Paradise: The Masters of The Order Novel Two (43 page)

BOOK: Paradise: The Masters of The Order Novel Two
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About Jillian Verne

Hello, darlings. I would much rather hear about you and your opinion of the Masters of the Order series, but here goes. Although my stories are fictitious, there is one truth in each of them that comes straight from my heart: Becoming the glorious person we are meant to be (and we are all meant to be glorious) requires the courage to celebrate what makes us unique, the imagination to create the person we aspire to become and the freedom to re-create that person over and over and over again. Oh, and those horrid little buggers that say "don't" or "can't" or "shouldn't," let them talk to the hand! I live in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania with my husband, two daughters and one royal cat. I'm passionate about my family, romance, the beach and hockey. My writing partner is music, the louder the better. Remember, darlings, my stories are fantasies. In real life, keep it safe, sane and consensual.


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Read my other titles:

(The Masters of the Order Novel One)

(The Masters of the Order Novel Three) (coming soon)


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


ISBN 9781311655103

BOOK: Paradise: The Masters of The Order Novel Two
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