lamar gasped.

His fingers trembled, but he did as told. Unbuttoning his shirt, Lamar bared a lean, hairless torso, his peck muscles clearly defined, though not overdone. The fine lines continued up a lean neck to high cheekbones.


Rueben figured Lamar wouldn’t appreciate being called that, but that was the best way to describe the man’s almost delicate features. There was no way he’d be called androgynous. He was definitely masculine, but his features really made him…well, lovely.

Once the man laid down, Rueben shoved off his sweats, ignoring the slight pain in his ankle, letting his cock spring free. His sweats would never be considered constrictive, but even the loose release of pressure felt amazing. A glance down showed his cock head was already glistening with pre-cum.

Rueben tore the little tube of honey open, then wiggled down the bed a bit until he was even with the long, hard, slender shaft bobbing up from Lamar’s lightly-curled groin. Licking his lips in anticipation, Rueben drizzled the cool, sticky liquid onto Lamar’s hard-on.





Chapter Six



Lamar shivered. The thick fluid slid slowly down his cock. His abs clenched as he stared down at the mess coating him. He fought the urge to grab a napkin and wipe it away, twisting his fingers into the comforter.

BOOK: RufflingThePeacocksFeathers
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