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Authors: Barbie Bohrman

Tags: #Contemporary

Promise Me (6 page)

BOOK: Promise Me
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Walking through the front door, I see a pajama clad Julia sprawled out on the couch with her feet propped up on the coffee table, watching a rerun of
. In a flash, she reaches for the remote, shuts off the television and says, "Tell me everything. I mean it, Sabrina. I want to hear everything about your date with Sawyer."

Quizzically, I look up at her as I'm flinging my purse to the ground and plunk down beside her on the couch. "Sawyer? What exactly have you been doing while I've been gone? You're really starting to worry me, Julia."

"Hardy har har," she says through a fake smile. "I just realized tonight who Alex looks like. He totally could be Sawyer's twin from
. Now, tell me how he called you Freckles and how he wants to take you to an island somewhere to live and have lots and lots of sex."

"Ha! If only that was what actually happened," I say to her while I shake my head and take a moment to pull my hair out of its clip so it falls just below my shoulders. Putting my feet on the coffee table, mimicking Julia's position, I give her the blow by blow.

"Lisa called while I was at the bar with him." Holding up my hand to keep her from interrupting me, I keep right on talking. "No, I didn't answer. She left me a voicemail that I still haven't listened to. Then, I had what can only be described as a mini freak out in front of Alex, who proceeded to tell me that he's definitely interested in me being more than his employee. My panic drove me to abandon him at the bar. I literally ran off and hid in my car before driving myself home."

For the first time in all the time I've known Julia, she's speechless. "Give me a minute to process this," she says as she takes her feet off the coffee table and begins rubbing the heels of her hands on her eyes.

"Okay," she says when she pulls her hands away from her face, "first, let me just say, I told you so about Alex. Now that we know for sure he definitely wants in your pants, what are you going to do about it?"

Thinking over the night's events and everything that has led me to this point in my life, I already know my answer. As much as I am obviously attracted to Alex, I can't put aside the fact that he is my boss and mixing business with pleasure is not something that I'm interested in pursuing. It kind of sucks. I can tell he's actually a good guy.


"Are you fucking kidding me? Please tell me you're joking." She picks up her left hand to count off all the reasons I've lost my mind. "One, he's hot. Two, he's successful. Three, he's smart. And four, he's hot."

Before I can say anything in my defense, she beats me to the punch. "I know I said he's hot twice, but it most definitely bears repeating."

Feeling defeated, I bring my knees up from the coffee table and encircle my arms around them. I don't know how to tell her that I'm putting all my hopes in a basket with a big bow on it called "Tyler". His memory alone, I think, has ruined me for other men. Every time someone has ever been potentially interested in me, something always keeps me from giving in completely. It wasn't until tonight -when my past and present collided at the bar- I realized it's because of him.

Just above a whisper I say, "It's because of Tyler."

"What do you mean, 'it's because of Tyler'?"

"I don't know how to say it without sounding like I'm crazy, Julia. I need to go home in a few weeks and see him. I need it so much that it scares me to death."

The great thing about Julia is that she knows exactly how to deal with my brand of crazy. She sweetly takes the hair that has fallen in front of my face and sweeps it over my shoulder and says, "Sabrina, what if he doesn't show up? I know, I know, trust me, no one wants him to show up more than me. But, what if he doesn't?"

"Honestly, as much as I'm hoping he'll be there too, I know that I need to deal with all of my past, not just him."

She smiles, sweeping me up in a big hug before she says, "I know you do, sweetie, and I'm so proud of you for having the guts to go through with it. I know having to see them again is not going to be easy for you. Speaking of which, let's listen to the voicemail that whore left you."

I nod nervously and retrieve my cell phone from my purse that is on the floor beside the couch. I slide the "unlock" feature and bring up my voicemail. Before I press play, I hand the phone over to Julia. "You do it."

"With pleasure," she says eagerly. We're both now huddled together listening to Lisa's voice, which after ten years, still makes me shudder.

"Sabrina, it's Lisa. I heard from your mom that you're coming to the reunion. What I want to know is why? What could you possibly gain by showing your face around here? I doubt you'll call me back, so I just hope you get this message loud and clear... nobody wants you here!"

It's so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. We're staring at each other, and then staring at the phone until Julia can't take it anymore, "Oh, it's on like Donkey Kong! That bitch is going down!"


It's been about three weeks since my
"date" with Alex. Being the gentleman that he is, he has since apologized for coming on too strong. Thankfully, he's hasn't brought up that night again and our working relationship has not suffered. Lisa has not called me again, nor have I made any attempt to call her back. My mother, on the other hand, has moved on to what Julia calls, "Defcon level 5". She's been calling me every day for the past week since my flight is scheduled to leave in a couple of days. She's asked if Lisa ever called me, but I've decided to keep that tidbit of information to myself.

That call changed something in me. Ever since I heard her voice, all these years later, I've been feeling surprisingly resolved to confront my past. I've had little time to dwell on it since I've been quite busy working on the latest exhibit for the gallery. The opening is tonight and the theme perfectly ties in with how I've been feeling: Hope. For the first time in a long time, I have the overwhelming feeling of hope that whatever comes my way, I'll get through it. I've even come to terms a bit with my mini obsession with Tyler. Whether or not I see him -and yes, I'm still hoping for the latter- I know I'll be alright regardless.

