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Authors: Maya Banks

Reckless (4 page)

BOOK: Reckless
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He rocked up on tiptoe as he strained to get further inside her. His legs trembled, and his ass cheeks clenched together until finally the last drop dribbled into her mouth.

But still she slid her mouth up and down his cock, sucking and licking gently at his softening erection. Finally, she released him with a soft plop, and his dick sagged like a tired puppet.

Then she leaned forward and swept her tongue over the top to snag one last drop of semen, and he groaned all over again.

“Nikki, honey, get up off the concrete. Jesus, your knees.”

He hoisted her up by her arms, frowning at the scrapes on her knees. He walked her backward until she bumped against the lounger, and he eased her down.

“God, I’m such an ass.”



“You have a very nice ass,” she said huskily.

He winced and closed his eyes.

“You know, I never pictured you for the selfish type.”

His eyes flew open at that.


Her eyes narrowed, and he honestly couldn’t tell if she was teasing or not.

“I figured you for a generous lover, not the type to take your pleasure and leave the woman hanging.”

He gaped at her and then realization sank in. His jaw tightened. “Selfish, huh.”

She nodded. “Seeing as you’ve had your fun and here I am aching from head to toe.”

She shrugged, that delicate little motion that made her naked breasts bob and the nipples quiver. He went tight all over again. “I don’t imagine it would take much. I’m so worked up that if you looked at me right I think I’d come.”

He looked down to see his dick straining upward again and then over to where his trunks were lying on the concrete by the pool. Hell.

She shifted and parted her thighs, giving him a glimpse of the pink flesh hidden by the dark curls. One tiny hand snaked downward, skittering across her belly then delving into her folds. She moaned and arched her hips as her fingertips rolled across her clit.

He swallowed then swallowed again. He found himself unable to tear his gaze from the glistening, plump flesh bared by her fingers.

“Are you going to make me do all the work?” she murmured.

“No,” he croaked. Hell no. He wanted to taste her so bad he was damn near licking his lips.

Sliding his hands up her slender legs and up the backs until he reached her sweet little ass, he gripped and kneaded the fleshy mounds before spreading her legs even further apart.

He lowered himself until he was the one with his knees digging into the hot concrete. 25

Maya Banks

Nikki caught her breath as J.T. inched his way up her body until his mouth hovered over her hand. Her movements stilled and then gently, he pulled her fingers away from her pussy and rested them on her belly.

He moved his other hand between her legs and delved between the sensitive lips and brushed across her engorged clitoris.

She moaned and tilted her hips up to meet his touch. He was finally touching her.

Her body tensed in anticipation, in absolute glee. She’d waited forever to have him between her legs, his body over hers.

His taste was still in her mouth, and she savored it. She licked her lips as she imagined his cock thrusting between her legs this time.

And then he licked her. A long, sensuous sweep with his tongue. She cried out as shock splintered through her abdomen. He drew a lazy circle with the tip around her clit then lapped harder at it, drawing it into a stiff, quivering peak.

She thrust her hands into his short hair, gripping him tightly, wanting more, wanting him never to let up.

“You taste so sweet,” he murmured against her damp flesh.

He slid one finger just inside her pussy as he sucked lightly at her clit. He eased back and forth, barely rimming her entrance with his fingertip, and then he pulled away and lowered his mouth to suck avidly at her opening.

A cry ripped from her mouth just her orgasm tore through her abdomen with painful ferocity. Her pelvis lifted and bucked but his hands cupped her ass, holding her tightly as he drank deeply from her.

Her fingers balled into tight fists at her sides, and she clenched her eyes shut as another cry erupted from her chest.

Long, warm slides of his tongue coaxed her down from her orgasm. Tiny little shivers continued to quake over her body, and her legs shook like jelly as he gently lowered her back to the lounger.

She opened her eyes and looked hungrily at him, but when he met her gaze, his eyes flickered, and he looked away.



Her heart sank. He couldn’t have broadcasted his regret more if he’d yelled it out loud.

