Rosko, Mandy - Night and Day (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) (7 page)

BOOK: Rosko, Mandy - Night and Day (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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When satisfied with the slickness, and unable to listen to any more of the wonderful sounds coming from Cedric’s throat, Silus withdrew his fingers and lifted Cedric’s knees over his shoulders. Cedric wiggled into a comfortable place, and Silus pushed the head of his cock into him, slick, hot, and tight. He managed to keep his mouth shut and contain his moan with a deep groan. He went in as far as he could until a second barrier of muscle stopped him. He waited for Cedric to relax completely, both of them panting, beads of sweat forming on Cedric’s glorious skin. When the second wall relented, Silus took a breath and slammed all the way inside.

Cedric made noise, a loud, open-mouthed moaning noise. His golden eyes widened as he realized what he’d done, and everything became silent as they waited.

No noises came from the outside. No calls could be heard from any of the guards to check on the sounds coming from the pool house. Nothing.

“Maybe they didn’t hear me?” Cedric asked.

Silus reached for his clothes and grabbed his belt. “Or perhaps someone out there recognized the sounds of sex and does not wish to disturb us.”

Of course, who the guards could possibly think their lord was fucking was beyond Silus.

He stuck the belt between Cedric’s lips, wrapped it around his head and buckled it. The sight filled his already throbbing member to the bursting point, and Silus had to start rocking again. “You are beautiful like that.”

Cedric’s eyes rolled back, and his hands gripped Silus’s arms—his shoulders still holding Cedric’s legs up—to hang on for the ride. This time no loud sounds escaped. His long moans were muffled by the belt.

Silus rocked harder. “Perhaps next time we do this, I’ll use that belt and tie you to my bed.”

Was he already contemplating a next time? He supposed there would have to be one if he had claimed the sprite he was currently inside.

Cedric pushed against him and groaned through the belt again. It seemed to be an affirmative noise.

His lover put his hands in Silus’s black hair and pulled him down, but seemed to realize at the last second that kissing could not be done like this. Silus put their foreheads together instead. His lips occasionally touched a cheekbone, nose, and even the belt itself where it gagged that luscious mouth.

Silus braced himself on his elbows and thrust his hips harder, back and forth, into Cedric’s body. All the while he admired the sweat building, and red flush rising on Cedric’s cheeks, chest and neck. The neck appealed to him the most.

One little taste. This was what he had wanted from the beginning. Why should he not take it? Any other time and he would not be holding himself back like this, but there was still a risk…

Cedric squeezed his eyes shut and moaned louder. Blood-pumping lust made Silus’s decision for him. He needed to taste his lover like this. Silus needed to give Cedric the pleasure of the bite, and he so wanted the pleasure of the blood. ’Twas madness to deny himself.

Never ceasing the pumping of his hips, Silus’s mouth found the quickened pulse at Cedric’s neck. He licked and kissed first, telling Cedric without words what he planned to do.

Then he sank his teeth in, a hard bite that broke the skin. He pulled his fangs out just as quickly as he pushed them in. Cedric’s entire body clenched around him, his arms and legs, even his channel as his orgasm took him. The belt was nearly not enough to contain his pleasure.

Silus’s orgasm was thrown toward the ledge, ready to topple over, and would in any pulsing, electrifying second if he did not act fast. He licked the sweet blood from his lips and the small buildup on Cedric’s shoulder, and then he let himself be pushed.

The sun exploded behind his eyes once again. Though he’d punished Cedric with a gag for being so loud, Silus, still rocking and humping out the last of his fluids, opened his mouth and roared as he spilled himself into his lover.

His mate.

Then, but for the minor twitches of his orgasm, he stilled and fell onto Cedric’s chest. Their bodies were so slick with perspiration he nearly slid off.

* * * *

“If I’d known vampires bit their partners during sex, I probably wouldn’t have gone to your room in the first place. I mean, I’d heard things, but was never sure.”

