Read Reluctantly Famous Online

Authors: Heather Leigh

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Romance, #celebrity, #Hollywood, #Love, #fame, #famous, #Actor, #paparazzi

Reluctantly Famous (8 page)

BOOK: Reluctantly Famous
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Thankfully, Mom and Dad drill Drew with
questions about his newest movie, which has been talked about as an
Oscar contender for awards season. My good luck only lasts until

Allie, Mom said you’re
not going back to B.C. next semester, is that true?”

Seriously, if looks could kill, my brother
would be dead right now. “Mom, I asked you not to say anything.” I
know I sound whiney and petulant, but I could care less.

We just care about you

I want to yell at my mom, to sneer and tell
her to back off. My family really does mean well, though. I’m lucky
to have people who give a shit.

I know, Mom. I just… B.C.
wasn’t a good fit for me, okay?” I practically choke on the tears
that threaten to fall. Somehow, I manage to hold them back, but
barely. A ripple of guilt shudders down my body, starting on my
scalp, raising every single hair until it hits my toes. I should
tell them, lean on them, use the support they’re offering. But I
won’t. My pain shouldn’t be their burden, especially Drew. He would
outright kill Tony White, no doubt in my mind. I much prefer my
brother out of jail.

The look on my face must be pretty horrific,
because no one presses me for more information.

I’m… I’m going to go
upstairs.” Before anyone can stop me, I bolt for my room. My chest
feels tight, as if an elephant is pressing down on it, making it
hard to breathe. The only thing I can do is curl up into a little
ball on the bed and pray that it goes away.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next
thing I know, my bed is sagging under the weight of another person,
and a hand gently rubs my back.

Allie, what’s going


I don’t know what you
mean,” I say from under the thick blankets I’ve piled on top of

Come up here and sit with
me. I haven’t seen you in what, a few months?”

Reluctantly, I leave my warm cocoon,
throwing off the covers to sit with my back against the huge white
headboard of my bed. A bed bought by my brother, to fit the new
house because he wanted us safe from his fans. I laugh to myself at
the irony of it all. Drew moved us to this huge house to keep us
safe, and the second I left it, I was exposed and vulnerable.

What’s so

Oh, I didn’t know I
laughed out loud. Nothing’s funny.”

Then what is

My eyes fill with tears when I see the way
Drew is looking at me. He’s worried, really worried. I hate that.
He did everything he could to protect us, but Mom is still stalked
at work and I was still attacked at school. Never in a million
years did I think my brother’s job would impact our lives so

I can’t tell you,

Can’t or won’t.” His face
twists with my betrayal. “We’ve always been close, Al. Don’t shut
me out.”

That’s all it takes to send me over the
edge. I start sobbing, great big ugly, heaving sobs. Drew gathers
me up in his arms and just holds me. Lets me cry until I’m spent,
snotty and wet and gross.

I’m sorry,” I

Don’t be sorry to need
me. Ever. Are you quitting school?”

I don’t know.” For some
reason, I don’t want to mention applying to pharmacy school.
Probably because I can’t take the disappointment if I don’t get

I’m looking for a new
assistant. Why don’t you take some time off and work with

I smile for the first time all night. “What
happened to Kelly?”

Drew groans. “God she was awful. I couldn’t
work with her anymore. I found out she was using my name to get all
kinds of perks for herself.” His body stiffens underneath me. “If I
can’t trust her, I can’t work with her.”

If there’s one thing my brother is big on,
it’s trust. “Yeah, well, I can’t say I’m sad. She was a bitch,” I

I have to say I’m
surprised you feel that way. Why didn’t you say anything?” Drew’s
eyebrows are arched high, waiting for my answer.

I shrug, which is difficult to do from his
within his tight hold. “It’s not my place. She worked for you, not
me. If you wanted my opinion, you’d ask.”

Well, I’m asking. Work
with me, Al. It’ll be great. Travel, fun…”

I interrupt, “My big brother acting all
possessive and fatherly, squashing any attempt for me to have that

He chuckles, his deep voice rumbling in my
ear where it’s pressed against his chest. “Yeah, you’re probably

I know.” I smile against
his shirt and he squeezes me comfortingly.

Al, did something happen
at school? See, I’ve been trying to figure out why you would just
leave. You’re not a quitter. Your grades were good until your final
exams. It doesn’t make sense.”

Drew, please.” My voice
sounds strangled.

Shhhhh, it’s okay. I’m
not going to force you to tell me. But hear this. I have a feeling
I know what happened, and God help anyone who dared to touch a
single hair on your head. Say the word, I will take care of it for

I know. That’s why I can’t tell you. And I
love you for it.




Chapter 8

– now


Dex, you’re a nervous
wreck. Just call her.” Ryker is grinning at me from his spot in the
makeup chair next to mine.

Shut up, Ry. She just
left two days ago. And I don’t want to discuss it here.” My eyes
flick up to Micah, the friendly, middle-aged woman who has been
doing my makeup since the first
Quantum Stranger

Dex honey, you know I
could care less what you talk about.” She smiles so big I can see
it in the huge mirror. “All I care about is making sure today’s
scrapes and scabs match up with yesterday’s. So try to sit still
while you two gossip like teenage girls.”

I laugh at her joke. Micah has two teenagers
at home, so I’m quite sure she would know how they act. Ryker,
however, looks affronted, which makes me laugh even harder.

Ow!” I rub the back of my
head where Micah just swatted me. “What’s that for?”

You moved. Now I have to
fix the bruise on your cheek. Sit still or I’ll smack you harder
next time.”

Maybe we should talk
later,” Ryker says seriously. His eyes are wide, watching every
move Micah makes.

