Reluctant Hero (The Dunamis Covenant Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Reluctant Hero (The Dunamis Covenant Book 1)
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This was turning out to be one of the most frustrating days of Thomas' life and he had a feeling it wasn't going to end any time soon.

Chapter five

Abby flew over the Metroplex. Tiger may have been her favorite shape, but falcon was the shape she always took when she was upset. TJ's infidelity had hurt her. Even more, he didn't trust her. She couldn't really blame him for that, or any of it. She wondered if things would ever be the same. She knew he didn't understand, and it wasn't his fault. His parents hadn't raised him and his early memories had been taken from him. He couldn't have known that he had a fiancée that had waited a lifetime for him. Still, it hurt, and she needed some time alone to think it through. She had always kept the image of seven year old TJ in her mind. He was so kind to her and would have done anything for her, even at that age. She was almost overjoyed when she had seen the strapping six foot three, dark haired, dark eyed adult version. She feared he would have no motivation, having been raised to not stand out, but she was even more pleased when she learned of his passion for baseball, and his drive to compete in bike races. His Paladin spirit had not been completely broken.

Now, however, she had to confront the fact that he was raised by normal humans, and did the things normal human boys did growing up. She had to believe that if he had known of his future wife he would have never strayed. That was just one more detail that was so frustrating. She knew she had to forgive him, but she also knew she could not go back just yet. She had to figure out a way to get him to trust her again. As she spread her wings and soared through the night sky, she lost herself to the sheer ecstasy of flight.


Thomas snuck out of the house he was sequestered in, and had a car service meet him on the next street. He needed some space from Mages and Shifters, and he needed time to process everything he had learned. He needed a beer and the one man he knew would not say no to that was Lucas. He took out his cell phone and made the call.

After the second ring Lucas picked up. "Dude, it's almost one o'clock in the morning, why are you still up," he said.

"So I take it I didn't wake you."

"No, I'm at Dannyboys with Darcy, you should come by."

"I tried to find you at the club before, but you weren't there."

"Sorry, Darcy wanted a quieter atmosphere. I should have texted you sooner."

"No worries, bro. I just can't believe Darcy got you out of the club. She must be really special to accomplish that!"

"Oh, she's special all right," he said and then laughed his conquest laugh. "You coming or what?"

"I'm on my way."

When Thomas arrived at the bar, he was greeted by an exuberant Lucas, and an awkward hug from Darcy. It had felt weird to him, but he shook it off and said, "Hey guys, what's up?" He wanted to tell Lucas everything that had happened, but how? There was no way in which he could tell the story in a believable manner. Plus, he didn't even know Darcy, so he held his tongue.

"I went by your place earlier to see if you wanted to come here to grab a beer, but some creepy mover guys said you weren't around. What's up man? Are you moving?" Lucas asked as he stepped up to the bar and ordered another round. The bartender opened three Coronas, and slid them one at a time to Lucas.

"I was told they are renovating my building and that I would have to find a place to stay for a while. It's all kind of recent and I haven't even talked it over with the landlord yet. I think I'm gonna crash with Abby until I find another place to live." He hated to lie to his best friend, but it would be some time before he could tell him any of the truth.

Lucas smile grew wide as he replied, "Why bother? You're staying with a beautiful woman, I would use any excuse possible to live with her for as long as I could." He handed one of the beers he ordered to Thomas and another one to Darcy.

"That's the difference between you and I, my friend, I wish to respect her boundaries."

Darcy began to laugh, "I don't think Lucas understands what boundaries are."

"You may be right, Darcy." Thomas said, raising his beer to hers and they each took a sip.

Just then, Lucas noticed the bruise over Thomas eye. "What happened? Is that from when you tackled the purse snatcher?"

"Yeah, it's no big deal," Thomas replied. He was glad his shirt was covering the bandage on his arm, he didn't want to have to answer any questions about tonight. He looked around the bar. The light in the establishment was dim. It was brick walled with mismatched furniture and an old pool table in the back. A light hung low over the center of the pool table and had a slight sway to it. The bar was almost stereotypical. He half expected a fight to break out, complete with broken pool cues and all. Something about the place didn't sit right with him, though, and it wasn't the stale odor. There were maybe a half dozen or so other people in the bar. It wasn't the usual type of place Lucas would spend his time. It was devoid of Luke's three favorite things besides beer; loud music, beautiful women and crowds of people. In fact, Darcy was the lone woman in the bar. His friend must have noticed the look on his face because he shook him.

"What's wrong, bro?"

"I don't know. This just doesn't seem like your type of scene, Luke."

"It's not," he said. "Darcy wanted to come here. No big deal, it's more your type of scene anyway, that's why I texted before. She wanted to invite you."

"How does Darcy know what type of bar scene I prefer?" He tried to hide his interest, but after all he had learned, he couldn't be too careful.

