Read Perfect for You Online

Authors: Ashelyn Drake

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary, #teen, #Romance, #Young Adult, #Sports

Perfect for You (10 page)

BOOK: Perfect for You
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“You really should get to practice. I don’t want you getting in trouble because of me.” I lace my fingers through his and gently tug him toward the stairwell.

“You know I’m not going to get this mental image out of my head during practice.”

As wonderful as Ash is, he’s still a guy. I confessed I’m ready to sleep with him. I know exactly what mental image he has playing in 3-D and surround sound in his mind right now.

“Try not to picture my face on any of the linemen, okay?” I laugh and run my hand down his arm.

We push open the doors to the stairwell, and Ash pulls me behind them and into his arms. His lips are on mine, and his hands are tracing their way down my body.

“Ash.” We’re in public. He’s needs to get control of himself. The door opens, nearly hitting us on the swing.

“Sorry.” I don’t need to look to know who said it, but I do anyway. Noah.

Ash kisses my neck as I stare at Noah. I can’t breathe. If I pull away, Ash will know I have feelings for Noah. If I go back to kissing Ash, I might lose Noah for good.

I take a deep breath and gently raise Ash’s face. As his lips leave my neck, he stares into my eyes. I hesitate. Both guys are watching me. My world is in slow motion. My heart skips a beat as I press my lips to Ash’s.

Chapter Twelve


Ash welcomes the kiss. In fact, I don’t think he could be happier about it. I’m openly choosing him over Noah, and Ash is loving every second of it. Noah’s footsteps sound down the stairs. With each one, my heart pounds in my chest. I hate that I hurt him. He’s not a bad guy. He really does care about me, and here I am shoving my relationship with Ash in his face. I did it for Ash, because I had to prove I love him. I have so much to make up for. But does Noah deserve this? Sure, he made his feelings for me clear, even knowing I’m with Ash. Maybe he was wrong to do that, but he kept his promise of not forcing himself on me. He only did what I allowed him to do.

I hate myself right now. I hate that I put myself in this position. I hate that I hurt Ash by hanging out with Noah, and I hate that I’m hurting Noah now by kissing Ash. I don’t deserve either one of them.

I pull away, but Ash keeps his arms locked around my waist. “Where do you think you’re going?” His voice is playful, and he kisses my neck again.

“You need to get to practice and so do I.” I take his face in my hands so he can’t keep kissing my neck. “I’ll see you later.” I kiss his lips, a quick goodbye kiss.

“Wait, I’ll walk you to the locker room.” His hand is already in mine, not giving me the chance to argue.

When we get to the locker room, he pulls me into him. “Davidson!” Coach Larsen yells, making Ash and me both jump.

“Bye.” Ash lets go of me and races past his coach and into the locker room. Yeah, he’s about to get the beating of his life at practice. I hope the kiss in the stairwell was worth it to him.

All through practice, the only thing I can think about is Noah’s face when he caught me with Ash. He knows we’re together, but seeing us in action is a completely different story. I have to admit if I saw Noah kissing some girl, it would bother me. Not that it has a right to. I jog down to the football field after practice and see Ash running laps. Everyone else is heading home for the day. Even Coach Larsen is walking toward the building. I wait until he’s out of sight before I run over to Ash, falling in step with him.

“How many laps do you have to run?”

“Twenty. More.” He’s out of breath, and I have to wonder if he’s already run twenty laps.

“Coach is inside. He won’t know if you cut out early.”

“He’ll be back.” He coughs, and I realize talking to me is only making this harder on him.

“I’m sorry. This is sort of my fault.”


“Don’t talk. Just run. Call me later.”

I stop running, watching him continue. He turns back. “Worth it,” he yells. I smile. I’m not sure there’s any punishment he won’t take for me.






Friday night and I’m sitting home. Grayson didn’t feel well after practice so the movie is off, and Ash will be at the pre-game football party, so it’s just me and my trig book. What fun. Noah was right. I really do need to find a group to hang out with outside of school and tennis. I talk to just about everyone, but talking to and being friends with are two totally different things. My cell rings. Ash. I love the picture that pops up on my screen. I took it while I was tickling him since he can’t smile for pictures.

“Hey, handsome.”

“I like that.” I can hear the smile in his voice.