She firmed her lips and tilted her chin upwards. No way he’d come around after one illicit encounter. She knew it and refused to feel disappointment over something she’d expected.

Without giving him opportunity to speak, react or shove the entire incident under the table, she swung her legs over the side of the lounger and pushed herself up.

Her bathing suit lay in a crumpled heap a few feet away, and she gathered it up, pulling the bottoms on before arranging the top around her breasts.

When she looked up, she saw J.T. staring at her, his mouth working to say something. She smiled and closed the distance between them.

She rose up on tiptoe and brushed her lips across his mouth. She pressed in closer, knowing he’d retreat. He stumbled back a few steps, and then she shoved at his chest.

Already off balance, he tumbled backward into the pool, an expression of shock on his face.

He came up sputtering, a murderous gleam in his eye. Well, it sure beat regret and pity. She’d take his temper over rejection any day of the week.

“Have a nice swim,” she said sweetly. “I’ll see you around.”

She turned and strode to the patio doors, his furious shouts echoing in her ears. A tiny grin worked at the corners of her mouth. Off balance. He was best kept off balance and unsuspecting.

She just had to keep him that way. 27

Maya Banks

Chapter Four

Two days. It had been two days since he’d seen Nikki. J.T. had steeled himself, sure that because of his temporary loss of sanity, she’d be even more determined.

Instead, he spent every moment in anticipation of her popping out of nowhere. Only to be utterly disappointed. He snorted. Disappointed? More like relieved.

He was edgy and ill-tempered, and his friends avoided him like a good case of crotch rot.

He missed her. It wasn’t something he wanted to admit, but she consumed his thoughts. She made him feel… He stopped his train of thoughts before they bordered on the ridiculous.

When Nikki had moved back, he could have listed a dozen reasons why getting involved with her was a bad idea. But at the moment, he was struggling to remember even one.

Then he remembered. She’d never settle here. Lucas was right about her being a free spirit. Why would she stay in a town that had done its best to crush that spirit? No, she wasn’t about home and hearth and commitment. Things at his age that he was seriously starting to consider. She was young and on the cusp of unfurling her wings. She’d fly and be beautiful doing it.

He wanted to touch her, her magic, wrap himself around her and lose himself in her vibrancy. He wanted her for himself. Selfishly, he wanted her to shine for him and only him.

J.T. leaned back in his chair and stared up at the stained ceiling. Rain. The air smelled of it. The slightly metallic smell of rain hitting hot pavement lingered in his nostrils. Wishful thinking. Not a drop had fallen. Yet.

And then he heard it. Big fat drops hitting the tin roof of the building. One, two, faster and heavier. It started light but quickly gained momentum. Hallelujah. He wanted 28


to run outside and play like a kid. Thinking of Nikki did that to him. Made him feel young and silly with a bucketful of smiles.

He got up and walked over to the window. He pulled down the slats of the blinds with one finger and peered out. A short distance away, the sun still shone, a stark contrast to the dark, sullen clouds hanging just overhead. It would be a quick cloudburst, unfortunately, but it should cool things off by a few degrees even if it made the humidity more oppressive.

When he turned back toward his desk, his door burst open, and Nikki hurried in, dripping water all over his floor. She shut the door behind her and stood there, staring at him, her big blue eyes bright as her soaked hair clung to her cheeks.

A smile wavered around her lips as she stared at him. “I kinda forgot my umbrella.”

Before he could even offer a greeting, she walked to the center of the room and started shedding her clothes. Hell. He wouldn’t have put it past her to have ordered up a rainstorm just so she could walk in here wearing her clothes like a second skin.

Her shirt came off first and landed with a wet plop on the floor. She wasn’t wearing a bra.

“Nikki, stop,” he growled as he hurried over to retrieve her shirt. He wrung it out and tried to arrange it around her naked breasts. Anything so they wouldn’t tempt him so goddamn much.

She shivered as the wet cloth hit her skin. He swore. How the hell could she be cold in this heat? But sure enough, goose bumps puckered her skin, making her delectable nipples strain outward.

