Read Private Pleasures Online

Authors: Jami Alden

Tags: #C429, #Usenet, #Exratorrents, #Kat

Private Pleasures (6 page)

BOOK: Private Pleasures
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Her hands slid down his shoulders, his back. With her legs wrapped around him, that was all it took to make Drew snap the bonds of his control. His last coherent thought was that he hoped she was ready, because there was no holding back anymore.



Chapter 4



Wendy had never felt anything like Drew on her, over her, inside of her. He was huge and hot, threatening to overwhelm her as he took her. She felt the instant he lost his hard won control, reveled in the way he trembled under her touch as he took her mouth in hard, almost frantic kisses.

Then she couldn't think anymore, only feel as he took her in hard, pounding thrusts. She clung to him, her arms around his back, nails digging into his skin as her legs wrapped around his waist. Her head dug into the pillow as her mouth opened on a silent scream.

She had thought nothing could feel as good as his mouth on her pussy, licking and sucking her like she was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted while his fingers thrust and twisted, finding secret spots inside her she never even knew she had.

But this... this was what she'd craved. From the second she'd let her mind wander into forbidden territory and allowed herself to fantasize about what it would be like with Drew, this was what she had wanted. His cock, inside her, so big and thick it seemed impossible he could even fit, and yet her hips were arching off the bed, meeting his with such force the room filled with the moist slapping sound of skin meeting skin as their bodies came together.

It was everything she wanted and so much more, his skin under her hands, the primal scent of sweat and sex permeating the air, the taste and feel of his lips on hers, the slick slide of his tongue tasting faintly of herself.

She could feel her body tightening around him, clenching tighter as though her pussy was trying to pull him even deeper. Drew reared up over her, and she only had a second to marvel at the sight of all those muscles rippling and shifting with every drive of his hips before he pressed his palms against the inside of her thighs.

He opened her wide, his hips swiveling as he drove deep, stirring her up until she was falling, falling into a whirlpool of sensation, every nerve pulled tight as he drove her to the edge of a release beyond anything she'd ever felt before.

She looked up through a haze, breath catching as she watched Drew reach between them to press against her clit, swollen and wet and almost unbearably sensitive. He just kept his thumb there as his cock pounded into her and that steady pressure was all it took to send her careening over into the abyss.

He never let up his heavy thrusts, riding her through her orgasm as she rippled and shuddered around him on a seemingly endless wave. Bright bursts of color exploded behind her eyelids as her body felt like it was flying apart, animal sounds of pleasure wrenched from her chest.

She heard his harsh cry, felt him jerk against her. His head was thrown back, his lips pulled tight into a savage mask of pleasure. He clutched at her hips and Wendy wrapped her arms and legs tightly around him, holding him deep, deep inside of her so she could feel his cock jerking hard as he came.

His deep, shuddering sigh echoed her own as he rolled to the side and flopped onto his back beside her. "Jesus," he breathed.

"My sentiments exactly," Wendy said, fighting the post orgasmic languor that was settling over every tingling throbbing inch of her. She needed to muster up the motivation to get herself up and out of this bed before she did something really stupid like fall asleep in his arms.

Even as she had the thought, he pulled her against his chest and splayed his big, warm hand against her back. Against her better judgement she buried her face in the hollow of his throat, felt herself melting at the scent of him and the feel of warm skin on skin.

Felt herself melt even more at the feel of his lips, soft yet firm on her cheek, the sweep of his hand up and down her back as it moved in slow, hypnotic strokes. Oh, God, she hadn't even realized it until this moment, but she'd missed this too, almost as much as the sex.

The feel of a man's hard, strong body relaxed against hers. The loving stroke of his hands against her skin....

A warning flag started waving. There was no room for any tenderness, Wendy told herself sternly as she stiffened against him.

That wasn't what tonight was about. Tonight was about sex. Pure, simple, and uncomplicated and even if she wanted anything approaching tenderness she would be an idiot to try to find it with someone like Drew.

