Read Racing the Moon Online

Authors: Ba Tortuga

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance, #erotic, #Gay/Lesbian

Racing the Moon (19 page)

BOOK: Racing the Moon
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Oh. Oh, fuck, yes. Sonny grabbed MJ so hard he heard things creak, leaning to take a kiss, their mouths meeting with a smack. Fuck. Oh, goddamn.

MJ didn't give him a second to think, the kiss sharp-toothed and fierce. MJ started tearing at his clothes, hands burrowing in to touch him, feel his skin. They slid right to the floor, Sonny ripping at MJ's shirt and jeans, trying to climb right into him. He needed this. Needed the feel of those smooth muscles, the feel of MJ's skin, the floppy, too-long hair on his cheek. Sonny soaked it all in, opening up to let MJ in.

"Mine. Mine, you hear me? I won't let him fucking hurt you." The words were growled against his lips, those eyes serious as a heart attack.

That made him nod frantically, his hands clutching at MJ's back, pulling him even closer. "Yours. I promise. I never...he and I. You know that, right? It was over."

MJ blinked, ferocity easing, fingers cupping his cheek. "I know who you chose."

"Good." Okay. They'd be okay. Laughing, Sonny rolled MJ to his back, straddling him, rubbing on him. "Lord, I'm fucking a zombie. You look half dead, Precious."

"It's gonna start bleeding again when I wash it. I'm gonna have a scar." Those eyes danced, the bloodshot one on the close side of creepy. "You still gonna love me?"

"Hell, yes, Precious. I'd love you blind and bald." And it didn't even scare him to say it. "You know that. That I love you. Right?"

"I guessed, yeah." MJ touched his lips. "We're going to get rested and clean and then we're going to go get us a fucking boat and supplies and get the fuck off dry land and God
it, we're going to stop bleeding and make love for a couple years."

"Sounds like a plan." The best plan he'd heard in a long time. Sonny laughed, kissing MJ's fingers, and then leaning to kiss his mouth. "Looks like I'm out of the ridgerunning business, Precious. You'd best love me enough to keep me busy."

He held his breath a little, feeling like the worst kind of girl.

MJ stared into him, all business, all serious. "I'll keep you, loved and busy. The rest of the world can go fuck themselves. We're retired."

Sonny just nodded, pressing down against MJ's body, rocking against him, loving on him.

They'd get that boat. Fucking sail around the world if they wanted to. And stay retired. At least until one of them got a wild hair up their ass.

He could live with that, no problem.




Chapter Eighteen


The wind felt good, a hint of a squall on it, salty and fresh where it mingled with the beef Sonny was cooking. MJ chuckled, turned over to catch the last few rays on his naked ass.

Not bad. Not bad at all.

"You want it medium or medium rare, Precious?" That drawl hadn't faded one bit. Hell, it probably never would. His Sonny was a redneck through and through.

"Medium rare." He lifted his head, stretched. "Smells like there'll be weather tonight."

They could fuck while the boat swayed.

"Uh-huh. A little ozone." Sonny grinned over, the dying sun looking fine where it painted stripes on those broad shoulders and flat belly. The smoke rising off their little grill made Sonny look like he was standing in a waterfall or something.


Sonny's eyes were on him, so he arched a bit, giving him a little show, a little bump and grind. "Gonna make me burn the meat, MJ."

God, he liked the sound of Sonny's laughter, the way the man squirted him with the water bottle he always kept by the grill.

"I wouldn't want that. We'd have to feed it to the sharks." He scooted away from the next squirt of water, dug in the cooler for a couple of beers.

"Well, you know, a good grilled steak does have to rest. For at least five to ten minutes." Sonny took the steaks off the grill and covered them with foil, closing the lid on the potatoes and weird bananas still inside before coming to plop down beside him and grab one beer. "What could we do in that time, do you think?"

"Five to ten minutes..." He made sure his balls were out of reach and then went for it. "Depends if it's you or me, Sunshine..."

That got him a beer spray, Sonny shaking the bottle and letting him have it with the foam, laughing like a loon. "You little fuck, I'll show you what I can do."

