Read Pack Hunter Online

Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Pack Hunter (9 page)

BOOK: Pack Hunter
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Clint smiled at his friend. “Six years isn’t much. Why don’t you ask him out?

“I couldn’t… I was going…” Ryan trailed off. “Don’t worry about it, man. I’m just glad I could make sure he and Sara were safe.”

Clint would let it go for now, but he hoped Ryan would make a move on Cecil…if Cecil wanted him to. Maybe he could drop some hints of his own.

He motioned to the house. “You can head out. I’ll be here unless something else happens.”

“I don’t mind sticking around for a little bit,” Ryan told him.

Clint nodded. He hadn’t expected another answer from Ryan. “Sounds good. Give me a holler if you have any problems out here.”

He walked away with a half salute sent to Ryan and pushed open the gate. All was quiet as he strolled up to the back door. He knocked and when Sara entered into view he waved.

She smiled. Such a beautiful welcome. Sara hurried to the door and turned the deadbolt to let him in.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. Their lips met and he kissed her with all the passion he felt.

She moaned and he settled her against his chest as he slowed down his lips.

Aware that Ryan could probably see them, he backed off and looked down at her.

“Everything okay here?” he asked her.

She nodded. “Yeah.” She ran her hands over his chest. “Cecil and I spent the afternoon watching movies. I was just about to start dinner. Can you stay a little while?”

“Yes, I’ll be hanging around if you think you can stand it,” he teased.

She slid her hand down his stomach to cup his erection. He couldn’t stop the thrust up into her hold.

“I think I can more than stand it,” she assured him.

The wicked look in her eye almost burst his tight control. Knowing Ryan was outside and Cecil was just in the other room was the only thing that stopped him from lifting Sara onto the counter and having his way with her.

He cleared his throat and stepped back.

She laughed, a soft, musical sound that made his cock twitch where it was trapped in his jeans.

“Bad girl,” he kidded.

“Oh, I’ll show you later just how bad of a girl I can be,” she promised.

Clint dropped his head back and groaned. “Trying to kill me.”

Sara shook her head and scooted around behind the kitchen counter. She pulled out a pan before turning to the fridge. “Chicken okay?”

Clint nodded. “Sounds great.”

She grabbed a bottle of beer and waved it at him.

He made a
give me
motion with his hand and she passed it over to him.

“Is it safe to come inside?” Cecil called from the other room.

Clint smirked at Sara as she blushed. “Yeah!” he hollered back at the younger man.

Cecil stepped into the kitchen. “I really can go home,” he said once he was close by. “I’m sure no one will try anything. I don’t want to be in the way.”

Sara raised the knife she was using to cut the chicken into cubes. “You are not in the way! And you are staying the night.”

Cecil’s shoulders dropped and he nodded. Clint glanced out of the kitchen window and wondered if Ryan was watching the boy.

“She’s right, man. We don’t know what these people are capable of and we’d feel better having you safe and secure for the night,” Clint assured Cecil.

“If you’re sure,” Cecil replied and sat on a stool next to Clint.

Sara set a can of Coke down in front of him.

“Besides I’d like to get to know you too,” Clint said. He took a long pull of his brew and smiled.

“Me?” Cecil asked, surprised.

Clint nodded. “Yeah, man. You’re like Sara’s family so we have to get to know each other.”

Cecil beamed, clearly pleased.

“So tell me about school,” he requested.

Cecil started talking about the courses he was taking at the local community college while Sara cooked. It was nice, the sounds and smells of the kitchen in the background while he sipped on a beer and talked with a very interesting man. Sara moved gracefully in the kitchen adding a few comments to the conversation but mainly letting the two men talk.

He looked up and caught her eye, and Clint knew he was in love.

Sara was what he had been searching for without even knowing he was looking. She just fit with him.

She must have seen something in his expression because she moved around the counter and cupped his face to give him a sweet kiss before going back to her cooking.

Cecil was grinning at him when he glanced over.