She'd known going into this exactly what she was going to—and not going to—get from Drew. No way in hell was she going to let herself get carried away as she had in the past, mistaking great sex as a potential for something deeper.

She didn't have time for deeper, she reminded herself harshly. Hadn't her experience with a supposedly nice guy like Alan proved that?

But it was impossible to move with Drew's fingers tangling in her hair, his heavy, hair-roughened thigh rubbing deliciously against her own.

Just a few more seconds, she told herself, letting her eyes drift closed as she savored these last few moments of closeness before she forced herself to leave.

Minutes or hours later, Wendy jerked away when she felt Drew pull his arm out from under her as he silently got out of bed. This was her chance, she thought as she heard the bathroom door click shut and the sound of water running in the sink.

She climbed reluctantly from the bed and made it down the hall to the front room by sheer force of will, her limbs heavy with exhaustion, feeling all the tender places inside and out as they protested her movement. She found her shorts and tank top on the floor and quickly pulled them on, her breath hissing through her teeth as even the soft cotton of her tank top felt like sand paper on the sensitive skin of her breasts.

The thought of which immediately made her shiver at the memory of his mouth on her nipples, sucking and licking. Just like that, she was wet and ready again, at the mere thought of having him touch her.

As she smoothed her shirt over her stomach, she saw the faint pink marks the restraints had left on her wrists. She had a fleeting regret that she'd begged to be untied. If he'd kept her bound, she'd have had an excuse to stay in his bed.

Wendy shook off the thought. This was a one night stand, and in true one night stand fashion, she was going to be out of here before the sheets got cold. That was probably how Drew wanted it anyway.

"What the fuck?"

Or no. Heavy footsteps sounded in the hall, and Wendy debated the wisdom of making a run for it before he got to her. She thought better of if, reasoning that running like a scared rabbit made her look silly, not to mention scared. Hardly the impression of the confident, sexually liberated woman that she wanted to leave him with.

Better to play it casual.

But Drew looked anything but casual as he stormed into the main room, his casual nudity somehow making him even more intimidating with his brow furrowed tight above gray eyes gone dark and stormy. "Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"Back to my room," Wendy said, patting herself on the back for keeping the tremor of nervousness out of her voice, hoping Drew couldn't see her pulse pounding furiously in her throat as she tried to look anywhere but at his powerful, naked body.

"Why?" he asked bluntly, his hands resting on his hips.

Wendy kept her gaze pinned to his chest. "To sleep," she forced a flippant sounding laugh. "That was fun and all, but a girl's gotta get her beauty rest."

"You can sleep here."

Involuntarily, Wendy's gaze drifted down his chest, past the chiseled abs, down the stripe of dark down that trailed down his stomach…. As though it felt her gaze, his cock twitched and thickened, stretching to full hardness before her eyes.

She swallowed hard. "It doesn't look like you're planning to sleep anytime soon."  This time there was no keeping the quiver of anticipation out of her tone.

And the slow, sexy smile that replaced his frown was enough to make her knees turn to water.

Wordlessly he stepped closer, and though she tried to get her feet to move, it was like she was frozen in place, unable to take a step  as he closed the distance between them.

He stopped just short of touching her, close enough for her to feel the heat radiating off of him, smell the sharp scent of his arousal on his skin. Between them she could see his cock, straining up from between his thighs, the plump head smooth and dark as it seemed to yearn toward her body.

"Aren't you um, supposed to take some time to recover? You can't possibly be... ready again." Wendy asked, trying again for a flip tone and failing miserably.

Drew's grin widened, and the naughty glint in his eyes sent a ticklish feeling through her core. "I don't know, I feel pretty ready for another round."

She didn't bother to resist as he took her hand in his and pulled it to him

His lids lowered to half mast, and he let out a heavy sigh as her fingers instinctively wrapped around him, stroking the hot shaft with her fist, feeling him jump and pulse in her hand. No question about it, he was ready.

And so was she, tilting her head back to receive his kiss as she felt a hot, wet rush between her legs, soaking her already slick flesh, soaking the fabric of her panties as he rubbed his tongue along hers.