Putting the finishing touches on my outfit for the opening, I take a quick perusal of myself in my dressing mirror. Plum, stretchy, just above the knee dress with kimono sleeves. The right sleeve is a little longer, so it hangs off my shoulder to show just the right amount of skin. I've worn my hair in a low, side swept ponytail, matched with my silver chandelier earrings. Slipping on my black strappy heels, I hear Julia in the other room yelling at some poor soul from her staff. From what I can make out, someone did not get the caterers the memo that they were supposed to be at the gallery at least two hours before the opening. I cringe at every obscenity that flies out of her mouth. I have no idea how anyone in their right mind would want to work for her. Shaking my head, I turn the corner into our living room, catching her as she's flipping her phone shut and I get my first full look at her ensemble for the night. Wow. Her eyebrows rise up and she looks down at herself before she asks, "What? Is there something on my face?"

Her black, sleeveless, fit and flare cocktail dress is cut slightly higher on the thigh, showcasing her beautiful long, toned and tanned legs.

"You look incredible."

"Thanks sweetie, you don't look so bad yourself," she says winking at me. "You ready?"

"Yep, I'll follow you in my car," I tell her and then head out the front door.

Arriving at the gallery a short while later, it's a whirlwind of commotion. Catering crew, event staff, and my co-workers are bustling in every direction. Sarah grabs me as soon as I walk in to tell me that the caterers arrived late, to which I laugh out loud since I know they must have gotten an earful already from Julia directly or from someone in her staff. From the corner of my eye, I see Julia talking to Alex, probably about the same exact issue. Darting through several bodies dressed in white tuxedo shirts and black slacks, I take a last walk through of all the pieces that I selected for the exhibit. This is my favorite part of an opening; being able to see all the pieces in the right lighting before all the guests arrive and I'm too busy to get a quiet moment to appreciate them for myself.

When I reach the last painting, which is furthest away from the hustle and bustle that is currently going on within the gallery, I hear footsteps approaching me from behind.

"You've done an amazing job, Sabrina... as usual, of course."

I keep my back to him, staring at the painting in front of me for a moment longer. "Thank you, Alex."

Finally turning around to face him, I find myself still in awe of how handsome he is. The man is simply breathtaking. Smiling now, he comes up a bit closer to me and asks, "You're going on vacation in a couple of days, yes?"

"Yes, I am."

"Well, I hope you have a good time, wherever you're going," he says and inches even closer to me. Putting my hands up to keep some space between us, they come in contact with his stomach, and OH MY GOD, he must be carved out of stone.

"Alex, I thought I made it clear that I'm not interested in...," I'm cut off when he bends down and lightly presses his lips against mine. I'm too startled to move. Suddenly, his hands cup my face as he gently coaxes my lips open until I'm kissing him back on my own. My hands, that were trying to keep him at a safe distance, are now around his waist, holding him close to me. Coming to my senses, I break off the kiss. I'm sure my cheeks are flush with not only embarrassment, but desire too. He's looking at me until he breaks the uncomfortable silence between us, "Sabrina, you can't tell me that you don't feel something between us."

"Alex, I can't."

Pulling his hands reluctantly away from my face, he backs up a step before saying, "You're seeing someone else, aren't you? I didn't think so at first, but from the look on your face, I'm thinking I might be right."

I can't answer him because how can I possibly begin to explain that there technically isn't someone else, as much as, the
of someone else. Before I can attempt to talk my way out of this, Sarah calls out for me from the other side of the gallery. Stepping aside to try to move around him, he grabs my hand and says, "I hope he knows how special you are," then lets me go and stalks away.

The rest of the night goes by rather quickly. The showcased artists speak with prospective buyers, while I spend my time between guests and the event staff. I keep my distance from Alex but I catch him staring at me at one point and quickly avert my eyes. I see Julia a couple of times, but neither of us have any time to stop and talk. Quite a few pieces sell, and from all indications, the event is a success. As the evening draws to a close all that's left are some of Julia's staff, a few co-workers, and Alex. I finally get Julia cornered long enough to tell her most of what happened with him earlier.

"You're killing me."

"How exactly am I killing you?" I ask her, throwing my hands up in the air in defeat.

"Look at him over there, Sabrina."

We both turn to look over in Alex's direction as nonchalantly as possible without attracting attention to ourselves. He's in a deep conversation with Sarah, who is busily taking notes without having to look up at him.

"Are you sure you want to pass that up? Maybe you can just take him for a test drive," she says and licks her lips at the sight of him.

"Test drive?"

"Girl, you need to tap that."

I lightly take her by the elbow and pull her away until we are in an alcove in the gallery so that she can no longer drool at the sight of him.

"Julia, I can't 'tap' that as you so beautifully put it. He is my boss, or did you forget?"

"Nope, didn't forget at all. That makes it even hotter, actually. Just imagine yourself being summoned to his office. He grabs you and pushes you face down on his desk, pulls up your skirt and starts to spank you with a ruler. Then he starts to stroke your..."

Before she goes any further I hiss between clenched teeth, "Stop! Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? Is this what you daydream about?"

She blankets herself with her arms, rubbing them as if she's trying to keep herself warm before she looks at me with apologetic eyes. "Sorry, I don't know what came over me. I watched
recently and just got a little carried away in my head."

BOOK: Promise Me
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