Read Reestrian Mates - Complete Online

Authors: Sue Mercury,Sue Lyndon

Reestrian Mates - Complete (20 page)

BOOK: Reestrian Mates - Complete
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She opened the door and rejoiced to find Sekor standing there in all his massive, hunky glory. He was sweating, his black uniform clinging to him like a wetsuit. She peered into his dark, heated gaze, and all her reservations fled.

“I would ask how you figured out where I live, where my mother lives, and how to find my friends, but I suppose none of that really matters. I’m glad you came for me, Sekor. I have missed you, and I owe you an apology.”

“No, Mia, it is I who owes you an apology. I have spent the last two days around humans, and I have studied human dating behavior since I last saw you. I realize how inappropriate my actions were.”

Mia giggled. “Well, dropping your towel two minutes after meeting me was pretty brazen.” She grew serious and stepped forward, then placed her hand on his chest. “Blina pretty much blindsided me. I know that’s no excuse, and I should’ve asked you for the truth before leaving the ship. She scared me, made it seem urgent that I follow her. I am sorry I hurt you, Sekor.”

“So you have missed me?” His demeanor turned cocky, and she laughed.

“Yes, I missed you, and I have reached a decision.”

“Oh?” He arched an eyebrow at her and pressed his body to hers.

“Yes. I have decided to open up the first Italian restaurant on Reestria. It’s going to be a huge hit, I know it.”

“Stop teasing me, little human.” His hardness throbbed against her stomach, and she felt the heat of his huge erection through the layers of their clothing.

“Oh, and I’ve decided to mate with you, Sekor.” She circled her arms around his waist. “Take me back to the
and make me yours.”

Chapter Five


Sekor carried Mia in his arms, breathing in her enticing, feminine scent as he navigated the ship’s corridors. Once they reached his quarters, he placed her on the bed and made quick work of stripping her down to her bra and panties. She peered up at him, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Her hardened nipples protruded from her thin, lacey bra.

With a growl, he grabbed the scrap of fabric that served as her panties and ripped it off, baring her from the waist down. She reached for the opening of his uniform pants and tried to unfasten the buttons. His patience fled and he launched himself off the bed, stripped off all his clothing, and settled himself atop Mia.

“I don’t want any barriers between us. I am mad with need for you, my beautiful mate.” He tore her bra off and tossed the pieces of it to the floor.

“I must confess, I like it when you rip my clothes off.” She giggled and ran her hands up and down his back. “It’s rather savage of you.”

“If you think that’s savage, just wait until I start pounding you with my cock.”

He claimed her mouth then, holding her head in his hands and gliding his tongue against hers. He took command and kissed her hard, relishing each little moan she emitted and each time her center shifted on his length. She was lifting her hips and trying to accept his shaft inside her, but he didn’t thrust into her sweetness just yet. He enjoyed teasing her, and when he broke away from the kiss, he grabbed his cock and ran the tip of it up and down her slick folds.

“Oh, please, Sekor.” She shot him an accusing glare. “I thought you needed me urgently. If I’d known you had time to tease me, I wouldn’t have spent the last two days feeling so goddamn guilty.”

He gripped her hips and pushed all the way inside her with one quick, harsh thrust. Her head tilted to the side and she moaned, and a second later she started undulating against him. Withdrawing partially, he drove into her again, and he soon set a fast rhythm of fucking her.

Her pussy clamped down on his cock, squeezing his length and spurning him to drive into her faster, harder. Her breasts bounced under his pounding strokes, and he leaned down to capture a nipple between his teeth, biting it until she gasped, then suckling it until she moaned. He paid the same attention to her other breast, not slowing as he continued driving in and out of her pussy.

Their surroundings faded and suddenly they were floating in the sky above Reestria. Two large, orange moons loomed above them, and glimmering stars circled around them. He tightened his hold on Mia, bringing her against his chest and stilling inside her.

She remained silent, aside from her rapid breaths. She pulled back to meet his eyes, and he stroked her hair from her face and smiled. “My beloved Mia.”

Tears shone in her eyes and soon trickled down her cheeks. With his thumbs, he wiped the moisture away. He held her gaze as the stars swirled faster around them, and the moons grew closer and brighter.

The moment during which their hearts and souls joined arrived. He felt the connection forming between them, a bond that could never be broken. Warmth and light surrounded them, and their union was sealed with an endless love. Hearing tales of the mating bond didn’t compare to actually experiencing it. He held Mia close and knew she was his perfect mate, the mate the Almighty One had intended for him.

The Reestrian night sky gradually faded, and they were finally returned to the bed in his quarters. He still kept her close and didn’t move within her yet, wanting nothing more than to feel her heart thumping in her chest next to his, and to feel her soft breaths whispering against his neck.