“Then it is very fortunate you were not sure.” Silus snuggled his lover closer. The little wicker couch could barely contain the both of them laying back to chest as they were unless they pressed firmly against each other, which Silus was more than happy to do, and Cedric didn’t seem to mind much either.

Silus had seen the brief shock on Cedric’s face when he settled down with him and felt the slight tension in his muscles as Silus pulled him close, but eventually Cedric had calmed himself enough to relax into the embrace.

Silus could not be shocked with himself, however, even if that brief reaction from Cedric had brought disappointment with the reminder of just why the sun sprite was in the pool house with him.

His sprite was in his post-coital glow. Literally, the man was glowing, and it did not sting, burn, or harm Silus one little bit. It must have been a side effect from drinking the sun sprite blood.

If every vampire knew of this then surely there would be more attempting to consume it. Of course, there would also be more deaths every year.

After their session, once Cedric had fought and clawed to remove his gag, he proceeded to push Silus off him and inspect him for any damage caused by drinking his blood again. Silus did not have the seizure he’d had the first time he tasted Cedric, but the light behind his eyes, and the outcome, had been very much the same.

This had not satisfied Cedric in the least, and he punched Silus’s jaw for daring to risk himself again like that, after which Silus was forced to explain the nature of a vampire’s sexual encounters.

Cedric, the little idiot, had laughed at Silus’s embarrassment to have to explain such things to a man he’d been inside mere minutes prior.

“Do you think you could stand out in direct sunlight?”

Silus thought of the slight burning he had felt when he walked out of his bedchamber earlier than recommended. “No. In fact, should you cast off a light any greater than this little glow, you would hear nothing but loud complaints out of me.”

The glowing on Cedric’s skin dimmed just a little. “I’ll try to keep it mild.” He stretched lazily, nearly knocking himself off the couch as he turned and settled into Silus’s arms. “Don’t want to hurt you.”

A loud thump sounded inside Silus’s chest. His heart. It pulled to hear that a sun sprite of all things wished to keep him, a vampire, safe.

For the love of God, this sprite was his mate. Had to be. He’d claimed him before they had fucked. Cedric obviously did not know what it meant to have a vampire say such a thing, because if he did, he would not be making himself so comfortable in Silus’s arms.

Cedric wanted pleasure, plain and simple. And Silus… He was not certain what he wanted from this man. He knew nothing about him. Not so much as a date of birth or even his favorite color.

A knock sounding from outside had them jumping apart.

“Guys, it’s me.”

That human, Ben. Silus supposed he should be grateful toward the man for being an obviously loyal friend and guard, but his horrid timing only brought hateful feelings up.

Reluctantly, and with an annoyed growl, Silus gathered and put on his clothes, attempting not to let his eyes linger on Cedric’s ass as the sun sprite did the same.

“Will you return tomorrow?”

The question was not a meek one. However this played out, whether for sex, or something infinitely more intimate, Silus needed Cedric to return.

Ruined shirt back on and barely hanging from his shoulders, exposing the many muscled ripples of his stomach and his firm chest as he looped his belt, Cedric’s eyes flashed. He wanted back in Silus’s bed as soon as possible, it seemed. “Yes.”

“Good,” Silus said, irritated with the relief that flooded him, “but wait until I summon you, then you will know if it is safe.”

Cedric grinned broadly, put his hand around Silus’s neck, and kissed him, long and deep. All of Silus’s irritable feelings melted away with the touch of his swollen lips.

“To making our own choices,” Cedric said when he pulled away and opened the doors. Without another word, or even a glance in Silus’s direction, Cedric’s dark-haired human friend took him by the arm and instantly teleported them off the grounds.

Silus sighed and eyed the long stretch of clear pool water in front of him. Now that he was alone, he could take a swim to cool his still heated body of the lust still raging within him.

To making their own choices, indeed. Silus only wished he knew which choice to make.

