Read Risky Pleasures Online

Authors: McKenna Jeffries and Aliyah Burke

Risky Pleasures (6 page)

BOOK: Risky Pleasures
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“Sounds good.”

Delicia nodded and they drove off, chatting comfortably until she parked half an hour later. They both shouldered their packs then Archer led the way as they headed off. Delicia wondered when hiking clothing had got so sexy—Archer’s T-shirt hugged his broad shoulders while his shorts stopped just above his knees, leaving the rest of his strong calves bare until his sock and boots. Delicia bit her lip, stifling a moan. She wanted him. Yet instead of telling him so in his bedroom—so close to his king-sized bed made up with pale yellow sheets—she’d been mute. The one time when she should have been babbling and blurting out what she wanted, she hadn’t been able to come up with the words.

Just a few words. Take me, Archer. And you couldn’t even say it. Way to go
. Delicia followed his delectable ass. Soon she was pulled into the scenery of the trail and the petroglyphs. She and Archer talked about what they saw and other things. It was getting late when they decided to leave so Delicia could get ready for her shift.

“I had a great time. Next time, we can go to Kellava and maybe camp out over night at the Devil Rock Hot Springs.”

Delicia frowned as she parked in front of his house. “You know how to get to Devil Rock? When I’ve been to Kellava, I’ve tried to get to it but could never find it. I’ve been there once before, but it was with Tarak.”

“It’s tricky to find. We can go there on your next weekend off,” Archer offered.

“I’d like that. I’ll let you know when I have one.”

“Good. Are you still on the night shift at the station?”


“Can we meet for breakfast again at The Enchanted?”

Delicia smiled, delighted. “Yes. The same time as before.”

“Sounds fine. We’ll make some plans for some more dates.”

“You planning on booking up my time?” Delicia teased.

“Maybe. At least when you’re not working or training,” Archer said.

“You could come with me sometimes when I do.” Immediately, Delicia wondered if that was a good idea. The distances she did in biking, running and swimming weren’t what most people could do.

“I’d like that,” Archer said softly.

“We’ll discuss it at breakfast.” She pushed aside her concern.

Archer pulled her towards him, onto his lap and kissed her hungrily. Delicia returned it. They were breathing hard when they parted. Archer put her back behind the wheel. He ran the back of his knuckle down her cheek.

“See you for breakfast.”

“Breakfast,” Delicia murmured.

Archer got out, then tapped the side of the Jeep and stepped back. Delicia drove off, resisting the urge to look back at him.


* * * *


Getting out of her Jeep, Delicia stretched. It had been a rough shift—one call after another. Every part of her body ached. She had been tempted to call Archer and cancel, but she’d found herself looking forward to their morning breakfasts at The Enchanted. She thought of it as their place. For the last week and a half they had been meeting here for breakfast. It was a pattern she had come to love. Rose already knew what they ordered and had everything ready when they arrived.

Archer had stayed true to his word and when she wasn’t working or training they had spent their time together. They’d been back to Felilta Canyon for a longer hike, had gone to the Lina Zoo and Gardens Park and had taken in the sights of the indoor and outdoor living museum. The park displayed more than forty native animal species and hundreds of succulents from around the world. They’d explored the sand dunes and mountainous areas while taking in all the features of the park. They’d made plans for her next weekend off to go for the Kellava and the Devil.

Each time they went out it was enjoyable—they were already so comfortable together. During the down times when not spent discovering places in McKingley, they hung out either at her house or his on the couch cuddling and kissing. It sometimes became heated, but Archer either left or escorted her out before it went too far. She wanted it to go further but wasn’t sure exactly how to let him know it—she didn’t want to just blurt it out again.

Delicia rolled her head, trying to relieve the tension in her shoulders, then walked towards the restaurant. She waved at Archer who was sitting in their booth. Inside, she raised her hand in acknowledgement of Rose’s greeting. She kissed Archer softly before sliding into the other side of the booth.

“You look beat. Why didn’t you just call and go home?” Archer studied her.

“Wanted to see you.” Delicia shrugged.

“Make the order to go, Rose,” Archer called.

“Sure thing,” Rose answered.

