Romance: Rockstar Romance: Rock My World (A Bad Boy Rock Star and a College Girl Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Second Chance Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Romance: Rockstar Romance: Rock My World (A Bad Boy Rock Star and a College Girl Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Second Chance Romance)
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I didn’t want it to end.  I wanted life to be just like this forever.  The days passed until the weekend arrived again.  He told me to come over early so we could take another shot at a song he wanted to finish before the party. 

When I met up, he hurriedly wrote out a song but then tore the sheet up.  I joined him in writing, trying my best to inspire him.  By the time we were through writing, it seemed to be more my work than his.  He seemed really attracted to the lyrics I
and I was glad he liked my way with words. 

After nearly four hours of throwing ideas around and trying to come up with something new; he eased back into the couch, let out a heaving sigh, and looked into my eyes.

“Lauren, what got you into singing?” he asked.

“I never really thought about what got me into it, but I can say that your first album is what inspired me to try to be a real musician,” I replied.

He smirked and lied down on the couch.  I stood up and walked around the loft, giving my tired muscles a small workout. 

“I don’t know why I got popular,” he said.

“Your music is amazing; it’s no wonder at all.”

“Yeah, but what made it amazing?  I can’t figure it
and I’m the one who wrote it,” he said with frustration.

I passed a couple records on the wall, both platinum and both for his first album.

“What was growing up like,” I asked, “all I know is what the magazines tell me, but I’d like to hear it from you.”

He pondered a while before answering.  I started wondering if he would answer at all.  He took the guitar from the floor and started strumming a tune I hadn’t heard before.  It was a sad and soulful piece. 

“I grew up in the suburbs without a dad, and a mother that was too busy working to be there.  No siblings.  I had to find a way to pass the time since our TV was always broken.  My dad’s old guitar was the only thing that kept me sane most of the time.”

“So you played music to escape?” I asked.

“I played music to know that I existed.  It’s too easy to lose sight of a reason to stick around,” he said.

I knew the feeling all too well.

“I started playing when my mother’s friend died.  She left my mom the guitar that I still play today.  It’s
but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.  I picked it up for the first time when I found it in my mother’s closet.  I think my mother liked seeing me play it because it reminded her of her friend.  I play because music is a way to bring people together.”

He stopped playing and set the guitar on the ground.

“I don’t know how much longer I can do this,” he said.


“It’s not that I don’t want to.  These past couple weeks have been great.  But, I am having problems seeing you as a friend.”

“What?” I asked.

“That’s not what I meant either.  I mean, you have a great talent.  But, as we keep spending time together I find myself being drawn closer to you.”

“Are you telling me that you like me?” I asked as my heart fluttered.

“Something like that,” he replied.

I plopped down beside him on the couch. 

“Prove it,” I said.

He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.  The shock of the moment caught me by surprise.  I covered my cheek, hoping to preserve the kiss forever.  Then he kissed my other cheek.

“Is that why you’ve been so frustrated lately?” I asked.

“It might be one of the reasons,” he said.

I pressed my lips to his. 
At first,
he was surprised, but quickly his hands cupped my chin and pulled me in closer. 

I was like an animal possessed.  Things happened so fast it was hard to keep up.  We both stood and started stripping our clothes off, as though trying to break through a barrier that
no longer needed. 

Ray tripped over his pants as he waddled towards his bed.  I jumped on the springy mattress in my underwear, laughing as I bounced.  He finally managed to get back to his feet and kick off the remains of his pants and hop on the bed.

Not everyone would get to spend the night with a rock icon, and I was one of the lucky few.  He draped himself over
and we returned to kissing.  My mind was going wild with delight as he massaged my head. 

He tore off my tiny white panties with his other hand, leaving me exposed on his bed.  Then he lowered his head and suckled on my perky nipples.  The swirling he did with his tongue sent sparks of electricity through my entire body.  He then started massaging my dripping wet sex with his free hand; tiny circles that made my curl my toes with delight.

I squirmed under his combined
and it only fueled his passions towards me.  I reached down and pulled his rock hard member from his underwear.  He was just the right size for me.  I couldn’t bear to wait any long.

I playfully tugged him over on top of me.  He stripped off what remained of his underwear and began playing with my slit with his throbbing manhood. 

I giggled as he continued to tease me.  Then the rush of excitement came when he began to thrust into me.  He was so eager that it almost happened too fast.  I yelped in surprise, but he just ravenously returned his lips to mine. 

As he pulled himself into me, I dug my hand into the small of his back.  This only seemed to make him want more.  I pulled on his hair with my free hand while he started working his hips around. 

I was in ecstasy.  He started drilling me into the bed.  I liked it a little
and he knew just where to hit.  I moaned at times and laughed at others.  I was enjoying each second to its maximum. 

I didn’t want it to end, but I could already feel an orgasm starting to build deep inside me.  The pleasure built and my hips bucked.  I couldn’t feel anything except this one moment.

Then the sweet release took hold of
and I tensed up.  I wanted to
but I couldn’t find my voice.  I buried my face in his chest and gritted my teeth as the powerful orgasm took hold. 

Then I collapsed on the bed in a pool of sweat and satisfaction.  I could barely feel my legs, and my head was a little dizzy.  Ray collapsed on top of me, adding sweet kisses to each bead of sweat on my chest. 

“People are going to start showing up soon,” he said. 

