Read No More Talking: Hearts Are Wild, Book 1 Online

Authors: Rhian Cahill

Tags: #friends to lovers;contemporary romance

No More Talking: Hearts Are Wild, Book 1 (2 page)

BOOK: No More Talking: Hearts Are Wild, Book 1
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A sexy little whimper tripped off her tongue onto his and she dug her hands into his back, urging him closer. He bucked his hips and ground his cock against the softness of her belly in a rhythmic thrust that had his balls aching and tucking up into his groin.

Dampness coated the head of his cock and Zac knew if he didn’t stop now, he’d be covered in come instead of pre-come before long. With great difficulty, he tore his mouth from Red’s.

“I…” Zac had no idea what he wanted to say. His gaze met hers. The sparkling blue depths of her eyes filled with a million promises of pleasure held his, and he couldn’t deny either of them anymore. “I want you. Now.”

Her eyes dilated further as she dragged her tongue along her bottom lip. “Yes.”

Zac didn’t waste any time getting her the rest of the way out of her dress. He found the small zipper in back and tugged it open before working the material over her hips and down her thighs. When the blue silk swirled around her feet, he discovered something that almost made him swallow his tongue.

She wasn’t wearing any underwear.

No bra. No undies.


And she’d been that way beneath her sexy-as-hell dress all day. He closed his eyes on a groan. “You’re killing me, Red.”

“And you love every fucking second of it.”

Zac opened his eyes and zeroed in on her mouth. “You like knowing you get to me?”

She smiled the smile of a woman who knew her power over a man. “Fuck, yes.”

He traced a fingertip across her lips. “You have a dirty mouth.”

Her smile grew wider. “I seem to recall you like my dirty mouth.”

“I prefer it when it’s occupied with dirty things other than talking.”

Red pressed her hand to his chest and slowly dragged her fingers down his torso, raking her nails over his skin. “What kind of things?”

Zac sucked in a breath and held it. Anticipation thrummed through his veins as he waited for her to reach his cock.

“Are they
things?” she asked as she plastered her delicate hand over the bulge in his pants.

“Yes,” he hissed through his teeth when she squeezed him.

“Should I get dirty now?”

She stroked him. Up and down. Up and down. Her hand was driving him insane. Add in the memories of her lush mouth wrapped around his cock… “Fuck, yes.”

In a flash, she was on her knees, ripping at the opening of his pants. She made a humming noise that buzzed through him, lighting sparks in his veins and turning his whole body into a tinderbox just waiting for ignition.

The second she freed his cock, her mouth engulfed him. Hot. Wet. Soft. Red’s mouth sucked him in, bringing him to his toes as a climax roared through him. He shook. Shuddered so violently that his teeth rattled in his head. And spilled everything he had in the back of her throat.

“Jesus. Fucking. Christ.” Zac threw his hands out, grabbed the wall and barely kept his legs under him. He’d never come so hard and so fast in his life. “Fuck. Are you trying to kill me,” he panted.

Red was still on her knees. Still lapping at his cock. His hard cock. And as soon as he caught his breath—could think over the roaring in his ears, see through the haze that blurred his vision—he was going to throw her on the bed and fuck her brains out.

Chapter Two

Freddie leaned back on her heels and looked up Zac’s body. His heavy cock jutted out of his open pants, the thick shaft glistening with her saliva and looking ready to go in spite of the fact she’d just sucked it dry.

Damn, the man had stamina.

She couldn’t help the little grin that tickled her lips as she admired the sculptured chest that sawed in and out on harsh breaths he still hadn’t gotten under control.

The smirk on her mouth grew. His shirt hung open, his pants gaped and he looked well and truly rumpled. She loved knowing she’d stripped him of his restraint. He was always so put together, so calm, that watching him lose it gave her a sexual thrill she never expected. She’d never wanted to ruffle someone’s feathers more.

Out of control looked good on Zac. Damn good.