"I didn't know, Lucas mentioned it." Darcy replied before Lucas could speak.

"I did, I told her when we arrived here and I saw how dead it was, that this was the perfect place for you." He winked and touched his beer bottle to Thomas' bottle with a loud clink. They both began to drink, when three men dressed in black and wielding guns disturbed the quiet bar.

"We need to get out of here," Thomas whispered to his friend as the fear welled up inside him. Lucas nodded and reached for Darcy's hand, but she was no longer there.

"Where's Darcy? We can't leave without Darcy." He started to panic until he noticed she was talking to the armed men.

"How does she know them?" Lucas asked Thomas.

"How could I possibly know that? We need to go, now!" Just then, Darcy pointed in their direction. Then, three armed men and the voluptuous blonde were heading their way. Thomas was looking for the quickest exit he could find, as confrontation seemed inevitable.


"TJ, we need to talk," Abby called out as she walked back into the safe house. Asa walked into the room with a serious look on his face and she asked, "What's wrong? Where's TJ?"

"We do not know. He slipped our perimeter shortly after your tantrum. We have no idea where he could have gone. Why did you not tell me he was your betrothed, this could have been done with far less complication had I known."

"I didn't tell you because I had to make sure I was on the mission and not another female Shifter. I couldn't take the chance he would fall for one of them."

"Still, you could have told me once we were already here. You have put our entire mission in jeopardy."

"I suppose." Her eyes warned Asa to drop the subject, and she was thankful he didn't pursue it any further. She had been through enough already tonight, and they needed to find TJ before something terrible happened. She liked Asa, even though their families had never gotten along, he seemed like he had TJ's best interests in mind. "He probably met up with his friend Lucas somewhere. He may have needed time away from us to process everything he has seen and learned."

"Doesn't he understand how dangerous it is for him out there right now, Abby?"

"No, Asa, he doesn't. He still has very little understanding of what is going on. Not to mention that he doesn't exactly trust us right now. We opened his eyes, but he has yet to step into our world. He was upset after our argument and my departure, so he probably did what most normal people would do; call his best friend and go out for a drink. Have our people start patrolling the drinking establishments around the west side of Dallas,."

"How do you know that?"

"I don't, Asa, not for sure. That's just where Thomas said his friend Lucas might be." She turned to leave and he followed her out. They had to find Thomas before one of Devlin's henchmen found him again. They needed to begin his training and make sure he was ready if it came to a confrontation with Devlin.

"All I know is that you two had better get on the same page or you're off this assignment, Abigail."


Thomas didn't know what to do. For the second time tonight he was confronted with armed men, and he was beginning to think he should have stayed at the safe house with Asa.

"Darcy, what's going on, what's this all about?" Lucas demanded as his date approached with three armed men.

She took a quick step forward and slapped him while the men surrounded them. "Shut up, you pig. I don't think I could have handled another minute of pretending to like you." The men began to laugh and Thomas used the distraction to bring his heavy mug up into the face of the first thug while grabbing his gun hand, spinning him around and shooting the second one. Lucas noticed the third man's attention shift to his friend and kicked a barstool into his legs. As he fought for balance, Lucas landed a hard overhand right to the face of the thug, knocking him to the floor. He kicked him in the head right when Thomas was landing an uppercut to the man he had hit with the mug. Lucas looked surprised as the man landed almost ten feet away from where Thomas had hit him.
How did I do that? Am I really one of those... Paladins?
Thomas wondered. Darcy was also in shock at his display of strength. Thomas scared himself with that last punch. He was frightened about a lot of things right now, and he hated being part of this new world. Things were so much simpler yesterday when he was unaware any of this existed, and his only thoughts were of his date with Abby.

"I definitely like the new tough guy Thomas," Lucas mumbled as they both made to run. When he reached Darcy, she attempted to block his way. Lucas didn't even break stride, he lowered his shoulder and knocked her to the floor. "Don't call me," he yelled while he and Thomas ran from the bar and hurried into his Jag.

After they drove away, in the midst of his adrenaline wearing off, Thomas began to laugh and asked, "Was it really necessary to knock her down?"

"She brought three goons to kill me, so yes, it was necessary. Plus, I'll never forget the look on her face." He laughed, and then he merged onto the highway, unaware that an Eagle was following high above them.

Thomas knew the attackers were after him, but Lucas thought he was the target. He needed to know why. "Why do you think those men were after you, Luke?"

He looked a little ashamed, focusing on the road, and refusing to look at his friend. "I'm into my bookie for fifty grand. I thought we had an arrangement worked out, I'm getting a bonus in a couple months and I thought we were cool. Maybe he found out about the three grand I won on the Hawks game last night."

"I never knew you had a gambling problem, Luke. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't have a problem, just a run of bad luck," he snapped. "Plus, you're like mister perfect and I didn't want to disappoint you."