“That’s not necessary,” Delicia protested.

“We’re getting you home to bed,” Archer said firmly.

Anytime, anywhere and anyway I can have you.
Delicia bit back the words.

“Order is ready,” Rose said.

Archer stood at Rose’s word and went to the counter to pay and collect it then returned to her. He held out a hand and pulled her up when she took it. She groaned then preceded him out. Outside, she glanced around.

“Where’s your truck?”

“Left it at the shop. Had one of the men drop me here on the way to a tow. Figured I would get a ride home from you.”

“I’ll give you a ride,” Delicia said.

“I’m not going home. We’re going to your house. We can have breakfast there. That way you can go straight to bed. Keys,” Archer said.

She handed them over, too tired to even protest. Archer helped her into the Jeep, placing the food on the back floor before going around to get in the driver’s seat. In moments he had them on their way.

“Did your mom arrive yet, or at least call?”

“Nope. As I mentioned, I didn’t expect her to do either. She says she is coming and never shows up or calls to explain why.” Archer shrugged.

Archer had mentioned briefly about his mom’s visit. He’d said it with such bitterness she hadn’t needed to wonder about their relationship. She hadn’t felt it was her place to push for more details. Delicia didn’t understand why the woman would promise to come see her son, then not show up or call. Delicia absently watched the landscape blurring.

She was startled awake as she was lifted. Blearily, she glanced at Archer’s face.


“Shh…I’ve got you. Go back to sleep.”

Delicia trusted him and let herself float between sleep and wakefulness. She felt the shift as he unlocked her door then went inside. A thunk came as he kicked the door closed behind them. Archer carried her down the hall and to her bedroom. She sighed as he placed her gently on the bed. Delicia sat up, shaking her head then stumbled to her feet.

“Didn’t get a shower. Can’t go to bed this way.” She went to the connecting bathroom.

Quickly she washed then donned a nightshirt. With a yawn she walked back to the bedroom. Archer stood by a chair across from the bed. She crawled in and he pulled the light quilt over her then kissed her on the forehead.

“Lower,” she mumbled.

Archer chuckled then complied. His lips were gentle against hers then he was gone. Delicia slid into sleep.


* * * *


The sound of raised voices woke her.

“What the fuck are you doing in my cousin’s house?”

“Damn it.” She got out of bed.

Stomping to the door, she listened as she walked.

“None of your business, Justin.” Archer’s tone was calm.

“Get the fuck out!” Justin roared.

“I’m not going anywhere.” Archer sounded unruffled.

Justin started screaming and cursing. Delicia increased her speed at the scuffling she heard. Racing down the hall, she then went around the corner to her living room where the noises came from. She slid to a stop and her mouth dropped open. Justin was throwing punches and Archer was blocking them effortlessly. He didn’t retaliate. Justin lashed out with a leg and Archer blocked it, throwing out his hands and knocking the attack away. Justin threw another punch. Delicia rushed forwards and grabbed his arm.

“What the hell are you doing, Justin?” Delicia jerked him around.

His fist headed for her face, but he caught himself before it connected. Justin was breathing hard, his face furious. He lowered his arm. “What do you think you are doing?” Justin screamed.

“Don’t fucking yell at me. What the hell are you doing in my house?” she growled.

“I came by and he was here. Opening the door like he lives here. Coming up in the world, Archer?” Justin jeered.

“Don’t you speak to him like that,” Delicia stated.

“Why not? It’s true. He’s n—”

“Don’t say another word. Archer is welcome in my home. You, on the other hand, are trespassing. Get the hell out of my house.”

“What? I’m family,” he sputtered.

“Being family is the only thing saving me from decking you in your smarmy face. Get the fuck out.” She pointed.

Justin eyes narrowed. “And if I don’t, what are you going to do? Call the cops. I wish you would. Does Leo know about this? How about Dimitri, or Jonathon?”

“I will. And you know Leo has no use for you. None of my brothers do. Do you really want to have to deal with them?”

Justin looked fearful. His eyes widened and he couldn’t hide the shudder that shook his frame.

“That’s what I thought. Now leave.” Delicia sneered.

“You’re going to regret this.” Justin glared.