She leaned over and swiped her tongue across the head of his cock where the slit wept more of the tasty treat she’d just consumed. “Mmm…”


The one word was a growl, and Freddie shivered as the vibration rolled over her. “Don’t what?”

“Don’t talk.” He reached down and slid his hands under her arms. He brought her to her feet and pulled her close until their noses touched. “No more talking.”

He leaned around her and flicked the lock. The small snick echoed in the room like the clang of a jail-cell door. But it wasn’t fear that skittered down her spine. She closed her eyes and savoured the heat radiating off him. His scent surrounded her—filled her. Summer. He smelled like sunshine, freshly mown grass and the sea.

Her eyes flew open when he picked her up and took the few steps to the bed. “One word answer only,” he growled.

Freddie blinked. “What?”

“Are you on the pill?”

Her mind whirled. She was, but she didn’t have unprotected sex.

“It’s not a hard question. Yes or no,” he demanded.

She licked her lips. Opened her mouth to answer, but he cut her off.

“I’m clean. Haven’t been with anyone since last year. Except you. And I
screw without a condom.” Zac’s hazel eyes dilated. “You, I want bare.”

Freddie knew she could trust him—take him at his word—and she’d be lying if she didn’t admit to the same desire. She wanted to feel him skin on skin. Wanted to feel him flood her insides with his come. Besides, she’d swallowed him twice now. The safe-sex ship had already sailed.

“Yes or no,” he ground out through clenched teeth.


He spun her around and pushed her face-down on the bed. She managed to do no more than turn her head to the side before he was on top of her, pushing her legs apart with his as he shoved his hips between her thighs and made room for his cock in the slick folds of her pussy.

She felt his heat before his skin pressed against hers. “No more talking,” he murmured in her ear before nipping at her lobe and sending a shaft of lust through her core.

Her back arched of its own volition, her hips pushing up and opening her to him. “Please.”

“Shh…no talking, remember.” Zac licked the shell of her ear—her neck. “Just feel. Feel every inch of me as I take you this first time.”

He pressed forward. Parting her in a slow, steady pace that just about drove her out of her mind. She tried to lift—push backwards—but he held her pinned to the bed and took his time.

“God, you’re tight. Hot. Wet,” he breathed in her ear, the words sending shivers over her skin.

Freddie moaned as he stretched her. Relaxed her pelvis in an effort to speed up his penetration.

Zac chuckled in her ear. “Greedy girl.”

He rocked his hips, thrust just that little bit deeper, and she gasped around a moan. “Zac. Please,” she pleaded.

“Not yet.”

Nothing she did swayed him. He continued to enter her slowly. It felt like an eternity before he filled her—before the hot press of his pubic bone against her arse signified she’d taken all of him. She whimpered with the wave of pleasure that washed over her.

“Damn. This isn’t going to go the way I want.”

Freddie had no idea what Zac meant. But she didn’t care when he gripped her hips in his big hands and pulled them both to their knees. He pressed a hand between her shoulder blades to keep her head down.

“Stay like that,” he growled.

She wasn’t about to argue. Not when he was pulling out and slamming back in over and over again. Each withdrawal dragged his hard flesh against her sensitive inner walls. Each plunge forward rammed his cockhead into the spot high inside her body that fed and twisted her need until nothing else mattered but the climax waiting to break.

Zac stared down at the woman spread out before him. She was the sexiest thing he’d ever laid his eyes on. Her hair was tussled about her head, the long strands covering the pillow where he’d swept it away from her face. The arch of her back pushed her hips up and gave him the perfect view of her gorgeous arse. He palmed her cheeks, plumped them with his fingers before pulling them apart to get a good look at her cunt taking his cock.

“Fuck.” He shuddered. “Do you have any idea how hot you look impaled on my cock?”

She grunted as he rammed into her harder.

He brushed a thumb over the pucker of her anus. “Ever taken it in the arse, Red?”

