Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty) (4 page)

BOOK: Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty)
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’s just say that if they know what’s good for them they sure as hell do agree with me.” Dmitry said in a no nonsense tone as he glanced around the table at his men.

Chéri, you do realize that just because you threaten them it still doesn’t make it so.” Nicolette said teasingly.

“Then you haven’t realized the power of my threats, Siren.” Dmitry said in a teasing but serious tone.

“Uh, anyway let’s get back to your security problems. Once I was finished obtaining a few poorly secured files I left your office were I encountered a couple of your security men. After taking the two men down I was able make it to the janitorial department. When I was there I slipped into a stolen uniform and walked right out of the staff entrance, all without being noticed. Are there any questions so far?” She said with a slight smile.

“Yes, how were you able to avoid the security cameras through the building and at the estate?’ One of the men asked in confusion.

“That wasn’t too hard to do because your cameras are badly positioned causing a lot of blind-spots. So that will need to be changed also that nice comfortable security room is more like a lounge and it’s going to have to go.” She said.

“That lounge as you call it is so that my men a
re comfortable when they take their breaks during long shifts.” Alek said with a frown as he glared at her.

“Really, so when your men take breaks they need a fully stocked
bar, three sixty inch plasma screen televisions with satellite service and video game consoles not to mention an on call chef. Yeah I don’t think so and like it or not all of that will be going.” Nicolette said.

can’t do that you don’t have the authority to make any changes to my security team and or anything that has to do with my team.” Alek bellowed angrily.

“Your team, the hell it is. I’m the one that signs the damn checks around here.” Dmitry said in a displeased tone.

“I…Uh...I of course sir it is your team, however she has no say in how this security team is handled.” Alek replied in a disdained tone.

“Actually, I have a contract that says otherwise.” Nicolette said
as she gazed at him with a smile that left no doubt about who was now in-charge of the Russian Royalty security.

“Like hell you do I’m the one in-charge of this security team.” Alek said angrily.

“Let me make one thing clear to you Alek you may be in-charge of the security team however I am now in-charge of all things related to the security of Russian Royalty and the Romanov estate. That includes you and your entire team, also if for some reason any of you realize that you are unable to work for me, I will gladly accept your resignation.” Nicolette said in a no non-sense tone.

“Look lady I’m not going anywhere if you think that you can handle security better than I can then you go
right ahead and try but I’ll be here when you screw everything up.” Alek said sarcastically.

Nicolette rose from her chair and without taking her gaze from him she walked around the table towards him. When she was standing directly behind him she leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

“I have no problem with you staying on but this is your first and only warning if you interfere with my authority in any way I will snap your neck like a twig and dump your broken body some place it will never be found.  And just in case you wondering I don’t make threats I make promises so let that marinate if you’re thinking of doing something stupid.” Nicolette smiled as she walked slowly back to her seat.

“Oh and the
same goes for the rest of this security team if any of you has a problem taking orders from me then there’s the door don’t let it hit you on the way out.” She said reorganizing the papers in front of her as the other men glanced round the table at each other nervously.

When none of the men chose to leave
Olga decided that it was a good time for her to have her say. “As you all just heard Ms. Dubois is now in complete control of Russian Royalty security as well as security for the Romanov family estate.”

“Now that we’ve settled that I’ll go over the rest of my plan for the changes needed to
improve security.” Nicolette said ignoring the angry glares Alek was sending her way.

The meeting came to an end about three hours later when Nicolette notified the security team of their new schedules. Dmitry dismissed the men so that they could get back to work and so that he could take Nicolette out for that drink he’d promised her.

Dmitry waited patiently while Olga and Yuri spoke with Nicolette at least he was quiet until he realized that she’d be moving into the Romanov estate.

“Excuse me but did I just hear someone say that Nicolette will be stay
ing at the estate.” He asked in a curious yet pleased tone.

“Yes dear she’ll be staying at the estate since she’ll be here for awhile besides she’ll be much more comfortable with us than she would in a lonely hotel room.” Olga said impressed with her explanation of why Nicolette had to stay with them and not some five star hotel.

Yeah she was up to something he knew his mother well enough to know that she didn’t do anything without a plan so he was sure that she definitely had something up her sleeve. However at the moment Dmitry didn’t really care as long as it meant that he and Nicolette would be under the same roof every night.

“If it’s going to be a problem then I don’t mind staying on at the hotel for extent of my stay.” Nicolette said as her gaze shifted from Olga to Dmitry.

“Oh no it won’t be a problem at all as a matter of fact it could prove to be quite interesting.” Dmitry said as he eyed Nicolette with a hungry gaze.

“Slow down lover boy don’t go getting any ideas I’
m here to do a job for your company not to play mattress mambo with you.” She said in a warning tone.

“All work and no play makes life way too dull don’t you think besides who said we needed a mattress?” Dmitry replied in a sexy tone.

“I’m definitely going to have to keep an eye on you, chéri.” Nicolette said in a soft smoky voice.

“Of course we should warn you that there are two pint-size little
twin terrors that reside at the estate as well.” Yuri said teasingly.

“They’re not that bad, true they can be quite a handful but what would expect from four year old boys?” Olga said.

“That’s not a problem for me children and I get along extremely well.” Nicolette said with confidence.

“Yeah, I’ve heard that before you might want to save that until after you meet my sons, believe me Olga and Yuri are being polite with they describe those two. They’ve had more nannies than a forest has trees I’m ashamed to say that they’re a bit hard to handle at times.” Dmitry said.

