Racetrack Romance BOX SET (Books 1-3) (7 page)

BOOK: Racetrack Romance BOX SET (Books 1-3)
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She remained about five feet away. It was clear she was more comfortable with that distance. Preferred some space. Maybe she’d experienced a few hassles from some other trainers. The idea annoyed him, although he wasn’t sure why. Clearly she could take care of herself; she hadn’t been reluctant to send him packing that first day.

She didn’t rush to speak, but her gaze over the rim of the cup remained steady and assured. Good. He liked silence with his first cup of the day. She was an easy lady to be around.

Of course, he couldn’t stand around all day, drinking coffee and watching Julie. Time to get to work.

“I saw you on Otto’s mare yesterday,” he said. “Horse didn’t seem happy.”

“All his horses react to him,” she said. “They usually behave fine when he isn’t around.”

“Odd, don’t you think?”

“Not odd at all. He doesn't treat them very well. Sandra complained to the office a few times, but nothing changed.” Her expression turned mischievous. “I've made some direct suggestions too, but trainers never seem grateful when I tell them what to do.”

He shook his head in exaggerated dismay. “Trainers always think they know best.” He didn’t intend to let her turn the conversation, but it was impossible not to joke when she flashed those dimples. “So you’re not buddies with Otto?” he added.

Her nose wrinkled with distaste. Obviously she and Otto weren’t partners or even friends, and he could tell Archer to cross her off the list. All that remained was to chat her up. Find out what she and Connor had discussed. The police report stated she’d given Connor directions, but hopefully she knew something more revealing.

He adjusted the lid of his cup, padding his words with just the right amount of friendly interest. “I imagine Otto's mare will be full of fight tonight?”

“Yes. It'll be rough in the paddock, but once we’re on the track she'll listen. She wants to please. Maybe she’ll even finish in the top three.” Julie shrugged. “I'm just not sure of her soundness.”

Jesus. He abruptly snapped the plastic tab from his lid, stiffening at her casual comment. She seemed more concerned about the finish of the race than the consequences of a horse breaking down. Often young riders didn't think accidents could happen, not to them. Even if they did, riders couldn't afford to turn down mounts.

A muscle ticked above his right eye. He knew there was something wrong with the mare’s hind end, but there was little he could do about it. Besides, he couldn’t worry about Julie. The mare had to start in the race for him to make a claim.

He took a hasty gulp of coffee. The mare would be fine. Julie would be fine. It was more important to steer this conversation around to Connor, and quickly, before they were interrupted.

“Is Otto the sole owner of the mare?” he asked. “He never seems to have any visitors.” He took another sip, pretending more interest in his coffee than her answer, hiding the tension in his shoulders as he waited for her to mention Connor. Or even the accented visitor from last night.

“I think so, but who knows. Otto keeps to himself, even shoes his own horses.” She dumped her cup in the garbage and glanced at her watch. “I have other horses to gallop but I can come back if you prefer.”

Damn. “No, that’s fine. I’ll get Lazer.” But his mouth tightened as he turned toward Lazer’s stall. It might be necessary to draw her away from the track in order to develop any meaningful type of conversation. She was always in a hurry, always businesslike, at least with him.

The realization irked him more than it should, but he shrugged it off. He’d find a way to work her. He always did.

He tacked up Lazer and led the colt down the aisle. Slipped his hands under Julie’s leg and boosted her into the saddle. He had a fleeting impression of strength and balance and heat and kept his hand on her leg a shade longer than necessary.

She looked down, those green eyes wary.

“What's your weight?” he asked quickly, already knowing the answer but cursing his odd impulsiveness. The last thing he needed was to scare her, and that wariness in her face was not a good sign.

“One hundred and eight pounds,” she said, her eyes turning hopeful. “But the bug gives me a five-pound weight allowance. Less weight would help Lazer in a race.”

He shrugged but kept his expression noncommittal, as though he were really thinking about riding weight and jockey assignments. At least she looked hopeful now. He wanted her to stay that way. Everyone talked more when they were positive and upbeat, but he was damn sure not committing to Julie when he’d never even seen her race.

The weight allowance that apprentices, or bug boys, received meant little if she didn't have the talent. Morning gallops and race riding weren’t the same. Exercise riders didn't always make good jockeys, and many good jockeys didn't have the intuitive feel that the best exercise riders had.

