Reggie's: Changing a Wolf's Heart (4 page)

BOOK: Reggie's: Changing a Wolf's Heart
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She had her eyes closed and was smiling.

Ruby peaked through a slit in one eye and smiled at the man who had rocked her world.

“Wow, never knew it would be like that.”

“Oh, baby, we are not done yet. It"s only just the beginning.” He whispered into her ear and then ran his tongue around the edge before sucking in her lobe.

Ruby felt the heat began to rise again and wiggled a little. That was when she realized the man was naked. She had seen naked men before, when they shifted, but she had been too embarrassed to really look closely. This time, he was all hers and she was going to look and explore. She pushed at his shoulder and rolled him, so he was lying on his back, and she looked down and saw one of the largest penises she had ever seen.

Even with her inexperience, she knew he was hung more than most men. She smiled and reached out and grasped it. Her fingers barely touched around the shaft. Moving her hands up and down, she chuckled when she heard him groan a little.

A small bead of pre-cum leaked out of the slit, she leaned in and swiped it with her tongue. It tasted salty and rich, and she was surprised that she actually liked the taste.

“Baby, I can"t hold on for that long, we have to move it along.” Reggie moaned and rolled her back underneath him, so he settled between her legs. “I will go slowly.” She nodded and closed her eyes for a minute, this was going to happen, and she was finally going to be claimed by her mate. She felt a little tinge of sadness that Levi was not here, but she quickly forgot it when Reggie sucked her nipple into his mouth again.

Her juices began to pool and leak out of her.

He pushed up a little until his cock was placed at her entrance; she tensed a little but relaxed when Reggie began to kiss her, distracting her. Slowly, she relaxed and opened her eyes and whispered, “Please.”

“Hang on, baby.” He whispered back. He pushed inside her a little, and she gasped at the feeling of something so large in her channel. He stopped and waited for her, teasing and sucking at her breasts, making her wet again.

It seemed to take a long time for him to push into her until he reached her barrier. She stiffened when she felt him push against the last evidence of her virginity. She looked at him with lust and trust. Reggie felt like he was the strongest wolf in the world when she looked at him like this. She nodded, and he pushed quickly inside of her.

Ruby gasped at the slight feeling of pain and fullness and then smiled and nodded to her mate. Reggie leaned in and kissed her again, then slowly began to move his body.

Pulling out and pushing in, he shifted enough so he was brushing against her clit with every pass. She was once again writhing beneath him and this time without the pillow, she was yelling encouragements to him to continue.

“Feels so good.” She cried and arched her back.

Reggie leaned over and licked her neck right at the curve of her shoulder. He waited until he could feel her passion building, and then he sank his teeth into her at the same time, bringing her to an earth-shattering climax. With two strokes, he followed her over the edge.

He collapsed on her, buried his head in her neck, and sighed. He could get used to this.

He could feel the mating bond strengthen, but he could feel something else. He did not have time to figure out what though, because they had to get out of here.

Shit, they could not communicate. He could feel they bonded but he could not hear her.

“Ruby, can you hear me in your head?” He asked out loud.

She concentrated for a minute and then shook her head. “We must have to claim all our mates to do that.” She whispered.

“It"s okay. How do you feel?” He whispered and kissed her neck gently before pulling back and smiling at her. Ruby savored the feeling of mating and then said, “If I would die right now, I would be the happiest person in the world.” Reggie laughed and sat up. “As much as I would like to continue this, we have a little matter of breaking out of this joint. In the bathroom, there is a window. I think we can fit through it. I want you to go in the bathroom like you are going to take a bath. Turn on the water and let it run for a while. Then yell for me to come and help you, say you can"t get the water to stay hot or something. It should buy us enough time to get out of the window and get away before they realize what happened.” Ruby nodded and listened as she pulled on her clothes. So much for the afterglow, she thought and listened as her mate outlined the plan for escape. She hoped it would work but did not linger too long on that thought, or she would chicken out. She wanted to be strong, show her mate she was worthy of him, and show Levi she did not need him.