"Promises, promises. Quit talking and start proving." He leaned over, got his lips around one nipple, sucking good and hard.

Sonny moaned, hands sliding over his shoulders, shockingly hot where the beer had been cold. They rolled a little, Sonny pulling him on top, cupping his ass, that cock already hard against his belly.

He let his hips roll, prick rubbing against Sonny's thigh, heat against heat.

"I tell you what, MJ. I think we have time to do a little more than rub. Where's the lube?"

Hell, yes. Where had they stashed it?

He hoped it wasn't at the bottom of the cooler again. That had been... uncomfortable.

Sonny flailed, hand reaching out to open the little compartment on the side of the bench, coming up with a bottle and a happy grunt. "You gonna ride me or do me?"

"Cockhound." He winked, nipped Sonny's bottom lip. "I'll ride."

Those eyes went wide, Sonny's answering grin going feral. "Oh, hot damn. I love that." The lube smacked into his hand. "You need to get yourself ready then, Precious."

"Pushy, pushy." He leaned down, started nibbling and nipping, slicking his fingers. He slid his hand down between him, slicking his hole, teasing Sonny by not letting his Sunshine see.

"No fair!" One of Sonny's hands slid behind him, touching his fingers, pushing at them. God, the feel of it as one of Sonny's slid in alongside one of his...

He arched, lips parting. Oh. Oh, yeah. "More."

"Like this?" That finger pushed deep, moving his with it, Sonny pushing him and pushing him, that long body starting to roll under his, to vibrate.

"Yes..." He nodded, lips on Sonny's throat, cock leaking and balls just aching.

"Good. Hot. Can't fucking wait to be in you." One more finger slid in, making the total come to three, stretching him almost unbearably.

"Oh. Oh, fuck. Want." He lifted himself up, his own fingers sliding away as he started moving, riding that touch.

"Gonna have me, MJ. Soon. Need you to...fuck. Slick me up, babe." Sonny stared up at him, eyes glazed.

"Uh-huh." He managed to get more lube, then get his fingers wrapped around that heavy cock, stroking Sonny in time with the fingers inside him.

It jumped for him, throbbing hard, Sonny moaning and arching under him. The fingers inside him crooked, twisting, finding and pegging his gland.

"Sonny!" He twisted, eyes going wide as his hips rolled, needing more. Now.

"God, MJ." Sonny watched him carefully, touching that place inside him over and over. "Pretty. God, look at you."

That would require mirrors. Or eyes on stalks. Or... Oh... "Fuck me. Now."

"Gonna." Pulling free, Sonny lifted him, put that slick cock right at his hole and started pushing. Heavy, hard and thick, Sonny opened him right up. Gravity did the rest.

Oh. Oh, that was what he needed. He just leaned into it, Sonny's cock pushing a deep, happy moan out of him. The boat moved under them, helping to pick up their rhythm.

The wind kicked up, too. Damn. He could smell the rain on the air, feel the crackle on his arms. Sonny surged up into him, grunting, chest heaving with his breath.

"It's good. Fuck, Sonny. It's so good." His fingers were splayed against Sonny's chest, the fingers of his left hand covering a bite mark he'd left the night before.

"Hell, yes. Good. God." Sonny's hands clamped on his hips hard enough to bruise, hard enough to leave marks. Those hands just slammed him down on Sonny's cock, up and down.

If his fucking brain could remember how to make his hand move, he'd stroke himself off. Too bad he couldn't, or maybe not, because Sonny shifted and slid and that cock pushed deep and...

His head snapped back, balls drawing up hard as stones.

"Fuck!" He must have tightened up, because Sonny shot so hard inside him he figured he'd feel it for weeks, curling up to bite his chest, stinging like fire.

That pushed him right over the edge, the purple and pink sky going dim.

"Oooh, that was a fine appetizer," Sonny was saying when his hearing came back. "Really fine."

"Uh-huh." He nodded, kissing Sonny's jaw, the hollow under Sonny's ear.

"We could have steaks now. Protein. Energy."

"We could. We'll need energy for the storm."

"We will." Laughing, Sonny lifted him right up, got them sitting. "And we don't want to waste the weird bananas."