“Sorry about earlier with Coach Larsen. I hope he wasn’t too hard on you.”

“Nah.” He wouldn’t tell me if he was hurting because he wouldn’t want me to feel bad about it. “I miss you. I thought about that kiss, and what we were talking about before it, the entire time I ran laps.”

“Then I guess it’s a good thing there won’t be any girls at this party tonight. I don’t want you having thoughts like that around anyone but me.”

“Oh.” His voice is laced with worry. Something’s wrong.

“Oh, what?”

“I thought you knew the cheerleaders come to these parties.”

Cheerleaders—as in Liz. “No, I didn’t.” It takes all my energy to keep breathing and not throw my trig book at the wall.

“Do you want me to stay home?”

He’d do that for me? Wait, why am I surprised? Ash is amazing. “No. You need to go. Besides, I trust you.” It’s Liz I don’t trust. Neither of us says a word for a moment. I stare at the clock on my nightstand, watching the blinking lights count the seconds that pass. Finally, I get up the courage to say what’s on my mind. The watered-down version at least. “Do me a favor.”

“Stay away from Liz?”

“Yes, please.”

“I’ll call you the second I leave. Maybe I could cut out early and we could…”

Yup, he has a one-track mind right now. I’m not sure his head left that stairwell. “One more favor. Take a cold shower before you go tonight.”

“Got it.” He laughs. “You know you can trust me.”

“I know.” Ash is one of the good guys. He’s not Derrick.

“Well, the cold shower awaits. Call you later.”

“Love you, Ash.”

“Love you.” He hangs up.

I sigh, missing him already, but the doorbell rings. Mom and Dad are having a date night, like they do every Friday, which leaves me the only one to answer the door. I grab my cell and race downstairs, thinking Grayson’s feeling better and wants to see the movie after all. I fling open the door, but it’s not Grayson.

“Noah?” What is he doing here? I didn’t think I’d see him for…well, ever. Not after the incident in the stairwell. But here he is, smiling at me.

“Hey. Check it out.” He moves aside so I can see the Camaro parked in my driveway. It’s silver and totally hot.

“You got a new car?” The surprises keep coming.

“Yup. Come see.” He grabs my hand and pulls me out the door. My mind is spinning. What is going on? Why isn’t he mad at me? Why would he show up here thinking I’d be home on a Friday night, especially after seeing Ash and me together after school?

We stop at the hood of the car, and Noah lets go of my hand. He takes a step back, admiring his new ride. The car is beautiful.

“Wow,” I say.

“I know, right? So, what do you think?”

I thought “wow” covered it, but apparently not. “It’s great.” I walk around to the passenger side and peek inside. Leather interior and, judging by the size of the speakers, the sound system is incredible. “Better than great.”

“Can you see yourself in it?” He’s right behind me now and I can feel his breath on my shoulder.

My eyes snap to him. “See myself in it?”

“Yeah. Hop in.” He opens the passenger side door.

“No, I can’t.”

“Ash has that party tonight, right?”

“Yeah, but—” How did he know that?

“It’s Friday. You’re not sitting home alone waiting for your boyfriend to call when he’s finished having fun. That’s depressing. Get in.” He nods toward the car.

“I can’t.” I’m not making this mistake again. I’m not letting Noah back into my life.

“I know this little movie theater one town over. They play super old movies no one wants to see. Believe me, no one from school will be there, and no one’s seen my new car yet, so you don’t have to worry about anyone recognizing us on the road either.”

That’s not the problem. Well, it’s one of them, but there’s a bigger issue. Ash. And my feelings for Noah. Okay, two bigger issues. “I really can’t. It’s not right. What you said earlier in the library is true.”

“That I care about you?” His hand grazes my cheek. Damn it, my goose bumps are back.

“No.” I back away, bumping into the side of the car. Now I’m wedged between Noah and his Camaro, which is burning my bare legs right below my shorts. Still, I don’t move. Being burned is better than getting too close to Noah. Safer. “The part about it not being right what you and I are doing behind Ash’s back. It
like cheating, and I can’t hurt him like this. Even if he doesn’t know about it, it’s still not right.” I’m trying to be strong. To do the right thing, no matter how much my body and my hormones are telling me otherwise.

“You admit you have feelings for me.” It’s not a question.