“It’s so good to see her so happy. She always takes care of everyone and…” Cecil paused and shrugged. “Just thanks. Thanks for making her happy.”

Clint patted Cecil on his back. “What about you?”

“What about me?”

“Anyone who has caught your eye?” Clint hadn’t planned on asking so soon, but the subject had been brought up.

Cecil stiffened and bit his lip.

Sara stilled with her back to them.

“I… I’m not…” Cecil dropped his head.

Sara turned around and Clint frowned.

“I’m gay,” Cecil confessed in a low whisper.

Well, Clint had hoped the Cecil was since he was pretty damn sure that Ryan was interested.

“So are you seeing anyone?” Clint asked again. “Got your eye on someone maybe?”

Cecil looked up with an expression of shock. Clint just smiled and dipped his head to show he wanted an answer.

Cecil shook his head. “No, no one here would…”

Clint shrugged. “You never know. You might want to keep your eyes open just in case.”

Sara had her lips pressed together and was watching him. He winked and her lips twitched. She’d understood what he meant.

“You don’t mind?” Cecil’s next question caught him off guard.

“That you’re gay?” Clint clarified.

Cecil’s head bobbed.

“Nah, man,” Clint said easily. He hoped Cecil would relax again. He hadn’t meant to cause him any stress, he had figured the kid had been out. “Got a couple friends in relationships with men. In fact, Kurt’s brother is newly mated to his partner. Know a lot of damn good men that like other men.”

Cecil licked his bottom lip nervously but did smile. “Cool.”

Sara returned to her stove and started pulling the pans off the fire. She took out plates from the cabinet and pointed to the kitchen table.

“It’s ready,” she declared.

Cecil jumped up and started to grab silverware and napkins while Sara filled plates. Within a couple of minutes, they were all seated at the table with plates full of chicken, pasta and vegetables.

Dinner conversation was light. They talked about the town and the winter festival that would take place next month. As Sara and Cecil described the different attractions, Clint looked forward to seeing them. He’d attended a few when he was a young boy, but from the sound of it, the festival had grown a lot over the years. Clint would make sure that he took Sara so they could experience the festival together.

Once they’d finished one of the best chicken dishes he’d ever tasted, Cecil jumped up and gathered the plates.

“I’ll clean up!” he said. “Why don’t you two go relax? I’m going to take a shower and I have some studying to do in the guest room.”

Sara rose and kissed his cheek. “Thanks, hon.”

Clint trailed after her and they settled onto the couch. Unlike the night before, the fire was lit. Clint settled back against the corner of the couch and pulled Sara into his arms.

She lifted her head and they kissed. Soft and sweet since there was someone else in the house, but he was hyper aware of what would happen once Cecil called it a night.

Sara must have felt the same thing since she was whispering very suggestive comments in his ear as she kissed his neck.

Clint’s hands shook and his cock pulsed painfully. He really wanted to be inside her.

As soon as Cecil called goodnight, Sara turned to Clint and straddled his lap. “I’ve been waiting for this all day.”

He moaned and dropped his head back when she rocked against him.

“I want to taste you tonight,” she said, trailing her hands up and down his chest.

His shirt bunched under her hands and together they removed the garment.

She travelled lower, licking and tasting his skin. She lapped at the tattoo over his heart while undoing his pants. Kneeling between his legs, she tugged his jeans down and he lifted enough to have her get them off. He shivered when she lowered her head and licked the pre-cum from the tip of his cock.

“Oh, yeah,” he moaned.

She looked up, gaze locked with his and oh so slowly started to engulf him.

He hissed, the feeling amazing. “Please,” he actually whined.

She hummed and started to suck him down. She bobbed her head, played with his balls and had gasps escaping from his throat.

Clint had to fist his hands to keep from grabbing her head and start fucking her mouth.
Damn, this may be the shortest blow job in all of history

Just a touch of her tongue at the bottom of his cock head and he forgot all pretence of control. He buried his fingers into her hair and plunged into her. He had enough sense to not just force his entire length inside.