“Wow. Sekor, I love you. Like, I really love you. And I can feel your desires and how much you want me. How much you care for me. It’s surreal.”

“I am so glad I didn’t let you go, Mia. You are all I’ve ever wanted. A sweet but strong female to call my own, to love and protect.”

“I sense your dreams, Sekor. I sense that you want a large family, and I sense that you don’t really want to accept a captainship.” She tilted her head to the side and peered at him inquisitively. “You want to be home with your family as much as possible. You’re fierce and brave during battle because you want to keep your people safe, but deep down you crave a simpler life, the life of a peacekeeper in the Giamot Clan. Or perhaps the life of a hunter.”

She spoke the truth, and it stunned him that she had learned so much about him just from the mating bond. “We will talk of more serious matters later, Mia.” He grinned and moved his cock within her depths, pushing forward and pulling out slightly, just before he slammed into her again. “I haven’t finished being savage to you yet.”


* ~ * ~ *


Mia clutched Sekor and groaned as waves of ecstasy rolled over her, pleasure consuming her. She came hard and thrilled to feel his cock pulsing within her as he found his own release seconds later.

He withdrew from her and moved to her side, nestling her against him and stroking her hair. She sighed and rested her head on his chest. The
thump thump thump
of his heart beating lulled her into a relaxed state. Well, that and it was past midnight. She was exhausted from their exertions, but she still yearned for Sekor to take her again.

She lifted her gaze to stare into his eyes and gasped to find they had turned amber. Her heart bounced with joy to see his real eye color for more than a fleeting moment. She smiled and planted kisses on both his cheeks, then snuggled up to him and let her mind wander.

He loved her, and Reestrians loved more intensely than humans. She felt safe in his arms and knew he wouldn’t think twice about giving his life for hers. He was the kind of man she had always dreamed about, brave and loyal and honorable. She’d spent her whole life searching for a man like him and had kissed a lot of toads in the process.

“What are you thinking about, beautiful Mia?”

“Well, to be honest, I’m thinking about how glad I am that I’ll never have to kiss another toad, since I have finally found my prince charming.”

“Mia, I do not know why you would kiss a toad, and as you already know, I am from the Giamot Clan. I am not a prince, and no members of the royal family live within the boundaries of our clan. Galattack Clan City has many princes and princesses, but not the Giamot Clan.”

“Kissing toads is just an expression. Pretend I said
. I’m glad I don’t have to kiss anymore losers, for I have found my soul mate and I don’t plan to kiss anyone else but him.”

“Speaking of kissing,” he said, rolling atop her and nudging a brand new erection against the opening of her pussy. He leaned down to claim her lips, kissing her tenderly as he shoved inside her once more.

“Mmm.” She moaned into his mouth and spread her legs to accommodate his girth, and she moaned again when he started thrusting in and out of her. She would’ve never guessed he had no sexual experience. His masterful technique had her nearing another orgasm already, each time he pushed into her, the smooth area above his cock hitting her clit with the perfect amount of pressure.

He took her dozens of times over the next week. Mia enjoyed all the lovemaking, but she also enjoyed getting to know her mate better. Sekor was smart, funny, and he had the biggest heart of any man she’d ever met. Her soul sang with joy when he promised to turn down any captainship that was offered to him. Not only did he wish to start a family soon, but he wished to take an active role in parenting. If he was constantly away with the fleet, he would only be home for short periods of time.

“What will you do?” she asked, rubbing a hand through the hair covering his muscular chest.

“I will work as a protector for our clan. I will also hunt and train future warriors. Each night I will return home to you and our children, and we will have a happy life.”

“I love you, my big, savage alien.” She squeezed his firm bottom and planted a kiss on his cheek.

“And I love you, my beautiful human mate.”

A note from the author:


Thank you so much for reading
Reestrian Mates: The Complete Series
! I have a new sci-fi alien romance series planned soon, so please check my
Amazon Author Page
for regular updates.


About the author:


Sue Mercury writes sci-fi romance. She lives in Maryland with her husband and children, where she hopes one day she'll turn on the television to find a breaking news report about sentient alien beings contacting Earth. She also writes romance of the much kinkier variety under the name Sue Lyndon.


Follow Sue on Twitter @SueMercury

‘Like’ Sue Mercury’s Facebook Page


If you like BDSM erotica and spanking romance, you might enjoy these naughty sci-fi titles by Sue Lyndon:


Owning His Bride

Claiming Their Maiden

Big Blue Valentine

Surrender (Alien Warriors, Book 1)

Commander’s Slave (Alien Warriors, Book 2)

His Naughty Little Mate


BOOK: Reestrian Mates - Complete
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