He glanced around the room in near panic. No way was he going to have a naked woman in his office. Not only would it get his ass fired, but gossip would run through the town like a hog headed for slop.

Making a quick decision, he yanked open the buttons to his shirt and shrugged out of it. By the time he was done, she’d peeled her jeans off and stood completely nude in front of him. 29

Maya Banks

He clenched his teeth and quickly wrapped his shirt around her shoulders. Okay, so it swallowed her, but that was good considering he couldn’t very well shuck his pants and give them to her. He was already dead meat if someone walked in.

Alarmed by that prospect, he started for the door.

“It’s already locked,” she said huskily, a thread of amusement in her voice.

He frowned. Of course the little minx would have thought of that.

“Nikki, you have to go home. I’m working.”

One dark eyebrow rose, and a hint of laughter sparkled in her eyes. “Yes, I can see how busy you are. Want to go play in the rain with me?”

Damn if he wasn’t tempted. Then he shook off that insanity and frowned, hoping she’d get the message and hoping she wouldn’t, all in the same thought.

Instead she sashayed up to him, his shirt hanging loosely around her. The lapels parted and her breasts peeked out, her nipples playing an erotic game of hide and seek.

She reached for his hand and pulled it upward. His palm grazed one breast, and she stopped, forcing him to cup the plump mound.

“Touch me,” she whispered.

Her skin was so soft. Baby fine.

He yanked his hand away. Baby. Of course it was baby soft because next to him, she was a freaking infant.

Undeterred, she dug her fingers into the waistband of his pants and tugged at the fly.

It came undone and she reached in, her hand curling around his dick.

“Nikki, honey, you have to stop this.” He gripped her hand and pulled it away, holding it as far away from his body as he could. “Go home. We can’t do this.”

Again she raised one delicate eyebrow. “Oh, but we can, J.T. Who’s going to stop us? Your door is locked. No one in their right mind is out in this rain. Except me,” she added with a laugh.

She reached for him with her other hand and managed to shove his pants down over his hips. His cock sprang out, desperate for her touch, and she didn’t disappoint.



Her fingers brushed over the head then closed around the base. He damn near came in her hand.

What was it about this woman that drove him stark raving mad? All she had to do was touch him, and he lost any and all control. He prided himself on his discipline, on his ability to not cave to his desires. But damn it, this woman made him throw caution to the wind.

Again she fell to her knees in front of him, and her mouth closed hot around his cock. Fire consumed him. Hot, edgy, painful. But so damn good. So. Damn. Good.

He yanked her to her feet. “Not today, honey. No kneeling for you. I’ve had about enough of that fake submissive shit.”

She laughed, her eyes gleaming as he picked her up and backed her to the desk. He laid her out like a feast, all spread out for him. And damn if he wasn’t starving.

“There’s a condom in my pants pocket,” she said huskily.

His lips thinned as he stared ferociously at her. “I think I can take care of the damn protection.” He yanked open his desk drawer, rummaged around then pulled out a condom.

“Why, J.T., one would think you’d been expecting me,” she teased.

A dull flush heated its way up his neck. How could she know he’d just bought them?

Hell, he didn’t even know why he’d bought the damn things. He hadn’t had sex in a year, and he certainly never kept rubbers in his desk drawer. Only after she’d come to town with her sexy-as-sin walk and those pouting lips.

Ignoring her smirk, he lowered his head to her breasts, but she placed her palms over his cheeks and forced him higher until their lips hovered precariously close.

“Kiss me,” she whispered. “
. Not my breasts.”

Her lips were plump and so tempting. He knew he’d be lost if he tasted her.

Completely and utterly lost.

She didn’t give him a choice. Her head came off the desk, and she fused her lips to his. Hot. Intoxicating and so damn sweet. 31

Maya Banks

Her tongue fluttered over his lips, and without thinking, he parted them, allowing her entrance. Soft and inquisitive, she delved into his mouth, brushing across his tongue, leaving her taste.

BOOK: Reckless
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