Nova: Daughters of Darkness (9 page)

BOOK: Nova: Daughters of Darkness
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Nova was stunned. This inside look into Drake the man was heartbreaking. She could see the torture in his soul around Aideen's death. "Drake, it wasn't your fault she died."

He looked into her eyes, his radiating pain and lost in memories. "It wasn't, but what followed after was." He turned and headed into the woods, she followed. "You asked what made me who I am today. As a member of Valkala's council family, I took an oath to help your people when they were in need of it. So to fight alongside those being attacked was justified, but to go out and slaughter humans like they were nothing was a violation of my oath. Her death propelled me to a dark place inside, and I couldn't stop it. Everyone that stood in my path of destruction was killed, human and Valkalans alike. My only goal was to take out the ones who assumed they had the power to kill needlessly just to gain more power." He stopped in front of an old wooden gate and carefully opened the dilapidated door, revealing a small, overgrown graveyard.

The graves were very old and moss covered. Nova could barely make out the name Aideen MacFarlane Michaels with the dates 1152-1169, followed by the words Beloved Daughter and Wife.

"She was only seventeen?" Nova asked sadly. "She hardly had a chance to live."

Drake shrugged, "Back then, she was considered close to middle age. The human life expectancy has increased considerably in the last thousand years."

"Beloved wife? I thought you said she was unmarried?" Nova asked, a little confused.

"That was my final gift to her, the marriage she had always wanted. I married her in my heart and gave her my name." he said, looking away in what she assumed was embarrassment.

"You don't have to-" she started to speak, but he interrupted her.

"Shhh," he said, holding up his hand for silence. He watched the woods to their right intently, having heard a noise.

After a few moments passed Nova asked, "What is it? I don't hear-Ahhh!" ending with a surprised shriek as an arm came around her neck, and she was swept off her feet.




Chapter 15


"Such a touching story Drake. I knew you were too soft to follow through with the plan." said a familiar voice from behind her as she felt the cold steel of a blade against her neck.

"Felken" Drake said with controlled violence in his voice. "Let her go. I am still your leader, and I order you to release her."

"You order me? Not anymore. Your reign has come to an end, while mine is just beginning. Starting with her death!" he yelled, half crazed, his razor toothed mouth shooting out spittle with every forceful word.

Drake drew himself up and spoke in a voice Nova had yet to hear from him; it reverberated with authority. "You think you can challenge me? I am the lord of the Underworld! No one can defeat me, you fool!" As he spoke, he moved closer to the arm Felken used to hold the sword to her throat. She felt a painful prick as he tightened his arm in anticipation of Drake's next move.

Nova's soul sighed with relief as the hold on her powers disappeared; once again she was filled with the force of her elements rushing up to protect her. She looked in Drake's eyes and realized he had given her powers back so that she could protect herself against Felken. She knew, he cared, and he would rather lose her as a prisoner than lose her to death.

Nova called on Earth, and the ground beneath them gave a slight tremble. She called out to Water, hoping the loch was close enough to heed her call. With a low chant, she began to weave a spell that she hoped would banish Felken back to the Underworld.

Goddess on high hear me now.

Banish this demon I don't care how.

Send him back from whence he came.

Never to see his face again.

"Drake! He's still here, this isn't working!" Nova cried out as Felken lunged for her. Years of training had her ducking as she swept her foot out and sent a powerful kick to his legs. Regaining her feet, she did all she could do to miss the wild swinging of his sword. Calling water to her, she sent frozen bolts toward his chest in quick succession. It was slowing him down, buying her precious seconds, but she had to think of something fast.

Drake stood there, fighting his inner demon. Nova had brought a spark to life inside of him, a part that he had thought long dead and buried. But to kill Felken to save her would diminish his standing as leader of the Underworld, which would lessen his control over the demons he had unleashed. She was a useless human, wasn't she? He couldn't possibly want her more than he wanted vengeance, could he? "Drake!" Hearing her cry out for him, he realized she was barely holding her own, and he had only seconds to decide.

"Ahhh!" giving a mighty battle cry, Drake summoned his own sword and met the blade heading for Nova's head in midair. "Go!" he commanded her. Nova hesitated, not sure running was the best idea, but decided not to miss what could possibly be her only chance. So she ran.

"So, the mighty demon lord has chosen a side, has he?" Felken said, straining against Drake's blade. "Too bad it's the wrong one!" With a grunt he heaved all his weight into his next swing. Drake countered, swiftly bringing his sword down on his opponents shoulder, severing his left arm. "No!" Felken screamed.

"You can't win this battle; surrender and I will allow you to return to the Underworld as a prisoner. Continue on and I will send you back as one of the dead." Drake said in a quiet, deadly voice.

"You think you've won. Ha! Not yet,
My Lord
." Felken spat sarcastically. Demons slowly began stepping out from behind the trees of the darkened forest. "See our great lord now, friends! He stands against us, siding with this
. He cannot be trusted. Join me and fight for our freedom!" he called, raising his sword in the air with his good arm. Some of the gathered demons jumped to defend Felken with no hesitation, drawing their weapons or powering up, depending on how they preferred to fight. The more intelligent ones stood there assessing the situation, knowing to go against Drake meant almost certain death.

"My Lord, is what he says true? Are you siding against us for the girl?" one of them called from the edge of the woods.

"I am standing against no one but Felken himself. He attempted to abduct and kill my prisoner. You all know that to take what is mine is certain death. He is getting what he deserves." Drake called out, his eyes never leaving Felken.

"Lies!" Felken cried. "I heard him claiming to have loved a human woman centuries ago and that we are only here for revenge against those that took her life! And when I confronted him, he gave the
back her powers to use against me!" He was desperately looking around to see if any of them believed his half-truths. Some of his comrades stepped behind him to show their support.