“That’s not what I said.” I can’t deny it either. I squirm, trying to keep my legs off the hot side of his car.

“Then tell me you don’t.” He steps closer, placing his foot between mine. I can smell his soap, which brings on the image of Noah in the shower. Water cascading down his perfectly toned body. I shake my head. I can’t think like that.

“Did Ash tell you Liz will be at the party?” Now he’s playing dirty.

“What, are you the football team monitor or something? Why do you always know what Ash is doing and who he’ll be with?”

His expression softens, making my heart melt. “I told you. I’m looking out for you. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“Ash is the sweetest guy. He wouldn’t hurt me. He loves me.” It almost pains me to look into Noah’s eyes while I talk about Ash.

Noah smiles, and my eyes go to the dimple on his cheek. “And you love him, but here you are with me.”

Before I can answer—not that I have a good answer—my cell rings in my hand.

“You going to answer that?” Noah’s close enough to see Ash’s picture on the display.

I send the call to voicemail. “I’ll call him back.”

Noah smiles, thinking he’s won this time, but really I’m trying to avoid a fight.

“Get the smug look off your face, Noah. It doesn’t mean anything.”

“No?” He leans closer, his face inches from mine. I can smell his minty breath and feel the warmth of his skin. He’s tempting me, hoping I’ll eventually give in and he’ll get what he wants.

“Please, don’t.” The words are small, but at least I say them.

He leans back, looking surprised. “You actually said no this time. Interesting.”

Not interesting. I’m trying to do the right thing. “I really do love him.” I force my eyes to meet Noah’s. He has to know I’m serious, that I need to put an end to whatever this is.

“I know you do.”

“Then, why are you here?” I look down at the ground, not wanting to see the hurt expression on his face when I say this. “I thought after…” I can’t bring myself to mention the stairwell. He knows what I’m talking about without me having to say it. I shrug. “Well, I thought you wouldn’t want to talk to me anymore.”

He leans one arm on the roof of the car to the right of my head. “I know you have a boyfriend, Meg.” With his free hand, he gently lifts my chin so we’re facing each other. “And believe it or not, I’ve seen you kiss him before.”

My gaze falls on his lips. His full, totally-kissable-if-I-wasn’t-already-involved-with-someone lips. Suddenly, I’m licking my lips. Crap. “Noah.” He’s not getting it, probably because my body language is contradicting everything I’m saying.

He stares at me, daring me to tell him to leave, to drive away and leave me alone for good. “I’m listening.”

I take a deep breath, finding the courage to say this once and for all. To put it all out there, no matter the consequences. “I’m not breaking up with Ash.”

His head lowers slightly, but his eyes stay locked on mine. “Not yet. But that’s okay, because I don’t give up that easily.”

Chapter Thirteen


My cell rings again and I jump, hitting my funny bone on the side of the Camaro. “Ow.” I go to rub the spot, but Noah already has his hand there. Once again his face is inches from mine. How do we always end up in this position?

“That’s going to leave a bruise.” He takes me by the shoulders and moves me toward the open car door. He leans me back onto the seat. “Here, take it easy for a second, and you should really answer that.” He points to my phone, which is displaying Ash’s picture again.

“Promise you won’t say anything, won’t let him know you’re here?” I eye him, not sure if this is a trick.

“Scout’s honor.” He crosses his heart, and I laugh.

“I don’t think that’s the Boy Scouts’ hand signal.”

“Just answer your phone before the guy drives over here to find you.”

That would be bad. “Hello?” I answer, trying to keep my voice as normal as possible.

“Hey, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you. Were you in the shower or something?”

Sure, that works. “Yeah. Sorry. What’s up? Shouldn’t you be at the party by now?”

“I just got here, but I wanted to let you know the party was moved. It’s not at Jackson’s house anymore.”

“Why? Did he get in trouble after the last party?” I’m not surprised. The place was a disaster after everyone left.

“You could say that. Anyway, I’m at Tucker’s. He has a big basement. Of course it’s become a big video game tournament since Tucker owns every game ever made.”

Noah bends down, looking into my eyes. I have no idea what he’s doing, but I suddenly realize Ash is still talking and I’m not listening at all. I’m lost in Noah’s eyes.

“Meg?” Ash says, breaking me out of my trance.


BOOK: Perfect for You
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