“Let ‘em wait,” I replied.

“I would, but then how would I pay my bills?” he asked with a silly boyish smile.

“Should I go?” I asked.

“Of course not,” he replied, “you’re my honored guest, and if anyone gives you any crap, they’ll have to answer to me.”

“Thanks, Ray,” I said.

Just then the doorbell rang; I didn’t even know he had a door.

“That would be the first batch.  Prepare for a bunch of fake people,” he said, doing his best to plaster a smile
his face.

I dressed in a hurry; as did Ray.  We both laughed at the circumstance we were in.  The doorbell rang again.

“Just a second,” he shouted, with what
little good
shouting would do.

He shuffled over to the elevator door while buttoning his shirt.  I was too busy hoping nobody would notice the smell of sex in the air.  I threw the blankets over our afternoon’s fun and slipped my shoes back on.

Ray pushed a button by the elevator and within a minute the doors
and a group of eight stepped into the apartment brandishing wine and various gifts.  Ray took the gifts and set them on the kitchen table.

“Hey everyone, if I can get your attention for a second, this is Lauren.  She’s a fantastic artist I just
and she’ll be singing one of her pieces a bit later on.”

I got a lot of smiles and
waves, I
returned in kind.  While he said they might be fake; I couldn’t tell what he meant.  Before he could even say hello to the
the doorbell rang again. 

Another large group of people stepped off and the introductions began anew.  It continued like this for another half hour, and by then the apartment was packed.  Despite the kind introduction, nobody really had much interest in talking to the new girl.  I was marginalized.

I took some of the snacks from the tray that was laid out for the guests and excused myself to the balcony.  It was
mostly empty
save for a few smokers enjoying a cigarette.  The night was exceptionally cool.  Enough so that I was glad I wore my jacket. 

“Did you hear about Ray and the label? 
like we won’t have to come here again,” said one flamboyantly dressed man to another.

“I know.  You’d think a hit single would be easy.  It’s like he’s not even trying.  Well, you know how things like this go.  If he can’t sell records, he’s not worth much,” replied the other man.

“It’s too bad about his Ex.  He’s been using that as an excuse for far too long.”

“Ugh, I know.  It’s already been a year.  Just get over it.”

It was when they were talking that I realized something was off about his apartment.  It was all over the tabloids a couple years ago that he was dating a certain model, and that she was the influence for his second album.  I couldn’t remember her name, but all the sudden the two of them had split up.  I made a mental note to ask him when I talked to him again.

I leaned over the balcony.  We were much higher up than I thought.  Looking down gave me vertigo.  I gazed out into the soft light of the city.  It seemed
and I had one thing in common, we both liked good views of the city. 

My own apartment, while it was small, sat on a hill and looked out at the city.  I would sometimes prop a chair up beside the window and stare.  I wondered how many people were doing the same thing as me right now; seeing the spectacular lights fill the night sky.

A tap on my shoulder startled me. 

“Hey, are you ready to play some music?” Ray asked.

I choked down the cheese that was in my mouth and nodded. 

“I’m surprised you’re not inside mingling with all the people.”

“They didn’t seem too interested in talking,” I replied.

“Did you try?” he asked.

I shook my
and he scoffed.

“In this industry, if you’re not putting yourself out there, you’re going to fail.  I bet after you play a couple songs, they’ll be all over you.  Come on,” he said, taking me by the arm. 

I followed his lead
and he plopped me down by his fireplace and thrust a guitar into my hands.

“Hey everyone, Lauren here is going to perform a couple songs for you tonight.  You’re about to hear the music that’ll be all over the radio in a couple weeks,” he shouted.

and people gathered around me.  I started feeling those familiar butterflies again, but Ray was there to support me.

“Just do your best,” he whispered, “and don’t mess up.”

I laughed nervously. 

My hand started strumming by itself, and the rest of my joined in.  The crowd stayed silent through the few short songs that I sang.  I still felt the need to do something a little louder.  I thought it would be a good time to try out my new song. 

It started slow, but quickly built up, giving off energy that the crowd picked up on.  Just as before, they were happily clapping and stomping away with the song.  I was excited to see them enjoy it. 

When I finished, I received a solid round of applause.  I took a deep
and Ray met back up with me. 

“That was great, even better than last night,” he said.

“Thanks, I think it’s setting in a bit better today,” I replied.

“Lauren, that was a great set,” I heard from over my shoulder.

“Ah, Lauren, this is Robert Heron.  He runs Heron Records,” Ray said, filling me in.

Mr. Heron.  Nice to meet you,” I said.

“Ray wasn’t lying.  He really has found quite the virtuoso.”

“Why to
thank you,
” I replied.

“Ray, bring her
the studio sometime.  I’d love to see what else she has in store.”

and Robert walked away to join the crowd. 

The night continued on as such.  I met more than my fair share of producers interested in my work.  Ray didn’t even need to introduce me anymore; my music had provided the guests with a great introduction.  

As the party started coming to a close, I didn’t know if I should leave early or if I should stay for a while.  I hadn’t seen Ray for a
so I searched around for him.  Considering how open his loft was, I didn’t think it would take as long as it did.  As the last group of people left, I found him leaning against the wall on his balcony. 

BOOK: Romance: Rockstar Romance: Rock My World (A Bad Boy Rock Star and a College Girl Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Second Chance Romance)
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