After Reggie had taken her so gently and tenderly, she would not dishonor him in anyway. Levi could go to hell, she was sick of being the little girl who sat in the corner and did everything she was told. She was a woman now; she did not have to beg anyone for anything.

Reggie pulled on his clothes and then paused and pulled his little mate into his arms. “I wish we had more time. I would love to just hold you and kiss you the rest of the day.

Soon, we will do just that.”

She leaned into him and let him make her feel safe and secure for a few moments. Then she pulled back, looked up at him, and smiled. “Let do this.” He nodded and took her hand pulling her behind him as he opened the door.

Chapter 3

Levi returned to Pack headquarters to see if there had been any word on his mates.

Casey, Reggie"s twin had been sympathetic and nice to him, even when she knew he had denied his mate for months. The guilt he felt from this had been weighing on him since his mates had been kidnapped. Where the hell were they? The Pack had combed the entire city at least twice and so far nothing.

Levi walked into the Enforcers office and saw one of the new Betas of the Denver Pack standing over a map of the city. They had little push pins in the map marking where there had been activity from the Rogues, and places they had already searched.

“Anything?” He asked.

“Not yet, but there has been increased activity in the downtown area. I am thinking we need to up the patrols there, for the time being, and see if we can draw someone out. If we could capture one of those bastards, then we may be able to shake something from them.” Gregg said and looked up at him with sympathy in his eyes.

Levi didn"t think he could stand that look much longer. Everyone looked at him like he was going to freak out any minute. He growled and paced over to the desk he had been using. This just sucked; he thought and threw himself into the chair.

“We will find them.” Gregg said and sat on the edge of the desk. “Quin and Jaden have called a phone conference in a few minutes. Something is up.”

“About Ruby and Reggie?” He asked hopefully.

“No clue.” Gregg said and looked at the door that was filled with one of their Enforcers.

“Let"s go.” He said gruffly, and looked at Levi and nodded.

They all stood and followed the mountainous man through the hallway into another office. Before all of this began, they had four buildings in the Pack. One for offices, it had businesses that Pack members developed, and three for housing. Each family had their own spacious apartment. Quin had been very generous to his Pack members. He helped them start businesses and set up themselves in the area.

A few months ago when it was discovered that Quin would be the Alpha of the New Council Pack, they decided the New Council Pack would also be moved to Denver. This would increase their Pack by hundreds. Quin and Jaden had already owned a chunk of property around their buildings. They had been condemned apartments, blocks of them. Levi had been surprised when he found out just how much property they owned.

When all was said and done there would be ten blocks of Pack buildings. Construction on the New Council building had already started, as had at least one new apartment building. That was all going to change. Levi half listened last night when Gregg explained what the new plan was. All he knew was that he was not leaving Denver until he found his mates. No one was going to take him away.

They all looked forward to when the buildings were completed so they could tighten their security. Right now, there were too many blind spots for them to cover everything.

The Rogues knew this; they were exploiting every weakness that they found. So far, this week alone they had four different breaches in their security. No one knew what the hell they were going for though, none of it made any sense. They had not tried to get to the Alpha, or the Beta. No, they were trying to get to the basement of the main office building. The only thing there was holding cells they used when they actually caught someone.

The older Council members had their own holding cells in Europe. Apparently, someone thought since the New Council was going to be here that they had transferred the prisoners here. When the Council changed hands, all of their resources changed to the New Council. Quin asked for it all to be put on hold until they found all the rest of the Chosen. So far, since they only had four out of the thirteen, if Reggie were here they would have five. Quin did not want to muddy the waters and begin transferring things yet.

Levi looked around the room he just entered and sighed, on the wall there was a huge computer screen. They installed the new teleconference equipment a few weeks ago.

Quin and Jaden were seated at the head of the table. Tey and Jo, another mated couple, were on their right, and on their left, was, Casey, and Sid. And two new people sat at the table. He assumed it was Cloe and Teagan, Darien"s mates, since Darien was not there.