He started chuckling, ass squeezing Sonny's cock. "You and your fucking bananas."

"You like my banana." Okay, that was so obvious. So bad it made him laugh. Which made everything jiggle and move and wow.

"Mmm." Maybe the steaks could wait a little bit longer...

Sonny must have agreed with him. "I hear cold steak salad is nice," Sonny suggested.

"It's delicious." He squeezed again, leaned in for a kiss.

"Oh, good. Then that's what we'll do." Sonny hadn't really even gone soft, moving in him.

"Mmmhmm. You're a fucking addiction." His own personal high.

"Yeah, well, you're pretty damned hot, yourself." He knew that smile, knew it meant Sonny was on an adrenaline high, ready to go and go like that silly pink bunny.

"I'm just stunned that we've managed six months and no one's been kidnapped." He was about to say cuffed, but there was that time or two they'd played some...

"No shit. Or shot at." He noticed Sonny didn't say beaten, either. Because, you know, they'd tied it up once or twice, and there'd been some play in that, some not.

He started moved, riding nice and easy. "Hell, we haven't had to pull out the morphine since you stitched my face up."

Scar actually looked sexy. Rugged. Rakish.

"Mmmhmm." Sonny moved beneath him, reaching up to touch his scar, eyes on his, dark and focused. "I did good."

Oh, it was easy to lean in, rest his cheek on that hand. "You took good care of me."

Just like he'd taken care of Sonny.

It worked well. He was a fan.

"We're mutual. And getting mushy." Sonny laughed out loud, reaching up to hold him steady as Sonny whirled them, on top of him now. Holding his hands next to his head.

MJ squeezed again, bearing down on that pretty prick. "Doesn't

"Feels...feels amazing, Precious." Panting, Sonny started giving it to him, hips rolling, punching. That thick cock slid in and out, in and out.

"Oh." He grabbed his knees, pulled them up and back, spreading himself right out.

"MJ..." It came out as a moan, rough and hard, Sonny's voice just shattered. They moved with the motion of the water under the boat, increasingly violent as the wind blew up a gust, both of them grunting, humping.

"Fuck, yes." His skin pimpled up, muscles rippling. Oh, he loved that, the cool wind on hot skin.

"Yes." God, yeah. All they could do was move, rock, fuck hard. Sonny bit him, teeth scraping over his collarbone, sending shocks right up his spine.

"Do it again." He groaned, nails scraping long lines up Sonny's back.

All he had to do was ask, because Sonny did it right away, teeth sinking in, stinging hard. Fucking A. It hurt in the best way.

He grunted, abs clenched tight, just drawing his balls into a tight sac.

"Gonna." Sonny would, too, just come again, just like that. This time he got to look up into Sonny's face, watch the muscles strain in Sonny's neck and chest as that big body rocked and rolled, convulsing on top of him.

It only took that and the squeeze and tug of Sonny's hand to bring him along, just pulling the spunk out of him.

Sonny flopped on him, pushing the rest of the air out of his lungs, making him wheeze.

"Oh, goddamn," Sonny said, kissing the side of his neck. "Yeah."

"Mmmhmm." The rain started, feeling like ocean spray at first. "Gonna be a wild night, Sunshine."

"It is, Precious." Laughing, Sonny slid away gently, hauling him up and rubbing his sore ass. "Need to get the grill turned off, get everything lashed down. Then we can have that steak salad and some wild night loving. You can do me..."

He hummed, fingers trailing over Sonny's hip. "Until you're screaming for more."

"Wouldn't be the first time you've made me scream, would it?"

God, no. There was that one night, right off the coast of Aruba...damn.

"Won't be the last. I have years worth of plans." He grinned, laughing as the rain came harder. "I'm going to get things tied down downstairs and grab a head of lettuce."

No sense losing stuff to the storm.

"Sounds good." He got a smile, free and easy, Sonny just tanned and relaxed and looking so good.

He headed down, then looked back. "You ever miss it, Sunshine? Running a meth lab?"

He figured he had just enough of a head start to get the cabin door shut before Sonny tackled him and took him down. He was almost right.



BOOK: Racing the Moon
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