Rowena's Revenge (Broadus Supernatural Society) (8 page)

BOOK: Rowena's Revenge (Broadus Supernatural Society)
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’, Kitten,” I get out
in a more husky voice than usual. Looking down on her stunningly beautiful face
I see her brows furrow, her white-blue eyes showing worry.

“Did you not sleep okay?” she whispers as she wiggles
underneath me, slipping her legs around my waist to tease me as she keeps her
core just enough away from me that my cock only feels the heat and nothing
else. Damn her.

“I slept fine,” I growl, leaning into her neck and biting
down on the crux playfully, the salty sweet taste of her skin dancing on my
tongue as she arches into me. She loves the slight pain, and I bite down a
little harder as she gasps louder, shocked when I taste the copper of her blood
and I pull away, wiping it from my lips with the back of my hand. “I’m sorry,
Kitten; I’m
’ so damn horny.”

I see the astonishment in her eyes as she runs her
fingertips over her neck and brings them up so she can see them. Her eyes widen
as she looks back at me, and I’m feeling like shit. Biting is only done when mates
claim each other for life and Row wasn’t ready for it. She needs the time to
adjust to having people in her life, and now I’ve just gone and fucked that up.

My wolf is howling in my head, telling me to finish the job
as the blood pumps harder to my groin, wanting me to take my mate as she just
stares at me, holding the bloody fingers above her face. My breathing is hard
and fast, coming in pants, and I can’t say anything as she turns her fingers
over and presses them to my lips. I don’t open my mouth, my eyes still locked
on hers, and she bites her bottom lip in that oh so sexy manner she always does
when she’s horny. Grabbing her wrist, I pull her touch from my lips, but don’t
lick the blood from them as I talk.

“Are you sure?” I ask, my voice deeper and huskier than
earlier when I awoke, and I see a bright blush run over her skin as her eyes
flutter shut. Her legs squeeze tighter around my hips as her core grinds into
my cock and I can’t help but groan, the feeling running all the way to my toes
as I brace myself against the leather of the SUV seats.
of my muscles tense and bunch, straining against the need to thrust into her
and claim her, my resolve breaking a little more when I open my eyes to see her
panting beneath me.

I can smell her need, and as she grinds up against me again
I can feel it, the evidence of her arousal being left behind on my throbbing
dick as she settles back against our makeshift bed. I can’t hold it in any
longer and I let my wolf surface as I lean down, my lips only a hair away from
her ear.

“You are mine, Rowena. I know I will share you with another,
but you are mine as well.
Part of me, as I am a part of you.
‘Till death and beyond,” I growl into her ear, feeling the goose-bumps rise and
fill her skin as a shiver follows, shaking her already panting form beneath me.
One of her hands roams my back as the other slides up my chest, tracing the
stars on my shoulder before gliding up my neck to cup my face, her thumb
running over my cheek.

“I am yours, Blaine, as you are mine. My heart may be
shared, but it will always yearn for you just the same.
death and beyond.”
The last four words come out in a moan as she arches,
her hand on my back sliding to my ass and bringing me to her, forcing me to
impale her slightly as she gasps.

We said the words, and it blows my mind. She’s finally mine;
really mine. Her eyes open with heavy lids and she moves against me, sliding me
a little further within her as my piercings brush her tight walls, sending
lightning bolts through both of us as I lean down further, covering her
completely and holding her tight. I claim her lips, sliding my tongue along her
bottom lip and she moans, opening for me and I deepen it, pulling her face to
me as I make no mistake in showing her she is mine.

She pulls her lips from mine with a long, sexy as hell moan
and she arches against me again, letting me slide into her more, and I groan as
she leans her head back, exposing her neck and those little pink marks that my
teeth have left behind on her skin only minutes before. Her skin flushes again,
and she trembles in my arms, her need flowing through me as her walls clench
down around my dick.