Levi shuffled his feet. He felt like he was out of place, he was mated to a Chosen, but his mates were not here. So the question was what was his standing, he will eventually be a mated member of the Council. So, should he step in front of his Beta or stand back with the rest of the Enforcers?

Sensing his confusion, Jo spoke up, and smiled. “You belong with us. You know none of us thinks you are responsible. We know you are trying to find them. Give yourself a break.”

Jo was the White Wolf of the Pack. She was given the gift of being able to feel all the wolves in the Pack. She can feel emotions; over the last few weeks, she has only been able to feel Ruby a few times. Jo thought that they were drugging her because she could not get a clear feeling. That did not ease his frustration.

Levi looked at the people sitting around the table and stepped forward to take the call.

He was surprised when he saw the pride in Quin's eyes.

“Now that we are all here.” Jaden drawled and smiled a little at Levi. “We have some more information. A member of the Pack up here has some information. Devon, Darien, and a man named Blaine are on their way right now. They should be there in the next hour. You need to get together three more Enforcers and be ready to go when they get there. They know where Reggie and Ruby are being held.”

“What? Where? Just tell us, we can go there now!” Levi yelled.

“No, you have to wait for the rest of the guys. They know the specifics. Levi, you need to keep your head, or you will be ordered to sit this out.” Quin said.

Levi took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay, but I get first shot at the Tarkens.” Quin laughed and nodded. “We are getting things ready here. You will bring them directly here once they have been rescued.”

Gregg stepped forward and began talking about who to send and who to keep at the Pack house. Levi tuned out, only thinking that finally he was going to find his mates again. Once he had them, he was never going to let them go. He would make Ruby understand why he waited, and he would make Reggie understand that he did not know that he was his mate. Everything was so confusing. Right now, he needed a drink in the worst way. But he refused to take even a sip, in case he was an alcoholic like his parents.

The genes for that ran in the family, and he was going to be damned if he followed in their footsteps.

They had been at it for about an hour when Jo screamed loudly. “Scared.” Levi jumped up and looked around; making sure nothing had come into the room while he had been focusing. When he saw no signs of trouble, he turned back to where Jo was curled up on the floor in the room on the wall, with Tey kneeling over her trying to calm her down.

Casey got down on the floor with her friend and tried to console her. This was the worst thing about Jo"s gift, when someone in the Pack had a strong emotion; it took her off guard most times. It sometimes took awhile for her to get hold of her feelings.

“Jo, tell me, what is going on?” Cami said softly to her friend.

“Ruby, she is awake, in a room. She must have come out of the drugs totally. She is scared. No one is in the room with her, and she is tied to a bed. Her arms are hurting.” Jo whispered and then whimpered a little when Tey pulled her into his lap.

“What else?” Tey said.

“She is struggling, worried about Reggie. She has not seen him since they took her.” Jo said.

Casey cried a little when she heard her twin had not been seen in the months they had been gone. When he was taken, he had been in a coma. None of them knew if he had woken up or was still unconscious. It was making her crazy. Her brother did not even know that she was pregnant. That she carried his new niece or nephew.

“Wait, Reggie just walked in.” Jo smiled a little and opened her eyes. “They are still in the city. When Ruby was freed, she looked out a window for a brief minute. I could see the Denver skyline. I just can"t tell you where because she does not know.” Levi took a deep breath and relaxed. His mates were safe, for the moment, and they were together. At least they would only have to storm one building, and they were together. He was been so worried that Ruby was alone and scared. At least she had Reggie to lean on. He did not want to even think about how she felt about him right now. She had to blame him, he did.

Levi nodded and looked at his Alpha and friend and said, “We will be ready.”


“Mother, who the fuck do I need to talk to in order to get the hell out of here? Ruby and I both need a change of clothes and other stuff.” Reggie said demandingly. He had never spoken to his mother like this, but he was damn sick and tired of her acting this way. She had gone off the deep end. “Where is dad?”

BOOK: Reggie's: Changing a Wolf's Heart
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