Zac wasn’t sure if the sound she made was a yes or no.

“Doesn’t matter. When I’m done fucking your cunt, I’m fucking this tight arse.” He pressed harder against the firm ring of muscle until it opened. “Oh, yeah. I’m definitely fucking you here next.”

A moan broke in her throat when he pushed his thumb deeper. She was so hot and tight around him that he knew screwing her arse would be the best he’d ever had, and he couldn’t stop his body’s response to the thought of fucking her there. He drove his cock into her cunt as he buried his thumb to the hilt.

Red screamed.

Her orgasm tore through her, taking them both by storm. Zac gripped her arse, his thumb imbedded, while he pounded his cock into her. The walls of her cunt milked him as they clenched and released with wave after wave of her climax. As the last of her contractions ebbed, he plunged deep and let himself go.

He came.


Harder than he had down her throat only minutes ago.

Shaking and sweating, he leaned forward and covered her. His chest heaved with each breath his labouring lungs pulled in and his head throbbed—the one on his shoulders and the one between his legs.

Zac expected his cock to deflate. He’d blown his load twice, and by rights he should be done for. But he wasn’t. His prick was still rock hard and he knew he’d stay that way for hours yet. Red did that to him. Made him crave like he never had.

She collapsed beneath him and he rolled to the side, taking her with him and keeping his cock buried in her still-quivering cunt. He eased his thumb out of her and smiled at the moan of pleasure that spilled over her lips.

“So, dirty girl, you gonna answer me now?” he asked against her neck.


“Have you ever let a guy fuck your arse?”

She turned her head and glanced over her shoulder at him. “Does it matter?”

From this angle, he couldn’t read her face well, and really, it shouldn’t matter. But it did. He wanted to claim some part of her no one else ever had. “Yes or no?”

The sigh that left her as she turned away had Zac’s gut clenching. “No,” she whispered.

A rush of air left his chest. “Good. I’ll be the first.”
The only.

Zac wasn’t dumb enough to voice those last two words. The ones before had made her stiffen in his arms as it was. He dropped a kiss on her shoulder before loosening his grip and slowly pulling away from her. Her cunt clamped down on his cock as he slid out of her and he had to fight the urge to drive himself back in again.

“Let’s take a shower.”

Before she could argue, he hauled her off the bed and into his arms. He strode across the room to the en suite and straight into the open shower stall.

“Are you going to make a habit of carrying me around,” Red murmured.

He grinned. “You do feel good in my arms.” Zac positioned them so they wouldn’t be blasted with cold water.

She leaned her head back and opened slumberous eyes. “Don’t get used to it.”

“Why not?” he asked as he flicked the lever for the shower.

Red studied him through lowered lashes and Zac tried not to squirm under her scrutiny. She shook her head.


“Mind-blowing sex doesn’t give you the keys to the city.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He walked them under the warm water.

“No more talking.” She leaned in and slanted her mouth over his. Wiggling in his arms, she managed to rub her erect nipples against his chest and send his need back into high gear.

Zac rearranged her so her arms were wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist. He raised her, dragged her damp cunt along his cock and then onto his belly. “Take me inside you,” he growled into her mouth.

For a second, he thought she’d deny him—them—but then she arched her back, reached behind her with one arm and grabbed his cock in her fist. With her eyes on his, Red lined their bodies up and slowly took him in.

His eyes crossed and a moan rumbled deep in his belly as her slick heat swallowed his straining length. She took him to the root. Her tight walls a wet sheath that licked along his shaft, sending aching need into his balls.

“Feels so fucking good.” She tangled her fingers in his hair, gripped and tugged, delivering a sensual thrill Zac hadn’t encountered before.

Red moaned as she rolled her pelvis, sliding his cock through those slick walls and driving him out of his mind. She did something with her internal muscles, something that undulated her soft tissues in a wet caress that coiled the tension building in his groin tighter. Higher.