Her eyes find mine again and she breathes out, “I am yours,”
undoing my resolve. My wolf takes over, the hazel glow of my eyes covering her
skin as my lips curl back, a low growl rolling from my throat as I grab her
hair and tug her head to the side, giving me better access to the right side of
her neck. Leaning in, I let my warm breathe tease her for a second, her body
arching into me as I strain to keep from thrusting all the way into her.
Instead, I run my tongue along those fresh pink marks, Rowena’s shaking
becoming more prominent as her leopard hisses, telling me she is suffering a
little from the wait.

Suffer no longer, my sweet Kitten,
I think to myself
as my elongated canines sink into her sweet flesh, the warm rush of her blood
spilling over my lips as I grip her hair tighter in my other hand, waiting to
hear her exhale in ecstasy before I thrust into her, her scream piercing the
quiet morning air.

I feel her nails dig into my back right before her teeth
sink into the crux of my neck, and I can’t stop the growl that rolls through
me. I can feel the way it makes her react, her muscles relaxing as I feel her
pull my blood from my body, connecting us forever. My wolf goes wild, filling
me with adrenaline and pushing me to claim her thoroughly. Holding her tight,
still lapping up her blood with my teeth in her neck, I rock my hips into her,
thrusting hard and fast to get us to climax.

Her legs squeeze me as her walls contract around me,
bringing me to the edge when I feel her tongue sweep across the wounds on my
neck, cleaning them and stopping the blood flow right before she throws her
head back, arching her body and screaming out my name. Her entire body trembles
as her fingers wrap around my biceps and her core tightens more, milking me as
I fall over that blissful edge and bite down harder on her neck, making her
scream again.

Even though I’m sure she has milked me dry, I thrust into
her once more for good measure before removing my teeth from her heavenly
flesh, licking the four puncture wounds clean and watching them slowly close as
my breathing comes out in pants over her sweat covered skin. My hand is still
tangled in her short hair, and as I prop myself up, I pull her face to mine,
kissing her thoroughly and mating our tongues as our bodies just had. I
memorize every surface in her mouth before releasing her, our breathing both
heavy and fast as I roll us over so she’s draped over my chest.

“I love you, B,” she breathes out after we’ve lain there for
a while, touching each other in soft caresses. I kiss the top of her head,
hugging her to my chest tighter as she traces the star tattoos on my shoulder.

“I love you, Rowena,” I say, loving the smile that she gives
me as she rests her chin on my chest. Her eyes have a new sparkle to them, a
happy gleam if you will, and I can’t help but smile right back at her as she
sits up slowly, giving me an awesome view of her perfect breasts and flat

“Where is Penton?” She asks, looking around the empty SUV as
if he might be hiding somewhere. My heart can’t help but sink a little when the
dark thoughts of the dream I had
in, the woman’s
voice flowing in my head, telling me to eliminate my competition, but I shake
it off and hug my mate to my chest once more, making her squeal in delight.

“I don’t know, Kitten. Get your fine ass dressed while I go
see if I can find him,” I growl as I kiss her forehead, and she laughs,
swatting at me as I roll on top of her and act as if I can’t get up. I love
these little moments, spent being stupid with her as she laughs, and I place a
handful of wet kisses on her face and chest before I get up.

“And what if I want to go naked?” She quips, letting the
blanket fall from her chest as she sits up, giving anyone who might be outside
the vehicle a good frontal view. I laugh, peering out the frost covered glass
surrounding us.

“Be my guest, but as far as I can tell it’s about, what,
twenty degrees outside. You might get frost bite on your beautiful
, and that would be a shame.” She swats me hard in
the arm and I complain, pulling my jeans from the floor and tugging them on.

Tying the last knot in my boot laces and pulling my leather
jacket over my sweatshirt, I look in behind me to see her sitting up on her
knees in nothing but a tank and lace undies, looking out the back window with
her hands up on the glass. I can feel the wonder and inkling worry flowing
within her ten times more since taking her blood, and I have to reach back and
pull her into my arms, cradling her to my chest and kissing her forehead.

“Stay here. I’ll be back in a minute,” I say and she nods.
My wolf senses her defiant leopard and releases a warning growl that rips
through my chest, my hand gripping her chin and making her
me in the eye. “He’s probably just up at the diner we passed last night,
getting us something to eat. Stay here.