Chapter Six

When they reappeared on Cedric’s balcony and were safely inside, Ben threw out all the questions it seemed he’d been carrying on his mind.

Sun sprites generally kept the same hours as humans did, being creatures of the daylight, so their voices had to be hushed to keep from waking the house.

Cedric sighed and rubbed his face. “I’m going to meet him tonight, and I’m canceling the wedding.”

Considering the man knew how much he didn’t want to marry a woman he didn’t love, he expected Ben to be a little happier for him.

“I don’t like it.”


Ben took a patient breath. “Let me explain. What I like is that you’re finally going to say no to them, like you should’ve done when you found out about this to begin with.”

“Oh, that is so easy for you to say. You’re human,” Cedric snapped. “Humans haven’t had to worry about this kind of thing for nearly a century. You could go off and be with whoever you want, but for my kind, this is still an issue.”

“Only because you’re making it one!”

Ben abruptly closed his mouth, rubbed his nose, and nervously listened in case he woke the house.

Everything stayed silent. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

“You don’t know anything about me,” Ben snapped, voice quieter now, but no less fierce. “And I obviously don’t know as much about you as I thought I did, otherwise you would have picked someone other than a frigging
. You could be killing yourself by seeing him again. Do you even realize that?”

He did realize it. He’d poured his heart out to Silus and gotten the cold shoulder right before they worked that wicker couch real good. But Silus had freaking
with him when they were done, and he still wanted to see him again. Those things definitely had to mean something. Normal horny guys who just wanted sex and only sex just wouldn’t do that.

“He knows I wouldn’t hurt him because I’ve had more than enough opportunities to do so. And you left me alone with him long enough that he could’ve snapped me in half if he wanted to.”

Ben shifted uncomfortably. “I didn’t go very far. I always stayed within earshot.”

Cedric’s face went as hot as a stove element on max.

“When the sounds got pretty obvious, I covered my ears,” Ben said.

That so didn’t help.

“Look, just don’t go back again, okay? You told me what happened when he drank your blood the first time. Did he do it again?”

Cedric already knew where this was going. He threw off his ruined shirt and sat on his bed. “Yes, and I know you’re going to say he’s using me to get his rocks off or something, but technically I was using him too.”

Ben, it seemed, was choosing to ignore that comment. His dark eyes were hard and firmly focused on Cedric’s face. “Please don’t go back. As your friend and your guard, I’m very concerned that you keep wanting to go back there. Meet him at a hotel if you want to fuck him so bad, just don’t go back.”

Cedric didn’t know how to argue with that. It made so much sense. There wasn’t a flaw in Ben’s logic. Getting a nice hotel where neither of them would have to be quiet about what they were doing, not have to worry they’d be caught and someone would get killed, would be great too.

“All right, but he needs to know about this plan so he can meet me.”

Ben nodded, though he still didn’t look happy. “Find a place, make a reservation, and I’ll see to it that he gets the message.”

“Thanks, man,” Cedric said. He really meant it, too. For Ben to go to all this effort of keeping Cedric safe, and keeping this secret from the family that paid him, all so that Cedric could go off and do his thing with a vampire, was insane.

Ben sighed, scratching his hair. “All right, I’m going home to shower and get ready for my day, because I was out all night guarding your sorry ass.”

Cedric snorted a laugh, and then he got serious. “I’m going to talk to my dad again.”

“Jesus, Ceddy,” Ben groaned, “how many times do you need to do that? You don’t need his approval.”

“No, I know, I get it now,” Cedric said. “But I do need him to see that this is my decision. Whether he likes it or not.”

Ben eyed him, and then shrugged. “Okay, do your thing then. I’ll be back after I get some sleep.” Then, in that way he did it, Ben blinked out of existence without the aid of sunlight.

How the guy did it was beyond Cedric. There weren’t any UV rays for him to ride around on, so how—?

BOOK: Rosko, Mandy - Night and Day (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
7.1Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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