"Come back to bed," Drew commanded, closing his hand over her wrist to pull her hand gently from his erection. Taking her hands in his, he looped her arms around his neck and kept his mouth on hers for more of those slow, deep, drugging kisses. "Come back to bed," he said again, and even though her common sense screamed at her to leave, what was common sense in the face of Drew's pure sexual magnetism?

One more time, she thought as she let him pull her into the bedroom. One more time, and then she'd get her ass out of there.

After all, she rationalized as she let Drew peel off her tank top and run his tongue in tantalizing circles around her nipples, this was the one and only night they would ever share. Might as well make it last.


Drew opened his eyes, squinting against the bright ray of sun shining into his face. He sat up, a little disoriented as he registered that it was after ten in the morning. That he was naked. And that he was alone.

Wendy had ditched him sometime in the night. A fact that filled him with an irrational level of irritation. And something else he might have called hurt if he were actually capable of being hurt by a woman. Annoyed.. That's all he felt. Wendy might have posed a bigger challenge than he was used to, Drew was still used to calling the shots, deciding the terms.

He stretched, frowning as his outstretched legs and arms hit the empty expanse next to him.

He pushed himself off the bed, feeling oddly cold despite the tropical temperatures as he padded to the bathroom. There was no reason to be pissed, he told himself as he drank down a glass of water. After all, it wasn't like he was into sleepovers in the first place.

Call him cold, but once he was finished fucking a woman, he was usually more than happy to bid her good night and head back to his own empty bed for a good night's sleep.


But last night, after he'd gotten Wendy back to bed, fucking her long and slow and lazy this time, as he'd dozed off he was already entertaining fantasies of waking up next to her. Kissing her sleep-warm skin and sliding inside her hot, willing body before they were even fully awake.

Then lingering over breakfast, maybe a walk on the beach....

He shook his head to dislodge the thoughts. What the hell was this, an episode of
The Bachelor?

Even so, just the thought of Wendy, the way she'd been last night, spread across his bed like a feast, then clinging to him, taking everything he had to give and demanding more, was enough to make his usual morning erection stretch to painful hardness.

No way he was making it through his workout with this thing. He turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature to as close to icy as you could get in the tropics, and dove in.

He stayed under the spray until he was shaking and every inch of him was covered with goosebumps, but his dick wouldn't go down past half mast. Finally he gave up, toweled himself off , pulled on his workout gear and headed for the gym.

An hour and a half later, the blood in his body redistributed thanks to a punishing workout, Drew emerged from his villa freshly showered and headed down to the main beach to see what the rest of the crew was up to.

There was a brunch buffet laid out on the pool deck next to the main restaurant, and Drew helped himself to a bagel and a cup of coffee as he did a quick scan of the tables. Though he told himself he wasn't looking for her, he couldn't quite stifle the pang of disappointment when he didn't see Wendy among any of the groups gathered around the tables.

He exchanged hellos with several of the other guests and took a moment to tell Chris's cousin, Carla, who was now the general manager of Holley Cay, how much he was enjoying his stay here.

"Thanks," she said with a dazzling smile and a slight flush. "I have an amazing staff who helps me." As she said it, her gaze wandered past his shoulder and her smile widened.

Drew turned to look, not surprised to see Sam O'Connell, who was not only Holley Cay's director of security but also Carla's fiancé.

Seeing the look they exchanged, Drew felt an unfamiliar sensation in the pit of his stomach. When was the last time a woman had looked at him like that?  Had one ever?

He shook it off and excused himself to get another cup of coffee. Christ, what was wrong with him? Must be something in the water. Or the air. All the lovesick romantic pheromones blowing around on the salty breeze.

He didn't want any of that shit. In fact, as he surveyed the tables, for as many couples who were holding hands and giving each other goofy looks across the table, twice as many had folded arms and clenched jaws, their body language indicating tension and unhappiness, only to be quickly hidden by too bright smiles when someone approached their table.

BOOK: Private Pleasures
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