Raines, Elizabeth - Marooned [Wicked Missions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Raines, Elizabeth - Marooned [Wicked Missions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Matt captured her chin with his fingers and turned her face toward him. “Can we please try something, Tinsa?”

“Anything.” And she meant it. Nothing her mates wanted to do with her—to her—was forbidden. Her body, her heart, and her soul belonged to them.

“Can we both be inside you at the same time?”

“How?” Her question was a breathless whisper as her insides tightened at the thought of loving both Matt and Drake at the same time. She squeezed Drake’s cock with her inner muscles as he groaned in response.

Matt laid his hands on her shoulders and smoothed his palms down her back, leaving gooseflesh in his wake. Then he cupped her backside before sliding a long finger over to the cleft between her cheeks. He slid down the sensitive skin until he reached her most private of places. “I can love you here.” The tip of his finger pressed up inside her.

Betinsa had never felt anything half as marvelous. Drake’s cock filled her, and yet her other mate could claim her body as well. Taking a shuddering breath, she gave him what she hoped was a seductive smile. “Show me,

Drake’s hands stroked her breasts, working his way up until he could hold her neck. He pulled her forward until her face was only a hand’s breadth away from his. “Relax. Let us show you how.”

My heart
. “Yes.”

His mouth claimed hers as Matt settled behind her, spreading her buttocks with his warm palms. A moist finger probed her tight hole, pushing up inside her, gently stroking and stretching her for his invasion. Drake kept her occupied, kissing her deeply, his tongue coaxing hers into his mouth where he sucked. She whimpered against his lips when a second of Matt’s fingers joined his first, still warm and wet from their swim. The pain and pleasure mixed, drowning her in sensation until she wanted nothing more than to feel both her men buried inside her.

“You ready, Tinsa?” Matt asked as he removed his fingers and pressed the hot, damp head of his cock against her entrance.

“Yes,” she said between the kisses Drake used to keep her so blinded with passion she could barely think.

Centimeter by agonizingly slow centimeter, Matt eased inside her body until she couldn’t take the wait a moment longer. Rocking back hard, she impaled herself on him, her buttocks slapping against his stomach. “God, Tinsa… You’re so tight.”

Drake rocked his hips up at the same time Matt pushed hard against her. Then they both pulled back just enough to make her fear they were leaving her. Clenching her muscles, she almost cried out that she needed them to stay when both men surged deep again. Soon, they set an easy rhythm, rocking in before pulling back enough to plunge inside again.

Her body felt so wonderfully full. Never had she imagined loving her mates in such a fashion was possible. All too soon, release approached, the orgasm building quickly inside her until she feared she would splinter apart with the intensity.

Tearing her mouth away from Drake, Betinsa gasped for breath, wanting to tell her men how wonderful they were making her feel, how beautifully they were making her body sing. All she could manage were moans and cries of pleasure that built into a scream as fire erupted in her sex and fanned out to reach every cell.

Matt came next, surging inside her before shouting her name as his warmth flooded her. Drake followed right behind, slamming up once, twice, a third time before he cried out in release, his semen spurting against her womb.

* * * *

“Little fuckers,” Matt said as he climbed back up their tree. “I’m seriously pissing on some of them tonight.”

“Gremtils only do that which they were created to do,” Betinsa called up as she waited for Matt to reach the platform. He leaned over and clapped, to let her know to toss up the last of the things they’d rescued from the

He hadn’t had a chance to talk to Betinsa about whether she was able to do whatever it was she needed to do alone. After their swim, he and Drake had made love to her. Then they’d shared a meal of fruit Betinsa helped them gather from the forest and some protein bars from the ship.

She tossed up another med kit she’d dug out of the wreckage. Next came some of the large pieces of the spiky fruit that reminded him of a pineapple. The last thing she sent up was a small communicator. It had been smashed in the crash, but Matt always liked tinkering with things, seeing if he could get them working again. Betinsa told him to have fun but that she thought it was beyond repair. Damn, but he loved a challenge, especially if he could impress his woman.

My woman
. He liked the sound of that. Of course, she was Drake’s woman too… Yet no jealousy rose up inside Matt. Sharing her with Drake had just seemed so…natural. So right. Not that he was ready to get to know the ambassador up close and far too personal. Drake probably felt the same. No, Matt loved the feel of a woman’s body—Betinsa’s body—not a man’s.

The day she’d been assigned as his partner, he thought his Earth Bureau of Investigation supervisor had been playing some kind of a fucking joke. She was an alien. Hell, that was supposed to be who Matt was trying to stop—aliens who threatened Earth. Then he got to know her, learning just how intelligent she was and how her mind could quickly unravel any kind of puzzle. Being a shape-shifter only added to her talents, not that he’d ask her to shift often. Changing took a huge physical toll on her, but she never hesitated when it was necessary to effect a capture. He’d discovered that not only was she the perfect partner, she was damned near the perfect woman.

Not that he thought he’d ever have a chance to get to know Betinsa the way he wanted to. Sure, as partners they shared the same kind of personal connection as a married couple. They talked. They argued. They supported each other. But Matt had always desired…more.
Much, much more.
He wanted her to know how many things about her he noticed—from the smell of her favorite perfume to what she ordered every morning when they stopped at the coffee cart. And he’d dreamed of holding her in his arms, kissing those sexy lips, and touching every inch of her smooth, blue skin.

The crash had seemed a tragedy at first, especially after Betinsa told him about what she faced for landing on this moon. Matt vowed to protect her, no matter the cost. She’d done nothing wrong—and she had saved three lives, one of which was an ambassador for the United Continents of Earth. Surely that would count for…something.