His uneasiness doesn’t escape her sharp
eyes. “Honey,” she says, turning to face Ryker, “you don’t need to
be afraid of me.” He snaps his gaping mouth shut. “Unless you move
while I’m doing your makeup. Then, you should run for your

Ryker turns pale and swallows, nodding his
head in agreement. His makeup artist comes into the room so Ry uses
it as a chance to escape the conversation.

Micah and I make eye contact in the mirror
and both burst out laughing at the same time.

At least my life is never boring.






I fiddle with my phone for at least thirty
minutes before getting up the courage to call Allie. Why I’m
nervous, I have no idea. She’s sweet and funny, and most
importantly, she asked me to call. Plus, that kiss. Jesus, just
thinking about it makes me hard. Those soft lips, her sweet taste,
I haven’t felt this way ever.

Turns out, this shit is hard when you’re
looking for more an easy lay and you actually have to talk to each
other. And when Allie was here, boy we did talk. A lot. About all
kinds of things, and not once was it weird. She’s smart and funny
and loved my nerdy sense of humor.

Get it together, Foster. You’re such an

Feeling immensely stupid at my nervousness,
I push send.


Yeah, it’s me. How are
you doing?” I slowly let out a breath of relief when I hear her
voice. Hearing her brings me right back to where I was when we were
together, comfortable, content, and generally just happy to be in
her presence.

Good, well, you know.
Okay I guess.”

That’s a pretty vague answer and I have a
feeling it’s not true, because she sounds miserable. She wasn’t
looking forward to going back home, worrying about her coworkers’
reactions to the articles.

What do you mean? Did you
go back to work yet?”

Yes. Yesterday. I-I don’t
think I can stay there.”

What, like quit your
job?” I’m sure I sound appropriately horrified when I probably
should have tried to sound more supportive. But damn, quit because
of an article?

Quit, yes. It’s too…
weird at work. All day the only thing I did was fend off questions
about Drew. It’s exhausting.”

But eventually everyone
will get over it, right?”

No Dex, it doesn’t work
that way. It didn’t in college and it won’t at the hospital. I
can’t go through that again.”

Allie sounds as if she’s on the brink of
tears, so I change the subject.

Hey, I wanted to let you
know that can come to your brother’s charity event on the

Really?” That turned her
bad mood around quickly.

I know this charity is really important to
her. In the U.K. we spent hours talking about why Drew set up the
foundation that sends teachers into hospitals to help kids stay in
school while they’re sick. Her mom is one of the volunteer teachers
and family friends run the charity.

Yep. I even got my plane
ticket. I’ll be back in L.A. by then, so I’ll fly into Logan from

I think about being back in my depressing
hotel rental by myself instead of with Allie every night. It makes
me shudder.

I’m so excited, Dex! You
have no idea. Ryker told you that he’s going with Leah, right?
They’re driving up from New York.”

I let Allie talk about the night and all of
the events they have planned, content to sit back and savor her

It seems as if somehow, over the course of
the last week and a half, Allie Forrester’s happiness has become my
top priority. I never thought I would put someone else’s needs
above my own, especially after my parents made me feel like shit
for doing just that.






– then


Declan, yer ma and I just
don’t get it. You spent yer whole life tryin’ to get a good job and
a college degree. Now you’ve got it, and yer trowin’ it

My dad’s Irish lilt sounds harsher than
normal when he’s angry. Twenty-five years in the U.S. and he still
has the same accent as the day he got here.

Dad! I’m not throwing it
away! I can make more money this way, help you guys out. Then I can
get a job with my degree after that, in a year or two.”

I sit helplessly at my parents’ chipped
Formica table in their tiny row house in a very Irish section of
Philadelphia. My dad is pacing the small room, glaring at me
angrily while my mom sits across from me, wringing her hands. It
smells just like it has since I was a kid. A mix of Pine Sol, the
sausages my dad eats every morning, and that damn floral candle Ma
insists on burning.

We don’ understand, son.”
My mom reaches across the table for my hand. “You finally got what
yer wanted and yer suddenly movin’ to New York to be what… a

My younger brother, Garrett covers his mouth
and giggles. I turn and scowl at him. “Is there a reason you’re
here, Garrett? Don’t you have video games to play?” My voice is
dripping with contempt. If he’s not going to back me up, then he
can get the fuck out of here.

He leans back in his chair, balancing it
precariously until the front legs are off of the tattered linoleum.
“Nah, this is way better than Madden. Watching Mr. Perfect get his
ass handed to him is more entertaining than anything I could be

A hand whips out lightning fast and cracks
the back of Garrett’s head. Shocked, he slumps forward until all
four legs of the chair clatter back to the floor.

Ma! What’d you do that
for?” Garrett’s blue eyes are wide as he rubs the spot where she
got him.

Don’ curse in front ev
me, Garrett!” My mom narrows her eyes at my brother, giving him a
taste of the cold hostility I’ve been served since I walked in the
door and told them about the Abercrombie contract.

Sorry!” he cries out.
“Geez, I was just sitting here.”

Well go sit somewhere
else, Garrett. We’re talkin’ some sense into yer brother.” My dad
doesn’t have to tell Garrett twice. He jumps up from the table and
disappears to his room.

I flex my hands under the table, gripping my
knees so I won’t be tempted to make a fist.

I don’t understand,” I
say to them. “All I want to do is earn enough money to help out so
you can retire someday. Maybe fix up the house or move to a nicer
one. This is the fastest way to do that.” Actually, all I really
want is for them to be proud of me. I thought giving them a lot of
money might actually work since nothing else I’ve ever done

Son, do yer think we got
where we are by takin’ the fast way?” my dad asks. “We came from
Ireland with nothin’. Worked night and day to make a life here. To
raise yer kids right. Honorably. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with startin’
from the bottom.”

BOOK: Reluctantly Famous
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