“I’m so afraid. Not. Get lost,” Delicia said.

“You want me to put him out?” Archer’s tone was cool.

Delicia studied her cousin then shook her head. “Nah. He’s leaving. Aren’t you, Justin?”

Justin left without another word, but he slammed the front door. Delicia locked it behind him.

“Damn nerve of him.” She turned.

She gasped as she realised Archer was right behind her.

“I think it’s best if I leave.” His face was closed off.

“What? Why? Don’t let him run you off.” Delicia said.

“He’s not. But I don’t know how your family would feel about us being together.” Archer shrugged.

“My family wouldn’t care,” she said.

Archer’s look clearly said he didn’t believe her.

“Okay, they would. But only because I’m the youngest and they are overprotective. They’ll love you when they meet you. Be happy for me. Us,” she insisted.

Archer looked doubtful. “I’ll go.”

“After all this about you wanting more than a roll in the sack, to be long-term. You’re just leaving. The hell you are,” Delicia growled.

She grabbed his hand, pulling him behind her. Archer stilled her.

“Don’t make me pissed. Come on,” Delicia said.

“This isn’t pissed?” Archer asked.

“Not by a long shot. Now are you coming or do I need to get more forceful?” Delicia scowled.

Archer moved. She held his hand, pulling him behind her to her room. Inside, she led him to the bed then let go of his hand.

“Get comfortable and lie down.”

He opened his mouth.

She put up her hand in warning. “No arguments. I’m tired, cranky and leaning heavily towards full bitch mode, so do whatever you need to do to get comfortable to sleep. Then get into the bed. We’ll discuss this after I get some rest.”

“Why do I need to lie down with you?” Archer sounded amused.

“Because I said so and so you don’t get away,” she snapped.

Delicia glared then slid into bed, turning away from him. There wasn’t any sound for a moment, then his footsteps moved towards her. She smiled grimly. She saw him pass and go into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. The sound of the shower running reached her. After a bit, he came out with a towel draped over his shoulders. She licked her lips at his glistening bare chest and his unbuttoned jeans. Archer passed her again then the bed behind her dipped.

Delicia held still, wondering if she could actually sleep with him next to her.


“Just shut up and let me sleep,” she snapped.

“God, you’re a prickly woman when your sleep is interrupted.”

“You’d do best to remember that,” she grumped.

“I was just going to ask if I could hold you, because with your attitude I’m not sure if you won’t take my arm off.”

“Funny man.” Delicia chuckled.

“I know,” Archer quipped.

He slid his arm around her and pressed against her back. Delicia flattened her lips, stifling a moan. Her pussy flooded at his heat.

“Sleep,” he whispered. His soft kiss ghosted over the side of her forehead.

How the hell am I supposed to sleep with your luscious self against me?

Archer held her, his soft breath filling the silence.


Delicia’s body relaxed as she went to sleep. Arms around her, Archer smiled. Her fierce defence of him with the jerk Justin made him hard. But Justin’s words had stung and brought up all his own doubts. He had thought that once he'd decided to go after her, he’d put them to rest, but Justin’s words had reawakened those insecurities. Even Delicia’s kicking Justin out hadn’t stilled his uneasiness, though her snappiness and refusal to let him leave made him feel wanted. It was strange how he had come to think of her as his. He already knew where he wanted them to end up.

Am I willing to do anything for her? Including facing her family?

The answer to that was a resounding yes. As far as he knew, the Wright family was very down to earth. And close. They were well known around McKingley. He’d been around two of her brothers—Dimitri and Leo—often, due to their jobs and his owning the garage. Jonathon, another brother, was the more anal of them, and used his garage for anything to do with his car, demanding that only Archer work on his car, since he was the only one who knew how to treat it. And he’d commented more than once that the reason he came to Archer was because his garage was clean compared to most. Although he could do much better, but he was willing to overlook it since it didn’t affect his car—Jonathon’s exact words. The man had some major issues about being clean.

All of Delicia’s brothers had always been personable and friendly. Dimitri was the most intense of the family and, from what he had heard, the most overprotective. Even their parents weren’t as bad with interfering.

BOOK: Risky Pleasures
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