“I have yet to meet a child that I can’t handle.” Nicolette said sounding sure of herself and her capabilities.

’ll see about that now won’t we?” Dmitry said doubtfully.

“There’s no time like the present why don’t
we go meet these boys of yours?” Nicolette said as she grabbed her things and headed for the door so that the others could follow her out. When the four of them got to the parking area a white limo pulled up in front of them. The driver came around to open the back door.

Olga paused before
getting inside she turned towards Dmitry and Nicolette. “Yuri and I will see the two of you at the estate, drive safely.” She said before climbing into the limo with Yuri leaving the two of them behind.

“I guess you’ll be riding with me then?” Dmitry said as he turned to head for his parked car.

“I guess that I am then.” She said as she followed him to h\is car. “I’m surprised that you don’t have a limo and a driver?”

“I do sometimes but I usually prefer to drive myself in my own car.” He said stoppi
ng beside a very expensive and sporty looking Rolls Royce convertible.

“Nice car,
chéri.” Nicolette said sounding impressed.

“Thanks siren if you stick around long enough I might just let you drive it one day.” Dmitry said teasingly.

“Is that so well I’ll keep that in mind.” She said sarcastically.


The car ride to the estate was over much too quickly Dmitry thought as he stopped the car under the covered entrance of the estate. The minute that he opened the door to help Nicolette out of the car two lightening fast little boys came flying out of the mansion and down the front stairs.

“Hi papa!’
One of the boys said greeting his father with a smile before turning to notice Nicolette. “Who’s she?” The boy asked with a slight frown.

“This is Miss. Nicolette and she’s going to be staying with us for a while but she is not your nanny.”
Dmitry said turning to introduce her to his boys. “Nicolette these are my sons Mikhail and Valerik.” He pointed to the shorter of the two first.

“Miss. Nic-lit…Miss. Nic-o-lit…whatever,
I don’t care who she is as long as she’s not another nanny.” The second little boy whose name was Valerik and the taller of the two said wearing a pouty expression.

Boys that is no way to act in front of a guest, I said that she’s not your new nanny so behave.” Dmitry said.

“Then why is she going to
be staying here do you promise that she’s not the new nanny?” The first little boy said, Mikhail she believed his name was as he gazed at his father skeptically.

Before Dmitry could reply Nicolette addressed the two boys. “Just out of curiosity what would the two of you have done if I was the new nanny?” 

The boys glanced at each other before one of them spoke. “Let’s just say that your stay here would have been very short.” Mikhail said defiantly.

Nicolette laughed. “
Is that so now?”

“Yeah it is, you see lady we don’t have such a good track record when it comes to having a nanny.”
Valerik said as if he was some type of pint size mob boss.

Nicolette laughed again these two pint size demons had spunk but what they needed was discipline and a nanny that they couldn’t intimidate. “Well guess what that’s all about to change. Because I just decided that not only am I going to do the job that I was hired to do, but you two just got yourselves a new nanny.”

“What!” Both boys yelled in unison.

“Oh, and one more thing you should both know
it won’t be so easy to get rid of me because I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.” Nicolette said with a smile as she moved to walk pass them.

“We’ll see about that lady.” Valerik said in an angry tone.

Nicolette paused before turning back to face both boys. “I tell you what you two give it your best shot, but I’m warning both of you that what goes around comes around I’ll make sure of that.”

She smiled wickedly before turning to w
alk through the front door leaving not only the boys to gaze at her back but their father as well. The boys glanced at each other before turning their puzzled gazes on their father.

Papa, is it me or did she just threaten us?” Mikhail asked hoping that his father would take the bait and send her away.

“Not exactly son she just challenged the two of you to try to do to her what you’ve done to your other nannies. I think the two of you will find that it won’t be quite as easy this time around.” Dmitry said laughing in amusement as he followed her into the house.

The boys stared at each other for a few moments before either of them spoke. “Was it just me or did that lady seem to be a bit scary?” Valerik asked in a worried tone.

it wasn’t just you, she was definitely a bit scary I think we’re going to have a problem getting rid of this one.” Mikhail said.




Chapter Four


Nicolette settled into her suite at the estate comfortably the room was twice as big as the luxurious room at the hotel. Her things had been delivered a couple of hours ago and she’d just taken a refreshing shower and was about to get dressed for dinner when there was a knock at the door.

“Who’s there?” She called to the person on the other side of the door.

“Nicolette it’s me can I speak to you for a moment?” Dmitry said.

She was just about to slip into the dress she planned to wear to dinner. S
he’d put on a fresh coat of make-up, fixed her hair and she’d applied moisturizer to her damp skin and she was wearing a clean set of undergarments.

She tightened the sash on her robe as she moved slowly to the door opening it slightly. “What is it Dmitry as you can see I’m not quite dressed yet, so it’s probably not a good idea for me to let you in.” She said in a soft tone.

“Why not, I thought that you were fearless don’t tell me that you’re afraid of poor, helpless, little ole me?” Dmitry said in a teasing tone wearing a sexy smile.

“Okay, first of all I never said that I was fearless, secondly you are neither, poor or helpless nor might I add, is there anything little about you. Now what did you want to speak to me about?” Nicolette asked as she stood back to let him enter closing the door behind him.

BOOK: Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty)
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