“Promise,” she whispers, but I know it will be hard for her
to comply. She has a free spirit that doesn’t like to be tied down. With her
white-blue eyes still locked on mine, I feel our animals mingling, my wolf
reassuring her leopard that everything is alright, and when I hear her return
purr, I know she’ll stay. Kissing her forehead quickly, I leave the SUV,
shutting the door within a second to keep the warm air in and chill from her

I pop the collar up on my bomber jacket and trudge through
the ankle deep snow to the back of the SUV, hearing Row scrambling around
inside to follow my form, and I look back to see her face on the other side of
the back window. I give her a wink and a silly grin, placing my hand to mirror
hers, and seeing her smile, I turn away and head for the small diner, following
Penton’s scent.

The hint of apricots on the wind brings those dark thoughts
fighting to the surface again and I have to struggle with my wolf, stopping in
my tracks to force him down. He hates the thoughts that dream woman planted,
because he knows Penton will never hurt
or me for
that matter. My angry side can’t help but want to eliminate the competition, to
have the prize all my own. I’ve never been big on sharing anything.

A blaring air horn from an 18 wheeler brings me back from my
musing, and I have to jump into a snow bank to keep from being road kill as the
big rig screams by me, into the large truck stop parking lot we had camped out
in last night. After throwing an angry middle finger into the air, I brush off
my pant legs and keep on the path to the Greasy Spoon, which I can see up

Dodging one
more crazy
driver while
flipping them off too, I hop up the steps and enter the warm, heavenly smelling
diner and spot Penton sitting at the counter. Shaking the snow from my jacket
like a wet dog, I flash a table of patrons an evil smirk and laugh to myself as
the teenage girl leans into her mom’s shoulder and whispers that I am so hot.
Silly girls always going for the badass.

“Stop aggravating the human father,” Penton chides as I
straddle the stool beside him and adjust myself to be comfortable, looking over
my shoulder and giving the teen a wink. I laugh again as I see a blush run over
her and hear her argue with her father as he gives me the evil eye, grabbing
her shoulder and telling her to pay attention to her food and not the
It’s a good thing I’m taken, because if I was still on the prowl I wouldn’t
think twice about walking over and knocking that ignorant human’s teeth out.

“Blaine,” Penton chides again, elbowing me, and I give him a
shrug, gladly accepting the coffee that he slides my way. I see him check out
the table over his shoulder and laugh, adding, “I gave the silly girl some
winks when I came in, too.
Drove her Da wild.”

I chuckle right along with him and take a long sip of the
hot, thick, typical Greasy Spoon coffee and make an exaggerated ‘
’ sound when I put my cup on the counter. The chubby
waitress behind the counter raises her eyebrow at me as she takes a trucker’s
order, and I just wink at her as she rolls her eyes. Yeah, I still got it.

“Our mate is where?” Penton asks as he lays some money on
the counter, accepting two plastic shopping bags with Styrofoam containers
inside. He gets up from his stool, and I gulp down the rest of my coffee,
taking the carry tray of foam cups from the waitress and following Penton out
the door back into the cold.

“She’s in the car.” I laugh when a flash of our love making
flows through my head and I hear Penton choke on a cough, his fingers at my
collar shocking me. I have to keep in the angry thoughts to snap his arm as I
see his eyes scanning the little red marks Rowena’s teeth left behind on my

“I see you two had a little fun.” He smiles but I can feel
the hurt run through him, if it was only for a split second, and all I do is
nod. He doesn’t need to know the details. He sighs heavily as his hand falls
from my jacket, but his smile is wide and I have to know why.

“Why the goofy grin, Elf boy?” I ask with a laugh, but the
stone expression that fills his face and the sinister look in his eyes makes me
recoil and I throw my free hand up in a placating measure. “Sorry, sorry.”

“My lineage is not something I like to talk about,
especially in a mocking nature.” His voice is steely as he catches up to me in
the snow, having to dodge a crazy driver himself as he tries not to fall while
keeping the bags full of food from banging into the snow bank.

BOOK: Rowena's Revenge (Broadus Supernatural Society)
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