"Disappoint me? Dude, you made a mistake, it happens. Fifty K is a big mistake, but don't worry, we'll get it sorted out. Besides, they may not have even been after you," he said. Lucas looked at him and he continued. "Abby is into some dangerous stuff and they might be after me to get to her." It wasn't quite the truth, but there was no way Lucas was ready for the truth and he didn't want his friend blaming himself for what had just happened.

"So, a tainted angel, huh? Why are the beautiful ones always so much trouble?" he asked. "So where am I taking you? I know why you can't go home now."

"I'm not sure, let me make a call. Then we're going to talk about the loan I'm giving you."

"No way, man, I'm not dragging my best friend into my crap. I'll work something out."

"I have thirty-seven thousand in my savings, bro, it's not fifty, but it could get you close. Maybe it's enough to float you by until your bonus."

Lucas looked moved by Thomas suggestion. That money represented just about everything Thomas had but he would give it to his friend in a heartbeat. Lucas thought for a long moment before he replied, "I'll work something out, buddy, for now, let's just get you back to your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Whatever, bro." Thomas didn't want to call Abby, and he didn't like Asa, but he had a strong feeling he should go back, so he called Abby and arranged to be dropped off at her house. She changed the drop off point to a hotel and Lucas said he knew the place.

Chapter six

Lucas pulled up to the pre-arranged drop off point. Thomas exited the Jag to the somber expressions of both Asa and Abby. He ignored them and turned to Lucas. "Maybe you should lay low with me for a couple days, man."

"Nah, I'll be fine. I'll just have to be more careful about the blondes I choose from now on." He winked and drove away with a wave, not looking back.

Thomas turned and for the first time since arriving, acknowledged his protectors.

"Are you aware of just how much danger you are in?" Asa began without preamble.

"No, I'm not. People have tried to kill me twice tonight, but I'm not aware I'm in danger, please, Asa, explain it to me again!" He yelled as he stalked into the lobby of the expensive hotel.
Where did that come from?
He wondered. This night was really starting to catch up to him, or maybe the spells put on him were somehow coming undone.

"There's no need to snap at Asa, he is only looking out for you." Abby said while walking beside him.

"Well, who should I snap at then? You?" He regretted that comment before it had even finished passing his lips. He could tell that it had stung and he was sorry for it. He had no desire to hurt Abby, even though he was still angry with her. "Abby, I'm sorry. I'm just still wound up, and a little bit upset from before. You're right, it's no reason to snap at you, or Asa. I'm sorry."

"It is already forgotten, my friend. Come... we must leave this place, one of Devlin's Dark Shifters has followed you here." They continued walking through the hotel lobby, under the golden chandelier, past the concierge desk, and to the stairs that led into the parking garage. They walked down the stairs without speaking. Waiting in the garage were five black Ford Explorers with dark, tinted windows. They boarded the fourth one and for the first time, Thomas grasped how serious the situation was. He felt like the president getting into a motorcade and in this brief fantasy, Abby was the first lady, standing right by his side.


Darcy continued to circle the hotel, she was contemplating landing on the roof to call it in to Devlin when five black SUV's exited the parking structure. The windows were tinted and they all left the premises traveling in different directions. She knew Thomas was in one of those vehicles, but had no idea which one and she could not follow them all. This light Mage was a careful one, whoever he was. Devlin was not going to be happy with this setback. It wasn't her fault, though. She had been told that Thomas had received no training, yet he was still able to dispatch the three Zdrada Devlin had sent, with relative ease. Lucas had helped as well, taking advantage of Thomas' distraction to surprise one of her men. She was certain she could have handled them both, but that would have required shifting into a Lion or maybe a gator in public and Devlin wasn't ready to have his people noticed yet. He wouldn't enact his plan until Thomas was either dark or dead.


Once they were away from the hotel, Abby began to speak. She was no longer angry, but she had to make sure Thomas would remain under their protection. "TJ," she began as she rested her hand on his arm. The electricity was back and that made her happy. "I know you know this now, but I cannot stress enough, the importance of you staying with us. Your life depends on it. We will continue to explain everything you need to know until your training begins."

""I know it's serious, Abby, and I will try my best to stay with you guys and not ditch you again if I get mad." He placed his hand over hers for a moment. The touch sent a tingling sensation throughout her body and she wanted him. She knew she could not have him until they were married, she could only hope at this point that she could convince him to say the words as soon as possible. He seemed to almost be past her initial lies and manipulations. As she thought about TJ, her animalistic senses became heightened and her heightened senses picked up a smell she didn't like.

"TJ, who were you with tonight?" She asked with an edge to her voice.

"I told you, Lucas." He replied a little confused as to why she would be asking him that question.

"What woman were you with?" She asked, with the same edge.