Now, he no longer viewed the crash of the
as anything short of a miracle, and he actually felt as if he owed those fucking asteroids some kind of thank you. Because of them, he could now claim Betinsa as his own. As could Drake, although Matt wasn’t sure what the future would hold in store for the three of them. Should Drake have to walk away, Matt would be there for Betinsa. And as far as he was concerned, they would be together for the rest of their lives. He just needed to work up the guts to tell her about his decision.

Damn, but he needed to find out more about the Fraiquan culture so he knew what he would have to do to win Betinsa and keep her by his side. At least he was now her lover, which had to be a big step for her. The woman had been a virgin—yet she’d forfeited that important status for him and for Drake.

Betinsa broke his train of thought when her blue hand reached the platform. Matt grabbed her arm and helped her hoist herself up. Drake followed close behind. Since the suns were beginning to set, it was time for them to settle down for the night. “Any sign of those furballs yet?” Matt asked Drake.

“Not yet.” Drake turned to Betinsa. “Last night for those piranha rats, right?”

She nodded.

“Thank God,” Matt said, picking up the blanket and shaking out the leaves that had settled on it during the day. After spreading it back on the platform, he flopped down and kicked off his shoes. Grabbing a pillow, he jammed it under his head. “Well, while they eat everything in their path, I’m getting some sleep.” He patted the spot next to him. “How about you, Tinsa? You tired?”

.” Her gaze shifted to Drake. “And you,
? Are you tired as well?”

Drake swept her into his arms, set her down next to Matt, and sprawled at her other side on the blanket. He turned to face her, threw a thigh over hers and an arm over her waist before he closed his eyes. In the span of a minute, the ambassador began to snore.

“I think that was a yes.” Matt rolled to his side and put his palm on Betinsa’s flat belly. He gently rubbed small circles until his hand slid low enough to slip under her shirt. Then he tickled his way up until his palm covered her breast. “Ah…
I can sleep.”

“So happy to know you’re comfortable,” she replied with a grin. Her hand brushed his groin until her palm rested against his cock. “Ah… Now
can sleep.”

“Indigo?” a husky female voice shouted from the forest floor, scaring the birds that had settled in their tree. “Hey, Betinsa! You called me here! Where the fuck are you?”

Chapter 6

Matt had been correct all along—someone
come looking for them.

“Hannah!” Betinsa sat up just as the sound of the gremtils emerging from their dens began to build. “Up here!” Scrambling to the edge of the platform, she looked over the edge, waving her arm. “Hannah! Here! Up here!”

Matt hurried to her side, searching the ground until he saw the slim human woman dressed in camouflage pants, a tight olive-colored tank top, and combat boots. A large knife was sheathed against one hip, a laser pistol was holstered against the other. Hands on her waist, she glared up at them. “What in the hell are you doing up there?”

More of the humming rose from the gremtils. “If I were you, lady, I’d get your butt up here.
,” he called down. “Some nasty little creatures are going to start eating everything on the ground in a few minutes, including you if you don’t haul ass.”

She gaped at him like she thought he’d lost his mind. “Some

“Get up here! Now!” Betinsa shouted again. “Isn’t Lincoln with you?”

“Nah. He’s on the
,” the woman replied as she grabbed the lowest branch and started to climb.

Fearing she might not have Betinsa’s strength, Matt hurried to find their rope to lower down to her. He need not have bothered because by the time he was ready to drop it over the side, a tanned hand reached the platform. He dropped the rope and helped Betinsa haul the woman the rest of the way up.

As they all stood up, Betinsa threw her arms around the woman and hugged her tight. “Hannah…I’m so very happy to see you. Thank you for coming so quickly.”

“Missed you too, Indigo.” Hannah’s hands pounded Betinsa’s back before she pulled out of her embrace. “What did you get yourself into

Before Betinsa could answer, the gremtils poured from their dens and started canvassing the area. “What in the fuck are those?” Hannah asked as she glanced over the side.

“They’re gremtils,” Betinsa replied. “Scavengers of carrion—or any living thing that puts itself in their path.”

“They’re fuckin’ furballs I’d like to stomp flat,” Matt added as Drake came to stand at his side. He extended his hand to Hannah. “Hi. Matt Newton. I’m Betinsa’s E.B.I. partner.”

A knowing smile crossed Hannah’s lips as she gave his hand a quick shake before flipping her long, blonde ponytail over her shoulder. Blue eyes seemed to take his measure before she finally spoke. “Heard an awful lot about you, Matt, my man.”

So…Betinsa had told Hannah about him… He tried not to read too much into that notion. They were, after all, partners. She might have only been discussing the job rather than any personal feelings she had for him. “Um…good. I mean, I
that’s good.”

“Oh…trust me. It
good.” She winked at him before she pulled a communicator from her belt and tapped in a few commands. Then she turned back to Betinsa. “Told Lincoln to shut the hatch and stay in the ship so his furry ass doesn’t get eaten by those brown buggers. Of course, they might think he’s a distant cousin.” Her gaze settled on Drake. “And you are…?”

“Ambassador Drake Keller, ma’am. From the United Continents of Earth,” he said, reaching for her hand. She shook it hard enough to rock his shoulder, making Matt grin. The woman had grit.

“Earth ambassador, huh? Sweet. Maybe you can help me next time I get in a scrape with some local yokels. You sure know how to pick ’em, Indigo. How in the hell did you end up here anyway? No one’s supposed to land on Katenya. Gonna be really difficult to sneak you guys off, you being Fraiquan and all... Saw the
. Actually, I saw what was left of the
. Ouch. What hit it?”

BOOK: Raines, Elizabeth - Marooned [Wicked Missions 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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