But she was looking at him with those beautiful eyes, not imploring but yeah…they were imploring, and it was hard to admit he’d originally had no intention of letting her ride Lazer in a race. Hell, he hadn’t even intended to race the colt in Calgary. He grabbed the lead shank and turned Lazer toward the track.

“I don’t think weight is this colt's problem,” he said. “He gets distracted and starts to loaf. Blinkers haven’t helped.”

“But an apprentice’s weight concession can't hurt.”

“No, it can't.” He glanced back, liking her determination as well as her work ethic. She lacked experience, but so far her riding was fine. And it wouldn’t hurt to enter Lazer in a race. The horse was fit and ready to run, and it would cement his cover story. Which meant he now needed a jockey.

He dragged his left hand over his jaw. He didn’t often use apprentices, didn’t feel the weight concession was worth the rider’s inexperience. But he liked Julie. Didn’t see how it could damage the case if he helped her out at the same time.

“No promises,” he said, “but I’ll watch you race tonight. We'll see how it goes. Then we’ll talk about jockeys.”

“I appreciate that, Kurt,” she said softly, eyes shining.

Something kicked in his chest and he turned away. No matter how her voice wrapped around his name or how pretty her smile, he’d do whatever was best for his horse. It would be interesting to see how she handled Lazer at speed though. She looked in sync with the colt, and Lazer did like her. The horse was unusually composed, as though eager to please his rider, and that in itself was baffling.

Frustration tightened his jaw, the way it always did around Lazer. The colt had enough talent to run at the top-tier tracks but just didn’t seem to want to race. At least, he was proving to be a valuable prop for police work.

“Take him around twice easy,” Kurt said when they neared the gap. “At the three-eighth pole, breeze him home. He'll be more aggressive now that the road trip is behind him. You handled him perfectly yesterday, so I left Cisco in the barn.”

She nodded like an eager student as he released Lazer. The colt gave an exuberant buck that she seemed to relish, and he caught a gleeful dimple as he stepped back to watch from the rail.

She definitely had finesse, persuading Lazer to settle into a trot without any huge arguments. Not an easy thing to do with a strong-opinioned horse. The realization surprised him. The Calgary track was several tiers below Woodbine or Gulfstream, yet Julie managed Lazer as well as any of his previous riders. Maybe a race here wasn’t such a bad idea.

“Is that the three-year-old from Woodbine?”

Kurt turned toward the deep drawling voice. The man behind him was lithe with a confident smile and crisp white shirt. Only a few inches taller than Julie. Probably a jockey. His dark head reached Kurt’s chest.

“Yeah,” Kurt said. “Horse shipped in a few days ago.”

“I’m Gary Bixton. I like your horse. Julie's doing a good job out there. Nice to see her on a quality animal.”

“What does she usually ride?”

Bixton snorted. “Stuff nobody else will touch. She’s a good rider though. Gutsy, and a fast learner.”

Kurt glanced back at the track to watch Julie guide Lazer around the oval. The colt cruised into the clubhouse turn, his stride quickening as he powered down the backstretch.

“Nice turn of foot,” Bixton said. “Big change from Otto Laing’s runners.”

“Otto’s? A change in what way?”

“No legs, no brains,” Bixton said. “I've warned her. She shouldn't even sit on Otto’s horses. No one should.”

Kurt propped his hip against the rail, assuming a nonchalant pose while he studied Bixton, the jockey everyone talked about with such respect. The man radiated the confidence most top athletes possessed. Designer sunglasses hid his eyes but laugh lines crinkled around the edges, and his mouth permanently tilted as though he was well pleased with life.

“Are Laing's horses that bad?” Kurt asked, glancing at a dainty filly trotting on the outside rail.

“The four I remember were cripples,” Bixton said. “So mean they’d put you on the moon if they had a chance to kick.”

“All mares?”

Bixton shook his head. “Nope. Geldings. But cheap claimers, every one.”

Geldings, damn. There went his theory. Drugs couldn’t have been hidden in the boys. Kurt crossed his arms and turned his attention to Lazer. The colt had reached the three-eighth pole. Julie crouched over his neck asking for more speed and the big horse gave it to her. He scorched around the track, so fast even Bixton stopped talking.

Kurt stared across the infield, his gaze locked on the gray colt. He’d never seen Lazer run with such enthusiasm.

“I’d be glad to ride your horse,” Gary drawled. “Any time.”