Sara wasn’t complaining, though. She encouraged him with her hands on his hips and tilted her head back to take more.

He howled his completion, not able to tone down the sound.

Sara rocked back onto her heels grinning. “I could do that every night.”

Clint planted a hand on his chest feeling his heart beating hard enough to worry it might burst through his chest. He didn’t think he would survive that every night.

She laughed and he couldn’t have that. He pushed forward and followed her down onto the floor until she was sprawled on her back with him on top.

“Your turn,” he said and started yanking at her clothes. “Although next time we really need to try to make it to your room first.”

“Need you now,” she demanded, pulling his head down.

They wrestled until they were both naked and wrapped around one another.

He pushed inside and took her hard and fast right there in the middle of the living room floor.

His knees ached and he knew there would be rug burns the next day, but damn, Sara was hot.

Chapter Nine

Clint looked between Austin and Tony and laughed. “That…that was a really good test.”

He couldn’t believe he hadn’t figured it out for himself. Of course if the Church members had been entirely protesting the shifters, they would have been paying attention to what the shifters were doing.

Not just one, but several of them would have recognised Tony.

“So what does it mean?” he asked.

“The protesters, we feel like they are only here as a distraction. If we are worried about them then we might let our guard down around here. Spread us thin so we don’t have the same security,” Gage answered. “The protesters are just pawns being used by Dan Carter and Perry Costa.”

“They could also be used as insurance that we won’t attack while there are so many residents around, along with the media.”

“Then the same could be said about them attacking us,” Clint said.

“Unless they can show they attacked in self-defence,” Gage responded.

“What if they want us to a retreat into the compound so they can take us all down at once?”

Tony shook his head. “Colt doesn’t think so. Perry Costa is not making a move against the compound. He wants you two.”

Clint exchanged a look with Kurt. “Because of what happened before?”

Kurt shook his head. “I just don’t know.”

They sat for a few minutes contemplating it before Gage spoke up, “So do we wait for them or do we force their hand?”

Without pause both Clint and Kurt answered together. “Force their hand.”

The other men nodded.

It took a little longer than Clint would have liked to come up with an outline that everyone would agree on. He didn’t agree with Kurt being the target. It had always been his job to take care of his best friend. Putting Kurt in danger went against every bit of training he had.

“Come on, man.” Kurt slapped his shoulder as they changed into their jogging gear. “It makes sense. By going after me, they have fewer complications.”

Clint knew that—really, he did—but it bothered him.

They stretched their muscles in preparation for their run inside the gate to the compound before nodding at the guards on duty and the plan went into play.

Clint and Kurt would jog into town like before. They hadn’t kept with their schedule over the last few days, but they would act like things were back to normal.

Once inside the coffee shop, they would split up. Clint would pretend he was staying around with Sara, and Kurt would head back towards the compound alone.

That would give anyone watching the chance to intercept Kurt and hopefully try to take him.

The other members of the team were already spread out through town and within the woods. Kurt had also called Sheriff Webb, and the sheriff and his deputies would be keeping an eye out. If all went as planned then Kurt would be taken. Clint, who would duck out of the back of the coffee shop, would stay on his tail while Kurt tried to find out why they wanted the two shifters. He would also do his best to ferret any information out about Dan Carter.

Tony should be contacting Colt first thing. Colt would not step in unless Kurt’s life was in danger. It was still important to keep him undercover as long as possible.

Clint had run every way this mission could go over and over in his mind while they jogged.

When they reached the street where most of the stores were, they found the protesters were still out in full force. News vans and reporters were scattered around.

When the first of the crowd spotted them, the mob started to yell. Insults followed the two of them while they made their way through the packed streets. Cameras turned towards them as the crowd got louder, but Clint did his best to ignore everything around him.

No one touched them. So that was a relief. But the slurs used against them were full of hatred. Clint was actually shocked that these so-called religious people could be so terrible, and in front of the viewers of the news stations.

BOOK: Pack Hunter
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