"All that stand with him will die here today; this I promise you." Drake warned. Some of them hesitated, not wanting to stand against him if it meant death.

"Is he lying or did you truly give the human her powers back so she could use them against us?" the same demon from before called, this time he was closer to Felken's side than the woods.

"Everything is not as it seems," Drake called. He could tell he was losing them. The question was, could he take enough of them out so that Nova could get away? "He forced my hand, I had to give her powers back in order to keep her alive. She is vital to our plan here. Without her, we have no leverage and the Daughters of Darkness will stand against us with a force greater than anything you have ever seen." He could tell that a few of them were wavering, unsure of who was telling the truth. A thundering sound came from the woods, the trees parted with a groan for whatever was coming. Nova burst through the trees on a wave of water that she sent roaring toward the demons gathered around Drake. She parted the water to miss Drake all together and take out the demons closest to him, while it lowered her gently to the ground.

"What are you doing, Witch? You are supposed to be running." Growled Drake, although he was grateful the playing field was slightly evened up.

"O'Reillys don't run, demon, especially me. This is my fight, too, I stay." she said simply, reaching his side. They stood together, prepared for battle, each assessing the situation and devising a strategy.

Drake took a minute to admire Nova as a warrior witch. She was gloriously in her element.

Seeing the appreciative glance he cast toward Nova, Felken used it to add fuel to his well-placed embers. "Look! I told you he fights with her. He cannot be trusted!" Felken exclaimed. Shouts of "He's right!" And "Get him! Get her!" Went up through those still crowded around.

"I hope you have some tricks up that pretty sleeve of yours, beautiful. I believe we just started a war." Drake said with a gleam in his eye.

"Oh, I think there are a few tricks up here that even you don't know about." she said cryptically.

Both of their attention became centered on the fight as Felken yelled, "Get them!" All the demons rushed at them.

Nova threw her arms above her head, palms up. A loud cracking noises ripped through the air; it sounded almost as if the trees were all falling down, but in fact they were all lifting up. Nova had Earth reach out to them and they were coming to their aid. The very trees around them were coming to life, their limbs becoming hands that began grabbing and tearing at the demons trying to do them harm. Demons were being tossed about like rag dolls by giant, pissed off trees.

Drake just grinned and charged the demons in front of him with his sword raised high. "Ahhh." He began carving a path to where Felken stood, making quick work of any demon who stood in his way. He met Felken blade for blade and while Drake was clearly the better swordsman, Felken was fast and skilled enough to keep up.

Nova saw the two demons come together in a clash of steel and briefly hoped Drake came out of it alive, but she had little time to ponder as those that surrounded the clearing rushed her. The dryads were still standing tall and taking out as many demons as possible within their range. Sending another blast of Earth power out, the ground shuddered to do as Nova asked. Roots began sprouting up everywhere, grabbing the legs of the advancing demons and hauling them up into the air where the dryads would snatch them up and tear them apart. Turning to see how Drake was doing, Nova found herself face to face with a grotesque looking demon, and he was huge. Stank breath permeated the air as he let loose a growl meant to intimidate. Nova countered with a swift kick to his balls and hoped like hell she hit something vital, when he grabbed her by the hair and roared in her face, she decided he was ball deficient. Fashioning an ice spear, she thrust it into his throat. Letting go of her hair, he stumbled back and yanked the spear from his neck. Throwing it to the ground, he sneared and ran at her. He barely made it two steps, before an ancient looking Yew tree grabbed him by the head and brought him up to face him. The tree gave a sniff, followed by a disgusted grunt, and then tore the demon in two and tossed each half away. Feeling an excruciating pain in her back, Nova fell to her knees, screaming. Realizing she had been burned, she looked over her shoulder but recoiled at the smell of her burnt flesh. Looking around for the asshole that had burned her, she saw a demon with flames blazing from his hands; a hateful smile lit his face.
Stupid ass,
she thought to herself. She had grown up sparring against Branna, and this guy had nothing on her. Rising to her feet, she quickly spun her hands and built up a water blast. She sent it hurling through the air toward the demon. He tried countering with fire, but her water was too strong. She rose to her feet and gathered water once more. With a powerful thrust of her arms, she threw the water at the demon with all she had. Holding her power steady, she allowed the stream of water to dampen his fire. Commanding water to become ice, she embedded it in his chest. At first he stood there staring at her in confusion, then his knees buckled and he fell to the ground, face first. Nova watched him fall, feeling no remorse for having killed him.

Triumphantly, Nova looked around. Demons that seemed to have a sense of self-preservation decided that they had lost this battle and began to take off. Nova ran through those still fighting, dodging swinging arms and fallen branches; over to where she had last seen Drake.


Drake was still fighting furiously. "Felken, stop this madness and I will spare your life." Drake yelled over the sounds of battle.

"Never! I will die before I will bow before you again." Felken huffed out.

"Then you shall have your wish." Drake advanced on him. Felken tried to step to the left to avoid the incoming thrust, but misjudged a little, he ended up with a lengthy gash across his middle. Drake rebounded and thrust again, stabbing through the shoulder of his remaining arm.

"Will you concede?" Drake asked, knowing there was little Felken could do with both arms now rendered useless.

Felken barely kept his feet under him, but somehow managed to sway in place. Sneering at Drake with blood pooling in his mouth, he spat at his feet, "I already told you once, you are no longer my master...traitor." With a final burst of energy, he called forth whatever power he had left and vanished in a puff of black smoke.



Chapter 16


Drawing in some deep breaths, and turning to survey the destruction, Drake found Nova behind him.

BOOK: Nova: Daughters of Darkness
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