Julie galloped midway down the backstretch before she was able to turn Lazer and head back toward the gap. Though exhausted, a grin curved her lips. This horse was magnificent. He’d worked beautifully too, except for a second when he was alongside another horse and had, very briefly, lost his focus. Not long. Only a second. She doubted Kurt had even noticed, not from his position on the backside.

Her excitement fizzled when she spotted Gary, and she wished Kurt hadn’t met the accomplished jockey quite so soon. Gary only rode the best, and it was now obvious Lazer belonged in that select group. It was also obvious she couldn’t compete against Gary.

“Morning, Jules,” Gary called, a wicked grin creasing his face. “Looks like that hoss has some run. Think you can handle something that goes so fast?”

Julie shot him a withering look but felt Kurt’s assessing gaze and knew it was important to remain poised. Gary’s grin widened, as though he fully expected her temper to blow. She knew it wasn’t anything personal. Trash talking was part of the game, and Gary was King of Cool. He hadn’t become top jock by letting others needle him. And neither would she.

She tilted her head, pretending sympathy as she looked down from her elevated position on Lazer’s back. “Actually this was my slowest ride today,” she said sweetly. “But maybe you couldn’t see. We all heard about your failed eye test. Gosh, it’s going to be tough for you to get rides.”

She shot Kurt a glance, hoping he didn’t mind that she’d dissed his horse, but he winked, seemingly with approval, and something clenched low in her stomach. For a second she forgot Gary and stared into Kurt’s dark eyes. Moistening her lips, she jerked her head away. Maybe he didn’t realize Gary was top dog.

Very good. If she could keep Kurt to herself for another day or two, it would give her more time to earn the mount. Gary wouldn't be a good fit for Lazer anyway. The colt needed someone to gallop him every morning, not an established jockey who only climbed aboard for the race. The colt’s focus issues had to be understood—understood and addressed. Kurt should know Gary wouldn’t be around to gallop in the morning.

She gave Lazer’s neck a possessive pat. “I’m surprised you’re even here right now, Gary. Why are you out of bed so early?”

“Maybe because you’re not there with me, darling.” Gary’s voice hardened as though he knew exactly what she was trying to do. “The fact is I sometimes show up for morning gallops if the horse is good enough. But we can discuss my sleep habits tonight if you’d like.”

Kurt abruptly stepped in front of Gary, blocking her view as he reached up and hooked his lead on Lazer. His face was impassive, but she had the distinct impression he didn’t enjoy their banter.

“See you around, Gary,” Kurt said, his voice clipped.

She was so shocked she almost fell from the saddle. Kurt had just dismissed Gary Bixton. She’d heard it. Everyone in Calgary begged for Gary's time, his attention, his advice. Not Kurt. Maybe he didn’t know who Gary was.

But no way would she introduce them. It was in her best interest to remain silent, exactly what any jockey would do. She tightened her mouth, but her guilt magnified into full-blown discomfort—Gary deserved more.

She swallowed. “Kurt, this is Gary Bixton,” she heard herself say. “He’s a good friend, a good rider, and the leading jockey here…and in Edmonton...” Her voice trailed off, miserable with the knowledge she’d just gift wrapped Lazer.

But Kurt only nodded politely and led Julie and Lazer away. She stared between the horse’s ears, too stunned to speak. He’d said he’d watch her race before committing to a jockey, and he meant it. He was actually giving her a chance.

Gratitude warmed her chest and her head felt light, but she realized Kurt was talking and tried to focus on his words.

“Lazer definitely liked the track,” Kurt said. “We'll see what the clockers say. Did you feel anything when he passed that horse in front of the grandstand?”

She blinked, surprised Kurt had noticed Lazer's attention swing. The man was very astute, and she hesitated. Some trainers only wanted to hear good things about their runners. However, Kurt was so honest he wouldn't want the truth varnished, and he was asking her opinion as though it mattered.

“Lazer's very talented.” She chose her words carefully. “Best horse I’ve ever ridden. But for a second his attention slipped. I tried chirping, shaking the reins, even waved the stick but nothing worked. It wasn't long, just a few strides.”

“But a few strides can make a difference in a race,” Kurt said. “That attention lapse has always been the problem. He starts gawking and forgets his job. Some kind of horse ADD, maybe. You analyzed it well.” His gaze drifted past her and his mouth tightened.

BOOK: Racetrack Romance BOX SET (Books 1-3)
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