Her mouth met his in a hungry kiss. She thrust her tongue between his lips and plundered. He’d taken her before. Taken her mouth by storm, and it seemed she was intent on returning the favour. But she didn’t know how close he was to breaking. How close he was to giving in to the all-consuming compulsion to claim her as his.

“Please.” Her desperate plea tangled with his tongue and sent him over.

Zac spun around and slammed her against the shower wall. His eyes went blind, the need flashing through him obliterating all but the feel of Red wrapped around him—against him. He powered his hips, ramming his cock into the sweet heaven she offered. She fought as hard as he did, her body straining against his as they sought relief together.


Her breath burst in hot pants against his neck where she buried her face.


“Fuck.” He drove into her, impaled her again and again.


Zac gripped her hips, his hold punishing enough to bruise, but he couldn’t stop the out-of-control desperation slicing through him with razor-sharp edges.

“Harder, dammit.” Red sank her teeth into the slope of his neck and Zac wondered how he’d ever survive this.

Survive her.

Lost in sensation—in the burning fire of their mutual need—he rode her harder than he ever dreamed possible.

“Yes.” The cry tore from Red’s lips as her climax hit, and Zac could do nothing except follow her into bliss.

Freddie lay in the pre-dawn light wondering what the hell to do now. Zac was sprawled on the bed beside her, his soft snoring reminding her she wasn’t alone. She’d given in without thought. Regardless of how he’d treated her in recent months, how much she’d hated his behaviour, all it had taken was one kiss and she’d been his for the taking.

She wouldn’t delude herself into thinking this was more than it appeared. Hot sex between two consenting—unattached—adults. At least for him it was. And she certainly wasn’t going to read anything into the fact he’d been without female companionship since their last hot-and-heavy session.

Noise and movement filtered into the room through the locked door and Freddie knew she had to get up. West and Kelsey would be leaving soon, and the last thing she wanted to do was have West find her in bed with his best friend. Her brother was sure to explode over her and Zac sleeping together, and she wasn’t ready to deal with him yet. Not until she’d gotten this thing with Zac sorted out.

She didn’t think Zac would be too thrilled for them to be found in bed either.

With as much stealth as she could manage, she slipped off the side of the bed and padded into the bathroom. A wall of memories slammed into her as she cleared the doorway. Already achy and stiff from the athletic aspect of their night, she didn’t need the added reminder and tried to push the images out of her head as she got in the shower.

She could still smell him—smell them—on her skin, and while she wanted to be able to savour their night, Freddie knew she needed to move on.

He’d given her the fuck of her life. What wasn’t sore tingled with awareness, and she couldn’t help but shiver as the warm water ran over her hypersensitive skin. It would be a long time before she forgot about how amazing Zac was in bed. And out of it.

Shit. Who was she kidding? There’d be no forgetting. Ever.

Freddie just had to hope she didn’t turn into one of those mooning, clingy females she despised so much. She’d never been one before, but with Zac all her usual traits seem to have taken a hike. The man had her checking her phone and searching a crowd for a glimpse of his handsome face.

Damn. She had it bad, and the sinking realisation that last night would only amplify her infatuation with her brother’s best friend settled over her. Closing her eyes, Freddie took a deep breath and blew it out through her mouth.

God. She was such a fool.

It didn’t matter how often she told herself sex was sex. With Zac, there was no such thing. At least for her there wasn’t. Because she’d already had feelings for him. He’d been part of her life for as long as she could remember, and while she couldn’t say she’d never thought of him in a sexual sense, she couldn’t say those vague notions had ever strung her nerves taut the way they did now.

And now she had memories—Technicolor details—to add to her obscure fantasies. It definitely didn’t help that reality far outstripped anything her imagination could have conjured up. With a groan, Freddie ducked her head under the shower and hoped the pounding spray would drown out her chaotic thoughts.

BOOK: No More Talking: Hearts Are Wild, Book 1
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