"What? Do you think I got mad at you and just left to pick up the first girl that came my way? Is that what you think of me now? I'm sorry I didn't know about our ancient betrothal ceremony when I was an infant, Abby, but I'm won't keep apologizing for something that's not my fault."

He had misunderstood her intention for the question and his answer brought the hurt rushing back in. It wasn't his fault, but she suspected it would take her some time to get over it. "I'm sorry, TJ, that is not what I meant. Were there any women present with you and Lucas, and did any of them touch you? Maybe a handshake or a hug, something of that nature. I did not mean to imply that you were
another woman tonight."

He looked as though he was sorry for his overreaction. She knew it was all still pretty raw to him, too. "Actually, Lucas' date, Darcy was there and she gave me an awkward hug."

"This is bad; my sense of smell picked her up on you. I believe she was marking you so she could follow later. Please take off your pants and your shirt, we need to dispose of them right away. You will also need to scrub your hands, arms, neck and face with an odorless soap as soon as we arrive at the next safe house. Asa, you will need to have someone spray down the back seat as well."

"You're kidding right? I'm not taking off my clothes here in this car with you and Asa and some dude I don't even know." He looked at the other man and in an apologetic tone added, "No offense, bro." The other man just waved it off. He seemed to be enjoying the conversation.

"TJ, you have to. After everything you've been through tonight, everything you've seen and learned, what makes you think I wouldn't be serious about this?"

"I don't know Abby, I just keep expecting Ashton Kutcher to jump out from behind the next tree and tell me I've been punk'd. It's all still hard for me to believe." The car sped along the highway, but Abby was unsure of where they were. She did, however, know where they were going.

"Ashton who? What are you talking about? Just take off your clothes!"

"Seriously, you don't know who Ashton Kutcher is? Do Ethereals not own TVs?" Thomas replied.

"TJ!" she yelled impatiently.

"Fine!" he yelled back. "I just want to go on record as saying that under normal circumstances, a beautiful woman asking you to take off your clothes is a good thing, but this... feels kinda creepy." The other Mage in the front seat with Asa stifled a laugh while Abby shot daggers at the man with her eyes. TJ took off his shirt and handed it to her and she threw it out the window. He noticed they were near the Grapevine Mills mall. He began to take off his pants, making sure he had his wallet, keys and phone. As Thomas struggled to rid himself of his pants, Abby scowled.
This vehicle certainly doesn't feel as roomy as advertised
, she thought. Thomas wound up almost laying across Abby's lap in an awkward position; which she didn't really mind. She threw his pants out the window, and Asa changed direction and began heading back to Arlington. TJ looked a little self conscious sitting next her wearing nothing but boxers and shoes. He caught her eyeing him and seemed to become a little more comfortable.

"Eyes forward," he called out with a smirk. He seemed to enjoy the embarrassed look that crossed her face as she snapped out of her thoughts of him.

"That wasn't funny, you know," she said with a scowl. She noticed they were driving towards the entrance ramp for Interstate Thirty East. They would be back at the safe house soon.

"I enjoyed it." He replied with a chuckle.

"It's nice to know that you have not matured very much since you left New York." She glanced at his body again. It was not a good idea for her to be sitting next to him while he looked like this. When she heard he was a post office worker, she had not pictured someone in such great shape. He wasn't a muscle head, but he was also far from small. He was ripped and looking at him was getting her flustered. The more she tried to look away, the more she was drawn to the man sitting next to her. She caught herself licking her lips and thought,
dear God, woman, get a hold of yourself
. She knew her reaction was in part due to the spell that bound them together, but it was also because he was hot.

"Are you sweating, Abby?" He asked with a mischievous smirk.

"No, I am not sweating, TJ, this is a most awkward situation for me, and I would appreciate it if we could ride in silence."

She realized he wasn't ready to conclude his fun when he added, "I don't think silence is such a good idea, Abby, it just leaves too much opportunity for the mind to wander to places it shouldn't go."

Asa laughed and he called from the front, "It looks as though the spell is breaking and the Paladin spirit is returning to our friend, this is good news, Abby." The other Mage was struggling to keep his composure.

"I believe I hate you all," She replied while folding her arms across her chest, and she wasn't entirely sure the comment was in jest.

The Explorer reached its destination when it pulled up in front of an old, white house on Randal Mill Road. It was another Ethereal safe house. Abby looked at Thomas and smiled as she produced the bag of clothes he had packed. "I'll carry this in for you," she said with a good amount of humor in her voice.

"You had my clothes the whole time, and you made me sit here almost naked?"

"I might have thought to give them to you sooner had you stopped teasing me long enough for me to speak." She laughed and ran into the house with his bag, making him have to cross the expansive lawn in his underwear only to arrive in time for her to lock the door.

BOOK: Reluctant Hero (The Dunamis Covenant Book 1)
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